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The theme of the lesson: Political system of Kazakhstan. President, government and parliament.

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The aim of the lesson:1) Оқушыларға Қазақстанның саяси өмірі, саяси жағдайы туралы түсінік беру.

2) Оқушылардың ағылшын тілінде еркін өз ойларын бірлдіруге, жаңа сөздерді қолдана отырып сөздік қорларын дамыту

3) Оқушыларды басқа елдің саяси өмірі мен өз еліміздің өмірін түсінуге тәрбиелеу

Visual aids: interactive board, cards

Procedure of the lesson

  1. Organization moment

Good morning students. I’m very glad to see on ours opened a lesson of professional  English today.

  1. Checking up the home-task
  1. Ex-13 on p-95                                                                     True (T)   False (F)
  1. The governmental system in the United States is

federal, country and local                                                   _______     _______

  1. Legislators are elected from geographical

districts directly by the voters                                             _______     _______ 

  1. One of the those several basic principles

of the American government is “One person,

one vote”                                                                             _______     _______

  1. The House of Representative doesn’t control

spending and finance                                                          _______     _______

  1. The President can declare war without

the approval of the Congress                                              _______     _______

  1. The President is strongly limited in foreign affairs            _______     _______
  2. Any treaty must first be approved by the Senate                _______     _______
  3. The rule is the President proposes, but
  4. disposes                                                                _______    _______
  1. We will be passes the new lesson:

The theme of the lesson: Political system of Kazakhstan. President, government and parliament.

I want to read a short essay about the independence of  Kazakhstan.

Now let’s begin our lesson

  1. Answer the question                
  • Who makes laws in Kazakhstan?
  • What do you know about the Constitution of Kazakhstan?
  • What do you know about the function of the Senate and the Majilis?
  • What political parties of Kazakhstan do you know?

Who might be elected to the Parliament in Kazak

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«The theme of the lesson: Political system of Kazakhstan. President, government and parliament.»

The theme of the lesson: Political system of Kazakhstan. President, government and parliament.

The aim of the lesson:1) Оқушыларға Қазақстанның саяси өмірі, саяси жағдайы туралы түсінік беру.

2) Оқушылардың ағылшын тілінде еркін өз ойларын бірлдіруге, жаңа сөздерді қолдана отырып сөздік қорларын дамыту

3) Оқушыларды басқа елдің саяси өмірі мен өз еліміздің өмірін түсінуге тәрбиелеу

Visual aids: interactive board, cards

Procedure of the lesson

  1. Organization moment

Good morning students. I’m very glad to see on ours opened a lesson of professional English today.

  1. Checking up the home-task

  1. Ex-13 on p-95 True (T) False (F)

  1. The governmental system in the United States is

federal, country and local _______ _______

  1. Legislators are elected from geographical

districts directly by the voters _______ _______

  1. One of the those several basic principles

of the American government is “One person,

one vote” _______ _______

  1. The House of Representative doesn’t control

spending and finance _______ _______

  1. The President can declare war without

the approval of the Congress _______ _______

  1. The President is strongly limited in foreign affairs _______ _______

  2. Any treaty must first be approved by the Senate _______ _______

  3. The rule is the President proposes, but

Congress disposes _______ _______

  1. We will be passes the new lesson:

The theme of the lesson: Political system of Kazakhstan. President, government and parliament.

I want to read a short essay about the independence of Kazakhstan.

Now let’s begin our lesson

  1. Answer the question

  • Who makes laws in Kazakhstan?

  • What do you know about the Constitution of Kazakhstan?

  • What do you know about the function of the Senate and the Majilis?

  • What political parties of Kazakhstan do you know?

  • Who might be elected to the Parliament in Kazakhstan?

  • What are the members of the Parliament responsible for?

  • Do they receive salaries?

  • Do they have a part time or full time secretaries?

  1. Write down the new words on your copy-books

  • общие положения - general provision

  • светский - secular

  • правовой - legal

  • общественное согласие - public concord

  • стабильность - stability

  • на благо - for the fit

  • унитарное государство - unitary state

  • присвоение власти - appropriation of power

  • преследуется по закону - be persecuted

  • объединять - unify

  • многообразие - diversity

  • незаконное вмешательство - illegal interference

  • дело - affair

  • допускается, разрешается - be permitted

  • гимн - anthem

  • суверенитет - sovereignty

  • статья - article

  • государственные символы - state symbols

Ex-4 p-97 I shall read the text and translating the text you are listen to me very attentively

The Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan

We, the people of Kazakhstan, united by a common historic fate, creating a state on the indigenous Kazakh land, considering ourselves a peace-loving and civil society, dedicated to the ideals of freedom, equality and concord, wishing to take a worthy place in the world community realizing our high responsibility before the present and future generations, proceeding from our sovereign right, accept this Constitution.

Конституция Республики Казахстан

Мы, народ Казахстана, объединенный общей исторической судьбой, созидая государственность на исконной казахской земле, сознавая себя миролюбивым и гражданским обществом, приверженным идеалам свободы, равенства и согласия, желая занять достойное место в мировом сообществе осознавая свою высокую ответственность перед нынешним и будущими поколениями, исходя из своего суверенного права, принимаем настоящую Конституцию.

Ex-5 p-98. Comprehension check

  1. The Republic of Kazakhstan proclaims itself a democratic, secular, legal and social state

  2. Public concord and political stability and economic development for the benefit of the nation are the fundamental principles

  3. The Republic of Kazakhstan is a state with a presidential form of government

  4. The sovereignty of the Republic extends to its entire territory

  5. The names “Republic of Kazakhstan” and “Kazakhstan” do not have same meaning

  6. The people shall not be the only source of state power

  1. Strengthening of a new subject. Укрепление новой темы

Ex-6 p-98.

  • определять - determine

  • поручатель, гарант - guarantor

  • неприкосновенность - inviolability

  • право голоса - suffrage

  • равный - equal

  • имеющий право быть человеком - eligible

  • избирающий - constituent

  • считать - deem

  • получать - swear

  • клятва - oath

  • торжественно - solemnly

  • верно, честно - faithfully

  • гарантировать - guarantee

  • ставить условия - stipulate

  • поручать - entrust

  • избиратели - constituency

  • мандат, наказ - mandate

  • деление - division

  • пропорциональный - proportional

  • унифицировать - unify

  • депутат, делегат - deputy

  • одновременно – simultaneously

  1. Giving the home-task

  2. To read the texts and translating Article 41, Article 42, Article 49, Article 50.

  3. Giving the marks.

  4. Ending the lesson.

  1. Answer the question

  • Who makes laws in Kazakhstan?

  • What do you know about the Constitution of Kazakhstan?

  • What do you know about the function of the Senate and the Majilis?

  • What political parties of Kazakhstan do you know?

  • Who might be elected to the Parliament in Kazakhstan?

  • What are the members of the Parliament responsible for?

  • Do they receive salaries?

  • Do they have a part time or full time secretaries?

- Кто принимает законы в Казахстане?

- Что вы знаете о Конституции Казахстана?

- Что вы знаете о функции Сената и Мажилиса?

- Какие политические партии Казахстана вы знаете?

- Кто может быть избран в парламент в Казахстане?

- Каковы члены парламента отвечают за?

- Есть ли они получают зарплату?

- Есть ли у них неполный рабочий день или полный рабочий день секретарей?

  1. Checking up the home-task

  1. Ex-13 on p-95 True (T) False (F)

  1. The governmental system in the United States is

federal, country and local _______ _______

  1. Legislators are elected from geographical

districts directly by the voters _______ _______

  1. One of the those several basic principles

of the American government is “One person,

one vote” _______ _______

  1. The House of Representative doesn’t control

spending and finance _______ _______

  1. The President can declare war without

the approval of the Congress _______ _______

  1. The President is strongly limited in foreign affairs _______ _______

  2. Any treaty must first be approved by the Senate _______ _______

  3. The rule is the President proposes, but

Congress disposes _______ _______

а) государственная система в Соединенных Штатах является федеральным, страна и местный

б) Законодатели избираются из географических районов непосредственно избирателями

в) Один из этих нескольких основных принципов американского правительства является "Один человек, один голос"

d) Палата представителя не контролирует расходы и финансирование

е) Президент может объявить войну без одобрения Конгресса

е) Председатель сильно ограничен в иностранных делах

г) Любой договор должен быть сначала одобрен Сенатом

з) Правило президент предлагает, но Конгресс располагает

Ex-5 p-98. Comprehension check

  1. The Republic of Kazakhstan proclaims itself a democratic, secular, legal and social state

  2. Public concord and political stability and economic development for the benefit of the nation are the fundamental principles

  3. The Republic of Kazakhstan is a state with a presidential form of government

  4. The sovereignty of the Republic extends to its entire territory

  5. The names “Republic of Kazakhstan” and “Kazakhstan” do not have same meaning

  6. The people shall not be the only source of state power

а) Республика Казахстан утверждает себя демократическим, светским, правовым и социальным государством

б) общественное согласие и политическая стабильность и экономическое развитие на благо нации являются основополагающими принципами

с) Республика Казахстан является государством с президентской формой правления

d) Суверенитет Республики распространяется на всю ее территорию

е) наименования "Республика Казахстан" и "Казахстан" не имеют такое же значение,

е) Народ не должен быть единственным источником государственной власти


2016 жылы 24 қараша сағат 11:35-те №1 топта кәсіби ағылшын тілі пәнінен «Political system of Kazakhstan. President, government and parliament» тақырыбында ашық сабақ өтеді

Өтетін орны: Жол жүру ережесі кабинеті

Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 8 класс

The theme of the lesson: Political system of Kazakhstan. President, government and parliament.

Автор: Павленко Галина Васильевна

Дата: 02.05.2017

Номер свидетельства: 412723

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