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«"Необычные строения со всего мира"»

Отдел Образования МР Стерлитамакский район РБ

Необычные строения со всего мира

Подготовила: Л .В .Кочеткова

Учитель английского языка

МОБУ СОШ с. Новофедоровское

2019 год

Unusual Houses around the World

  1. Introduction.

There is no place like home.Unusual homes.

  1. My home is my castle.

  2. Unusual buildings around the world.

  3. Conclusion.

  4. Literature used.

Aims of work

1.Extending the knowledge of lexis on topics ‘’ Houses. Different materials”

2. Studying the language by means of different information about the English-speaking countries.

1.Everybody in the world wants to live happily. That means to have a family, to be healthy and of course to have a suitable house for living.

There is no place more delightful than home. We connect many pleasant things with our home, our dearest people, our parents, friends, nature, trees in our gardens, native language, the first book read in the childhood, quiet evenings, lively and noisy games. That’s why we miss our homes badly when we are away. In such moments we feel loneliness and homesickness. You always look forward to homecoming and are delighted to meet your relatives.

To have a separate place for living –a flat or a house- is a big problem for younger generation in our country. But still people encouraged to have one.

While studying about typical English houses at school, I was interested in different types of houses the English live- detached houses, semi-detached, terraces or flats- everyone wants to feel comfortable in their own home. Different people have different taste when it comes to housing.

How would you like to live in a castle.on a tree or even underground? This might not be as unusual as you think. It seems that these days more and more people want to live somewhere or somehow special and out of ordinary, and if they can’t buy what they want, they are quite prepared to build it from scratch.

Every family in Great Britain dreams of living in a detached house, which means a separate building. It is usually built of bricks or slate. A detached house is of non-classical shape with a lot of little corners which make the house very cosy. In search of the perfect home people do something to make them stand out from the crowd.

Buying a house is a pretty big deal. For most people, buying a house is a pretty huge investment. It’s not like buying a suit or a pair of shoes, you can’t just throw it away; it’s a commitment. For this reason, many people spend a lot of time and money finding the perfect house for their needs.

However, as we all know, everyone has different needs and desires, and what exactly they are vary so completely from person to person that sometimes finding the perfect house requires one to step outside the box. Some people buy houses just to tear them down and start again, others lean towards a particular design whether it’s contemporary or traditional, and then there are the few others that lean towards the simply unusual.

Houses are a representation of your personality, so it comes to no surprise that some people take their houses to the next level of uniqueness. In today’s world, if you can dream it, you can build it. So let’s take a look at some of the most bizarre houses from around the world

House is a personal treasure of people and throughout the world, people are fond of beautiful houses and many succeed to build one. Everyone has a dream house in their own imagination and as dreams are unusual, many does dream of building unusual houses and across the world there are many such unusual houses that have always derived human attention hugely. Here is a display of few unusual houses around the world that will take you across a ride of people’s creativity and imagination. If you think houses are just built out of cement and bricks, you should think again. There is end number of houses across the globe build with various different types of materials. Ranging from houses made of thatches to igloo and from tree house to floating house, there are different variations of the term ‘house’ that humanity has visualized in different parts of the world. Houses can be built of stones like marble, granite, bricks, glass, thatches, wood and much more apart from the mixture of cement and bricks. Even in the same country people build different types of houses depending on the needs of the place and demands of climate. Besides, there are people who experiments with their wildest imagination while building a house.

Watching pictures with different views of unusual houses I made up my mind that there are many people around the world who wish to be distinctive from the others, to live extraordinary.

Конецформы2 My home is my castle.

There are many people who has an opportunity to live extraordinary. They can afford unusual places for living.House is a personal treasure of people and throughout the world, people are fond of beautiful houses and many succeed to build one. Everyone has a dream house in their own imagination and as dreams are unusual, many does dream of building unusual houses and across the world there are many such unusual houses that have always derived human attention hugely. Here is a display of few unusual houses around the world that will take you across a ride of people’s creativity and imagination. If you think houses are just built out of cement and bricks, you should think again. There is end number of houses across the globe build with various different types of materials. Ranging from houses made of thatches to igloo and from tree house to floating house, there are different variations of the term house that humanity has visualized in different parts of the world. Houses can be built of stones like marble, granite, bricks, glass, thatches, wood and much more apart from the mixture of cement and bricks. Even in the same country people build different types of houses depending on the needs of the place and demands of climate. Besides, there are people who experiments with their wildest imagination while building a house.

Мoving into and setting up your new home is definitely one of the most exciting things – especially for those who never find enough outlets for their ideas and designs. Throughout history, people have gone from caves to huts to castles to blocks of flats – and nowadays, seems like you can find an example of just anything. Some people are forced to get creative because of some physical restrictions – like small or unusual space – while others do so just because.
People feel like they could use some inspiration to design their future home .Would you choose to live in a former church, or a renovated water tower? Or how about a completely transparent house, or one that is a spitting image of the cave? Here are Unusual Houses Around the world that will give you an idea of how creative and crazy human imagination can go.

The Rock house. Great Britain.

For John and Josephine Mew their home is really their castle. They have built their own English castle in the Sussex countryside. The construction is quite new with all the luxuries. When you first see it from the outside it would be easy to think that you are looking at an ancient monument in a form of a rock .’We’ve got the perfect place to live’ they say. Some would say that it is impractical and may be cold in harsh British winters, but they certainly have got a unique and spacious home.

The ‘Headington shark’, Great Britain.

Bill Heines’ house in Headington, Oxfordshire was more than ordinary setting until one morning in 1986 (his house looked like all the others in his street) when suddenly overnight a 7,5 m long fibreglass shark appeared to have crashed through the roof. The shark was a sculpture by local artist John Barkley. At first some people complained that it might be dangerous or that it spoiled the look of the neighbourhood, but engineers checked that the sculpture was safe and the ‘Headington shark’ has become a well-known and popular landmark.

The Shoe House.

There was an old lady, that lived in a shoe… and well, you know how the story goes. However, in reality, there is a shoe house. The real-life shoe house, that was built in 1948 by extravagant millionaire Colonel Mahlon M. Haines, was originally a giant structural advertisement for Haines’ business. The generous Colonel Mahlon C. Haines, who was known as the “Shoe Wizard of York”, used to invite the elderly to stay in the house and live like “kings and queens” at his expense.

The house is 45 feet in length, 17 feet wide and 25 feet high, with two bathrooms, three bedrooms, a living room and a kitchen, located on five various levels. It has been renovated recently and now operates as a museum in memory of the extravagant Colonel Mahlon M. Haines.

The Seashell House, Mexico.

This amazing house was built in Carribean Sea.

A young family with two kids in Mexico City had a seashell-shaped house built for them. The inner interior has no corners. There are two bedrooms, two bathrooms and even a swimming pool.

The Fallingwater-house, in Pennsylvania, U.S.A.

The beautiful Fallingwater, in Pennsylvania, U.S.A. is built over a waterfall. The house was designed in 1935 for by Frank Lloyd Wright for the Kauffman family. The Kaufmann family, who owned the very popular (at the time) Kaufmann Department store, used to vacation beside the Bear stream in a small cabin. They then decided that they wanted to modernise and hired Wright, an American architect and lover of nature to design this beautiful building. Ironically, they’re so close to the waterfall, that it’s hard to even see it!

The Sutyagin House. Russia.

This unusual building was located in Archangelsk ,Russian Federation. It was made of wood without a nail and had 13 floors. Unfortunately, it was pulled down because of lack of money in 2009.

Two unsimilar Egg-houses.

The first is situated between two rocks high above the Mediterranean sea. It looks like a nest for a “ Koschey’s’ life(from Russian folklore).

The second is in the country of Belgium. It is very comfortable for living. There are two cabins for sleeping, bathing. There is also a kitchen and many shelves for different things.

Unusual Houses around the world. Places to go.

Not only people’s unusual homes attracted my attention. Nowadays we get used to see new beautiful constructions not only in the whole but also in our nearest surrounding. Huge trading centres, supermarkets, offices mainly made of colourful glass appear in cities and towns of our country. Extraordinary buildings may be found everywhere in the world.

The original book-house is in Kansas city, the USA.

It is the house of central library. For its foundation the population of the city chose their favorite authors and books. And now it is one of the famous visiting places of the foreign people and native citizens..

The hornets’ nest.

This original tree-building is situated in New Zealand. This 12th-metres costruction is a modern café with 18 eating places.

The Ship sail building.

It is located in Dubai, the United Arab Emirates. This tall building is a hotel. It was opened on 1st December 1999. It stands on a very small island next to the beach. It is the only building on the island.

"The crooked house" In the city of Sopot on Heroes Monte-Kassino Street (Poland).

It is one of the most unusual houses of the planet is located, on Heroes Monte-Kassino Street and is called the Curve house. Looking at it, the impression is made that it, whether melted on the sun and was bent or it is optical illusion and it not the house, but reflection in a huge curve mirror. The curve house really is curve and doesn't contain a uniform equal place and a corner, it is built in 2004 on the project of two Polish architects Shotinsky and Zalevsky. Creation of such appearance of a structure which would attract as much as possible visitors was the main task of authors. The house was built in 2003.

The " musical" building, China

 The " musical" building in the form of a grand piano and a violin – a unique, surprising and beautiful architectural miracle. It is located in the city of Huainan, in China. The main building is in a grand piano made of black glass, and in a violin from transparent glass the ladder is located. It was developed by Hefeyskyuniversity of technologies and constructed in 2007 to draw attention of society to recently built up area. Serves as exhibition complex in which hold cultural meetings where various ideas and prospects of development of the new city are presented.

Watching pictures with different views of unusual houses I made up my mind that there are many people around the world who wish to be distinctive from the others, to live extraordinary. I think that no matter where you live, you can always do something to make sure your favourite place, your home may say something about who you are.

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Мероприятия

Целевая аудитория: 5 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

"Необычные строения со всего мира"

Автор: Кочеткова Лидия Васильевна

Дата: 17.11.2019

Номер свидетельства: 527321

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