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"Star's hour"

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 "Star's hour"— "Ж?лдызды са?ат" ойыны

Ма?саты: коммуникативтік машы?тарды дамыту

Негізгі міндеттер:

а) Білімдік:

  • А?ылшын тілін т?сінуге ?йрету;
  • Монологты? ж?не диалогты? с?йлеуге ?йрену;
  • ?арым-?атынас жасау?а баулу.

б) Т?рбиелік:

  • Елтану материалдарына ?ызы?ушылы?ты арттыру;
  • Бас?аларды? пікірін ты?дай білу ж?не ?з ойын жеткізе алу?а баулу;
  • ?йреніп жат?ан елді? м?дениетіне ?ызы?ушылы?ты ?алыптастыру;
  • ?арым-?атынас м?дениетін ?алыптастырып, оны ?олдана білуге ?йрету.

в) Дамытушылы?:

  • п?нге ?ызы?ушылы?ын арттыру;
  • ой-?рісін ке?ейту;
  • жылдам реакцияны дамыту;
  • логикалы? ойлауды дамыту;
  • тілдік, зияткерлік, танымды? ?абілеттерін дамыту.


  • карталар: ?лыбритания, Америка, Канады, Австралия, Жа?а Зеландия;
  • осы елдерді? тулары;
  • елдерді?, ?алаларыны?, музыканттарыны? аттары жазыл?ан к?рсеткіштер;
  • шет елдік жазушыларды? портреттері;
  • А?ылшын алфавитіні? ?ріптері бар текшелер (9 дана);
  • ?р т?рлі т?сті ?орапшалар (7 дана);
  • “О”-ден “6”-?а дейінгі сандар жазыл?ан кестелер (36 дана);
  • ж?лдызшалар (50 дана);
  • ?атысушылар аттары жазыл?ан к?рсеткіштер;
  • ?азылар к?рсеткіштері;
  • сыйлы?тар.

Steps of the competition (quiz)


Dear guests, teachers and friends! We are glad to see you at our competition. Today is Tuesday, the 21 of  November. For the first time this year, our popular game “Star’s Hour” is holding at school stage.

My name is Aigul. I’m the leader of today’s program.

Now, let me introduce our judges. Here they are: Almagul Mansarieva, our English teacher, Zhamal Sainovna, … … etc.

Now, dear friends, I’ll introduce our boys and girls, who are taking part in today’s quiz.

The first player is Aigul. (Applaud her, please!) Some questions for you, Aigul.

How old are you, Aigul? - …
What form are you in? - …
What is your hobby? - …
Thank you!

The second player is  Shadiyar.


are you happy to take part in our game?
How do you do? - …

The third player is Madina. Madina is fond of English and s he is also interested in computers. I wish her a success.

The  fourth player What is your dream, Danagul? - …

The fifth player isGulzhihan. Gulzhihan is fond of English and music.

The sixth player is Nauriz.

How are you, Nauriz? - … etc.

So, they are our participants. And now, I want to introduce their friends. They are going to play with them. Here they are: … … … etc. We wish them success. Applaud to them, please.

But before we start, who wants to get a star? (Getting a star you must tell the joke, the story, recite a poem or sing a song)

Participants: I want to get a star. I am going to have a star. Etc.

Leader: Now I’ll give the word to our judge.

Judge: We have spoken a lot and decide to give a star Gulzhihan, … … … etc.

(the assistants pin the star

Leader: Our competition is devoted to the English-speaking countries. Here they are:

England, America, Canada, Australia, New Zealand

The first round.

You must listen and show the number of the country which is the Motherland of the English language. (к?мекшілер бес елді? аттары жазыл?ан к?рсеткіштерді алып шы?ады).

Raise your tables with the numbers. All right. Number … is right. You may do one step forward. As for you, dear friends, you are not right.

The second question is: We know English-speaking countries. And now you can see the national flag of one of these countries and say: Whose flag is this? or: Which country has this flag? (к?мекшілер Канаданы? туын алып шы?ады)

All right. Number … is correct. You must do one step forward. And you, the rest, are wrong. It’s a pity, but you have to stay at your place.

There are some towns: Oxford, Cambridge, Cardiff, Stratford-upon-Avon, Bermingham.

Which of them is the town where William Shakespeare was born?

In what country is there the river Mississippi? (К?мекшілер елдерді? аттары жазыл?ан к?рсеткіштерді алып шы?ады)

In what country are there the Rocky Mountains? (Елдер аттары жазыл?ан к?рсеткіштер)

Which country has the Niagara Falls? (Елдер аттары жазыл?ан к?рсеткіштер)

In what countries are these cities situated? (К?мекшілер ?алалар аттары жазыл?ан к?рсеткіштерді алып шы?ады: Sydney Melbourne Adelaide Perth Brisbane)

Raise your tables. Absolutely right! Fantastic!

You are already in the second round.

Which country has the wild animal kangaroo? (Елдер аттары жазыл?ан к?рсеткіштер)

You have to hear the names of five different capitals: Ottawa, London, Washington, Wellington, Canbera.

Which of them is the capital of New Zealand?

Leader: Now, dear friends, the first round comes to the end. Let’s know, who are the winners of our quiz?

There are only 5 pupils at our final. They are: … (аттарын атау)

And we must say “Good-bye” to our lost player. We’ll give you and your friend sweet prizes. Thank you.

But how many stars has everybody now? Now, I’ll give the word to our judges. Please, you are welcome.

Judge: P1 has 3 stars. His friend has brought him a star. P2 has …. P3 has …etc.

К?мекшілер ж?лдызшалар ?адайды. Applaud our winners, please.

Now, some music for you! Listen to music and enjoy it!

The second round of our quiz.

I must remind the players to you. They are …

And now, bricks to our stage, please! (к?мекшілер сахна?а текшелерді ла?тырады. Жо?ары ?арап т?скен ?ріптерімен зал?а ?аратып, тізіп ?ояды)

The task is the next. You must make up the longest word including (using) all these letters. (текшелерге т?скен ?ріптерді к?мекшілер табло?а жазады)

Leader addresses to the spectators: You may also take part in our competition. Make up the longest word including these letters. Your time is 2 minutes. Some music for you… The time is over. Who has a word consisting of 9 letters?

Who has a word consisting of 8 letters? Who has a word consisting of 7 letters? … etc.

There is no letter “…” in this word. We haven’t such word in English. Yes, you are absolutely right. You are the winner. Applaud him (her). Please, go to our stage. Who are you? Do you want to get a prize? Now you can see this black box. You must guess what is there in the box. I’ll try to help you describing it. It’s square and thin. It has a strawberry cream. Children like it very much, because it is very tasty. What is it? Oh, you are absolutely right. I’ll give you a bar of chocolate (к?рермен шешіп, сыйлы? алады)

And what about our players and their friends? Are you ready to read the longest word?

Let’s check up the words. Name the words, please. (ойыншылар кезекпен с?здерді айтады)

Oh, the longest word has 9 letters. This word has 6 letters. We congratulate you and wish a success. How many stars has everybody now?

Come here, please. You may open one of these boxes. Do you know the rules? I’ll remind the rules to you. If you open the big box, the present will be very big or very good. But sometimes, there aren’t any presents at all. But if you are going to open one of these small boxes, you’ll get a present. You may use all your stars. How many stars have you? Which box must I open? This one or that? This one. All right. (ашып, сыйлы?ты алады)

Do you like your prize? Do you want to change it? What box must I open to you? Do you like this green box or that yellow one? Oh, I think that is enough. Are you happy?

As for other players, let’s see who has less letters in their own word. (тому, у кого меньше всего использовано букв): We say “Good-bye” to you. The game is over for you. You and your friend get sweet prizes.

The third round.

There only 3 pupils left. Applaud to them, please. (ж?ргізуші ?ыс?аша с?хбат алады):

Do you want to be a winner of our game?

What do you think about our game?

What’s your spirit? Thanks a lot.

Now, listen to the logical sections.

The first question is: You can see some portraits of writers. (к?мекшілер 3 портрет алып шы?ады). Are these writers English?

The Beatles is the British pop group. This group consists of 4 musicians:

John Lennon, Paul Mc. Cartney, George Harrison, Ringo Starr.

Do you agree with me?

You know London consists of: the City, West End, East End. What part of London is the busiest? Thanks a lot.

So, there are only 2 players at our final. Best wishes to you.

P1 has no stars. P2 has 3 stars.

Final round.

There are 2 pupils left. They are: Shadyar and Madina. You may sit at the desks

(к?мекшілер с?здері бар к?рсеткіштерді ?ояды)

Now, you can see the word : “EXPERIMENTATION” (Осындай к?рсеткіштерді жанк?йерлер де алады) You must make up as many words as you can out of this word.

I’ll give you some time to prepare and make up words. And we’ll listen to some nice music

It is time to continue. P2, you must read the first, because you have some stars (с?здерін кезекпен о?иды). You may call your friends (жанк?йерлер толы?тыра алады. ?азылар ?ріптерді, с?здерді? ?айталанбауын ?ада?алайды).

Fantastic! Well done! You are the winner of our game.

Now, we’ll give presents. Applaud to him(her) Do you want to say some words?

What do you want to say us? Please, you are welcome.

Winner: I’m very glad to take part in our quiz “Star’s Hour”. I’m very happy have won in this game. It’s very nice. I like this game and I want to play it again. I suggest pupils to learn English better and take part in the “Star’s Hour”. Thank you

Leader: Dear friends! Our game comes to the end. I hope you all enjoyed yourselves. The English language is very useful. The English language is very important. Try to get only excellent marks in English. Good-bye. See you soon. (Some English music sounds-музыка ойнайды)

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«"Star's hour"»

Ағылшын тілінен 7–9 сыныптарға арналған "Star's hour"— "Жұлдызды сағат" ойыны

Мақсаты: коммуникативтік машықтарды дамыту

Негізгі міндеттер:

а) Білімдік:

  • Ағылшын тілін түсінуге үйрету;

  • Монологтық және диалогтық сөйлеуге үйрену;

  • Қарым-қатынас жасауға баулу.

б) Тәрбиелік:

  • Елтану материалдарына қызығушылықты арттыру;

  • Басқалардың пікірін тыңдай білу және өз ойын жеткізе алуға баулу;

  • Үйреніп жатқан елдің мәдениетіне қызығушылықты қалыптастыру;

  • Қарым-қатынас мәдениетін қалыптастырып, оны қолдана білуге үйрету.

в) Дамытушылық:

  • пәнге қызығушылығын арттыру;

  • ой-өрісін кеңейту;

  • жылдам реакцияны дамыту;

  • логикалық ойлауды дамыту;

  • тілдік, зияткерлік, танымдық қабілеттерін дамыту.


  • карталар: Ұлыбритания, Америка, Канады, Австралия, Жаңа Зеландия;

  • осы елдердің тулары;

  • елдердің, қалаларының, музыканттарының аттары жазылған көрсеткіштер;

  • шет елдік жазушылардың портреттері;

  • Ағылшын алфавитінің әріптері бар текшелер (9 дана);

  • Әр түрлі түсті қорапшалар (7 дана);

  • “О”-ден “6”-ға дейінгі сандар жазылған кестелер (36 дана);

  • жұлдызшалар (50 дана);

  • қатысушылар аттары жазылған көрсеткіштер;

  • қазылар көрсеткіштері;

  • сыйлықтар.

Steps of the competition (quiz)


Dear guests, teachers and friends! We are glad to see you at our competition. Today is Tuesday, the 21 of November. For the first time this year, our popular game “Star’s Hour” is holding at school stage.

My name is Aigul. I’m the leader of today’s program.

Now, let me introduce our judges. Here they are: Almagul Mansarieva, our English teacher, Zhamal Sainovna, … … etc.

Now, dear friends, I’ll introduce our boys and girls, who are taking part in today’s quiz.

The first player is Aigul. (Applaud her, please!) Some questions for you, Aigul.

How old are you, Aigul? - …
What form are you in? - …
What is your hobby? - …
Thank you!

The second player is Shadiyar.


are you happy to take part in our game?
How do you do? - …

The third player is Madina. Madina is fond of English and s he is also interested in computers. I wish her a success.

The fourth player What is your dream, Danagul? - …

The fifth player isGulzhihan. Gulzhihan is fond of English and music.

The sixth player is Nauriz.

How are you, Nauriz? - … etc.

So, they are our participants. And now, I want to introduce their friends. They are going to play with them. Here they are: … … … etc. We wish them success. Applaud to them, please.

But before we start, who wants to get a star? (Getting a star you must tell the joke, the story, recite a poem or sing a song)

Participants: I want to get a star. I am going to have a star. Etc.

Leader: Now I’ll give the word to our judge.

Judge: We have spoken a lot and decide to give a star Gulzhihan, … … … etc.

(the assistants pin the star


Leader: Our competition is devoted to the English-speaking countries. Here they are:

England, America, Canada, Australia, New Zealand

The first round.

You must listen and show the number of the country which is the Motherland of the English language. (көмекшілер бес елдің аттары жазылған көрсеткіштерді алып шығады).

Raise your tables with the numbers. All right. Number … is right. You may do one step forward. As for you, dear friends, you are not right.

The second question is: We know English-speaking countries. And now you can see the national flag of one of these countries and say: Whose flag is this? or: Which country has this flag? (көмекшілер Канаданың туын алып шығады)

All right. Number … is correct. You must do one step forward. And you, the rest, are wrong. It’s a pity, but you have to stay at your place.

There are some towns: Oxford, Cambridge, Cardiff, Stratford-upon-Avon, Bermingham.

Which of them is the town where William Shakespeare was born?

In what country is there the river Mississippi? (Көмекшілер елдердің аттары жазылған көрсеткіштерді алып шығады)

In what country are there the Rocky Mountains? (Елдер аттары жазылған көрсеткіштер)

Which country has the Niagara Falls? (Елдер аттары жазылған көрсеткіштер)

In what countries are these cities situated? (Көмекшілер қалалар аттары жазылған көрсеткіштерді алып шығады: Sydney Melbourne Adelaide Perth Brisbane)

Raise your tables. Absolutely right! Fantastic!

You are already in the second round.

Which country has the wild animal kangaroo? (Елдер аттары жазылған көрсеткіштер)

You have to hear the names of five different capitals: Ottawa, London, Washington, Wellington, Canbera.

Which of them is the capital of New Zealand?

Leader: Now, dear friends, the first round comes to the end. Let’s know, who are the winners of our quiz?

There are only 5 pupils at our final. They are: … (аттарын атау)

And we must say “Good-bye” to our lost player. We’ll give you and your friend sweet prizes. Thank you.

But how many stars has everybody now? Now, I’ll give the word to our judges. Please, you are welcome.

Judge: P1 has 3 stars. His friend has brought him a star. P2 has … . P3 has …etc.

Көмекшілер жұлдызшалар қадайды. Applaud our winners, please.

Now, some music for you! Listen to music and enjoy it!

The second round of our quiz.

I must remind the players to you. They are …

And now, bricks to our stage, please! (көмекшілер сахнаға текшелерді лақтырады. Жоғары қарап түскен әріптерімен залға қаратып, тізіп қояды)

The task is the next. You must make up the longest word including (using) all these letters. (текшелерге түскен әріптерді көмекшілер таблоға жазады)

Leader addresses to the spectators: You may also take part in our competition. Make up the longest word including these letters. Your time is 2 minutes. Some music for you… The time is over. Who has a word consisting of 9 letters?

Who has a word consisting of 8 letters? Who has a word consisting of 7 letters? … etc.

There is no letter “…” in this word. We haven’t such word in English. Yes, you are absolutely right. You are the winner. Applaud him (her). Please, go to our stage. Who are you? Do you want to get a prize? Now you can see this black box. You must guess what is there in the box. I’ll try to help you describing it. It’s square and thin. It has a strawberry cream. Children like it very much, because it is very tasty. What is it? Oh, you are absolutely right. I’ll give you a bar of chocolate (көрермен шешіп, сыйлық алады)

And what about our players and their friends? Are you ready to read the longest word?

Let’s check up the words. Name the words, please. (ойыншылар кезекпен сөздерді айтады)

Oh, the longest word has 9 letters. This word has 6 letters. We congratulate you and wish a success. How many stars has everybody now?

Come here, please. You may open one of these boxes. Do you know the rules? I’ll remind the rules to you. If you open the big box, the present will be very big or very good. But sometimes, there aren’t any presents at all. But if you are going to open one of these small boxes, you’ll get a present. You may use all your stars. How many stars have you? Which box must I open? This one or that? This one. All right. (ашып, сыйлықты алады)

Do you like your prize? Do you want to change it? What box must I open to you? Do you like this green box or that yellow one? Oh, I think that is enough. Are you happy?

As for other players, let’s see who has less letters in their own word. (тому, у кого меньше всего использовано букв): We say “Good-bye” to you. The game is over for you. You and your friend get sweet prizes.

The third round.

There only 3 pupils left. Applaud to them, please. (жүргізуші қысқаша сұхбат алады):

Do you want to be a winner of our game?

What do you think about our game?

What’s your spirit? Thanks a lot.

Now, listen to the logical sections.

The first question is: You can see some portraits of writers. (көмекшілер 3 портрет алып шығады). Are these writers English?

The Beatles is the British pop group. This group consists of 4 musicians:

John Lennon, Paul Mc. Cartney, George Harrison, Ringo Starr.

Do you agree with me?

You know London consists of: the City, West End, East End. What part of London is the busiest? Thanks a lot.

So, there are only 2 players at our final. Best wishes to you.

P1 has no stars. P2 has 3 stars.

Final round.

There are 2 pupils left. They are: Shadyar and Madina . You may sit at the desks

(көмекшілер сөздері бар көрсеткіштерді қояды)

Now, you can see the word : “EXPERIMENTATION” (Осындай көрсеткіштерді жанкүйерлер де алады) You must make up as many words as you can out of this word.

I’ll give you some time to prepare and make up words. And we’ll listen to some nice music

It is time to continue. P2, you must read the first, because you have some stars (сөздерін кезекпен оқиды). You may call your friends (жанкүйерлер толықтыра алады. Қазылар әріптерді, сөздердің қайталанбауын қадағалайды).

Fantastic! Well done! You are the winner of our game.

Now, we’ll give presents. Applaud to him(her) Do you want to say some words?

What do you want to say us? Please, you are welcome.

Winner: I’m very glad to take part in our quiz “Star’s Hour”. I’m very happy have won in this game. It’s very nice. I like this game and I want to play it again. I suggest pupils to learn English better and take part in the “Star’s Hour”. Thank you

Leader: Dear friends! Our game comes to the end. I hope you all enjoyed yourselves. The English language is very useful. The English language is very important. Try to get only excellent marks in English. Good-bye. See you soon. (Some English music sounds-музыка ойнайды)

Л. Шахатов атындағы орта мектеп

Ашық тәрбие сағаты

Тақырыбы: The stars hour

Ағылшын пәні мұғалімі: Джумашева М.Б.

Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Мероприятия

Целевая аудитория: 7 класс

"Star's hour"

Автор: Джумашева Марта Базарбаевна

Дата: 21.04.2016

Номер свидетельства: 321095

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    ["category_seo"] => string(15) "angliiskiyYazik"
    ["subcategory_seo"] => string(5) "uroki"
    ["date"] => string(10) "1416220630"
object(ArrayObject)#862 (1) {
  ["storage":"ArrayObject":private] => array(6) {
    ["title"] => string(62) "Внеклассное мероприятие  "The Star Hour""
    ["seo_title"] => string(42) "vnieklassnoie-mieropriiatiie-the-star-hour"
    ["file_id"] => string(6) "255606"
    ["category_seo"] => string(15) "angliiskiyYazik"
    ["subcategory_seo"] => string(12) "meropriyatia"
    ["date"] => string(10) "1447951885"
object(ArrayObject)#884 (1) {
  ["storage":"ArrayObject":private] => array(6) {
    ["title"] => string(96) "Внеклассное мероприятие по английскому языку" Star Hour""
    ["seo_title"] => string(61) "vnieklassnoie_mieropriiatiie_po_anghliiskomu_iazyku_star_hour"
    ["file_id"] => string(6) "371167"
    ["category_seo"] => string(15) "angliiskiyYazik"
    ["subcategory_seo"] => string(12) "meropriyatia"
    ["date"] => string(10) "1482136476"
object(ArrayObject)#862 (1) {
  ["storage":"ArrayObject":private] => array(6) {
    ["title"] => string(69) "Интеллектуальная игра по тему " Stars Hour""
    ["seo_title"] => string(45) "intielliektual_naia_ighra_po_tiemu_stars_hour"
    ["file_id"] => string(6) "455595"
    ["category_seo"] => string(15) "angliiskiyYazik"
    ["subcategory_seo"] => string(5) "uroki"
    ["date"] => string(10) "1518028635"

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