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Our first steps in English

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Цели урока: развивать умения и навыки говорения, развивать умение говорения с опорой на текст, умение на слух воспринимать информацию передаваемую при помощи несложного текста, воспитывать любовь и уважение к родному языку и иностранному .                                                                        Lesson procedure: Good afternoon, dear guests, pupils and teachers! You are welcome to our party” Our first steps in English”. Today the pupils of the 5th form will show you their knowledge of English: they recite poems, sing songs, ask and answer the questions, read the text, describe the pictures and make dialogues. Our president N. Nazarbayev in his message to people of Kazakhstan said that we must enter into the number of 50 competitive countries. That”s why we must learn different languages. So, let’s begin our party with the ABC- song.                Our game consists of seven tours. They are: 1.Introduction (знакомство)    2.Describe the pictures(room)(Описание картины(комнаты).                                                 3.Read the text and ask questions about the text.(Чтение текста и составление вопросов по тексту)                                                                                                                         4.What time is it? (Сколько время?)                                                                                            5.Make a dialogue.(Составление диалога)                                                                                    6.Days of the week. Subjects.(Дни недели. Учебные предметы)                                         7.Songs (Песни).                                                                                                                               

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«Our first steps in English »

Открытое внеклассное мероприятие по английскому языку в 5б классе. “Our first steps in English”.

Цели урока: развивать умения и навыки говорения, развивать умение говорения с опорой на текст, умение на слух воспринимать информацию передаваемую при помощи несложного текста, воспитывать любовь и уважение к родному языку и иностранному . Lesson procedure: Good afternoon, dear guests, pupils and teachers! You are welcome to our party” Our first steps in English”. Today the pupils of the 5th form will show you their knowledge of English: they recite poems, sing songs, ask and answer the questions, read the text, describe the pictures and make dialogues. Our president N. Nazarbayev in his message to people of Kazakhstan said that we must enter into the number of 50 competitive countries. That”s why we must learn different languages. So, let’s begin our party with the ABC- song. Our game consists of seven tours. They are: 1.Introduction (знакомство) 2.Describe the pictures(room)(Описание картины(комнаты). 3.Read the text and ask questions about the text.(Чтение текста и составление вопросов по тексту) 4.What time is it? (Сколько время?) 5.Make a dialogue.(Составление диалога) 6.Days of the week. Subjects.(Дни недели. Учебные предметы) 7.Songs (Песни). Ok, let’s begin the first tour “Introduction”. (the students introduce themselves) Ex: Hello! My name is Asemgul. I’m 9. I’m a girl. I’m in 5b class. I’m from Beles. I’m kind and clever girl. I like English and Maths. I want to be a teacher. OK, continue our lesson and let’s begin the second tour “Describe the picture (room). The students must describe the picture (they choose one of these rooms and describe it, using “there is/are).Ex: This is a living-room. There is a sofa in the living-room. There are armchairs in the living-room. There is a table and two chairs in the living-room. There are two windows and one door in the living-room. I like it very much. Let’s begin the third tour it’s called” Read the text and ask questions about the text”.( the students read the text “ Omar’s day” p.94). 1.What time does he get up? - He gets up half past seven. 2.What subjects does he like? - He likes Maths and English.

3.What time does school start? – School starts at nine.

4.What subject he doesn’t like? – He doesn’t like History.

5.What time does he have a supper? –He has a supper at 7 o’ clock.

OK, continue and let’s begin the next tour it’s called “What time is it?”

8.15-It’s a quarter past eight. 8.45- It’s a quarter to nine.

7.30-It’s half past seven. 6.20-It’s twenty past six.

12.10-It’s ten past twelve. 4.35- It’s twenty-five to five.

Let’s to start the next tour is ”Make a dialogue”.(S1-S2, S2-S1 ).

Ex: S1 Hello! My name is Roma. What is your name?

S2 Hello! My name is Asemgul. How are you? Etc.

The next tour is called “Days of the week. Subjects).( the students name the days of the week one by one, then ask questions about school subjects). Ex:S1 What is English for” Понедельник” ? S2 Monday . S1 What subjects do you like?-S2 I like English and History. S1When do you have Maths? –On Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. Very well, continue and the last tour called “Songs” (the students sing the songs in three languages)

Song” They are teaching” (in English, Russian and Kazakh)

Song” May there always be sun shine”.

Now, our game is over, let’s to applaud our winners ( вручение грамот и награждение победителей). Our party is over. Thank you for your attention! I hope you’ve enjoyed yourself! Good-bye!

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Мероприятия

Целевая аудитория: 5 класс

Our first steps in English

Автор: Наурзова Фарида Кожасовна

Дата: 16.02.2015

Номер свидетельства: 173882

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