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Внеклассное мероприятие на тему "День благодарения"

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В нашей школе есть замечательная традиция: проводить для 10 классов мероприятие ко Дню Благодарения. На этом мероприятии ребята рассказывают об истории самого праздника, о его символах. А после прослушивания материала они участвуют в викторине. Также на этом мероприятии мы рассказываем стихи, поем песни, а  в заключении урока обязательно кушаем традиционные американские блюда, которые ребята и их рордители сделали своими руками. Но перед самой трапезой, по американской традиции, ребята и учителя Благодарят кого-то за что-то. Все презентации ребята готовят сами. Мероприятие получилось интересное.

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«внеклассное мероприятие на тему "День благодарения" »

Thanksgiving Day

Учитель совместно с учениками-дублерами заранее готовит конспект урока, помогает подобрать подходящий материал, провести мероприятие на высоком уровне.  Дублеры ведут урок поочередно, сменяя друг друга.

Урок будет интересен для учащихся 9 – 11-х классов.

Цели занятия:

  1. Образовательные:

  • расширить знания учащихся по теме американский праздник «День Благодарения» по следующим вопросам:

  • история праздника

  • традиции праздника

  • формирование умения употреблять лексический материал по теме «День Благодарения» и обеспечение его первичной тренировки в серии речевых и языковых упражнений,

  • совершенствование правильности произношения звуков и слов, правильной интонации,

  • формирование умения учащихся осуществлять поиск небходимой информации.

  1. Развивающие:

  • вовлечение учащихся в совершенствование основных мыслительных операций (анализ, сравнение, обобщение, классификация, систематизация),

  • обучение учебным умениям,

  • развитие познавательной самостоятельности,

  • развитие творческого мышления,

  • развитие творческих способностей учащихся, эмоциональности, активности, быстроты реакции,

  • развитие способности к догадке, способности логически излагать и обобщать,

  • сообщение информации для общего развития.

  1. Воспитательные:

  • использование воспитательных возможностей содержания учебного материала,

  • воспитание чувства национальной самобытности, способствующее лучшему осознанию особенности культуры страны изучаемого языка

  • практическая направленность, учет интересов,

  • привитие интереса к предмету.

Активный метод проведения  занятия – словесные методы обучения, наглядный метод обучения, метод проблемного обучения.

Форма организации студентов: фронтальная, групповая.

Наглядные, технические средства обучения:

  • компьютер на рабочем месте учителя,

  • медиа проектор,

  • экран,

  • викторина в форме презентации,

  • аудиозапись с песней "Happy Thanksgiving to all!",

  • моя презентация к уроку по теме «День Благодарения»,

  • презентации учеников («Историческая справка о Дне Благодарения» и «Символы Дня Благодарения»).

Междисциплинарные связи:

обеспечиваемые: английский язык

обеспечивающие: история, культурология, лингв. страноведение.

Используемы технологии на уроке:

  • Игровая технология;

  • Технология коммуникативного общения Е. И. Пассова;

  • Технология проектного обучения;

  • Здоровьесбарегающая технология.

  • ИКТ технология.

Ход мероприятия – Hello, our guests! You are welcome to our celebration. We are going to celebrate Thanksgiving Day. Happy Thanksgiving to you all!

(песня "Happy Thanksgiving to all!")

– Almost every culture in the world has held celebrations of thanks for a plentiful harvest. In the United States Thanksgiving is celebrated on the fourth Thursday.

(читает слайд)

T is for turkey on Thanksgiving day

H is for hurry we’re hungry we say

A is for Auntie she works and she mends

N is for native American friends

K is for kitchen the ovens on low

S is for silverware sat in a row

G is for Grandma the one we love the most

I is for inside where we’re warm as toast

V is for vegetables eat them we try

I is for ice cream on top of the pie

N is for never do we have enough dressing

G is for Grandpa who gives thanks for our blessings

– Let's remember the history of this holiday.

(презентация об истории Дня Благодарения)

– All right. And what do people do during any holidays? Dance, eat, play games and sing. Now listen to the song «Over the river and through the wood" and try to sing it all together.

(песня "Over the river and through the wood" на фоне презентации)

–Thanks. And do you know some symbols of this holiday? (дают ответы на этот вопрос ). Great. But now we shall see a presentation about them.

(презентация о символах Дня Благодарения)

– There are a lot of poems about Thanksgiving Day. And some pupils of our class recite one of them.

(ученики рассказывают стихотворение "Giving Thanks")

For the hay and the corn and the wheat that is reaped,

For the labor well done, and the barns that are heaped,

For the sun and the dew the sweet honeycomb,

For the rose and the song and the harvest brought home-

Thanksgiving! Thanksgiving!

For the trade and the skill and the wealth in our land,

For the cunning and the strength of the workingman's hand,

For the good that our artists and poets have taught,

For the friendship that hope and affection have brought -

Thanksgiving! Thanksgiving!

For the homes that with purest affection are blest,

For the season of plenty and well-deserved rest,

For our country extending from sea unto sea;

The land that is known as the "Land of the Free" -

Thanksgiving! Thanksgiving!

(презентация с викториной о Дне Благодарения)

Thanksgiving quiz

  1. What year did the Pilgrims have their first Thanksgiving Feast?

  1. 1620

  2. 1621

  3. 1624

  4. 1777

  5. 1985

  1. What type of meat was probably NOT on the Pilgrims’ Thanksgiving menu?

  1. beef

  2. fish

  3. lobster

  4. fowl

  5. venison

  1. The Horn of Plenty, which symbolized abundance, is also called what?

  1. dunce cap

  2. com you cope

  3. fruit basket

  4. cornucopia

  5. bushel basket

  1. In 1676, a day of thanksgiving was proclaimed to take place during what month?

  1. May

  2. June

  3. October

  4. November

  5. December

  1. What president didn’t like the idea of having a national Thanksgiving Day?

  1. Lincoln

B. Truman

C. Jefferson

D. Roosevelt

E. Kennedy

6) Who is credited with leading the crusade to establish Thanksgiving Day?

  1. Sarah Jessica Parker

  2. Sarah Josepha Hale

  3. Sarah Lee

  4. Sarah Todd

  5. Sarah Palin

7) Which vegetable or fruit was NOT on the menu at the first thanksgiving feast in 1621?

  1. watercress

  2. berries

  3. pumpkin

  4. corn

  5. potatoes

8) Which president moved the date of Thanksgiving Day?

  1. F. D. Roosevelt

  2. Nixon

  3. Teddy Roosevelt

  4. Lincoln

  5. Jefferson

9) The reason Thanksgiving was moved up a week was…

  1. because the public wanted it moved.

  2. to lengthen the Christmas shopping season.

  3. to ward off evil spirits.

  4. to put it into with the original Thanksgiving ceremony.

  5. so it would be during warmer weather.

10) When Congress made Thanksgiving an official holiday, they set the date as…

  1. the third Thursday in November.

  2. the fourth Thursday in November.

  3. the last Thursday in November.

  4. November 24.

  5. the second Monday in October.

– We hope that all of you have some words to thank somebody for something.

(каждый ученик говорит СПАСИБО за.. )

- For health and strength and daily food

We praise thy name, O Lord.

– Now, help yourselves.

Тексты для презентаций:

Thanksgiving Day (historical information)

Almost every culture in the world has held celebrations of thanks for a plentiful harvest. The American Thanksgiving holiday began as a feast of thanksgiving in the early days of the American colonies almost four hundred years ago.

In 1620,a boat named "Mayflower" filled with more than one hundred people sailed across the Atlantic Ocean to settle in the New World. This religious group had begun to question the beliefs of the Church of England and they wanted to separate from it. The Pilgrims settled in what is now the state of Massachusetts.

Their first winter in the New World was difficult - they arrived too late to grow many crops, and without fresh food, and about half of people died. So they turned for help to neighboring Indians and the following spring the Iroquois Indians taught them how to grow corn, a new food for the colonists. They showed them other crops to grow in the unfamiliar soil and how to hunt and fish.

In the autumn of 1621, bountiful crops of corn, barley, beans and pumpkins were harvested. The colonists had much to be thankful for, so a feast was planned. They invited the local Indian chief and 90 Indians.

In following years, many of the original colonists celebrated the autumn harvest with a feast of thanks. After the United States became an independent country, Congress commended one yearly day of thanksgiving for the whole nation to celebrate. George Washington suggested the date November, 26 as Thanksgiving Day. Then in 1863, at the end of a long and bloody civil war, Abraham Lincoln asked all Americans to set aside the last Thursday in November as a day of thanksgiving.

Before the holiday meal begins, families or friends usually pause to give thanks for their blessings, including the joy of being united for the occasion.

Symbols of Thanksgiving

Turkey, corn (or maize), pumpkins and cranberry sauce are symbols which represent the first Thanksgiving. Now all of these symbols are drawn on holiday decorations and greeting cards. The use of corn meant the survival of the colonies.

"Indian corn" as a table or door decoration represents the harvest and the fall season. Sweet-sour cranberry sauce, or cranberry jelly, was on the first Thanksgiving table is still served today. The cranberry is a small, sour berry. It grows in bogs, or muddy areas, in Massachusetts and other New England states. The Indians used the fruit to treat infections. They used the juice to dye their rugs and blankets. They taught the colonists how to cook the berries with sweetener and water to make a sauce.

The Indians called it "ibimi" which means "bitter berry". When the colonists saw it, they named it "crane-berry" because the flowers of the berry bent the stalk over, and it resembled the long-necked bird called a crane. The berries are still grown in New England. Very few people know, however, that before the berries are put in bags to be sent to the rest of the country, each individual berry must bounce at least four inches high to make sure they are not too ripe!

In 1988, a Thanksgiving ceremony of a different kind took place at the Cathedral of St. John the Divine. More than four thousand people gathered on Thanksgiving night. Among them were Native Americans representing tribes from all over the country and descendants of people whose ancestors had migrated to the New World. The ceremony was a public acknowledgment of the Indians' role in the first Thanksgiving 350 years ago. Until recently most schoolchildren believed that the Pilgrims cooked the entire Thanksgiving feast, and offered it to the Indians. In fact, the feast was planned to thank the Indians for teaching them how to cook those food. Without the Indians, the first settlers would not have survived.

"We celebrate Thanksgiving along with the rest of America, maybe in different ways and for different reasons. despite everything that's happened to us since we fed the Pilgrims, we still have our language, our culture, our distinct social system. Even in a nuclear age, we still have a tribal people."

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Мероприятия

Целевая аудитория: 10 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

внеклассное мероприятие на тему "День благодарения"

Автор: Исаева Наталия Владимировна

Дата: 18.01.2015

Номер свидетельства: 157169

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