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Презентация для открытого мероприятия "Олимпийские игры СОЧИ 2014"

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      Вторая мировая война заставила по-новому взглянуть на вопросы реабилитации инвалидов. В 1944 году невропатолог и нейрохирург профессор Людвиг Гуттман основал медицинский центр для лечения повреждений спинного мозга в госпитале Сток-Мандевилль (Великобритания). Позднее он стал основоположником международных Сток-Мандевилльских игр, в которых участвовали люди с повреждениями опорно-двигательного аппарата. Эти игры стали прототипом Паралимпийских.

 Первые Паралимпийские летние игры состоялись в 1960 году в Риме.

 Первые Паралимпийские зимние игры прошли в 1976 году в шведском Орнсколддсвике.

 Соревнования Паралимпийских зимних игр в Сочи прошли по пяти зимним видам спорта:

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«Презентация для открытого мероприятия "Олимпийские игры СОЧИ 2014"»

Paralympic Games    Презентацию подготовили:  Текалова Диана, ученица 10 класса и Литвинова С.Л., учитель английского языка МБОУ СОШ № 9  г.Новочеркасска Ростовской области  2014 г.

Paralympic Games Презентацию подготовили: Текалова Диана, ученица 10 класса и Литвинова С.Л., учитель английского языка МБОУ СОШ № 9 г.Новочеркасска Ростовской области 2014 г.

History of creation   Paralympic Games are an international sporting competition for disabled people (excepting impaired ones). They are traditionally held after the main Olympic Games, and since 1988 - the same sports facilities and in 2001 this practice is fixed by agreement between the IOC and International Paralympic Committee (IPC). Summer Paralympic Games are held since 1960, and Paralympic Winter Games are since 1976 do.

History of creation

Paralympic Games are an international sporting competition for disabled people (excepting impaired ones). They are traditionally held after the main Olympic Games, and since 1988 - the same sports facilities and in 2001 this practice is fixed by agreement between the IOC and International Paralympic Committee (IPC). Summer Paralympic Games are held since 1960, and Paralympic Winter Games are since 1976 do.

  The emergence of sports which people with disabilities can participate in, is connected with the British neurosurgeon Ludwig Guttman , who , overcoming age-old stereotypes about people with disabilities , introduced sport into the process of rehabilitation of patients with spinal cord injuries . He has proven that sport for people with disabilities creates the conditions for a successful life , restores mental balance , allows you to return to normal life , regardless of disability, enhances physical strength needed to handle the wheelchair.

The emergence of sports which people with disabilities can participate in, is connected with the British neurosurgeon Ludwig Guttman , who , overcoming age-old stereotypes about people with disabilities , introduced sport into the process of rehabilitation of patients with spinal cord injuries . He has proven that sport for people with disabilities creates the conditions for a successful life , restores mental balance , allows you to return to normal life , regardless of disability, enhances physical strength needed to handle the wheelchair.

Winter kinds of Sport: Skiing

Winter kinds of Sport: Skiing

Wheelchair curling

Wheelchair curling



Sledge hockey

Sledge hockey

Ski Races

Ski Races



Paralympic Winter Games Место и год проведения Паралимпийских игр Завоевано медалей   Лиллехаммер – 1994 г. Золотых Нагано – 1998 г. 11 Серебряных 11 12 Солт -Лейк -Сити - 2002 г. Бронзовых Всего 8 Турин - 2006 г. 10 7 30 9 Ванкувер - 2010 г. 13 9 31 Всего: 13 12 5 21 7 16 55 33 10 59 38 39 153

Paralympic Winter Games

Место и год проведения Паралимпийских игр

Завоевано медалей

  Лиллехаммер – 1994 г.


Нагано – 1998 г.





Солт -Лейк -Сити - 2002 г.




Турин - 2006 г.





Ванкувер - 2010 г.


















Paralympic Winter Games in 2014 (officially - XI Paralympic Winter Games) were being held in Sochi (Russia) in the period from 7 till 16 March 2014. The competition got 692 athletes from 47 countries together.

Paralympic Winter Games in 2014 (officially - XI Paralympic Winter Games) were being held in Sochi (Russia) in the period from 7 till 16 March 2014. The competition got 692 athletes from 47 countries together.

There were played on 72 sets of medals in five sports in the Games: • Skiing – 30 • Cross-country skiing – 20 • Biathlon – 18 • Paralympic snowboarding – 2 • Wheelchair Curling – 1 • Sledge Hockey - 1 The program of the 2014 Games included new disciplines: short track race in biathlon (6 sets of medals) and Paralympic snowboard cross (2 sets of medals).

There were played on 72 sets of medals in five sports in the Games:

Skiing – 30

Cross-country skiing – 20

Biathlon – 18

Paralympic snowboarding – 2

Wheelchair Curling – 1

Sledge Hockey - 1

The program of the 2014 Games included new disciplines: short track race in biathlon (6 sets of medals) and Paralympic snowboard cross (2 sets of medals).

Paralympic Games 2014 mascot was introduced in December 12, 2009, to celebrate the first ever Russian International Paralympic Day. Its distinctive character is a component of the Paralympic Movement - red, blue and green hemisphere.
  • Paralympic Games 2014 mascot was introduced in December 12, 2009, to celebrate the first ever Russian International Paralympic Day. Its distinctive character is a component of the Paralympic Movement - red, blue and green hemisphere.
Mascots of Paralympic Games in Sochi in 2014 - Ray of Light and Snowflake were chosen by the Paralympians. Known champions and athletes are honored to name the characters themselves, which would be their mascots for the upcoming competitions. Among the options the mascots of the 2014 Olympics, selected by the jury to vote, there were only two fantastic character, and which were chosen by Paralympians.

Mascots of Paralympic Games in Sochi in 2014 - Ray of Light and Snowflake were chosen by the Paralympians. Known champions and athletes are honored to name the characters themselves, which would be their mascots for the upcoming competitions. Among the options the mascots of the 2014 Olympics, selected by the jury to vote, there were only two fantastic character, and which were chosen by Paralympians.

Mind, Body and Spirit !!!

Mind, Body and Spirit !!!

Values ​​of the Paralympic Movement Сourage — to make unpredictable and achieve the impossible, overcoming stereotypes. Determination — to overcome obstacles and defeat the adverse circumstances, develop physical abilities. Inspiration — admire Paralympic athletes, using the example of their fortitude and achievements in their own lives. Equality – Paralympic sport is intended to erase the social barriers that discriminate against people with disabilities.

Values ​​of the Paralympic Movement

Сourage — to make unpredictable and achieve the impossible, overcoming stereotypes.

Determination — to overcome obstacles and defeat the adverse circumstances, develop physical abilities.

Inspiration — admire Paralympic athletes, using the example of their fortitude and achievements in their own lives.

Equality – Paralympic sport is intended to erase the social barriers that discriminate against people with disabilities.

Sports has no boundaries…

Sports has no boundaries…

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Мероприятия

Целевая аудитория: 10 класс

Презентация для открытого мероприятия "Олимпийские игры СОЧИ 2014"


Дата: 28.06.2016

Номер свидетельства: 336362

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