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Веселое Рождество

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Внеклассное мероприятие для 5 классов.Использовалось учениками 5 класса во время предметной недели иностранных языков в предверии Рождества.

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«Веселое Рождество»

Merry Christmas


Основная воспитательная цель праздника: воспитание интереса и уважения к обычаям и традициям британцев, поддержание интереса к иностранному языку.


  1. Совершенствование навыков аудирования;

  2. Обучение лексике по теме: «Рождество».


  1. Развитие творческого мышления;

  2. Развитие лингвистической догадки.


Подготовка к празднику начинается на уроках, где дети знакомятся с обычаями и традициями изучаемого языка. Учащиеся получают различные задания на уроках. Это все лексико-грамматические упражнения, направленные на закрепление слов по теме «Christmas» - star, shepherd, angel, manger, stockings, bells, candles, presents, cards. Цель таких упражнений – более прочное усвоение и расширение лексического запаса учащихся, что способствует развитию у школьников чувства языка, получению знаний о его стилистических особенностях.

Кроме того дети разучивают новые песни. При заучивании слов песен совершенствуются навыки аудирования, произносительные навыки, закрепляются правила фразового ударения, особенности ритма. Песня помогает активизировать многие грамматические структуры, подлежащие усвоению, например, повелительное наклонение глаголов, а также способствует расширению кругозора у школьников.

Ход праздника

Good morning, dear children! Nice to meet you! Today we have got Christmas lesson.

Выходят ученики.

Let’s meet Christmas!

It’s Christmas! Merry Christmas,

Yes, it’s merry, merry Christmas,

It’s time for hanging stockings.

It’s time for riding sleighs.

It’s time for jolly greetings,

Snow and holly, overeating.

Oh, I love you, merry Christmas,

You’re the best of holiday’s.

But whose Christmas should we celebrate?

A song – silent night.

  • Christ’s

The story of the first Christmas begins in the springtime, when the Angel Gabriel came down from Heaven to speak to a young woman called Mary who lived in the land of Israel. The God has chosen her to be the mother of His Son. His name will be Jesus, born to save the sinners of the world.

Mary and her husband Joseph went to Bethlehem and on the way they stayed in the stable. That night Jesus was born. Mary wrapped Him in a soft linen and laid Him on a bed of hay in a manger and a bright star appeared in the sky!

It was the first Christmas.

A song – Away in a manger.

Let’s organize a competition devoted to this holiday. For the competition you should make two teams. But before to start, please name your teams. The names should be connected with theme of our lesson.

  1. The Mistletoe 2. The Gold Star

Our quests will be the judges.

А судьями мы выбираем наших гостей.

The judges will check up your answers.

Firstly, answer my questions.

What do you know about Christmas?

  1. When is Christmas celebrated in the United Kingdom of Great Britain?

  • It’s celebrated on the 25th of December.

  1. When is Christmas celebrated in Russia?

  • It’s celebrated on the 7th of January.

  1. Do you like Christmas?

  • We do!

  1. Do you like to get presents?

  • We do!

  1. What symbols of Christmas do you know?

  • Santa, Christmas tree, presents…

Well done.

And now let’s play.

  1. Find and circle and write.

  2. Puzzle.

Santa Clause has become the most beloved of Christmas and New Year symbols and traditions.

Let’s sing a song about Santa.

When Santa got stuck up the Chimney.

We should sent a letter to Santa. Write down a letter you Santa.

So, we always have a lot of associations when we speak about Christmas. And of course we can’t imagine Christmas without the beautiful Christmas Tree. Do you decorate the Christmas Tree at home?

  • We do!

Well, let’s also decorate the Christmas Tree in our classroom. We have two Christmas Trees. The rules of the game are following: each member of your teams comes up to me one by one, takes a toy from this box, names it English and puts on the tree. If you don’t know the name of the toy you may ask for help of your team. If nobody knows it you just put it back into the box and sit down. Who is quicker?

A song Oh, Christmas Tree!

Do you know some poems about Christmas?

  1. The Mistletoe.

  2. Oh, Christmas Tree! Oh, Christmas Tree!

We all like Christmas and New Year. We like to get congratulations, presents and greeting cards. Have you ever sent Christmas cards? – Yes. Let’s congratulate each other with the help of a Christmas Card. Each team will make a card for the other team.


  • Happy Christmas!

  • Merry Christmas!

  • Best wishes!

  • From our home to yours!

  • Lots of hugs and kisses!

  • Your congratulations are really great! I think our quests like them very much.

Now I offer you to sing the famous Christmas song “Jingle Bells”.

You were very active today.

Now we shall decide who is the winner of our competition today.

Жюри подводят итоги. Две номинации:

  1. «Самая рождественская команда».

  2. «Самая веселая команда».

It’s high time to give presents to our guests.

Well, our lesson is over. Today we have spoken a lot about Christmas, congratulated each other, recited poems, decorated our Christmas Trees and made Christmas Cards. At the end of our lesson let’s sing a song “We wish you a Merry Christmas”.

We have some time left.


Here is the chimney,

Here is the top,

Open the lit,

Out Santa will pop.

Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Мероприятия

Целевая аудитория: 5 класс

Веселое Рождество

Автор: Рыбалко Ирина Павловна

Дата: 01.11.2016

Номер свидетельства: 354370

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