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Конкурс "Что ты знаешь о Великобритании?"

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«Конкурс "Что ты знаешь о Великобритании?"»

The Auction “How well do you know Great Britain”

Игра проводится между двумя командами по 15-20 человек в каждой. Каждая команда перед игрой выбирает название и капитана.

Вопросы игры поделены на 6 тематических групп: история, география, культура Великобритании, английские народные загадки и вопросы - сюрпризы. Выбор темы для ответа определяется при помощи кубика, на гранях которого написаны названия тем.

Каждая команда перед игрой получает “стартовый капитал”-300 000 фунтов. Команды торгуются за право отвечать на вопрос по выпавшей теме. Торги происходят в форме аукциона. Выигравшая торги команда выбирает вопрос по данной теме и после тридцатисекундного обсуждения отвечает на него. Если ответ неверный, команда-соперник может попытаться ответить на тот же вопрос.

Игра продолжается даже в том случае, если у одной из команд не осталось денег, пока не будут исчерпаны все вопросы, разделенные на три тура. После каждого тура жюри объявляет промежуточные результаты, а после последнего тура объявляется команда – победитель и проводится награждение (вручение торта).

Выигрывает команда, потратившая меньше денег и заработавшая больше очков.

Состав участников:

- Игроки двух команд;

- члены жюри;

- ведущий – аукционист;


- игральный кубик;

- молоточек аукциониста;

- 300 000 “фунтов”;

- карточки с вопросами по темам;

- приз (торт).

Ход игры:

Ведущий: Good afternoon! We are glad to greet you at our auction! First of all let me introduce our teams and our jury. There are two teams here today. The first one is called ………, and their captain is ……. . The 2-nd team is called …….. , and their captain is ……….. . The members of our jury are: ………. .

Now listen to the rules of our auction. It consists of 3 rounds, each of them includes 6 questions.

These questions deal with the English history, geography, culture and literature; there are some English folk riddles and some surprise questions.

Let’s choose the 1-st theme. This dice will help us to do it. ( Ведущий бросает кубик и читает тему.) Oh! It is the English history! Do you like the English history? You do! So, if you want to have a question about the English history, you have to buy it!

So, the 1-st lot is the English history and the starting price is 10 thousand pounds Who wants to buy it for 10 000 pounds? One, two, three – it is sold.

So, you’ve bought this question and you’ve bought the right to be the 1-st to answer it. But if your answer is wrong, the other team could give their variant. Now, please, the captain, come to me and choose one of these cards. So, your question is ………. . And it costs (…….) points. You have 30 seconds to discuss it.

  • What is your answer?

  • It’s right (wrong….) and you’ve got ………points.

The next question will be about .. ( бросает кубик ) … literature! Who wants to buy a question about literature? ……………( и т. д).

So, the final score is ……… Let’s congratulate the winners! Please, come to the jury to get your prize!

Thank you for the game. Thanks to our jury for their work. Good bye!


1. History

1. (4 points) Who were the first inhabitants of the British Isles?

- Iberians.

2. (3 points) What disaster did the whole England suffer from in the14-th century?

- The plague.

3. (5 points) Give the name of the only English King who was beheaded.

- Charles I ( by Oliver Cromwell).

4. (5 points) What is the name –the patronymic and the surname – of the present English Queen?

- Elisabeth Georg Windsor.

5. (5 points) What do the letters MP stand for?

-Member of Parliament.

II. Geography

1. (5 points) What are the Kingdoms of the UK and their capitals?

- England – London;

- Scotland – Edinburgh;

- Wales – Cardiff;

- Northern Ireland – Belfast.

2. (3 points) What is the Lake District famous for?

- Loch Ness monster.

3. (3 points) Which river is associated with the name of W. Shakespeare?

- Avon (Stratford-on-Avon).

4. (5 points) What kingdom of the UK has the depiction of a dragon on its flag?

- Wales.

5. (4 points) Who is the ‘Architect of London? Which is his best-known creation?

- Christopher Wren; St. Paul’s Cathedral in London.

III. Culture and traditions.

1. (3 points) What is a ‘bank holiday’?

-Bank holidays- the official days off, ’public holidays’ are:

- New Year’s Day;

- Good Friday;

- Easter Monday;

- May Day;

- Spring Bank Holiday;

- Summer Bank Holiday;

- Christmas Day;

- Boxing Day.

2. (5 points) What 3 articles were the first-footer was required to carry?

- a piece of coal to wish warmth;

- a piece of bread to wish food;

- a silver coin to wish wealth.

3. (5 points) What does the bagpipe look like? What sound does it produce?

- The sound of the bagpipe is very stirring;

- The old Highland clans used to go into battle to the sound of the bagpipes;

-The bagpipe consists of a reed pipe, ‘the chanter’, and a wind bag which provides a regular supply of air to the pipe.

4. (4 points) What is the tradition associated with the Tower of London? Why are the ravens taken care off?

- The ravens whose forefathers used to find food in the Tower still live here as part of its history. There is a legend that some of the ravens disappear, the Tower will fall. That is why the birds are carefully guarded.

5. (4 points) What is the name for New Year’s Eve in the Scotland?

- Hogmanay.

6. (3 points) What do children usually say at Halloween?

-They ask if you would like a ‘trick’ or a ‘treat’. If you give them something nice, a treat, they go away. However, if you don’t, they play a trick on you, such as making a lot of noise or spilling flour on your front doorstep.

I V. Literature:

1. (4 points) What is the most well-known novel by Oscar Wilde?

- “The picture of Dorian Gray”.

2. (4 points) Match the author and the book:

- “Mary Poppins” – Pamela Travers;

- “The adventures of Tom Sawyer” – Mark Twain;

- “Alice’s adventures in Wonderland” – Levis Carroll.

3. (5 points) When did Levis Carroll live?


4. (3 points) Who wrote “Hamlet, Prince of Denmark”?

- Shakespeare.

5. (4 points) Match the writer and the country:

- Stephanie Meier – the USA;

- Oscar Wilde – Ireland;

- Pamela Travers – Australia.

V. Riddles:

1. (4 points) What flies when it’s born, lies when it’s alive, runs when it’s dead?

- A snowflake.

2. (4 points) What do you fill with empty hands?

- Glove.

3. (4 points) What belongs to you but others use it more than you do?


4. (4 points) What can travel around the world while staying in the corner?

- Stamp.

5. (4 points) What two things can you never eat for breakfast?

- Dinner and supper.

VI. Surprise questions:

1. (4 points) What comes once in a minute, twice in a moment, but never in a thousand years?

- The letter “M”.

2. (4 points) What building has the most stories?

- A library.

3. (4 points) What has a single eye but cannot see?

- A needle.

4. (4 points) How many seconds are there in a year?

-12; The 2-nd of January, The 2-nd of February, …..

5. (4 points) I am very easy to get into, but it is hard to get out of me. What am I?


Список использованной литературы:

1. Дзюина Е.В. Игровые уроки и внеклассные мероприятия на английском языке: 5-9 классы. М.: ВАКО, 2009

2. О.Н.Подгорская..Предметные недели в школе. Издательство «Учитель «Волгоград, 2008

3. Е.Н. Федченко Обучение с увлечением или 1001 способ превратить урок в праздник. Учеб. Пособие по англ. языку.  М.: Издательство «Менеджер», 2010.

Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Мероприятия

Целевая аудитория: 8 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Конкурс "Что ты знаешь о Великобритании?"

Автор: Куликова Галина Вениаминовна

Дата: 15.02.2017

Номер свидетельства: 392205

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