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Сценарий сказки на английском языке "The House In The Wood"

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«Сценарий сказки на английском языке "The House In The Wood"»

Сказка «The House in the wood»

Учитель: Good afternoon, my dear friends! Добрый день, дорогие друзья!

Чудный день и так светло,

Друг другу скажем мы «Hello!»

Narrator: Here is the house in the wood.

The mice are running through the wood.

They stop at the door,

They knock at the door.

(Выбегают Мышки - Mouse. Замечают теремок, подходят к нему)

Mouse1: What a nice house!

It is very nice.

Mouse2: It is not small. It is not big.

Knock, knock, knock. Who lives in the house? (Заглядывают в теремок.) Nobody.

Вместе: We can live in the house.

(Выпрыгивают Лягушата- Frogs. Подходят к теремку)

Narrator: Here is the house in the wood.

The frogs are running through the wood.

They stop at the door,

They knock at the door.

Frog1: What a nice house! Tock! Tock! Tock!

Frog2:Who lives in the house?

(Мышка, выглядывая из теремка)

Mouse: I am a Mouse. I live in the house. Who are you and what can you do?

Frogs: We are Frogs.

Frog1: I can jump, I can run,

I can sing, I can dance,

Frog2: I can swim, I can not fly,

I can skip and say «good-bye!»

Mouse: Very good. Come in. (Лягушата заходят в теремок)

Narrator: Here is the house in the wood.

The hare is running through the wood.

It stops at the door,

It knocks at the door.

(Выпрыгивает зайчик-Hare. Подходит к теремку)

Hare: What a nice house! Tock! Tock! Tock! Who lives in the house?

Mouse1: I am a Mouse.

Frog: I am a Frog.

Mouse2: Who are you and what can you do?

Hare: I am a Hare. My name is Willy. I am not happy. I have no house (плачет)

Звери поют:

Why do you cry, Willy?

Why do you cry?

Why, Willy? Why, Willy?

Why, Willy? Why?

Hare: Can I live in the house?

Mouse: Come in. Let’s live together.

Narrator: Here is the house in the wood.

The cock is running through the wood.

It stops at the door,

It knocks at the door.

(Выбегает Петушок-Cock. Подходит к теремку)

Cock: What a nice house! Tock! Tock! Tock! Who lives in the house?

Mouse1: I am a Mouse.

Frogs: We are the Frogs.

Hare: I am a Hare.

Mouse2: Who are you and what can you do?

Cock: I’m a cock.

I’m a little boy

I want some joy.

Mouse: Very good. Come in. Let’s live together.

Narrator: Here is the house in the wood.

The dog is running through the wood.

It stops at the door,

It knocks at the door.

Выбегает собачка. Подходит к теремку.

Dog: What a nice house! Who lives in the house?

Mouse1: I am a Mouse.

Frogs: We are the Frogs.

Hare: I am a Hare.

Cock: I am a Cock.

Mouse2: Who are you and what can you do?

Dog: I am a Dog.
My name is Jack.
My coat is white.
My nose is black.

Mouse1: Very good. Come in. Let’s live together.

Let’s play together.

Дети поют песню с движениями «Clap your hands»

Narrator: Here is the house in the wood.

The cats are running through the wood.

They stop at the door,

They knock at the door.

Выбегают коты. Подходят к теремку.

Cat: What a nice house! Who lives in the house?

Mouse: I am a Mouse.

Frogs: We are the Frogs.

Hare: I am a Hare.

Cock: I am a Cock.

Dog: I am a Dog.

Mouse: Who are you and what can you do?

Cat: I am a Cat. I can count.

1, 1, 1 – Little dog, run!
2, 2, 2 – Cats see you.
3, 3, 3 – Birds in the tree.
4, 4, 4 – Rats on the flour.

Mouse: Very good. Come in. Let’s live together.

Narrator: Here is the house in the wood.

The wolves are running through the wood.

They stop at the door,

They knock at the door.

На сцене появляются 2 волка

Wolf1: What a nice house! Who lives in the house?

Mouse: I am a Mouse.

Frogs: We are the Frogs.

Hare: I am a Hare.

Cock: I am a Cock.

Dog: I am a Dog.

Cat: I am a Cat.

Mouse: Who are you and what can you do?

Wolf: 1.We are brothers.

Wolf: 2. We are singers.

We can sing the songs. Let’s sing together.

Дети поют песню “The ABC”

Mouse: Very good. Come in. Let’s live together.

Narrator: Here is the house in the wood.

The foxes are running through the wood.

They stop at the door,

They knock at the door.

На сцене появляется лиса, танцует

Fox: What a nice house! Who lives in the house?

Mouse: I am a Mouse.

Frog: I am a Frog.

Hare: I am a Hare.

Cock: I am a Cock.

Dog: I am a Dog.

Cat: I am a Cat.

Wolves: We are wolves.

Mouse: Who are you and what can you do?

Fox: I’m a fox. I know the colors.

Spring is green,

Summer is bright,

Autumn is yellow,

Winter is white.

Mouse: Very good. Come in. Let’s live together.

Narrator: Here is the house in the wood.

The bear is running through the wood.

It stops at the door,

It knocks at the door.

(Выходит медведь – Bear, собирает грибы и цветы)

Bear: What a nice house! Tock! Tock! Tock! Who lives in the house?

Mouse: I am a Mouse.

Frog: I am a Frog.

Hare: I am a Hare.

Cock: I am a Cock.

Mouse: Who are you and what can you do?

Bear: I am a Bear. I am kind and nice. I am not lazy.

Mouse: Very good. Come in.


Дружно Friends- друзья живут,

И друг друга берегут!

Каждый день встречают вместе,

Исполняя эту песню!

Исполняется песня «The more we are together»

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Мероприятия

Целевая аудитория: 2 класс

Сценарий сказки на английском языке "The House In The Wood"

Автор: Семина Галина Николаевна

Дата: 22.11.2017

Номер свидетельства: 440196

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