I would like to know your mood. You have 3 smilies on the desk. Ready to work I don't like it Bad mood  Show me your mood. I prepared flowers. We will work in class and on each petal if you're active will stick smilies. How many smilies you stick on your flower it is your mark. -Stick your smile-I'll say. Teacher: Now, children, let's divide in groups. I'll give out half of the group name, and you must find the next half of the group name. 1-Sun  2.Star  3.Moon  1.Teacher: So, children, look at the blackboard! There are some pictures on the blackboard. Take the first letter of the words and you'll find out the theme of our lesson.Work in groups, you have one minute. DAYS OF THE WEEK   D A Y S......... The theme of the lesson is DAYS OF THE WEEK Today we have unusual lesson. You learn a lot of interesting and new. We are going to speak about the days of the week. and find out what you usually do on different days of the week. 2 .Look at the picture and read the new words MONDAY-TUESDAY-WEDNESDAY-THURSDAY-FRIDAY-SATURDAY-SUNDAY Can you translate these days of the week? Words written on board with transcription. Pupils repeat after teacher. New vocabulary Teacher works over pronunciation with learners, read together and one by one. Learners match pictures with words and tell the translation of words in Kazakh and Russian. Learners rewrite new words into their vocabularies in three languages
Monday [mʌnˌdeɪ ] Tuesday[tju:zdi] Wednesday [wenzdi] Thursday[ˈθɝzdeɪ] Friday[fraidi] Saturday[sætɚdeɪ] Sunday[ sʌndeɪ] Tidy the room [taidi ze ru:m] убирать комнату Ride the bike [raid ze baik] кататься на велосипеде Descriptors: Learners - repeat new words after teacher - read new words individually - match pictures with words - tell the translation of words in Kazakh and Russian - rewrite new words into vocabularies in three languages
3.Speaking. Open your Pupils book at p 40.Talk with your friends. Teacher: I know you are busy pupils and every day have a lot of activities and hobbies. I would like to know what do you do every day. Today we're going to planning our week in English Put up the Days of the week! poster on the board. Ask a pupil to come to the blackboard .Ask him to point his favorite day and say what he usually does on that day. Monday go to school Tuesday read Wednesday write Thursday dance Friday play football Saturday swim Sunday sing Let's play the game Match pictures with words with the help of laces. How do you feel? Your mood? Your smilies.... Assessment Peer assessment Pupils assess each other , give comments about their work with wishes.(well done/good work/ok) 4. Physical training. I see you're tired. OK, boys and girls! Now we are playing and singing a song Stand up and sing the song"7 days are in a week " and do exercises with song. 5.Reading ,writing. Now, ok. Open your activity books at p29 (Write the days) STUDY SPOT (Activities to present and practice present simple plural) Our favorite day is Sunday. We go to the park. (we, they, you ) We don't go to the park.(don;t) Do you go to the park? (do) Do exercises 10 in activity book at p 29 (Read and circle.) Ex11(make questions) at p29 6.Let's play the game "Х and O" Divide the class into two-three teams, X and O .The teams take turns choosing a word and making a sentence.If the sentence is correct ,they get to mark the box accordingly, with an X and O. The winner is the team that has three marks horizontally, vertically, diagonally.
Assessment Teacher assesses students ,gives comments about students work and awards students giving images of different smiles(s)
7.Write down your homework Ex19 p41 Pupils book The lesson is over, show me your mood! And all our guests rate the lesson with your palms  Thank you for the lesson. |