Цель праздника: подведение итогов работы за второй класс.
Подготовка праздника включается в учебный процесс. При проведении праздника предполагается большое количество участников, поэтому праздник проводится для ребят всего класса.
Оборудование: Картинки с буквами алфавита, костюмы для инсценировок, магнитофон, кассеты с записями песен.
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Цель праздника: подведение итогов работы за второй класс.
Подготовка праздника включается в учебный процесс. При проведении праздника предполагается большое количество участников, поэтому праздник проводится для ребят всего класса.
Оборудование: Картинки с буквами алфавита, костюмы для инсценировок, магнитофон, кассеты с записями песен.
Teacher:Good morning, dear boys and girls! Welcome to our ABC party! There are a lot of us! And who is coming?
(Появляется девочка - буква А)
Буква A: Hello. I am the letter A. A is for Alphabet and for ABC. Can you say the alphabet from A to Z?
Children:Yes, we can.
БукваA: Let's sing the Alphabet Song.
(Дети поют песенку про алфавит.)
БукваA: Do you know how many letters there are in the English alphabet?
Children: There are twenty six letters.
Teacher:And now our children will recite the poems about the letter A and her friends.
Ученик 1:A is for Apples and Apple-trees.
You can see apples on apple-trees.
Ученик2:Вis for Books and for Bookcase.
I have many books in my bookcase.
УченикЗ: Сis for cat. My cat is grey,
And with me it likes to play.
Ученик4: D is for Dog and for Doggy.
I have a dog, not a doggy.
Ученик5: E is for Eight and for Eleven.
How much is eight and eleven?
Teacher: Can you count? How much is eleven plus eight?
Children: Eleven plus eight is nineteen.
(Входитбуква F.)
БукваF: Flowers here, flowers there,
Flowers growing everywhere.
Teacher: Who are you?
БукваF: I am the letter F.
F is for flowers; red and blue,
White and yellow and rosy, too.
Teacher: But I think, F is for family.
Let us sing a song about our family. (Дети исполняют песенку о семье. Затем входят буквы G и Н.)
Буква G:Look at me! I am the letter G.
G is for Girl and also for a Garden.
БукваН:I am the letter H. Я is for hand.
I have two hands. This is a way
I clap my hands.
(Хлопает в ладоши. Дети исполняют песню «Clap Your Нands Together».)
БукваН: How many hands has a boy, say?
How many hands for work and play?
How many hands has a girl, say?
How many hands for work and play?
Children: Two!
Teacher: Tell me, little children,
What do you like to eat?
Children: Sweet, apples, ice-cream. (Входят буквы I, J, K, L, M)
Буква I:Ice-cream starts with the letter,
But I think, I is for I.
I am a boy, and I am ten.
I like to play with my brother Ben.
Буква J: J is for Jam. This is an apple jam.
Jimmy likes it and so does Sam.
БукваК: К is for Kite. Kate has a Kite.
It is little and it is white.
My Kite is white, my Kite is light,
My Kite is in the sky.
Now left, now right
We fly the Kite,
We fly it, you and I.
Буква L:I see a big yellow lion, a big yellow lion!
What a big yellow lion!
What a lion, what a lion!
L is for lions!
БукваМ: I am the letter M.
М is for a mouse. (Надевает маску мыши.)
Инсценировка стихотворения:
Cat: Little mouse, little mouse,
Where is your house?
Mouse: Little cat, little cat,
I have no flat.
I am a poor mouse,
I have no house.
Cat: Little mouse, little mouse,
Come into my house!
Mouse: Little cat, little cat,
I do not do that.
You want to eat me
(Кошкаимышкауходят. )
Буква N: ` N is for numbers
N is for Nine, Ninety and Ninety-nine
Children, how much is ninety and nine?
БукваО: Ois for One.One and two is three.
Three little cats are in a tree
Let’ s count all together! Will you stand up, please?
(Ученики встают и рассказывают стихотворение хором.)
Children: One, one, one, little dogs run.
Two, two, two, cats see you.
Three, three, three, birds in a tree.
Four, four, four, toys on the floor. (Выходят буквы Р и Q.)
БукваР: I am the letter P.
Pis for pencils. With them I can draw:
A red pen, a green tree or a blue door.
P is for picture. In it you can see
A car or a bus, a street or a tree.
Буква Q: I am the letter Q.
Q is for questions: How are you?
How old are you? And how do you do?
Let's play the game «Taking Steps».
(Ученики, желающие принять участие в соревновании, образуют 2-3 команды по 3 человека. Команды становятся на расстоянии 15 шагов от учителя. Учитель поочередно называет командам звуки английского языка, а члены команды называют слова с этими звуками. Если ученики правильно подобрали слова к определенному звуку, то команда делает шаг вперед, если ошиблись, то они остаются на месте. Выигрывает та команда, которая быстрее подошла к учителю.)
(Входят буквы R и S.)
Буква R: I am the letter R.
R is for Brown Grey and Green, too,
But not in White, Yellow or Blue.
Ученик 1: «What is brown?»
Asks little Ann.
«My hat is brown»,
Says little Dan
Teacher: What things can bebrown(grey, green
Children: Brown - a bear, a skirt, a hat, a coat, a -monkey
Grey - a mouse, a cat, a wolf, а рencil
Green - a frog, a crocodile, a tree, a lea:
БукваS: Street begins with the letter S».
Sis for Street. This is my street!
Stop! Look! Listen!
Before you cross the street.
Use your eyes, use your feet. (Появляются буквы T,U,V,X,Y.)
БукваТ: Tis Tick and for Tock.
«Tick-Tock», says the clock.
What is it?
It can tell you all the day:
Time to sleep and time to play.
Children: The clock.
БукваU: U is for under, but not for at.
«I am under the tree», says Pat.
Little children, come to me.
Let us play under the tree.
БукваV: V is for vegetables! This is the season
When vegetables grow. I come to the garden
And make water flow.
Буква W: W is for where? When? Who?
And What? Who is in -; and who is not?
Ученик2: Oh, where, oh, where
Can our John be?
He is not here,
He is not here,
Oh, where, oh, where
Can our John be?
Ученик3: Here I am! It's time to play the game. Look at this ABC andsay what letters are missing.
(Ученики делятся на две команды. Ведущий в течение нескольких секунд демонстрирует написанный на листе бумаги алфавит с какими-нибудь пропущенными тремя буквами (Например, D, Н, О). Выигрывает та команда, ребята которой быстрее нашли пропущенные буквы
Буква X: X isin Six. Let's count up to six!
Children: One, two, three, four, five, six!
Буква Y: Y is forYard where children play
They play in the yard every day.
Our yard is your yard
Welcome to our yard!
We all can play here
You are my good friends
We all friends here
(Ученикиисполняютпесню The More We are Together.)
(Входитбуква Z.)
Буква Z: I'm the last letter, the letter Z.
Z is for the Zoo Let's go to the Zoo.
I like to go the Zoo. Aad you?
Children: Yes!
Буква Z: Tomorrow on Sunday we go to the Zoo.
Tomorrow, tomorrow we go to the Zoo.
There is a giraffe there and a Zebra too,
A bear and a monkey and a kangaroo.
Teacher: Now we know the alphabet.
Children: We can read, we can write,
We can speak English, too.
We love learning English!
And what about you?
(Учитель поздравляет детей с прошедшим английским праздником и благодарит их за активное участие.)
Сценарийсказки «PUFF-THE-BALL»
Characters: the storyteller, Puff-the-Ball, the hare, the wolf, the bear, the fox.
Storyteller:Once upon a time there lived Puff-the-Ball. He had agrandmother and a grandfather. He loved them, but one day he ran away.
Puff-the-Ball: I'm Puff-the-Ball. I'm yellow, big and sweet.
Storyteller:Then he met a Hare.
Puff-the-Ball: Hello! Who are you?
Hare: Hello! I'm a Hare. And who are you?
Puff-the-Ball:I'm Puff-the-Ball. I'm yellow, big and sweet
Hare:Good! I will eat you!
Puff-the-Ball: Oh, please, don't eat me! I will dance for you.
(Играетмузыка, Колобоктанцует)
Storyteller: And he runs away. Then he sees a wolf.
Puff-the-Ball: Hello! Who are you?
Wolf: Hello! I'm a Wolf. I'm grey and I'm hungry. And who are
Puff-the-Ball: I'm Puff-the-Ball. I'm yellow; big and sweet.
Wolf: I will eat you!
Puff-the-Ball: Oh, please, don't eat me! I will dance for you.
(Играетмузыка, Колобоктанцует.)
Storyteller:And Puff-the-Ball again runs away and sees a Bear.
Puff-the-Ball: Hello! Who are you?
Bear:Hello! I'm a Bear. I'm brown and very strong. And who arc j
Puff-the-Ball: I'm Puff-the-Ball. I'm yellow, big and sweet.
Bear:Good! I will eat you!
Puff-the-Ball:Oh, please, don't eat me! I will dance for you.
(Играетмузыка, Колобоктанцует.)
Storyteller: And Puff-the-Ball again runs away and sees a Fox.
Puff-the-Ball: Hello! Who are you?
Fox:Hello! I'm a Fox. I have a long tail. Who are you?
Puff-the-Ball: I'm Puff-the-Ball. I'm yellow, big and sweet.
Fox: Oh, very good! I will eat you!
Puff-the-Ball: Oh, please, don't eat me! I will dance for you.
(Играетмузыка, Колобоктанцует.)
Fox: Come to me, Puff-the-Ball. I can't see you.
(Колобок подходит к Лисе поближе и танцует рядом с ней.)
Storyteller:Then Fox eats Puff-the-Ball and runs away.
Characters:the storyteller, the Turnip, grandpa, grandma, granddaughter, the dog, the cat, the mouse, the sun, the rain.
Storyteller: Once upon a time there lived an old man. Once spring he owed a turnip seed.
Grandpa:Grow, little turnip, grow big and sweet.
The sun: Grow up, little turnip, grow up! It's warm! The rain:Drink, little turnip, drink and grow!
Storyteller: Look, there are green leaves on the turnip. Soon the turnip will grow.
Grandpa:Oh, how big my turnip is, how big! I must pull it out! (Тянет дeд репку, а вытянуть не может, зовет на помощь бабку.) Oh, dear! It's so big! So big! I can't pull it out! Grandmother, come here and help me!
Grandma:What is that, my dear?
Grandpa:Help me to pull the turnip out!
Grandma: O'key. (Тянут-потянут, а вытянуть не могут.) Oh, Granddaughter! Come here!
Granddaughter: Yes, Grandmother!
Grandma:Help me to pull the turnip out!
Granddaughter: O'key. (Тянут-потянут, а вытянуть не могут.) Dog! Dog! Come here!
Dog: Bow-wow! What's up? ! What's up?
All: Help us to pull the turnip out!
Dog: All right! (Тянут-потянут, а вытянуть не могут.)
Cat: May I help you? May I help you?
All: Yes, dear cat! Help us, please! (Тянут-потянут, а вытянуть не ym.) Little mouse, help us!
Mouse: I am small, but I am strong! I am small, but I am strong! I will help ! One, two, three, pull!
All:One, two, three, pull!
Turnip: I am so big! I am so sweet!
Cat: Ourturnip is so big! Dog: Our turnip is so sweet!