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Theme: “Kazakhstan is my motherland”

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Theme: Happy chance “Kazakhstan is my motherland”.
Aims: to develop communicative skills and abilities, to develop the students’ Interest in the subject of English and Kazakh, to educate the feeling of love and responsibility to our country.
Connection of the subject: English, Kazakh, Geography, History and Music.
Visual aids: an interactive board, cards.

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«Theme: “Kazakhstan is my motherland” »

Happy chance


Form 10.
Theme: Happy chance “Kazakhstan is my motherland”.
Aims: to develop communicative skills and abilities, to develop the students’ Interest in the subject of English and Kazakh, to educate the feeling of love and responsibility to our country.
Connection of the subject: English, Kazakh, Geography, History and Music.
Visual aids: an interactive board, cards.

Procedure of the competition.

Good morning dear teachers and students! Welcome to our competition “Happy chance” The theme of our competition is “Kazakhstan is My Motherland.”

Game consists of 7 stages

Our game. Good luck! Now let’s begin. The first part.

  1. Who is a quicker?”

  1. Where is the Republic of Kazakhstan situated?-It is situated in the central Asia.

2. How many people are there in our country? -There are about 16 million..

3. What is the official language of the country? – (Kazakh)

4. Name the main rivers of the country? – The Ile, the Syr- Darya, the Ural.

5. Name the biggest lakes. – They are Balkash, Alakol, Sasikkol, and Markakol.

6. Who is the head of our country? – N. Nazarbayev

7. Where have been Olympic games ? – London

8. What birds are used in Kazakh national hunting? – Eagle.

9. What part of the country do you live in? – (in West Kazakhstan.)

10. Which holiday do people celebrate on the 16th of December?

- (The Independence Day.)

II. Riddles (Жұмбақ)

    1. Never planted, still grows. What’s the answer, who knows? (hair)

    2. Without head or body, but can open the door. (wind)

    3. If runs and runs But it’ll never run out. It flows. What am I talking about? (time)

    4. This coloured chalk In a holder of wood For drawing and writing Is perfectly good (a pencil)

    5. Has no legs, But just full. His always On the run. (a ball)

III. “Domino” game

      1. Astana is situated in the central part of the country.

      2. There are a few rivers and lakes in Kazakhstan.

IV. “Who know more?”

V. Make the words: “Motherland” andEnvironment”

VI .Proverbs

I’ll give you proverbs. You must give Kazakh and Russian equivalents.

  • Better late than never.

Лучше поздно, чем никогда.

Ештен кеш жақсы.

  • So many man, so many minds.

Сколько голов, столько умов.

Көптің ойы – кемеңгер.

  • Health is better than wealth.

Здоровье – лучшее богатство.

Денсаулық - зор байлық.

  • East or west, home is best.

В гостях хорошо, а дома лучше.

Өз үйім – кең сарайым – боз үйшм.

  • Tastes differ.

О вкусах не спорят.

Талғамға талас жоқ.

  • There is no smoke without fire.

  • Нет дыма без огня.

  • Жел болмаса шөптің басы қимылдамайды.

  1. Essay “My country”.


  1. Kazakhstan is situated in the central Asia. (Yes)

2. There are about 15 million..(No)

3. Kazakh is the official language of the country (Yes)

4. Astana is the capital of the |Republic(Yes)

5. Astana is situated in the west part of the country (No)

6. Caspian sea in the west (No)

7. The climate of the country is strongly continental. (Yes)

8. Snow usually falls in spring and autumn. (No)

9. Eagle birds are used in Kazakh national hunting . (Yes)

10. The Independence Day on the 16th of December (Yes)

(The 2nd round is Poliglot.

Give the translation of he words into Kazakh and Russian.

  1. Independence – тәуелсісдік – независимость

  2. Achievement – жетістік – достижение.

  3. Prosperity – гүлдену – процветание.

  4. Customs and traditions – әдет-ғұрып- обычай традиция.

  5. Anthem – әнұран – гимн.



  1. Solar system – күн жүйесі – ден системы

  2. Population – халық – народ.

  3. Agriculture – ауыл шаруашылығы – сельскохозяство.

  4. Environment – қоршаған орта – мир окружение.

  5. State – государствa – мемлекет.

II Part “ Answer the question”

Ойынымыздың II шарты “ Answer the question”деп аталады Ол үшін сайыскерлер ұпайдан таңдап тігіп, тақтада тұрған сандарды алып дұрыс жауап береді.Егер сұраққа дұрыс жауап берсе тіккен ұпайлары өз қоржындарына тиеді. Жауап қате болса кезек келесі топқа беріледі.

    1. География пән бойынша: Ұлыбритания астанасы Лондон қаласының маңындағы меридиан. Бұл меридианды «Нөлдік меридиан» деп атайды. Меридианның ағылшынша атауы. (Гринвич меридианы)

    2. Ұлыбритания Біріккен Корольдігі мен Солтүстік Ирландияның мемлекеттік туы 1801 жылдан бастап Англия, Шотландия және Ирландия бірлігін көрсететін олардың бұрынғы туларының түсі менжолақтарының қосындысы. Тндың атауын ата.(Union Jack)

    3. XII-XIII ғасырда өмір сүрген Шотландия балладаларының кейіпкері, батырының аты кім?(Robin Hood)

    4. How long meter “Big Ben”? When did

Let’s count the points. We must say good bye to our participants, who has

less points than others, two participants will leave our competition.

And now let’s begin our third round which is called “Doda”.

At the blackboard you see some questions about 3 subjects: geography,

Music, history. Choose the subject which you like.

The 4th round is Kokpar.

The task is to answer the questions as quickly as you can..

  1. Is Kazakhstan multinational state?

  2. At what age do people vote in Kazakhstan? (18)

  3. When is the Capital City Day? ( 6 July )

  4. What was Abay Kunanbayev? (A poet, composer.)

  5. What chambers does Kazakhstan parliament consist of?

(The Senate and Majilis)

  1. What is the state language of Kazakhstan? (Kazakh).

  2. What is the highest mountain peak in Kazakhstan? (Khan Tangry)

  3. What is the symbol of freedom in Kazakhstan? ( an eagle)

  4. When was the Declaration of Independence proclaimed? (16th of December 1991

  5. In what month is celebrated Kazakh New Year? ( in March)


Now it’s time to say results of our competition, while our juries count your scores,

You may sing a song.

The members of jury make a conclusion. Rewarding the best student.

Thanks a lot to our participants. Also thanks to our juries. Our competition lesson is over! Good bye!

( 368 рет оқылды.)

Is it true?” I’ll give you 10question. You must answer Yes or No.

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Мероприятия

Целевая аудитория: 10 класс

Theme: “Kazakhstan is my motherland”

Автор: Игисинова Куланда Жумагалиевна

Дата: 29.01.2015

Номер свидетельства: 163905

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