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Political system

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political system is a system of politics and government. It is usually compared to the legal system, economic system, cultural system, and other social systems. However, this is a very simplified view of a much more complex system of categories involving the questions of who should have authority and what the government's influence on its people and economy should be.



  • 1Anthropological forms
  • 2Political parties
  • 3Sociology
  • 4See also
  • 5Notes
  • 6References
  • 7External links

Anthropological forms[edit]

Anthropologists generally recognize four kinds of political systems, two of which are uncentralized and two of which are centralized.[1]

  • Uncentralized systems
    • Band society
      • Small family group, no larger than an extended family or clan; it has been defined as consisting of no more than 30 to 50 individuals.
      • A band can cease to exist if only a small group walks out.
    • Tribe
      • Generally larger, consisting of many families. Tribes have more social institutions, such as a chief or elders.
      • More permanent than bands. Many tribes are sub-divided into bands.
  • Centralized governments
    • Chiefdom
      • More complex than a tribe or a band society, and less complex than a state or a civilization
      • Characterized by pervasive inequality and centralization of authority.
      • A single lineage/family of the elite class becomes the ruling elite of the chiefdom
      • Complex chiefdoms have two or even three tiers of political hierarchy.
      • "An autonomous political unit comprising a number of villages or communities under the permanent control of a paramount chief"
    • Sovereign state
      • A sovereign state is a state with a permanent population, a defined territory, a government and the capacity to enter into relations with other sovereign states.
  • Supranational Political Systems

Supranational political systems are created by independent nations to reach a common goal or gain strength from forming an alliance.

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«Political system»

A political system is a system of politics and government. It is usually compared to the legal system, economic system, cultural system, and other social systems. However, this is a very simplified view of a much more complex system of categories involving the questions of who should have authority and what the government's influence on its people and economy should be.

Contents [hide]

1 Anthropological forms

2 Political parties

3 Sociology

4 See also

5 Notes

6 References

7 External links

Anthropological forms[edit]

Anthropologists generally recognize four kinds of political systems, two of which are uncentralized and two of which are centralized.[1]

Uncentralized systems

Band society

Small family group, no larger than an extended family or clan; it has been defined as consisting of no more than 30 to 50 individuals.

A band can cease to exist if only a small group walks out.


Generally larger, consisting of many families. Tribes have more social institutions, such as a chief or elders.

More permanent than bands. Many tribes are sub-divided into bands.

Centralized governments


More complex than a tribe or a band society, and less complex than a state or a civilization

Characterized by pervasive inequality and centralization of authority.

A single lineage/family of the elite class becomes the ruling elite of the chiefdom

Complex chiefdoms have two or even three tiers of political hierarchy.

"An autonomous political unit comprising a number of villages or communities under the permanent control of a paramount chief"

Sovereign state

A sovereign state is a state with a permanent population, a defined territory, a government and the capacity to enter into relations with other sovereign states.

Supranational Political Systems

Supranational political systems are created by independent nations to reach a common goal or gain strength from forming an alliance.

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Мероприятия

Целевая аудитория: 11 класс

Political system

Автор: Сулеймен Айжан Сулейменқызы

Дата: 18.05.2017

Номер свидетельства: 416579

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