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«Олимпиада по английскому языку»

Олимпиада по английскому языку

для учащихся 4-х классов




I. Listening

Listen and underline True or False

0. Paul was at home last evening

True / False

1. Paul’s parents were at the theatre with Jane.

True / False

2. Paul was happy because he was alone.

True / False

  1. Paul wanted to invite Den to his place.

True / False

4. Den went to play football.

True / False

5. Paul’s cat was outdoors.

True / False

II. Read and choose:

1. Where does your friend live?

a. In the river b. Next to school. c. To the post office.

2. How old is your friend?

a. He is 10. b. He’s not old. c. His granny is old.

3. Would you like a cup of tea?

a. No, I’m not. b. Yes, please. c. Yes, it’s big.

4. Where is he going?

a. He’s there. b. In my room. c. To the supermarket.

5. When did you go to the cinema?

a. I’m at home. b. Yesterday. c. Tomorrow.






III. Write the correct word.

School dance

The [sku:l] 0. school dance was a [greɪt] 1.___________ success. Almost all the children [laɪkt] 2.________ it very [mʌtʃ] 3. __________ . Helen danced with [nɪk] 4.________ the whole [ i:vnɪŋ] 5. ___________ . But Nina [wɒz] 6._______ not interested in dancing [wɪð] 7. ________ Ben, because he was a [bæd] 8.________ dancer. He stepped on her [təʊz] 9.__________ all the [taɪm] 10.___________ .

IV. Write the plurals.

1.mouse - _____________ 11. house - ______________

2.man - _____________ 12.woman - ______________

3.piano - _____________ 13. ox - ______________

4.foot - _____________ 14.potato - ______________

5.sheep - _____________ 15. deer - ______________

6.child - _____________ 16. city - ______________

7.watch - ______________ 17. glass - ______________

8.fox - ______________ 18.toy - _______________

9.tooth - ______________ 19.blouse - ______________

10.fish - ______________ 20.photo - ______________

V. Read and circle the right word.


We’ve got some /any bananas and 1. some / any oranges but we haven’t got 2. some / any apples. There is 3. some / any milk but there isn’t 4. some / any orange juice. Can you get 5. some / any?



Олимпиада по английскому языку

для учащихся 4-х классов




VI. Choose the correct tense of the verbs.

1. Boris woke up and looked at his watch. It was a quarter to seven. Quick! Boris jumped out of bed and ran to the bathroom.

A) Present Simple B) Past Simple C) Present Continuous D) Future Simple

2. Kate has been to England.

A) Present Simple B) Past Simple C) Present Perfect D) Future Simple

3. Look! It is raining.

A) Present Simple B) Present Continuous C) Present Perfect D) Future Simple

4. We’ll go to the zoo tomorrow.

A) Present Simple B) Present Continuous C) Past Simple D) Future Simple

5. It never snows in a desert.

A) Future Simple B) Present Continuous C) Present Perfect D) Present Simple

VII. Read the letter


My name is Mandy. I live in Ascot. It’s a small town in England. I live with my mum, dad, sister Mary, brother Max, and my pet cat Kitty. Kitty is black and white; she is clever and funny.

I study at Bearwood College in the primary school. My class is 4A. I like to study. My favourite subjects are Arts and English.

I go to school at 8 in the morning by bus. Yesterday Kitty jumped into my schoolbag and hid there. I didn’t see her. She was very quiet. When I was at my Arts classes everyone laughed because my schoolbag suddenly fell down from the chair and said “Miaow”. Our teacher Ms Clark opened the bag and Kitty jumped out of it. Then we drew a picture of Kitty. After that I took her back home.

Tomorrow is Sunday. I don’t go to school on Sunday. I will go to Legoland with my family. I can’t wait!

Please, write back!



Write ‘yes’ or ‘no’:

  1. Ascot is a small town in Scotland. ____

  2. Mandy lives in London. ____

  3. Mandy’s pet is a black and white dog. ____

  4. Ms Clark opened the bag and Kitty jumped into it. ____

  5. Children draw a picture of the cat. ____

  6. Mandy’s family is going to Legoland on Saturday. ____

VIII. Write a letter to Mandy. Tell her about yourself, your family, your pet and your school. You should write 50-60 words.

Dear Mandy,


Write soon.



IX. Choose the right item.

1. They ___ in the fourth form.

А) am B) is C) are D) was

2. It was frosty. We made a snowman. We _______ a lot of fun.

А) has B) had C) have D) will have

3. There is _______ place like home.

А) nobody B) nothing C) no D) none

4. She is the _______ beautiful girl in our class.

А) more B) most C) much D) much more

5. I was looking for the gloves everywhere and found them _____ the armchair.

A) in B) on C) for D) after

6. In summer days are __________ than in winter.

A) the longest B) as long C) longer D) more long

8. The black shoes are __________.

A) my B) her C) mine D) your

9. _________ clothes are dirty.

A) This B) That C) These D) It

10. We need _____ envelope and ____ stamp.

A) some, a B) an, the C) the, a D) an, a

Олимпиада по английскому языку

для учащихся 4-х классов

I. Listening

  1. Listen and underline True or False

0. Paul was at home last evening

True / False

1. Paul’s parents were at the theatre with Jane.

True / False

2. Paul was happy because he was alone.

True / False

  1. Paul wanted to invite Den to his place.

True / False

4. Den went to play football.

True / False

5. Paul’s cat was outdoors.

True / False


Paul stayed at home last evening. His sister Jane went to her piano lesson. His parents weren’t at home either. They were at the cinema. Nobody stayed at home with Paul and he was frightened.

He decided to call his friends and invite them to come. Unfortunately, they also weren’t at home. His friend Den was at the swimming pool and his friend Jack was at a football match.

Paul was very upset. Even his cat was in the street playing with the neighbours’ cats. Poor Paul!

II. Communication











III. 1 – great 2 - liked 3- much 4 – Nick 5 – evening 6 – was 7 – wit 8 – bad 9- toes 10 - time

IV. 1.mouse - mice 11. house - houses

2.man - men 12.woman - women

3.piano - pianos 13. ox - oxen

4.foot - feet 14.potato - potatoes

5.sheep - sheep 15. deer - deer

6.child - children 16. city - cities

7.watch - watches 17. glass - glasses

8.fox - foxes 18.toy - toys

9.tooth - teeth 19.blouse - blouses

10.fish - fish 20.photo - photos

V. 1. some 2. any apples. 3. some 4. any 5. some

VI. 1. B) 2. C) 3. B) 4. D) 5. D)

VII. No 2. No 3. No 4. Yes 5. No

IX. 1. C) 2. B) 3. C) 4. B) 5. A) 6. C) 8. C) 9. C) 10. D)

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Мероприятия

Целевая аудитория: 4 класс

Олимпиада по английскому языку

Автор: Фурсова Ксения Васильевна

Дата: 29.10.2018

Номер свидетельства: 482490

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