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Конкурс чтецов на английском языке

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Сценарий конкурса чтецов на английском языке “Wonderful Autumn

для учащихся  5-6 классов

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«Конкурс чтецов на английском языке»

Муниципальное общеобразовательное учреждение

«Средняя общеобразовательная школа № 1» г. Серпухов

Школьное открытое внеклассное мероприятие

конкурс чтецов

Wonderful Autumn

5-6 классы

Подготовила: Т. А. Евдокимова

сентябрь 2015

Сценарий конкурса чтецов на английском языке “Wonderful Autumn

для учащихся 5-6 классов


- совершенствование навыков выразительного декламирования стихотворений;

- развитие интереса к поэтическим произведениям стран изучаемого языка;

- развитие интереса к англоязычной культуре в целом;

- выявление и поощрение талантливых детей, предоставление им возможности для самовыражения.

Материалы и оборудование:

- сухие осенние листья и растения в вазах;

- презентация;

- грамоты за 1-3 места

Ход мероприятия

Good afternoon everybody! Welcome to our competition. It is devoted to autumn. Today we will recite English poems about autumn and find out who can do it very well. The winners will get diplomas and everybody will get excellent marks.

First of all, let me introduce our jury. They are Loginov Andrey and Tursunova Alexandra, the students of the 11th form, and Meshcheryakova Julia Sergeyevna, Evdokimova Tatiana Alekseyevna, Knyazik Alexandra Nikolayevna, Kuus Tatiana Anatolyevna, Brekhova Maria Sergeyevna, Tur Irina Vladimirovna, experienced teachers of English.

Now let me introduce our participants. They are the students of the 5th and 6th forms of our school.

It’s time to start. Your task is to recite the poems which you have prepared. Try to do it artistically and in a natural manner. I hope you will enjoy your English. Don’t be nervous and mind your pronunciation. Good luck to you!

Ведущий : Now ……………………………….. from the 5th form ”A” will recite an English poem.

(Участники читают выразительно выученные стихи)

Thanks a lot. I see all of you are very talented. Now the jury will discuss your reciting and let us know the results. We will listen to a song about autumn while waiting.

Autumn Songs for Children – Autumn Leaves are Falling Down

The members of the jury are ready to tell us the results of our contest. Let’s listen to them.

Now I want our judges give you diplomas for taking part in our poetry day.

Our congratulations to the winners! Let’s take some photos!

Thanks for everybody and see you next year!

Критерии конкурса:

Выразительность (expressiveness)

Произношение (pronunciation)

Каждый из критериев оценивается по 5-бальной системе.

Результаты выступления участников конкурса




ФИ участника


Баллы (от 1-до 5)

Общий балл




An Autumn Greeting

Белова Олеся


Autumn Leaves

Фомичева Алиса


Falling Leaves

Строганова Софья



Медников Марк



Кучер Даниэла


A Little Elf

Мазурова Сабина


I Love Fall

Красикова Полина



Воронцова Алина


Autumn Wind

Сухомлинова Анна


Autumn Bird Song

Курелюк Александр


Down, down!

Подковырова Елизавета







Коробкова Софья


The Mist and All

Черников Николай


Indian Summer

Новикова Полина

  1. An Autumn Greeting

«Come», said the Wind to the Leaves one day. («Пойдем,» сказал Ветер однажды Листве)

«Come over the meadow and we will play. («Пойдем в луга, будем играть.)

Put on your dresses of red and gold. (Одень наряд свой, красный, золотой)

For summer is gone and the days grow cold.» (Лето ушло и дни холодают.»)


  1. Autumn Leaves

Leaves on the ground are turning, (Листья на земле становятся,)

Yellow, brown and red. (Желтыми, коричневыми и красными.)

Smoke from the bonfire burning, (Дым от пылающих костров,)

Climbing overhead. (Вздымается ввысь.)

Here comes Autumn to bring the mist and rain. (Приближающаяся Осень несет туман и дождь.)

Summer has gone for another year, (Лето ушло до следующего года,)

Autumn's here again. (Осень снова здесь.)


  1. Falling Leaves

All the leaves are falling down, (Все листья падают,)

Orange, yellow, red and brown. (Оранжевые, желтые, красные и коричневые.)

Falling softly as they do, (Падают тихо как могут)

Over me and over you. (Надо мной и тобой.)

All the leaves are falling down, (Все листья падают,)

Orange, yellow, red and brown. (Оранжевые, желтые, красные и коричневые.)


  1. November

by John Updike

The stripped and shapely (Нагой и стройный)

Maple grieves (Клен скорбит)

The ghosts of her (По призракам)

Departed leaves. (Опавших листьев.)

The ground is hard, (Земля тверда,)

As hard as stone. (Тверда, как камень.)

The year is old, (Год стар,)

The birds are flown. (И птицы улетели.)

And yet the world, (И все же, мир,)

In its distress, (В изнеможении своем,)

Displays a certain (Являет некое)

Loveliness… (Очарованье)

  1. Leaves

by Elsie N. Brady

How silently they tumble down (Как тихо они падают)

And come to rest upon the ground (И обретают покой на земле)

To lay a carpet, rich and rare, (Чтобы лежать ковром, богатым и редкостным,)

Beneath the trees without a care, (Под деревьями без забот,)

Content to sleep, their work well done, (Довольны сном, их работа сделана хорошо,)

Colors gleaming in the sun. (Краски блестят на солнце.)

At other times, they wildly fly (В другое время, они дико летают)

Until they nearly reach the sky. (Пока почти не достигнут небес.)

Twisting, turning through the air (Изгибаются, вращаются в воздухе)

Till all the trees stand stark and bare. (Пока все деревья не станут голыми.)

Exhausted, drop to earth below (Измученные, падают на землю вниз)

To wait, like children, for the snow. (Что бы ждать, как дети, снега.)

  1. A Little Elf

A little elf

Sat in a tree

Painting leaves

To throw at me.

Leaves of yellow

And leaves of red

Came tumbling down

About my head.

Leaves are falling

One by one.

Summer’s over,

Autumn has come.


  1. I Love Fall

I love fall! Fall is exciting.

It's apples and cider.

It's an airborne spider.

It's pumpkins in bins.

It's burrs on dog's chins.

It's wind blowing leaves.

It's chilly red knees.

It's nuts on the ground.

It's a crisp dry sound.

It's green leaves turning

And the smell of them burning.

It's clouds in the sky.

It's fall. That's why...

I love fall.


  1. September

The breezes taste

Of apple peel.

The air is full

Of smells to feel-

Ripe fruit, old footballs,

Burning brush,

New books, erasers,

Chalk, and such.

The bee, his hive,

Well-honeyed hum,

And Mother cuts


Like plates washed clean

With suds, the days

Are polished with

A morning haze.


  1. Autumn Wind

When autumn wind goes running

It does some magic things.

It gives the shadows dancing shoes,

It gives the bright leaves wings –

When autumn wind goes running.

It curls the bonfire's tail of smoke

And shares a little whispered joke

With cornstalks who delight to prattle,

It turns a seed pod into a rattle –

When autumn wind goes running.

  1. Autumn Bird Song

Over the housetops,

Over the trees,

Winging their way

In a stiff fall breeze

A flock of birds

Is flying along

Southward, for winter,

Singing a song.

Singing a song

They all like to sing,

"We'll see you again

When it's spring, spring, spring."


Down, down!

Yellow and brown

The leaves are falling

Over the town

September is a time

Of beginning for all

Beginning of school

Beginning of all.

The sunflower children

Nod to the sun.

Summer is over,

Fall has begun.

The leaves are falling

One by one

Summer’s over

School’s begun.

  1. September

A road like brown ribbon

A sky that is blue

A forest of green

With that sky peeping through

Asters, deep purple

A grass hopper’s call

Today it is summer

Tomorrow is fall.

  1. October

The month is amber,

Gold and brown.

Blue ghosts of smoke

Float through the town.

Great V’s of geese

Honk overhead,

And maples turn

A fiery red.

Frost bites the lawn.

The stars are slits

In a black cat’s eye

Before she spits.

At last, small witches,

Goblins, hags,

And pirates armed

With paper bags.

Their costumes hinged

On safety pins,

Go haunt a night

Of pumpkin grins.

John Updike

  1. The Mist and All

I like the fall,

The mist and all.

I like the night owl’s

Lonely call –

And wailing sound

Of wind around.

I like the gray

November day

And bare dead boughs

That coldly sway

Against my pane.

I like the rain.

I like to sit

And laugh at it –

And tend

My cozy fire a bit.

I like the fall,

The mist and all.

Dixie Wilson


Along the line of smoky hills
    The crimson forest stands,
And all the day the blue-jay calls
    Throughout the autumn lands.

Now by the brook the maple leans
    With all his glory spread,
And all the sumachs on the hills
    Have turned their green to red.

Now by great marshes wrapt in mist,
    Or past some river's mouth,
Throughout the long, still autumn day
    Wild birds are flying south.

William Wilfred Campbell

Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Мероприятия

Целевая аудитория: 6 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Конкурс чтецов на английском языке

Автор: Татьяна Алексеевна Евдокимова

Дата: 06.08.2020

Номер свидетельства: 555418

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