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Конкурс по английскому языку "Веселый английский"

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Цели: в игровой форме повторить лексический и грамматический материал; прививать интерес к изучению английского языка.

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«Конкурс по английскому языку "Веселый английский"»

Цели: в игровой форме повторить лексический и грамматический материал; прививать интерес к изучению английского языка.

Оборудование: карточки, наборы предметных картинок, интерактивная доска, предметная наглядность.


1) практические:

  • совершенствование речевых умений и навыков .

  • тренировка ранее введенных ЛЕ.

  • практика учащихся в устной монологической речи, аудировании.

2) общеобразовательные:

  • расширение филологического кругозора учащихся,

  • расширение общего кругозора.

3) развивающие:

  • развитие памяти, внимания, мышления, воображения, фонематического слуха, креативных способностей учащихся.

4) воспитательные:

  • воспитание любви к изучаемому языку,

  • формирование навыков коллективной деятельности.

 Ход мероприятия:

  1. Организационный момент

T:  Good afternoon, my children! How are you getting on? Today we have an unusual lesson. It is an interesting game “Bright English”. - Today you will ask and answer  questions, solve riddles, dance, play games and sing the song!

It will be the competition between two teams. “Sharks ” and “Knowledge hunters”. I want you introduce our jury .Well, teams, you have some time to prepare.


II. Проведение конкурсов

Contest 1

Cut-away” (визитка)

T: Tell us about yourself, please. Who are your captains? What are your slogans? You will get 1 point for the best answer. (Команды рассказывают о себе, представляют девиз) За лучшую визитку команды получают 5 баллов.

Sharks Представляют под песню “Baby Shark” Затем рассказывают о себе.

Max: Hiya! My name`s Max. I am a captain. I like playing soccer.

Bogdan:Howdy! My name`s Bogdan. I like swimming.

Arina: Hello! My name`s Arina. I like dancing.

Nastya: Hi! My name`s Nastya. I like drawing.

Dan: Hey! My name`s Dan. I like skiing.

Vicky: Hello! My name`s Vicky. I like sining.

Knowledge hunters” Представляют под песню “Jobs”

What do you want to be? I want to be a Teacher. Let’s learn something fun. I want to be a Soccer player. Let’s shoot the ball. How about you? I want to be a Doctor. I will make you get better. I want to be a Firefighter. I will save you. Wait!

Mike: Hiya! My name`s Mike. I am a captain. I want to be a soccer player.

Dan: Hey! My name`s Dan. I want to be a firefighter.

Vicky: Hello! My name`s Vicky. I want to be a doctor.

Kira: G`day! I am Kira. I want to be a police-officer.

Luda: Hi! I am Luda. I want to be a teacher.

Vlad. Hello! My name`s Vlad. I want to be painter.

Contest 2


What are the opposite meaning of the words? (назовите противоположные по значению слова)You will get 1 point for every right answer.

 Black                              white

Yes                                  no

Up                                   down

Hello                               goodbye

Small                              big

Light                                dark

Good                               bad

New                                 old

Long                                short

Contest 3.1.Complete and read

You will get 1 point for every right answer.

  1. w_ _ ch 1) he_ _et

  2. gl _ _es 2) cam_ _a

  3. g _ _ tar 3) hai_ _br_sh

  4. _ _ort 4) _ _ll

  5. fr _ _ ndly 5) k_nd

  1. Read and complete

  1. She is a nurse. She …

  1. serves food and drinks

  2. helps sick people

  1. He is a postman. He …

  1. takes letters to the people’s houses

  2. fixes cars

  1. He is a baker. He …

  1. makes cakes

  2. sells cakes and sweets.

  1. He is a vet. He …

  1. works at a garage.

  2. works at the hospital for animals.

  1. He is a mechanic. He …

  1. teaches students.

  2. fixes cars.

Викторина для болельщиковRiddles”(Загадки)

T: First you should listen the descriptions of animals. Then  you must think whom there about. Then tell the name.  You will get 1 point for every right answer.

 (Ребята должны прослушать предложения с описаниями, угадать, о ком идет речь и показать правильную картинку) Model: It is a small animal. It likes fish. (a cat)

  1. It is orange. It is not big. It can run. It is very cunning. (a fox)

  2. This animal lives at home or in the street. It is a man’s friend. (a dog)

  3. It is green. It can swim and run. It can’t climb and jump. (a crocodile)

  4. It is big and strong. It’s grey. It likes to help his friends. It lives in Africa.(an elephant)

  5. It’s clever. It can jump and climb. It lives in a tree. It’s very funny. (a monkey)

  6.  За каждую отгаданную загадку команды получают 1 балл.

  1. 1)Read and match

  1. play a) a uniform

  2. read b) football

  3. wear c) a book

  4. help d) shopping

  5. work e) sick people

  6. go f) at the hospital

2)Read and match

  1. roller a) family

  2. mobile b) guitar

  3. friendly c) blades

  4. dark d) eyes

  5. brown e) phone

  6. play f) hair

Музыкальня пауза

Let`have a rest. Well, now I want to see which team dances better. Listen to the song "Animal action" and dance.

Animal Action Shake, shake your body. Move, move your body. Everybody, dance around. Come on and dance to the beat! Frog time! Do the frog, do the frog, now stop! Do the frog, do the frog, now stop! Jumpy jump, jumpy jump. Silly jolly frog dance. Do the frog, do the frog, now stop! Hippo Time! Do the hippo, do the hippo, now stop! Do the hippo, do the hippo, now stop! Shaky shake, shaky shake. Silly jolly hippo dance. Do the hippo, do the hippo, now stop! Move again! Shake, shake your body. Move, move your body. Everybody, dance around. Come on and dance to the beat! Horse Time! Do the horse, do the horse, now stop! Do the horse, do the horse, now stop! Gallop, gallop, gallop, gallop. Silly jolly horse dance. Do the horse, do the horse, now stop! Shake, shake your body. Move, move your body. Everybody! Dance around.

Contest 4. “ The Captains”

I want to invite our captains. The task is: look at the picture for 20 seconds and try to remember them. Then repeat as many words as you can. (The captains tell the words in turn) You will get 1 point for every right answer.

Contest 5. Solve the crossword (Appendix3)

You will get 1 point for every right answer.

Contest 6. Color the pictures (Appendix1)

You will get 1 point for every right answer.

Contest 7. Draw a picture.

You will listen a text. Draw a picture of it. You will get 1 point for every right answer.


It is autumn. In autumn it is usually cool. The sky is grey. There are clouds in the sky. Trees are yellow, red and brown. Children play a ball in the park. They are 2 girls and 1boy. They are happy.

Contest 8. Match the transcription and the picture and write the word.

You will get 1 point for every right answer.

[faIv] [pIg] [windi] [taIm] [mIlk]

Write the words in the corresponding column:

Pencil, kitchen, wife, ice, driver, hide, drink, six, nine, his, ride, sing, library, fridge, like, disco.



Contest 9. Look, read and choose the correct items (Appendix2)

  1. rabbit

  1. mouse

  1. elephant


  1. lizard

2. spider

2. horse

2. snake

1. snake

1. crocodile

1. dog


2. rabbit

2. tortoise

2. bird

2. snake

  1. tortoise

  1. crocodile

  1. Look at the pictures above







Which animals can

crawl? 2.fly? 3. talk? 4. swim? 5. jump ?









  1. 4. 7.

  2. 5. 8.

  1. 6. Down 1.

Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Мероприятия

Целевая аудитория: 4 класс

Конкурс по английскому языку "Веселый английский"

Автор: Шкребова Елена Васильевна

Дата: 08.12.2018

Номер свидетельства: 489599

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