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"who is the best"

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Пәні: Ағылшын

Мұғалім: Махмут А.Е


Сыныбы: 96

Сабақтың тақырыбы: MASS Media.Newspaper

Жалпы мақсаты: «БжС» технологиясының «Ауызша сабақ -1» картасы бойынша Mass Media  бөліміндегі Newspaper тақырыбы бойынша білімдерін кеңейту,тәжіребиеде қолдана білу.

Білімділік:  Дамытушылық: Зейінді, ойлау жылдамдығын, есте сақтауды дамыту және сабаққа қызығушылықтарын арттыру сөздік қорларын молайту.

Тәрбиелік мәні: Тиянақты болуға, достыққа, ұйымшыл бола білуге жетелеу.


  • Картамен, қосымша материалдармен жұмыс істеу арқылы жаңа тақырыпты түсіну іскерлігін қалыптастыру;
  • Оқушылардың өздік жұмыстары арқылы білім беруге ықпал жасау.
  • Жаңа тақырыпты түсіну деңгейлерін анықтау;

Мұғалім үшін оқу нәтижелері:

  • Теориялық білімдерін практикалық жұмыстармен ұштастыру;
  • Оқушылардың өзін және достарын бағалауға мүмкіндік жасау.
  • Картаны оқи білу дағдыларын қалыптастыру.
  • Оқушылардың сыни көзқарасын дамыту.

Сабақтың түрі, әдіс-тәсілдері: «БжС» технологиясы бойынша жаңа тақырыпты түсіндіру.

Сабақта қолданылатын технологиялар: «Биоақпараттану және синергетика» технологиясы және ақпараттық коммуникациялық технология.

Карта түрі: «Ауызша сабақ-1 » картасы.

Сабақтың көрнекілігі: матрица, тірек сөздер, сын тұрғысынан сұрақтар, қарама-қарсы сұрақтар;

Сабақтың барысы:

І. Ұйымдастыру кезеңі.(оқушылармен амандасу, сабақтың тақырыбы мен мақсатын айту) – 1 мин

Ұжымды белсендіру үшін көшбасшыға сөз беріледі.

Сабақтың ұраны: «Forward and forward, we’ll never stop!»

ІІОқушылардың субъекті тәжірибесін өзектендіру. Өткен сабақ тақырыбы бойынша ерсілі-қарсылы сұрақ қою - 5 мин


Зейіндерін тұрақтандыру-1 (шапалақ)
I. Өткен тақырыптан сұрақтар (17)  (сөздік норма - 63-тен жоғары, уақыты 5 минут)

Біріншілік белгілеу. Барлық оқушылардың нәтижелері бойынша + немесе алу - белгілері қойылады. 

ІІІ. Жаңа тақырыпты түсіндіру.

Мұғалім жаңа тақырыпқа қысқаша кіріспе мәлімет береді.Видео көрсетіледі.

Грамматикалық жұмыс

а) Қабылдауды ұйымдастыру. 

2.Vocabulary. 1 минут

Тақтадағы тақырыпқа байланысты тірек сөздерді балалар 1 минут ішінде оқып, есте сақтайды. Белгіленген уақыт біткен соң блок жабылады. Балалар естерінде қалған сөздерді дәптерлеріне жазады, жазып болған соң көршісімен алмасады, тексереді. Сөздердің саны матрицаға енгізіледі, сонан соң блок ашылады да, балалар қалдырып кеткен сөздерді дәптерлеріне жазып алады.

Зейінді тұрақтандыру-2 (шапалақ)

Екіншілік белгілеу. ООМ-на (оқушылардың партада отыруы бойынша ) матрицаға нормаға сай есте қалған сөздерді айтқан оқушыға + белгісі енгізіледі.

Есте сақтауға уақыт нормативі 7 сөз – 30 сек.

ІҮ. Ойлауды, ұғынуды ұйымдастыру. 

3.Check your memory

Оқушылар оқулықтың бір бет парағындағы мәтінді 3 минут ішінде оқып шығуы тиіс. Мұғалім олардың материалды оқыған білімдеріне қатысты сұрақ-жауап алатыны жайында ескертуі тиіс. Балалар мәтінді оқып, одан тірек сөздерді тауып, тақырып бойынша мазмұнын ашуы тиіс. Сонымен бірге балалар мәтінді көңіл қойып оқуға нұсқау алады. Себебі, мұғалім сабақты сұрау барысында ұсақ детальдарға көңіл қоятындығын ескертеді.

Зейінді тұрақтандыру-3 (шапала

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«"who is the best"»

Тема урока: Mass Media

Цель урока: обобщить полученные лексико-грамматические знания учащихся по данной теме.

Задачи урока: 

  1. совершенствовать навыки говорения, чтения и письма;

  2. повышать общую культуру выражения мысли;

  3. формировать мотивацию к изучению иностранного языка.

Оборудование: карточки с заданиями, кроссворд, мультимедийный проектор

^ Ход урока

Начало урока: приветствие, сообщение темы урока.

Teacher: Good morning, students!

As we know the 21st century is considered as information age. People are united into one global community with the help of the mass media. People can learn about what is happening in the world very fast using the mass media. 

The mass media include newspapers, magazines, radio, TV and the Internet. They inform us about everything and give us wonderful possibilities for education and entertainment. But how do you understand the word “mass media”?

Student 1: The mass media consist of Publishing, Audio Recording, Broadcasting, Films and Digital Media.

Teacher: You are right. To sum up let’s watch the following presentation.

(просмотр презентации) 

Student 2: Well, I’d like to speak about publishing. 

Student 1: O’K. Publishing is divided into magazines, books and newspapers. Magazines are one of the basic mass media. You can choose any magazine according to your interests. There are many kinds of them: about sports, cookery, fashion, cars, nature, fishing. 

Student 2: But the ancient mass media are books, do you agree with me? 

Student 1: As I know many years ago books were written by hand. Ivan Fyodorov in Russia began to print books in the 15th century. Printing opened the new world of thoughts and knowledge that changed the lives of millions everywhere. Now we have a lot of books in libraries, in shops and at home. There are many kinds of books: novels, poems, dictionaries, encyclopedias, adventures, thrillers, detective stories, horror stories, science fiction and etc. Many of them are interesting, appealing and creative. They make people laugh, think, and invent new things. 

Student 2: What do you think about newspapers? Are they important nowadays? 

Student 1: Yes, certainly. Newspapers usually provide us with extra detail, comment and background information. Can you suppose that Englishmen are one of the reading nations? 

Student 2: Yes, I know about a so-called “tradition” to start a morning with a newspaper in hands. A great amount of newspapers is issued and sold in Britain daily. 

Student 1: What are they? 

Student 2: All the newspapers can be divided into two groups: quality (broadsheet) papers and popular (tabloid) papers. 

Student 1: Can you name the most famous broadsheet papers?

Student 2: Sure, they are:

  • The Times

  • The Guardian

  • The Financial Times

  • The Daily Telegraph and as for tabloid papers are concerned the most popular are:

  • The Daily Mail

  • The Daily Star 

  • The Daily Mirror

  • The Sun 

Student 1: It’s worth adding that the popular papers have stories around celebrities, sport, news and gossip about popular television programmes, such as soap operas and reality TV shows. 

Student 2: What does Audio Recording consists of? 

Student 1: As I know it includes CDs, records, cartridges, tapes and cassettes. 

Student 2: Thanks. And how about Broadcasting? 

Student 1: I think that Radio and Television are the most popular and favourite ones for all people.

Student 2: What facts do you know about the British television?

Student 1: There are two main companies in the UK: they are BBC (British Broadcasting Corporation) and IBA (Independent Broadcasting Authority).

Student 2: Can you tell us about the BBC? 

Student 1: The BBC is the best known non-commercial radio and television system. It is a very large television and radio organization based in the UK. It includes five national radio stations, more than 30 local radio stations, two national television stations, the International BBC World Service and the BBC Worldwide Television. The BBC also has two television channels BBC 1 and BBC 2. BBC 2 offers more serious programmes than BBC 1. It shows discussions, different kinds of plays and films, operas and concerts. BBC 1 offers lighter plays and series, humour and sport, but there are also some interesting documentaries. The BBC documentaries like "Animal Planet", "Discovery", or "Wildlife" are popular in many countries of the world. 

Student 2: What is your opinion about the journalists’ job? 

Student 1: I consider that their job is very difficult and dangerous. Serious journalists and TV reporters try to be fair and provide us with reliable information, but some of them often intrude on people’s private lives. They follow celebrities and print sensational stories about them which are untrue or half-true. They take photos of them in their most intimate moments.

Student 2: And the last question for you is about Digital Media. 

Student 1: It contains Mobile Phones, the Internet and Satellites. It’s true that the Internet has recently become another important source of information. Its main advantage is that news appears on the screen as soon as things happen in real life and you don’t have to wait for news time on TV.

Teacher: And now let’s do some informative and interesting tasks.

Exercise 1. 

Task: Complete each sentence with the most appropriate word from the box, four words are odd.

1. Some people become … and they can’t give up TV for anything in the world. (TV addicts)

2. She is a well-known … . (celebrity)

3. Now we live in different cities, we can … by e-mail. (communicate)

4. There is too much cruelty and … on TV these days. (violence)

5. The Internet is the most … and fast-growing kind of the digital media. (advanced)

6. … of the newspapers is that they are informative. (The advantage)

7. Your main … is you have no job experience. (disadvantage)

8. There is a lot of … on TV now. (advertisement)

9. The popular kind of radio … is music, news, musical quiz. (broadcast)

Exercise 2. 

Task: Match the words and its explanations. 


KEYS: 1)f, 2)d, 3)e, 4)c, 5)a, 6)h, 7)b, 8)i, 9)j, 10)g, 11)l 12)k 

Exercise 3. 

Task: Complete the crossword using the words from the presentation.

1) It was invented by Popov. (radio)

2) It is a kind of a newspaper with rather small pages, many pictures and little serious news. (tabloid)

3) There is much advertisement there. (television)

4) These people put themselves in dangerous situations. (journalists)

5) A way to communicate with your partner who might be a thousand miles away using the computer. (e-mail) (The Internet)

6) It may be national and local. (news) 

^ 7) They are the most ancient media. (books)

8) The man who printed the first Russian book. (Fyodorov)

9) It is a book that gives the words of a language in an alphabetical order. (vocabulary)

10) It is a special world full of adventures and joy. (reading)

^ 11) The name of the oldest and serious British Newspaper. (The Times)

12) It is a source of information where we can find facts about professions. (magazine)

Teacher: Now, I am sure you’ve understood the meaning of the word “Mass Media” and I’d like to suggest you to have a short conference to discuss some main advantages and disadvantages of the mass media between the representatives of Press, TV and Radio. 

Let me introduce our participants: they are the representatives of the Press, TV and Radio.

The first group – the TV journalists, operators, commentators. 

(слово предоставляется главному редактору телеканала «СТС» - Осину Максиму)

Chief Editor: I am the chief editor of the TV channel ‘STS’. I’d like to tell you that TV is the main source of news for millions of people. 

People like watching TV because they can see everything with their own eyes. It is an important advantage. Seeing, as we know, is believing. 

When we watch TV we learn about the world, famous people and global or recent news. The TV programmes influence the way we see the world and make us more intelligent and educated persons, shape our views. There is always a great number of programmes: news, sport programmes, talk shows and TV games, documentaries and feature films, concerts and performances. 

Now, I’d like to show and tell you some words about one of the favourite programmes, which is called “Six slides”. It is usually broadcast on our channel. I think you’ll like it because it is about the sense of humour. It’s funny. Let’s watch it! 

(показывается фрагмент из презентации «Шесть Кадров»)

Teacher: But now it’s time to discuss some questions concerning the advantages and disadvantages of TV. 

(учитель обращается к одному из журналистов канала «СТС»)

Teacher: What do you think about this problem?

(представители прессы, телевидения и радио обсуждают данный вопрос)

1. Radio: In my opinion TV has a lot of disadvantages. We can say that television is doing a lot of harm. 

2. TV: But it is unfair to treat this kind of the mass media so badly. Everything has its ups and downs. So, TV has a lot of advantages. 

3. Newspaper: Speaking about the drawbacks of TV we can mention that TV becomes the main leisure activity and it doesn’t enrich the personality. 

4. TV: I don’t agree with you. TV brings the world to our houses. We see people of other lands and learn their customs, traditions, occupations and problems. 

5. Radio: TV leads to poor health through rushed meals, lack of sleep and exercise, eyestrain.

6. TV: At the same time TV helps us to relax after a hard day’s work. 

7. Radio: But people forget the art of conversation and reading. Many of them are becoming TV addicts. 

8. TV: I am sure people educate themselves. 

9. Newspaper: I can say that many viewers don’t concentrate while watching TV, so their time is largely wasted. 

10. TV: But still we can witness great events which will pass into history. 

11. Radio: I think there is much violence on TV nowadays. All violence corrupts our society. And so, I am in favour of much control of the TV programmes. 

12. TV: Right you are. It’s your point of view. As for me, I don’t watch such programmes. Choose them according to your tastes and interests and everything will be OK. 

13. Newspaper: Another problem is a lot of advertisement on TV. It promotes business and benefits businessmen, but annoys the general public. Watching such programmes gives one a headache instead of providing relaxation. 

14. TV: But advertisement informs us about new products and we can choose things, to buy them very easily. 

(главный редактор подводит итоги)

Chief Editor: May I have a word? In conclusion I’d like to say that television still plays an important role in our life. It is difficult to say if it is good or bad for us. It’s clear, that TV has the advantages and disadvantages. But I think there are more advantages than disadvantages. 

In the first place television is an entertainment. But it is not only a convenient entertainment, for a family of three, for example, it is more convenient and less expensive to sit comfortably at home than to go out in other places. They don’t have to pay for expensive seats at the theatre or the cinema. They turn on the TV set and can watch interesting films, concerts, football matches and other programmes. I

I believe it is rather suitable for all people and good for our children. My advice is to watch only the most important and interesting programmes, because if we see everything we’ll become mad!!!

Teacher: Thanks a lot. Now let me introduce the second group of the representatives of the radio station “Europe +” and their chief editor Igor Kuznetsov. 

I am going to tell you some words about your work and plans for the future. 

(слово предоставляется главному редактору)

^ Chief Editor: Radio is widespread for its portability. It can be easily carried around. People like to listen to the radio in the park, on the beach, at the seaside, in the car, or in the open air. 

The main kinds of radio entertainments are music, news, musical quiz. I can say our radio station is still very popular among young people and teenagers, because different kinds of music, various favourite songs are broadcast every day. Especially teenagers get a lot of pleasure listening to them. Music reflects their mood and emotions. 

Our plans for the future are great. Our motto is “Work together and do everything possible to make our channel one of the most popular in the world”. 

^ Teacher: Well done! (обращается к представителю радио) Please, give your arguments for and against radio. 

1. TV: As for me I like to listen to the radio, but it happens very seldom, as I have no radio at home. 

2. Radio: It’s a pity. But you may turn in a radio station right in your mobile phone. It only takes your desire to do it. 

3. Newspaper: Nowadays young people listen to only musical programmes on the radio.

4. Radio: May be you are right. But radio also broadcasts the latest news and important events. 

5. TV: But radio doesn’t give us an opportunity to see everything with our own eyes. 

6. Radio: I agree with you. But it is quite easy to listen to the radio from any part of the world. Where ever you are, you may enjoy good music or interesting programmes without any efforts, just when you do something about the house, driving the car, etc. 

(заключительное слово предоставляется главному редактору радиостанции «Европа Плюс») 

^ Chief Editor: In fine I’d like to say that both TV and radio are worthy representatives of the mass media. They are integral parts of our life.

But now let’s try to express your ideas, thoughts and emotions while listening to one of the favourite English songs “A Englishman in New York”. 

Thanks for your attention.

(слово предоставляется главному редактору прессы)

^ Chief Editor: I am the chief editor of the newspaper “Izvestie” – Eleanor Dragomaretskay. Our newspaper informs readers about the latest news in politics and social life all around the world. 

Newspapers are especially important nowadays and we can’t imagine our life without them. There are dozens of them on every news-stand. There are newspapers for professionals, for businessmen, for children and teenagers, for men and women, for sports fans, for those who are interested in gardening, fishing, and hunting, for those who keep pets and so on. 

The ways of presenting the news by the newspapers are different. People who want to know about important events, domestic and foreign news read serious newspapers. Some people prefer entertainment to information. The pages of some newspapers are filled with news of sport (football, boxing, horse-racing), with stories of film stars or pop and rock musicians, accounts of crime and law-court trials or just advertisements only. 

In short, you can always find a paper which suits your interests. The advantage of all the newspapers is that they usually provide us with extra detail, comment and background information. 

So, let’s start our conversation about pluses and mines of the press. 

1. Newspaper: I can say that newspapers are one of the oldest mass media and they are still popular now. 

2. TV: I like reading newspapers but I think there are too many kinds of them and it’s hard to choose the right and fair one. 

3. Newspaper: Tastes differ. But I am sure you’ll find something interesting in this or that newspaper. 

4. Radio: But newspapers are always full of bad news and dramatic events. 

5. Newspaper: You are not right. Not all of them. 

6. TV: I can suppose that there is too much gossip and scandal articles there. 

7. Newspaper: Right, it’s not a secret that practically each newspaper has positive and negative sides.

(заключительное слово главного редактора газеты) 

Chief Editor: So, the main task of the press is to provide people with true and objective information. It shouldn’t dictate this or that point of view. Each person must make his/her own choice. 

Teacher: So, what conclusion can we come to?

Student: We can say that the mass media have both the advantages and disadvantages. It is up to us to decide how to use them.

Teacher: You are quite right. Thank you for your participating in our discussion. You were very active today. I hope that the theme of our lesson was interesting for you. 

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Мероприятия

Целевая аудитория: 5 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

"who is the best"

Автор: Махмут Алия Есимбаевна

Дата: 18.05.2018

Номер свидетельства: 470039

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    ["file_id"] => string(6) "165356"
    ["category_seo"] => string(15) "angliiskiyYazik"
    ["subcategory_seo"] => string(12) "meropriyatia"
    ["date"] => string(10) "1422800501"

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