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«Внеклассное мероприятия "Рыцарский турнир"»
Форма урока: «круглый стол» с элементами ролевой игры.
Тартанова Людмила Витальевна - Учитель английского языка. -
Способствовать развитию творческого, аналитического, критического и логического мышления учащихся.
Способствовать формированию навыков характеристики того или иного явления.
Развивать ораторские и коммуникативные способности учащихся.
Совершенствовать эстетический вкус, духовное и интеллектуальное развитие.
Педагогические технологии:
Здоровьесберегающие технологии (нравственное здоровье)
Информационные технологии (компьютерные презентации)
Личностно-ориентированное обучение (разноуровневые задания)
Игровые технологии
Тип урока: урок - обобщение по теме «Культура средних веков».
меч, короны, кресты, ящик с черной розой, аудиокассета «Король Артур»,
костюмы для ролевых игр «Рыцари круглого стола»
T:Dear,friends! Today we are going to have a very interesting and unusual lesson. Today we’ll revise the material and speak about “King Arthur”. I think it is very interesting theme. Do you agree with me?
P:Yes,we do.
T:Ok.Now try to give your associations to show who is this King Arthur for us.
P:Traditions, legends, knights, kings, castles, tournaments, mysteries, a sword, a cross, an emblem, a motto.
T:Not bad, children. And our motto is:”Fight for the ring, fight with the ring, fight in the ring”(за кольцо,в кольце,с кольцом)
Repeat it all together children.
Ok.(из коробки достать черн.розу).
What is it? What does a black rose mean?
P:It’s a symbol of war. In the middle ages legends about King Arthur and his knights were very popular. They won many victories over many magicians and monsters.
T:You are right,good. And now llok at the screen. (Знакомство с рыцарями круглого стола.)Do you know who is he?
King Arthur
Knight Oscar
Knight Gerald
Knight Alfred
Knight Lyudvig
Knight Arick
T:And now you are “Knights of the round table”.
Let’s revise our knowledge about Knights.(начинают все рыцари по очереди обсуждение с переходом в турнир)
Knight Alfred: My dear King Arthur and Sirs. I've got hot news for you. Our King Edward the first of England brought a strong army to Scotland; he declared that he is overlord of Scotland and chose John Balliol king of the country.
Knight Oscar. But he doesn't know the Scottish people, this noble, self-confident and proud nation.
King Arthur: I know that the Scots rose to fight for their independence. They found a leader against the English. This is William Wallace, their national hero. Welcome the Scots!
Knight Arick: In many counties of Britain knights competitions are held. Let us take part in these competitions.
Проведение рыцарских турниров (проводит Knight Arick)
I. What kind of man must a knight be?
(Предполагаемые ответы:
To be well red, noble, generous, trustful, self confident, stubborn, to be easy to deal with, reserved, efficient, energetic.)
II.What armament must a knight have?
A spear - копье, a horse - лошадь, a helmet - шлем, a shield -
шит, a sword - меч, a cross - крест, a mask - маска, an emblem - герб.
T:Let’s stop, my dear knights. Our conversation at the round table is over. And now let`s make the conclusion. Let`s compare the knights of the past times and men of the present time.
P: now our men are so noble, energetic, brave as the knights of the past,
but our men haven`t horses but they have cars, instead of swords they have guns.
T: how do you understand the proverb “Handsome is that handsome does”
P: we know the Russian proverb “О человеке не судят по словам, а по поступкам”
T: good you are right. Our lesson is over. Good buy.