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Внеклассное мероприятие "Halloween"

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        Внеклассное мероприятие «Halloween» для учащихся 6,7,8 классов, приуроченное к празднованию Halloween. Данное мероприятие является эпизодическим /по случаю, приуроченное праздничной дате/ и не входит в цикл уроков по какой-то определённой теме. Может входить в план проведения предметной недели, может проводится в урочное время, т.к. не требует дополнительной подготовки учащихся и учителя. Все задания конкурса разработаны, имеются копии для размножения. (См. приложение) План проведения спланирован так, чтобы была возможность замены и перемещения заданий.

Данное мероприятие соответствует возрастным особенностям и интересам учащихся. /интерес к обычаям и традициям народов других стран, ко всему необычному и «страшному»/. Также оно способствует повышению интереса, познавательной активности в изучении английского языка, способствует развитию внимания, памяти. Подобранный материал и метод проведения мероприятия соответствуют уровню развития  учащихся и их уровню владения английским языком.

Внеклассное мероприятие проходит в виде соревнования между командами /парами, что способствует развитию способности работать в группах\парах, учащиеся выбирают жюри, учащиеся могут быть ведущими конкурса. По окончании конкурса подводятся итоги, проводится награждение, все участники получают сладости с предсказаниями.


Развитие у школьников способностей использовать иностранный язык как инструмент познания и общения, создание условий для активного и творческого развития личности и стимулировать интерес учащихся к изучению английского языка.

Дать учащимся знания страноведческого характера; активизировать их интерес к изучению английского языка; способствовать расширению культурного кругозора; знакомить с песенным и поэтическим наследием англоязычных стран; использовать межпредметные связи на фоне практического овладения английским языком.

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«Внеклассное мероприятие "Halloween" »


Общие сведения.

Внеклассное мероприятие «Halloween» для учащихся 6,7,8 классов, приуроченное к празднованию Halloween. Данное мероприятие является эпизодическим /по случаю, приуроченное праздничной дате/ и не входит в цикл уроков по какой-то определённой теме. Может входить в план проведения предметной недели, может проводится в урочное время, т.к. не требует дополнительной подготовки учащихся и учителя. Все задания конкурса разработаны, имеются копии для размножения. (См. приложение) План проведения спланирован так, чтобы была возможность замены и перемещения заданий.

Данное мероприятие соответствует возрастным особенностям и интересам учащихся. /интерес к обычаям и традициям народов других стран, ко всему необычному и «страшному»/. Также оно способствует повышению интереса, познавательной активности в изучении английского языка, способствует развитию внимания, памяти. Подобранный материал и метод проведения мероприятия соответствуют уровню развития учащихся и их уровню владения английским языком.

Внеклассное мероприятие проходит в виде соревнования между командами /парами, что способствует развитию способности работать в группах\парах, учащиеся выбирают жюри, учащиеся могут быть ведущими конкурса. По окончании конкурса подводятся итоги, проводится награждение, все участники получают сладости с предсказаниями.


Развитие у школьников способностей использовать иностранный язык как инструмент познания и общения, создание условий для активного и творческого развития личности и стимулировать интерес учащихся к изучению английского языка.

Дать учащимся знания страноведческого характера; активизировать их интерес к изучению английского языка; способствовать расширению культурного кругозора; знакомить с песенным и поэтическим наследием англоязычных стран; использовать межпредметные связи на фоне практического овладения английским языком.


Развивающий аспект:

Развитие умений учебного сотрудничества при выполнении коллективных конкурсных заданий разного типа умение взаимодействовать в коллективе и принимать единое решение;

Развития аналитических навыков (сравнения, соотнесения,) у учащихся;

Развития творческого мышления (посредством вовлечения их в деятельность, требующую творческого подхода)

Развитие коммуникативных умений общаться на иностранном языке

Познавательный (образовательный) аспект:

Обогатить знания учащихся о культурных обычаях англоязычных стран

Стимулирование интереса учащихся к изучению английского языка.

Воспитательный аспект:

Воспитания чувства причастности к культуре другого народа, терпимости по отношению к людям других стран и национальностей.

Развитие эстетического вкуса.

Воспитание/развитие/ у учащихся ответственности за порученное дело, самостоятельности, чувства сопереживания, уважительного отношения друг к другу

Учебный аспект:

Развитие всех видов речевой деятельность

Совершенствование лексико-грамматических навыков и произносительных навыков чтения

Совершенствование орфографических навыков письма

Совершенствование лексико-грамматических навыков аудирования

Мотивировать учащихся использовать знания, умения и навыки, полученные при изучении различных дисциплин для решения поставленной задачи

Для выполнения задач в ходе данного мероприятия используются метод практической деятельности /все задания для команд имеют практическую направленность/, коммуникативный метод /все задания объединены одной темой, продуманы логические переходы/. Используются формы коллективной, групповой работы с учащимися. Сочетание этих форм и методов позволяют провести мероприятие интересно и содержательно и реализовать основную цель.

Lesson plan

Мероприятие проводится в виде конкурса. Группа делится на 3-4 команды.

Welcome to our Halloween lesson! We have met here to celebrate one of the most popular holidays in the English-speaking countries. 

It’s Halloween

By Jack Prelutsky

It’s Halloween! It’s Halloween!
The moon is full and bright.
And we shall see what can’t be seen
On any other night!

Skeletons and ghosts and ghouls
Grinning goblins fighting duels
Werewolves rising from their tombs,
Witches on their magic brooms.

In masks and gouns we haunt the street
And knock on doors for trick or treat.
Tonight we are the king and queen,
For oh tonight it’s Halloween!

Today we are having the Halloween contest. Think of the name of your teams.

Let me introduce the jury to you. Our jury will control who will do the task correctly.

  1. What do you know about Halloween?

Read the text and fill in the gaps



Where does Halloween come from?

We celebrate Halloween every year on ____October_ 31st. But where does this holiday come from?

The holiday originally comes from a people called the Celts. The Celts lived in Europe more than 2000 __years_ ago. On November 1st they celebrated the end of summer. They thought ghosts visited the living on October 31st. They dressed up like ghosts so the spirits would not harm them.

Today, many __countries__ still remember the dead on November 1st. It is called All Saints day. Another name for it is All Hallow’s Day. The day before, October 31st, is called All Hallow’s Eve, or ___Halloween_ for short.

Halloween is an old tradition in Ireland and Scotland. In those countries, __people_ dressed up and carried lanterns made of turnips. When people moved from Ireland and Scotland to the United States, they started using __pumpkins_. This is where the jack-o’-lantern comes from.

They also had a tradition of giving _food___ to the spirits. Later, they gave the food to poor people. This is where trick-or-treating comes from.

Halloween has changed a lot since its origins. New people have brought new __traditions__, and changed the old ones. What do you think Halloween would be like in another two thousand years?

Read the text again and answer:

  1. What is this story about?

  1. Trick-or –treating

  2. Ghosts

  3. The origins of Halloween

  1. When did the Celts live in Europe?

  1. More than two hundred years ago

  2. More than two thousand years ago

  3. Less than two thousand years ago

  1. What did they celebrate on November 1st?

  1. Halloween

  2. All Hallow’s Day

  3. The end of summer

  1. What did ghosts do on October 31st?

  1. They visited the living

  2. They dressed up

  3. They celebrated All Hallow’s day

  1. The word Halloween comes from …

  1. All Hallow’s Day

  2. All Saints Day

  3. All Hallow’s Eve

  1. Nowadays, jack-o’-lanterns are made of…

  1. Turnips

  2. Pumpkins

  3. Carrots

  1. Trick-or-treating comes from…

  1. Giving money to the poor

  2. Giving food to the spirits

  3. Giving candies to children

  1. Halloween is a festival that takes place on October 31.  This day was originally called All Hallow’s Eve because it fell on the eve of All Saints’ Day.   Find the words related to the holiday.


black cat


candy clown











haunted house

















  1.  According to old believes, Halloween is the time, when the veil between the living & the dead is lifted, & witches, ghosts & other supernatural beings appear. All these creatures are symbols of Halloween. There are many riddles about these symbols. Let’s have fun together and guess «Who am I ?» riddle.

(1) I was wrapped in white and buried in my tomb long time ago. Now, I’m waiting in the dark with my golden treasures all around. Outside the sand piles high over top my tomb.

(2) I am a monster that has been on a diet. There is no fat on me! Or a muscle neither! You might say that I am all skin and bones --without the skin. I rattle when I walk. And my teeth chatter when I talk.

(3) I come from far, far away. Most people think I am green and hideous. But really I am not so bad. I am just looking for a few Earthlings to put in my zoo back on my home planet.

Who am I?


Who am I?


Who am I?


(4) Welcome! Have a seat. Dinner will be served shortly. Sorry we don't have any garlic bread. I can't stand it. What am I drinking you ask? Don't worry . . . it's . . um . . . grape juice. Now just relax while I look at your neck.

(5) I walk through walls. You can see me and sometimes you can't. I moan and I groan. I rattle chains. You find me in old houses, graveyards, and castles.

(6) Most of the time, you would never guess I was a monster because I look just like you. But once a month, I let my hair down and howl at the moon. But beware! If I bite you will become like me.

Who am I?


Who am I?


Who am I?


(7) Made of metal, I do the work of my master who controls me by remote control. My master made me to take over the world.

(8) Dressed in black, I brew potions, I cast spells, and I put curses on people. If you bother me or my cat, you'll sit on a lily pad and eat flies.

(9) I live under bridges and in caves. I eat travelers that pass my way. I am large and ugly. I carry a club. Think of a word that rhymes with 'roll.'

Who am I?


Who am I?


Who am I?


1.mummy 2. skeleton 3. alien 4.vampire 5. ghost 6. werewolf 7. robot 8. witch 9. troll

4. People usually have fun on that day.

Halloween Activities

Fill in the gaps with words from the box:
















black cat










On Halloween, kids dress up in ___costumes___. Some kids wear a ____mask__ on their face and others paint their face with ______make-up___. Many boys like to dress up as a __pirate____ because they can carry a sword.

Trick or Treat:

At night, kids go trick-or-treating, which means they go from house to house and say __trick-or-treat__. Then, the owner of the house will give the kids _candies__. The kids usually carry a __pillowcase__ to carry the treats they get. The house owners usually carve a pumpkin to make a _ jack-o’-lantern. When they are finished carving, they put a __candle_ inside to light up the face.


There are many monsters on Halloween. A _vampire_ is a monster that likes to drink blood. A mummy__ is a monster from Egypt covered in white bandages. A werewolf_ is a monster that comes out when the moon is full.


Many girls like to dress up as a _witch__. Witches have a _pointy_ hat and usually have a _black cat__ as a pet. Witches fly on _brooms_. If you meet a witch, beware! She might cast a __spell__ and turn you into a _frog___. Witches also cook magic potions in their __cauldrons__.

Haunted Houses:

A _haunted__ house is a house with a __ghost__ in it. Ghosts scare people by saying _boo___. Haunted houses often have _cobwebs__ in the corners and _bats___ in the attic.

5.   Everyone tries to look scary on Halloween. We have not decorated our room yet. Popular decorations are witches, ghosts, skeletons, black cats and jack-o’-lanterns. Let’s make the decorations together.

Create your Haunted House following the instructions.

  1. Draw 2 bats flying in front of the moon.

  2. Draw a monster in the left upstairs’ window.

  3. Draw a vampire in the window underneath.

  4. Draw a spider’s web in the door.

  5. Draw spooky eyes in the tower’s window.

  6. Draw a ghost in the window next to the door.

  7. Draw a pumpkin in front of the house.

  8. Draw a cemetery to the left of the house.

  9. Draw 3 zombies to the right of the house.

  10. Draw a black cat on the roof.

  11. Colour the moon yellow.

  12. Colour the tree brown.

  13. Colour the roof three different colours (your choice).

  14. Colour each window frame a different colour (your choice).

  15. Colour the house one colour (your choice).

  16. Colour the rest of the picture (your choice).

  1. 6. Now we have got bloodcurdling (леденящая кровь) atmosphere. Our haunted houses are very scary.

  2. How many words can you make out of HAUNTED HOUSE?

  3. Have you already found

  1. An uncle’s wife.

  2. A daughter’s brother.

  3. A bird’s house.

  4. A squirrel’s snack.

  5. Another word for yell.

  6. The opposite of like.

  7. The opposite of in.

  8. The opposite of sit.

  9. Where crabs live.

  10. An insect.

  11. A short fast run.

  12. A house with a grass roof.

  1. 7. Do you know what the favourite Halloween pastime is? Of course, it is telling spooky stories.

  2. Let’s make one of them.

    1. A

    1. B

    1. C

    1. D

    1. E

    1. F

    1. G

    1. 1

    1. there

    1. USA

    1. on

    1. a

    1. wall

    1. picked

    1. something

    1. 2

    1. policemen

    1. one

    1. the

    1. the

    1. bodies

    1. photo

    1. the

    1. 3

    1. upside

    1. took

    1. was

    1. took

    1. he

    1. the

    1. the

    1. 4

    1. word

    1. it

    1. wall

    1. dropped

    1. was

    1. in

    1. but

    1. 5

    1. the

    1. he

    1. police

    1. when

    1. number

    1. down

    1. a

    1. 6

    1. he

    1. of

    1. ground

    1. word

    1. the

    1. murder

    1. accidentally

    1. 7

    1. find

    1. opposite

    1. it

    1. the

    1. were

    1. now

    1. a

    1. 8

    1. written

    1. on

    1. dead

    1. officer

    1. HELL

    1. was

    1. photo

    1. 9

    1. the

    1. picture

    1. onto

    1. up

    1. he

    1. 7734

    1. pictures

    1. 10

    1. was

    1. numbers

    1. didn’t

    1. interesting

    1. saw

    1. the

    1. it

  1. A1 C3 G5 F6 F4 D2 B1

  2. A2 D3 G9 B6 F10 C8 E2

  3. B2 C5 D8 E10 G1 C1 A9 B7 C4

  4. B4 A10 C2 E5 F9 A8 B8 D7 E1

  5. A6 B3 D1 F2 G4 E9 C10 A7 C7 D10

  6. B5 G6 D4 F3 G8 C9 A5 C6

  7. D5 E3 F1 G2 B9 D9 G10 F8 A3 F5

  8. G3 B10 E7 F7 G7 D6

  1. 9. E6 A4 E4 E8

  1. There was a murder in the USA.

  2. Policemen took pictures of the dead bodies.

  3. One police officer saw something on the opposite wall.

  4. It was the number 7734 written on the wall.

  5. He took a photo but he didn’t find it interesting.

  6. He accidentally dropped the photo onto the ground.

  7. When he picked the picture up it was up side down.

  8. The numbers were now a word.

  9. The word was HELL.

  1. Let’s finish our contest with the song about Halloween (sing together) “ The pumpkin in the patch ”

  2. Pupils are singing a song:

  3. The pumpkin in the patch, the pumpkin in the patch,
    Hi –ho on Halloween, the pumpkin in the patch.
    The pumpkin calls a witch, the pumpkin calls a witch
    Hi –ho on Halloween, the pumpkin calls a witch.
    The witch calls a bat, the witch calls a bat,
    Hi –ho on Halloween, the witch calls a bat.
    The bat calls a ghost, the bat calls a ghost,
    Hi –ho on Halloween, the bat calls a ghost.
    The ghost scares us all, the ghost scares us all,
    Hi –ho on Halloween, the ghost scares us all!

  4. Now let our jury speaks. The jury gives the information about the results of the contest. Halloween is the best time for fortune telling.  Do you want to know the fortune?( В конце мероприятия все получают конфеты с прикрепленными предсказаниями.)

  5. Приложение

  6. Задание №1

  7. Read the text and complete the gaps



  8. Where does Halloween come from?

  9. We celebrate Halloween every year on ______________ 31st. But where does this holiday come from?

  10. The holiday originally comes from a people called the Celts. The Celts lived in Europe more than 2000 _______ ago. On November 1st they celebrated the end of summer. They thought ghosts visited the living on October 31st. They dressed up like ghosts so the spirits would not harm them.

  11. Today, many ______________ still remember the dead on November 1st. It is called All Saints day. Another name for it is All Hallow’s Day. The day before, October 31st, is called All Hallow’s Eve, or _________________ for short.

  12. Halloween is an old tradition in Ireland and Scotland. In those countries, _____________ dressed up and carried lanterns made of turnips. When people moved from Ireland and Scotland to the United States, they started using ________________. This is where the jack-o’-lantern comes from.

  13. They also had a tradition of giving __________ to the spirits. Later, they gave the food to poor people. This is where trick-or-treating comes from.

  14. Halloween has changed a lot since its origins. New people have brought new _________________, and changed the old ones. What do you think Halloween would be like in another two thousand years?

  15. Read the text again and answer:

  1. What is this story about?

  1. Trick-or –treating

  2. Ghosts

  3. The origins of Halloween

  1. When did the Celts live in Europe?

  1. More than two hundred years ago

  2. More than two thousand years ago

  3. Less than two thousand years ago

  1. What did they celebrate on November 1st?

  1. Halloween

  2. All Hallow’s Day

  3. The end of summer

  1. What did ghosts do on October 31st?

  1. They visited the living

  2. They dressed up

  3. They celebrated All Hallow’s day

  1. The word Halloween comes from …

  1. All Hallow’s Day

  2. All Saints Day

  3. All Hallow’s Eve

  1. Nowadays, jack-o’-lanterns are made of…

  1. Turnips

  2. Pumpkins

  3. Carrots

  1. Trick-or-treating comes from…

  1. Giving money to the poor

  2. Giving food to the spirits

  3. Giving candies to children

  1. Задание №2

    1. bat

    2. black cat

    3. broom

    4. candy clown

    5. cobweb

    1. coffin

    2. costume

    3. creepy

    4. Dracula

    5. Frankenstein

    6. ghost

    7. graveyard

    1. Halloween

    2. happy

    3. haunted house

    4. jack-o'-lantern

    5. mask

    6. monster

    7. mummy

    1. October

    2. party

    3. pillowcase

    4. pirate

    5. pumpkin

    6. scary

    1. skeleton

    2. spooky

    3. trick-or-treat

    4. vampire

    5. werewolf

    6. witch

  2. Задание №3

    1. (1) I was wrapped in white and buried in my tomb long time ago. Now, I’m waiting in the dark with my golden treasures all around. Outside the sand piles high over top my tomb.

    1. (2) I am a monster that has been on a diet. There is no fat on me! Or a muscle neither! You might say that I am all skin and bones --without the skin. I rattle when I walk. And my teeth chatter when I talk.

    1. (3) I come from far, far away. Most people think I am green and hideous. But really I am not so bad. I am just looking for a few Earthlings to put in my zoo back on my home planet.

    1. Who am I?

    2. ______________________

    1. Who am I?

    2. ______________________

    1. Who am I?

    2. _______________________

    1. (4) Welcome! Have a seat. Dinner will be served shortly. Sorry we don't have any garlic bread. I can't stand it. What am I drinking you ask? Don't worry . . . it's . . um . . . grape juice. Now just relax while I look at your neck.

    1. (5) I walk through walls. You can see me and sometimes you can't. I moan and I groan. I rattle chains. You find me in old houses, graveyards, and castles.

    1. (6) Most of the time, you would never guess I was a monster because I look just like you. But once a month, I let my hair down and howl at the moon. But beware! If I bite you will become like me.

    1. Who am I?

    2. _______________________

    1. Who am I?

    2. _______________________

    1. Who am I?

    2. _______________________

    1. (7) Made of metal, I do the work of my master who controls me by remote control. My master made me to take over the world.

    1. (8) Dressed in black, I brew potions, I cast spells, and I put curses on people. If you bother me or my cat, you'll sit on a lily pad and eat flies.

    1. (9) I live under bridges and in caves. I eat travelers that pass my way. I am large and ugly. I carry a club. Think of a word that rhymes with 'roll.'

    1. Who am I?

    2. _______________________

    1. Who am I?

    2. _______________________

    1. Who am I?

    2. _______________________

  1. Word List

  2. Beware – остерегаться

  3. Brew potions – варить зелье

  4. Carry a club – носить дубинку

  5. Cast spells – бросить заклинание

  6. Chatter – стучать

  7. Earthlings – земляне

  8. Groan – завывать

  9. Graveyard – кладбище

  10. Hideous – ужасный

  11. Howl – выть

  12. Lily pad – лист кувшинки

  13. Put curses – накладывать проклятия

  14. Rattle – греметь

  15. Tomb - гробница

  1. Задание №4

  2. Halloween Activities

  3. Fill in the blanks with words from the box:

    1. boo

    2. werewolf

    3. haunted

    4. spell

    5. cauldrons

    6. pointy

    1. costumes

    2. mask

    3. make-up

    4. witch

    5. pirate

    6. frog

    1. pillowcase

    2. mummy

    3. vampire

    4. black cat

    5. jack-o’-lantern

    6. candy

    1. trick-or-treat

    2. ghost

    3. cobwebs

    4. brooms

    5. bats

    6. candle

  4. Costumes:

  5. On Halloween, kids dress up in _____________________. Some kids wear a _____________ on their face and others paint their face with ______________. Many boys like to dress up as a ______________ because they can carry a sword.

  6. Trick or Treat:

  7. At night, kids go trick-or-treating, which means they go from house to house and say _______________________. Then, the owner of the house will give the kids ________________. The kids usually carry a _________________ to carry the treats they get. The house owners usually carve a pumpkin to make a __________________. When they are finished carving, they put a _______________ inside to light up the face.

  8. Monsters:

  9. There are many monsters on Halloween. A ______________ is a monster that likes to drink blood. A ______________ is a monster from Egypt covered in white bandages. A _______________ is a monster that comes out when the moon is full.

    1. Witches:

    2. Many girls like to dress up as a _______________. Witches have a _____________ hat and usually have a ____________ as a pet. Witches fly on _____________. If you meet a witch, beware! She might cast a ______________ and turn you into a ___________. Witches also cook magic potions in their _______________.

    3. Haunted Houses:

    4. A _____________ house is a house with a ______________ in it. Ghosts scare people by saying ________________. Haunted houses often have _______________ in the corners and ________________ in the attic.

  10. Задание №5

  11. Haunted House

  12. Create your Haunted House following the instructions.

  1. Draw 2 bats flying in front of the moon.

  2. Draw a monster in the left upstairs’ window.

  3. Draw a vampire in the window underneath.

  4. Draw a spider’s web in the door.

  5. Draw spooky eyes in the tower’s window.

  6. Draw a ghost in the window next to the door.

  7. Draw a pumpkin in front of the house.

  8. Draw a cemetery to the left of the house.

  9. Draw 3 zombies to the right of the house.

  10. Draw a black cat on the roof.

  11. Colour the moon yellow.

  12. Colour the tree brown.

  13. Colour the roof three different colours (your choice).

  14. Colour each window frame a different colour (your choice).

  15. Colour the house one colour (your choice).

  16. Colour the rest of the picture (your choice).

  1. Задание №6

    1. How many words can you make out of HAUNTED HOUSE?

    1. H A U N T E D H O U S E

    1. ___________

    1. ___________

    1. ___________

    1. ___________

    1. ___________

    1. ___________

    1. ___________

    1. ___________

    1. ___________

    1. ___________

    1. ___________

    1. ___________

    1. ___________

    1. ___________

    1. ___________

    1. ___________

    1. ___________

    1. ___________

    1. ___________

    1. ___________

    1. ___________

    1. ___________

    1. Have you already found?

    1. An uncle’s wife.

    1. A daughter’s brother.

    1. A bird’s house.

    1. A squirrel’s snack.

    1. Another word for yell.

    1. The opposite of like.

    1. The opposite of in.

    1. The opposite of sit.

    1. An insect.

    1. Where crabs live.

  2. Задание №7

    1. A

    1. B

    1. C

    1. D

    1. E

    1. F

    1. G

    1. 1

    1. there

    1. USA

    1. on

    1. a

    1. wall

    1. picked

    1. something

    1. 2

    1. policemen

    1. one

    1. the

    1. the

    1. bodies

    1. photo

    1. the

    1. 3

    1. upside

    1. took

    1. was

    1. took

    1. he

    1. the

    1. the

    1. 4

    1. word

    1. it

    1. wall

    1. dropped

    1. was

    1. in

    1. but

    1. 5

    1. the

    1. he

    1. police

    1. when

    1. number

    1. down

    1. a

    1. 6

    1. he

    1. of

    1. ground

    1. word

    1. the

    1. murder

    1. accidentally

    1. 7

    1. find

    1. opposite

    1. it

    1. the

    1. were

    1. now

    1. a

    1. 8

    1. written

    1. on

    1. dead

    1. officer

    1. HELL

    1. was

    1. photo

    1. 9

    1. the

    1. picture

    1. onto

    1. up

    1. he

    1. 7734

    1. pictures

    1. 10

    1. was

    1. numbers

    1. didn’t

    1. interesting

    1. saw

    1. the

    1. it

  1. A1 C3 G5 F6 F4 D2 B1

  2. A2 D3 G9 B6 F10 C8 E2

  3. B2 C5 D8 E10 G1 C1 A9 B7 C4

  4. B4 A10 C2 E5 F9 A8 B8 D7 E1

  5. A6 B3 D1 F2 G4 E9 C10 A7 C7 D10

  6. B5 G6 D4 F3 G8 C9 A5 C6

  7. D5 E3 F1 G2 B9 D9 G10 F8 A3 F5

  8. G3 B10 E7 F7G7D6

  9. E6 A4 E4 E8

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Мероприятия

Целевая аудитория: 6 класс

Внеклассное мероприятие "Halloween"

Автор: Тугбаева Елена Вячеславовна

Дата: 27.02.2015

Номер свидетельства: 179530

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