формировать чувство ответственности за сопричастность к пробдемам экологии,выработать логическое мышление,умение сопоставлять, давать оценку, выражать свое мнение,активизировать лексику по видам деятельности-чтение и письмо ,подготовить учащихсяк устномумонологическомувысказываниюпо теме
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«внеклассное мероприятие по английскому языку »
Open lessonThe theme: The game“ Polyglot ” Written by the teacher:Dauletkalieva B K
The theme of the lesson: The game “ Polyglot ”The aims:
a) to enrich pupils’ knowledge about our country-Kazakhstan
b) to revise the material on the theme “ Kazakhstan”
c) to develop pupils’ skills in speaking
Equipment and visual aids: interactive-blackboard
The host:
Good day dear pupils, teachers and guests! Welcome to our intellectual show! We are glad to see and we hope that you will enjoy today’s game. Language is the main type of communication. There are nearly 3000 languages in the world. English and Russian are the languages of an international communication/ Kazakh is the state language of our country.
With the help of the knowledge of foreign languages we can communicate with each other, through the Internet or get necessary information from it. And with the help of Kazakh and Russian we can develop our skills in oral speech and reading and bring up as patriots of our Motherland. Well, we begin our game and let’s meet our participants. ( Participants tell some words about themselves, about hobbies, favourite subjects, motto.)
A man who knows many language has no difficulties, especially in the first level “ Baiga”.
Who is the President of Kazakhstan? Who is the President of Kazakhstan? What is the capital of Kazakhstan?
What is the capital of Kazakhstan?
Who is the author of the State Flag?
Who is the author of the State Emblem
Who is the author of the State Anthem of Kazakhstan?
What is the area of Kazakhstan?
What is the population of our country?
What is the official state language of Kazakhstan?
What is the official state language of Kazakhstan?
10. Бір тал кессең , он ... ек. (тал , дерево, tree )
11. Туған жерге ... тік. (туыңды, флаг, flag )
12. ... түбі береке. ( еңбек, труд, work )
Level 3. “ Magic seven ”
20- red. Give English equivalents each proverb.
Ештен кеш жақсы.
Әр елдің салты басқа, иті қара қасқа.
Өз үйім өлең төсегім.
20- green. Translate proverbs into English.( Мақалдарды ағылшын тіліне аударыңдар)
Өз үйім, өлең төсегім.
Денсаулық –зор байлық.
Көп сөз – күміс, аз сөз –алтын.
20- blue. Complete idioms. ( Тұрақты сөз тіркестерін толықтыр және қазақ, орыс тілдеріне аудар)
1. Out of sight, out of …
2. To roll in …
3. Something is on the tip of somebody’s …
4. On cloud …
5. A storm in … 30-red. Write plural forms of the nouns.
A country, a river, a university, a mountain, a city
A country, a river, a university, a mountain, a city
30-green. Write synonyms of these words:
Come back- … , do-…, get – …,famous- … - … 30-blue. Write antonyms of these words: Beautiful- …, night – … , rich –… , work –… ,official-…, legal- … 40-red. Answer the question: What famous Kazakh writers do you know? 40-green . Answer the question: How many regions are there in Kazakhstan?
40- blue . Answer the question:
When did the Summit take part in Kazakhstan?
Levelм 4. “ Do you know English perfectly?”
teach ship
child ist
free ful
dark dom
friend ous
art hood
danger ness
Level 5. “ Zorga ”
What kind of state is Kazakhstan?
Who is the head of Kazakhstan?
3. When does Kazakhstan celebrate the Independence Day?
What are the most national popular holidays in Kazakhstan?
What the main political parties of Kazakhstan do you know?
What kinds of schools are there in our country?
What important buildings are situated in Astana?
Where does the President of Kazakhstan live and work?
Level 6. “ If I were …”
Speak about your future pfofession.
Level 7. “ Orator”
The theme: My Motherland
"Қызмет" ақпарат
Информационная карта
урока английского языка в 7 классе
тема "FOOD and HEALTH"
развитие языковой компетентности
образовательный компонент цели: развитие навыков говорения, аудирования, чтения, письма по теме "FOOD and HEALTH"
воспитательный компонент цели: воспитание толерантности к праздникам, обычаям и традициям страны изучаемого языка на основе повторения и закрепления лексики по теме "FOOD and HEALTH"
развивающий компонент цели: развитие мотивации к изучению иностранного языка, навыка языковой догадки, интеллекта, памяти, совершенствования внимания.
Задачи урока:
обобщить пройденный лексический материал,
повторитьконструкции “Would you like”, "I would like",
учить строить связное высказывание на английском языке на уровне предложений, коротких рассказов.
Межпредметные связи:
искусство, страноведение, музыка, кулинария.
тематические плакаты, рисунки по теме "FOOD and HEALTH", таблицы по страноведению, тематические кроссворды, чайнворды, ребусы, загадки, цифровые таблицы, фишки, магнитофон, проектор, персональный компьютер.
Тип урока:
итоговый по теме “Еда и здоровье”
Форма урока:
Социальные формы организации работы учащихся:
групповая и индивидуальная работа.
План урока:
1. Организационный момент. Мультимедийная презентация. Цели и задачи урока.
2. Представление команд, жюри.
3. Фонетическая зарядка.
4. Основная часть урока. Игра-соревнование.
I раунд.
Портрет человека, составленный из различных овощей и фруктов.
Беседа о живописи. Работа с натюрмортом.
II раунд
Конкурс по страноведению. Учащиеся выясняют происхождение различных слов по теме "FOOD".
III раунд
Соревнование капитанов. Получить из слова TEA слово BREAD, изменяя или добавляя в исходное слово букву.
"Змейка". Команды ищут различные слова в слове-змейке и выбирают из них слова по теме "FOOD".
"Чайнворд". Команды составляют чайнворд и рассказывают что бы они хотели съесть или выпить.
IV раунд
"Секретное послание". Используя шифр ( + и - ), учащиеся читают зашифрованное предложение.
V раунд
"Кроссворд". Разгадывая кроссворд, учащиеся получают слово по теме "FOOD".
VI раунд
"Музыкальная разминка". Команды объясняют гостям на английском языке о чем звучат русские песни, связанные с темой "FOOD".
VII раунд
"Загадки". Чья команда быстрее разгадает загадку по теме "FOOD".
Учащиеся составляют загадку от команды и индивидуально.
VIII раунд
"Письмо". Учащиеся вставляют в письмо, полученное от британского друга, пропущенные буквы и слова по теме "FOOD" и называют предметы, обозначенные рисунками. Затем читают письма.
Команды отвечают на вопросы по письму.
5. Подведение итогов.
6. Домашнее задание: написать письмо другу, узнать интересные факты о блюдах.
Ход урока
1. Организационный момент (приветствие и объяснение целей урока)(Слайд 4)
- Good morning, dear friends! Dear pupils and our guests!
- Good morning, Good morning, Good morning to you, Good morning, our teacher, We are glad to see you!
- I am glad to see you, too! Sit down, please. How are you?
- We are fine, thank you. And how are you?
- I am OK, thank you! That is good, because today we have an unusual lesson. Today we are going to have a trip-competition to Health-city.СегоднямыпутешествуемвгородЗдоровье. (Слайд 5)
- Who is on duty today? Who is absent today?
- Well let’s start our lesson. Today we shall have a final lesson according to our topic “Food and Health” and we shall speak about tasty,healthy and useful food.
2. Do you like to take part in different competitions?
– Of course, we do.
- I see you are interested in taking part in competitions. Let’s have a competition then. You will do different tasks. I hope it will be interesting, funny and useful. Let’s form two teams.
- We have two teams now. This is “RED”-team and this is “BLUE”-team. We have some other guests coming. Here they are. They are a jury. Say “Hello!” At our lesson we have an interesting competition between the teams. Iwillgivethecherriestoyouforcorrectanswers.(Учитель в течение урока дает фишки –овощи и фрукты за правильные ответы учеников)
- Each team must collect as much as possible cherries (show). The team which collects more cherries is a winner. Which of you is a captain? (presentation) Let’s begin.
3. Phonetic exercises.
1) Let’s train our tongues. (Слайд 6)
2) Read the twisters. Listen and repeat.(Слайд 7)
- Chris can have chicken for lunch! - The girls are drinking orange juice. - Can you fly a yellow kite in the sky? - Eric the parrot and Eddy are friends! - Where’s the White House and who’s in it? - My name’s James and that is Pat!
3) Warming-up.
Речеваязарядка. Учащиеся получают карточку-билет со слогами и должны составить из них слова по теме “Еда и здоровье”. Правильно составив слово, учащиеся говорят, какое блюдо он хотел бы съесть или выпить.) (crossvord)
- What kind of art do you know? … There are different kinds: portrait, landscape, nature mort, engraving, fresco and others.
- But look around. There are many different nature morts. Who knows what a nature mort is? (Слайд 15)
- And your task now is to collect as much as possible different fruit, berries, and vegetables and to make up your own nature mort in such a vase. The team which make up bigger and more beautiful nature mort is a winner
II round.
- As you know, children, a lot of words came to the English language from others. Look at the blackboard, please. There is a list of such words and there are some countries. Think, please, what word came from which country? (Слайд 16)
III round.
- And now I have a special task for the captains. What do you think; can they get BREAD from TEA? I think they can. Come up to me, please! We have a word TEA. You must change or add a letter to make up the word BREAD.
- While the captains are busy, each team get a word-snake. How many words can you find there? What are they? Write down them.(Слайд 17)
- How many words did you find? … There are a lot of different words but you can read only the words on the theme “FOOD”? Do you understand? (Жюри подсчитывает)
- The next task is a chain-word. Write down the words beginning them with the last letter of the previous one.(Слайд 18)
- Say, please, what would you like to eat or to drink?
IV round
- Now I want to show you a secret message / the code is + and -. Take these secret messages and read us your sentences. (Слайд 19)
V round.
- I see you are very good at decording the secret message. But can you guess crosswords? I hope you can. When you guess it you will get the word on the theme "FOOD". (Слайд 20)
1. My father drinks __________ with milk.
2. Mum, I am __________. Give me some meat-balls and potato.
3. Would you like a __________ of tea?
4. Three and one is __________.
5. Cats like to drink __________.
6. All children like to eat this tasty fruit. It's a _________.
7. My sister likes to __________ ice-cream.
8. What colour is this apple? It's __________.
VI round.
- Dear children, can you say me what for do we learn English? ...
- Imagine, English or American pupils come to our school. They want to know more about Russian people and the Russian language. They can hear some of Russian songs. We have a lot of good songs, don't we? And can you explain our English or American guests what about is any song? Listen to some lines from different songs and explain us what is this song about?
- This song is about ...
VII round
- Well, and now some riddles are.. Look at the blackboard, please. There are a lot of pictures on the blackboard and there are some number cards on your tables. I'll read you the riddle and you show us the number of the picture. (Слайд 21)
1. Вини-Пуха нет ли с вами? А то спрячу я свой … honey
2. Он от простуды лечит лучше бани. Здоровым будешь ты от …onion
3. Для Шарика, для друга припас я сладкий …sugar
4. I like apples on the tree. I like coffee, I like …tea
5. Two little boys: Billy and Sam like to eat bread with …jam
6. It is a fruit. It is red or yellow, sometimes green. It is very tasty. Children like to eat it very much. …apple
7. It is a vegetable. It is orange. It is sweet. It is good for vegetable soup or salad. It is good to eat. …carrot
8. It is white or brown. It is good to eat with meat soup or vegetable soup. It is good to eat with butter or jam. It may be toast….bread
9. It is a very tasty thing. Everybody usually buys it for birthday party. …tart
10. It is white. It is oval. It is good to eat for breakfast. It comes from a hen. …egg
11. It is a drink. It is white. Children like to drink it. It comes from a cow. …milk
12. Так и лезет ко мне в рот этот вкусный бутерброд. Сверху butter, снизу bread. Приходите на обед.
And now try to make your own riddle.(Слайд 22)Образец: It is a fruit. It is brown. It is sweet / tasty. It is good for fruit salad /soup.Boys like it very much. It is …
VIII round.
(knock) Oh, what a surprise! We got a letter fro Great Britain. Here it is. (Слайд 23)
- But we can’t read it because there are a lot of missing words and missing letters. First of all, fill in the missing letters to get a complete word. And then you must read this letter to us.
- Now can you read the letter? Do you understand it? What is this letter about?
- Да, о самом популярном празднике в Англии и Америке, о Рождестве. А кто из вас знает,когда его празднуют?
Andnowanswermyquestions, please.(Слайд 24)
5.Итоги урока.
Dear children! We have worked a lot and I think that we deserve some rest. Let’s sing a song for our guests. (Учащиесяпоютпесню “He likes chicken”).
Thank you very much. It was very pleasant to listen to you today. And now each team will show us their nature morts. And jury sums up.
Dear children! You work hard today:You spoke English, wrote, read and guessed different riddles and you have good results! Everybodyhasexcellentmarks.(Слайд 25)(Учитель ставит оценки за работу на уроке).
6. Домащнеезадание.
And now open your dairies and write your home task. Your home task will be to write your answer to English or American friend about Russian Christmas or about New Year. (Учащиеся получают задание на дом).
Thelessonisover. Goodbye
Конкурс чтецов на английском языке для 2–8-х классов
Ларина Ирина Александровна, учитель английского языка
Разделы:Преподавание иностранных языков, Внеклассная работа
актуализация лексического и грамматического материала;
развитие интереса к поэтическим произведениям стран изучаемого языка.
Оборудование: портреты писателей и поэтов; дипломы для поощрения лучших чтецов.
Good morning, boys and girls! Good morning now. Wake, body, wake, mind! Work, play, seek, find, Eat breakfast, dinner too, Wash, brush, sing, dunce, and do! Good morning now.
We shall recite English poems and find out who can do it very well.
It is time to start. Try to recite the poems artistically and in a natural manner. We shall clap our hands after each poem. I hope you will enjoy your English.
The 2nd form
We have four kittens One kitten has a black nose, One kitten has a white nose, One kitten has a pink nose, One kitten has a grey nose.
At the zoo
I saw, I saw, I saw A lion at the zoo, I saw, I saw, I saw A baby tiger too. I saw, I saw, I saw A big grey kangaroo. I saw, I saw, I saw I saw them at the zoo.
The 3rd form
Listen to the rain
Listen! Listen! Listen to the rain. Tapping, tapping One the windowpane. Listen! Listen! Listen to the rain. Pitter-patter, pitter-patter, One the windowpane.
My dear Mummy
My dear, dear Mummy, I love you very much. I want you to be happy On the Eight of March! My dear, dear Mummy, Let me kiss your face, I want you to be happy Today and always!
The 4th form
The little jumping girls
Jump, jump, jump, jump away From this town into the next today. Jump, jump, jump, jump over the moon; Jump all the morning and all the moon. Jump, jump, jump, jump all night; Won't our mother's be in a fight? Jump, jump, jump over the sea; What wonderful wonders we shall see, Jump, jump, jump, jump far away; And all come home some other day.
My dear Mummy
My dear, dear Mummy, I love you very much. I want you to be happy On the Eight of March! My dear, dear Mummy, Let me kiss your face, I want you to be happy Today and always!
The 5th form
My dog Jack
I have a dog, His name is Jack, His coat is white With spots of black. I take him out Every day, Such fun we have, We run and play. Such clever tricks My dog can do, I love my dog, He loves me, too.
The 6th form
Round the New Year Tree
New Year Day, happy day, We are all glad and very gay! We all dance and sing and say, "Welcome! Welcome! New Year Day! Singing, dancing merrily, Round the New Year Tree, Merrily, merrily, merrily, Round the New Year Tree. Happy New Year, my friends, Happy New Year today! Let us dance hands in hands. I will show you the way.
The 7th form
The Monkeys and the Crocodile
Five little monkeys Sitting in a tree, Teasing Uncle Crocodile Merry as can be Jumping high, jumping low, "Dear Uncle Crocodile, Come and take a bite!" Five little monkeys Jumping in the air, Heads up, tails up, Little do they care. Jumping far and near: Poor Uncle Crocodile, Aren't you hungry, dear.
My father has a pair of shoes So beautiful to see! I want to wear my father's shoes, They are too big for me. My baby's brother has a pair, As cunning as can be! My feet won't go into that pair, They are too small for me. There is only one thing I can do Till I get small or grown. If I want to have to wear my own. (Tom Robinson)
The 8th form
Big Ban
Big Ban is high above the town, It is a symbol of the Crown. Its sight is handsome in the noon, At night, it's shining like a moon. It has as many as four faces. The deep voice's heard in many places Its work is industrious, in fact. It tells the time to everyone, The job is said to be well-done. Sometimes its stroke is like a call Of old Sir Benjamin Hall.
- So I can see you can recite the poems very well. What poems do you like? Why do you like this poem?