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Days of the week

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Lexical theme: Days of the week

The aims of the lesson: 1.taking new theme,revise the vocabulary and grammar 
2.develop pupils` reading, writing habits and skills, practice grammar,motivate and stimulate pupils` ideas 
3.make the pupils` respect each other`s opinions,thoughts,bring up their interests 

methods of teaching: Speaking, writing,reading, listening

The equipment of the lesson: active blackboard, slides,a text, cards,,books, pens, copybook

The plan of the lesson:

  1. Organization  moment
  2. Warming up
  3. Presentation of  lesson materials
  4. Consolidate of new material
  5. Reflection
  6. Home task     
  7. VIII:Giving marks


The procedure of the lesson:

I.       Organization moment

a)T: Good  afternoon,  children

P:Good afternoon, teacher

T:I’m glad to see you in our lesson

T:How are you

P:We are fine, thank you, And you

T:I’m fine today. Take your seats

 Who is on duty today

P: I’m on duty today

T: Who is absent?

P:All are present

T:What day is it today?

P: Today is  …

T:What date is today ?

P:Today is the ….

T:What’s the weather like today?

P: The weather is,,,,,,today

Warming up

I can (dance)

Learn new words

3.      Presentation of  lesson materials

Our theme:Days of the week

New words



Wednesday [wenzdi]сәрсенбі

Thursday [θԑ:zdi]бейсенбі

Friday [fraidi]жұма

Saturday [sætidi]сенбі


Ex Listen and Sing






Saturday and Sunday

Days of the week

Ex 3 Listen and read

Hello,children!Let’s learn the days of the week today.

There are seven days in a week.What day is it today? It’s Monday today.We go to school on Mondays,Tuesdays,Wednesdays,Thursdays,Fridays and Saturdays.We don’t go to school on Sundays.

They write days of the week with a capital letter in England.Look! Monday,Tuesday,Wednesday.

Remember :We use on with the days of the week. On Monday,On Friday

Егер ай аты мен күні көрсетілсе → on предлогы қолданылады.

4.      Consolidate of new material

The next task Unscramble

o a n d M y-

y W s d e a n e d -

s u y e a T d -

T d h u s a r y -

u d n a S y -

r F d i y a -

S t r d y a a u --

VI.    Reflection

T:Did you like this lesson?

. Was this lesson interesting?

  VII.Home task : Learn new words. Ex 4 p11

 VIII:Giving marks

 T: … you marks.

T: Thank you!  I’m proud of you. The lesson is over! Good bye!

Ch:Good bye

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Планирование

Целевая аудитория: 3 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Days of the week

Автор: Абай Мәдина Мерекеқызы

Дата: 09.01.2018

Номер свидетельства: 448816

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