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«I know and love English»
Викторина для 2 класса “Мы знаем английский язык”
Цель: развитие навыков письма, аудирования, чтения, говорения. Задачи: -закрепить английский алфавит, цвета, числительные, - развивать навыки письма, аудирования, чтения, говорения, языковую догадку, память, внимание, логическое мышление, интерес к изучению английского языка, -воспитывать культуру поведения. Оборудование: раздаточный материал
1.Организационная часть. 2.Основная часть. Задание 1. Конкурс “ Кто знает больше считалок?” Выигрывает та команда, которая лучше справляется с данным заданием. 1.One,one,one: Little dogs run. Two, two, two: Cats see you.
Three, three, three: Birds in a tree. Four, four, four: Rats on the floor.
Five, five, five: Planes in the sky. Six, six, six: Two short sticks.
Seven, seven, seven: Here is a raven. Eight, eight, eight: A hen at the gate.
Nine, nine, nine: The apple is very fine. Ten, ten, ten: Catch me, if you can.
2.One, two, Look at your shoe. Three, four, Look at the floor. Five, six , Look at short sticks. Seven, eight, Look at the plate. Nine, ten, Look at your pen.
3. One, two, three, four, Yummy chocolate, Give me more! Five, six, seven, eight, My favourite food is chocolate.
4. One horse is under a tree, Two cars are for you and me. Three kittens are at the door. Four puppies are on the floor. Five hens are in the box. Six chickens and a fox. Seven cows and a house. Eight cats and a mouse. Nine birds and the rest. Twelve toys I love best.
5. One ball, two balls, Three balls, four. Five balls, six balls On the floor. Seven balls, eight balls, Nine balls, ten On the floor! Try again! Задание 2. Конкурс “Кто быстрее посчитает?” How many apples? One little apple is in the tree, Two liitle apples are for you and for me , Three apples are by the door, And four apples are on the floor, The apples are good and sweet, Can you count them all, Pete? (ten apples)
How many cakes? There are nine cakes On a little plate; I eat one of them And now there are … (eight)
How many boys? Eleven little boys Play football with Ben. Two boys go away, And then there are … (ten)
Задание 3. Знатокианглийскогоалфавита I. Конкурспесни A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J,K,L,M, I can sing the alphabet, Can you do the same? I can sing the alphabet, I’ve got it in my head! N,O,P,Q,R,S,T,U,V,W, X,Y, Z!
I can write my alphabet, My alphabet, my alphabet. I can write my alphabet From A to Z. A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J,K,L,M, N,O,P,Q,R,S,T,U,V,W, X,Y, Z! I can sing this song to you And make you smile!
I I . Кто быстрее заполнит алфавит?
Задание 4. Станция орфографии I . Напиши слова и найди правильную картинку Key: pig, duck, ant, goose.
Задание 5. Цвета радуги I.Конкурс стихотворений и песен Colours 1.The bear is white. The bed is blue. The dog is black. The puppy is black too. You like me And I like you. Green and yellow, White and blue.
- 2. What is red? Asks little Fred. - The ball is red,- Says his brother Ted. - What is grey? Can you say? - Yes, I can. - The mouse is grey. - Please, tell me, What is green? - Grass is green, So long and clean. - What is white? I want to know. - Milk is white As snow.
3. Red and yellow, And pink and green, Purple and orange, And blue. I can sing a rainbow, Sing a rainbow, Sing a rainbow too. II. Найдиправильноцвет. Cocтавьсвоипредложения Group1: We have got a lot of red apples. Group2: We have got a lot of green caps.