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Сценарий праздника "Autumn"

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«Сценарий праздника "Autumn"»

Сценарий праздника «Autumn»

В зал входит мальчик Mr.September и читает стих

Autumn is here, autumn is here.

The little brown squirrels tell us

Autumn is here;

Autumn is here

The golden leaves tell us that.

The cool breezes tell us that

Autumn is here.

Заходит Lady Autumn и танцует вальс вместе с Mr.September

Mr.September: Who are you?

Lady Autumn: I am Autumn.

Mr.September :The weather is different. We have got sunny and cloudy days. The sky is sometimes blue, sometimes grey.

Lady Autumn: Do people like autumn?

Mr.September: Yes, they do. In autumn they pick fruits and vegetables. Let’s see how they are doing it.

Сказка The Turnip

Characters: Author, Turnip, Grandfather, Grandmother, Granddaughter, Dog, Cat, Mouse.

Author: Once upon a time there was a big turnip in the garden.

Turnip: Hello, friends! I’m very, very big.

Author: Look! Here is a grandfather. He counts the potatoes.

Grandfather: (song One potato, two potatoes)

One potato, two potatoes,

Three potatoes, four.

Five potatoes, six potatoes,

Seven potatoes, more.

Bad one.

Author: Grandfather comes up to the turnip.

Grandfather: What a big turnip! One, two, three! (Pulling the turnip out)

Turnip: I’m very, very big.

Author: Let’s call Grandmother.

Grandfather: Grandmother, come here! Help me, please!

Grandmother: (song «Are you hungry?» - Super Simple Song, Sing Grandfather and Grandmother)

Well, I’m coming!

Author: Grandmother comes up to the turnip.

Grandmother: What a big turnip!

All together: One, two, three! (Pulling the turnip out)

Turnip: I’m very, very big.

Author: Let’s call Granddaughter.

Grandmother: Granddaughter, come here! Help me, please!

Granddaughter: (song «Clap your hands, clap your hands listen to the music and clap your hands» sing and dance )

Well, I’m coming!

Author: Granddaughter comes up to the turnip.

Granddaughter: What a big turnip!

All together: One, two, three! (Pulling the turnip out)

Turnip: I’m very, very big.

Author: Let’s call Dog.

Granddaughter: Dog, come here! Help me please!

Dog: (song «I have a pet, he is a dog»)

Well, I’m coming!

Author: Dog comes up to the turnip.

Dog: What a big turnip!

All together: One, two, three! (Pulling the turnip out)

Turnip: I’m very, very big.

Author: Let’s call Cat.

Dog: Cat, come here! Help me, please!

Cat: (poem: My steps are soft

My walk is slow,

My eyes are gold,

They flash and glow.

And I can run,

And I can jump,

And you need

My black-cat luck.)

Well, I’m coming!

Author: Cat comes up to the turnip.

Cat: What a big turnip!

All together: One, two, three! (Pulling the turnip out)

Turnip: I’m very, very big.

Author: Let’s call Mouse.

Cat: Mouse, come here! Help me, please!

Mouse: (song «I’m little grey mouse(2 times) I live in this big house (2times)- Учебник Шишкова «Английский для младших школьников» урок 22)

Well, I’m coming!

Mouse: What a big turnip!

All together: One, two, three! (The turnip comes out) Wow!

Turnip and all together: (*the song).

Thank you. You’re welcome.

Thank you. You’re welcome. Thank you. You’re welcome.

Thank you very much. You’re welcome.

Mr.September: Oh, this turnip is very big. But do you know, children, the other vegetables and fruits.

Children: Yes, we do.

Mr.September: Let’s play the game. Can you help me (обращается к детям постарше).

Children: Yes, we can. ( Берут мешок, в котором лежат фрукты и овощи и по очереди загадывают загадки младшим детям, кто из них догадался получат этот фрукт или овощ)

Mr.September: Thank you! Well done, you know a lot of fruits and vegetables.

Lady Autumn: Children do you know in autumn the magic happens. Do you like magic things?

All: Yes.

Lady Autumn: Ok. Let’s see.

Сказка «Cinderella»

Characters: Cinderella, her father, her stepmother, her stepsisters – Mary and Sue, Fairy, Prince, two detectives.

Scene 1

Once upon a time there lived a poor girl named Cinderella.

Look! It’s an early morning. Cinderella’s father is sleeping.

Cinderella: (*the song)

Are you sleeping? Are you sleeping?

Father John, father John,

Morning bells are ringing,

Morning bells are ringing,

Ding, ding, dong.

Ding, ding, dong.

Father: Good morning, dear!

Cinderella: Good morning, daddy! How a re you?

Father: I’m fine. And you?

Cinderella: I’m O.K. Thanks.

The angry Stepmother is coming and father John is running away.

Scene 2

Stepmother: Cinderella! I’m hungry! I want chicken soup!

Stepsisters, Mary and Sue, are coming.

Mary and Sue: Good morning, mummy!

Stepmother: Morning! How are you, Mary?

Mary: Oh, I’m terrible! Oh, my head!

Stepmother: How are you, Sue?

Sue: Oh, I’m terrible! Oh, my tooth!

Mary: Cinderella! I’m hungry! I want toast for breakfast!

Sue: Cinderella! I’m hungry! I want milk and cereal for breakfast!

Cinderella: Yes, sister! Yes, sister!

Cinderella is laying the table for breakfast.

Stepmother, Mary and Sue: (**the song)

Toast for breakfast, I like toast and jam.

Toast for breakfast, I like toast and jam.

Toast for breakfast, I like toast and jam.

Milk and cereal, milk and cereal.

I like milk and I like cereal.

Milk and cereal, milk and cereal.

I like toast and jam.

Scene 3

Stepmother, Mary, Sue and Cinderella are sitting at the table. The phone is ringing.

Stepmother: (by the phone) Hello! Wow! I’m so happy! Thank you very much. Good bye.

Stepmother, Mary and Sue: (*the song)

Let’s go to the ball!

Let’s go to the ball!

Look! Now it’s six o’clock.

Let’s go to the ball!

Stepmother: I want a beautiful, beautiful purple dress!

Mary: I want a beautiful, beautiful pink dress!

Sue: I want a beautiful, beautiful blue dress!

Cinderella: And I want a beautiful, beautiful white dress!

Stepmother, Mary and Sue are laughing.


Stepmother: Cinderella, wash dishes!

Mary: Cinderella, water flowers!

Sue: Cinderella, go shopping!

Stepmother, Mary and Sue: (*the song)

Let’s go to the ball!

Let’s go to the ball!

Look! Now it’s six o’clock.

Let’s go to the ball!

Stepmother, Mary and Sue are going away.

Scene 4

Cinderella is crying so bi tter. Fairy is coming.

Cinderella: Oh, who can help me?

Fairy: I can help you.

Cinderella: Who are you?

Fairy: I’m a fairy. What is your problem?

Cinderella: I want to the ball.

Fairy: No problems! Look! One, two, three! (Waving the magic stick) Here is a

carriage. Here is a horse. Here is a driver. Here is a beautiful dress. Here are your shoes.

Cinderella: Thank you very much.

Fairy: Remember! Come back before 12 o’clock!

Scene 5

The palace of Prince. Prince is coming up to Cinderella.

Prince: Good evening, Miss!

Cinderella: Good evening, Sire!

Prince: May I dance with you?

Cinderella: With pleasure.

They are dancing. The Royal Clock is stroking 12.

Cinderella: Oh, it’s 12 o’clock! Sorry! I must go. Good bye!

Prince: Oh, dear! (Holding her shoe)

Scene 6

Prince and two detectives are looking for Cinderella.

Prince and two detectives: (*the song)

Have you ever seen a lassie, a lassie, a lassie?

Have you ever seen a lassie go this way and that?

Go this way and that way,

Go this way and that way.

Have you ever seen a lassie go this way and that?

Stepmother, Mary and Sue are sitting on the sofa. Cinderella – on the chair.

Prince and detectives are coming up to them.

The first detective: Good morning, Miss! Try on this shoe, please!

Mary: Oh, it’s small fo r me!

The second detective: Good morning, Miss! Try on this shoe, please!

Sue: Oh, it’s small for me!

Prince: Good morning, Miss! Try on this shoe, please!

Cinderella: It’s for me!

Cinderella and Prince: (*the song)

Twinkle, twinkle, little star

How I wonder what you are!

Up above the world so high,

Like a diamond in the sky.

Twinkle, twinkle, little star,

How I wonder what you are

Lady Autumn: Oh, it’s fine. But Mr.September and I must go. Good bye.

All: Good bye

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Мероприятия

Целевая аудитория: 3 класс

Сценарий праздника "Autumn"

Автор: Варламова Катерина Вячеславовна

Дата: 09.09.2016

Номер свидетельства: 343043

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