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Funny week

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 Внеклассная работа  является составной  частью учебно-воспитательного процесса. Она способствует  более глубокому овладению языком. Большую роль играют недели иностранного языка в школе, включающие различные мероприятия. Чтобы привлечь учащихся к творческой  внеклассной работе, необходимо обеспечить  их увлекательным материалом.

Массовые формы внеклассной работы имеют при этом огромное значение.

Я хотела бы поделиться  методической разработкой проведения Недели английского языка, которая была проведена в нашей школе.

Вы уже знаете о суперспособностях современного учителя?
Тратить минимум сил на подготовку и проведение уроков.
Быстро и объективно проверять знания учащихся.
Сделать изучение нового материала максимально понятным.
Избавить себя от подбора заданий и их проверки после уроков.
Наладить дисциплину на своих уроках.
Получить возможность работать творчески.

Просмотр содержимого документа
«Funny week »

Четвернина Любовь Николаевна, учитель английского языка

Статья отнесена к разделу: Преподавание иностранных языков, внеклассная работа

Цели и задачи: Внеклассная работа является составной частью учебно-воспитательного процесса. Она способствует более глубокому овладению

языком. Большую роль играют недели иностранного языка в школе, включающие различные мероприятия. Чтобы привлечь учащихся к творческой внеклассной работе, необходимо обеспечить их увлекательным материалом.

Массовые формы внеклассной работы имеют при этом огромное значение.

Я хотела бы поделиться методической разработкой проведения Недели английского языка, которая была проведена в нашей школе.

План проведения недели английского языка

Open eyes and ears”


Тема дня





Номер урока

1 день

День английского языка

Выставка газет, рисунков

по классам (темы в каждом классе разные)


на 1,2 этаж.




Праздник тропических


“Tropical party”




3 день

Праздник для малышей

“My first English words “


Актовый зал




В гостях у сказки

“The bread roll”


Актовый зал




День этикета



Каб. Английского языка


6 день

Умники и умницы

Проведение олимпиады Гринвич







Подведение итогов

Линейка награждение победителей и участников



Рекреация школы

после 3 урока

Tropical party

  1. Тренировать восприятие речи на слух

  2. Формировать навыки самостоятельной работы с материалом.

  3. Формировать умение составлять выступление.

  4. Тренировать навыки устной речи.

  5. Узнать больше о тропических странах и островах.

Все участники заранее готовят костюмы и представляют жителей тропических стран, они разбиваются по группам и подготавливают свои собственные игры, предлагают песни, стихи.

“Tropical” music is playing. There are some oranges, bananas, lemons, etc (tropical fruit) on the tables. All children wear special costumes.

Ведущий: We all are on a tropical island. There is nobody on the island except us. What shall we do here? Please help me. (Детям предлагают спеть песни, поиграть).

Ведущий: We will do everything today, but now I want you to show your costumes, and then we will choose the Queen or the King of our Tropical Party.

Парад костюмов; жюри (выбранное заранее) выбирает лучший костюм. Ученика сажают на «трон», надевают «корону».

Ведущий: That’s fine and now we’re going to congratulate the Queen|King with the song she|he

Loves most of all. And now…..I see Queen|King is feeling bored. Let’s play some games to entertain our Queen|King.

1.Fruit Salad

The children sit in the circle, facing in, with one child in the middle. They are given names around the circle-pineapple, mango, guava, etc. The child in the middle calls out names of the fruits, and all those children swap theirplaces racing round and across the circle as they wish.

The child in the middle runs to one of the empty spaces in the circle and the girl|boy left without a place goes into the middle.

2.Coconut balls.

Children are given only five balls. Set up tin cans as the forget and throw soft balls (“coconuts’) or balloons into them. The one who throws more balls then others is the winner and gets the prize.

3.I’m thinking of a word

Cut up plain paper into about 25 slips. On each slip write something that can be mimed fairy easily. For example: free, elephant, banana, melon, ect. Each child picks out a slip of paper

and mimes to the others the word on it. The rest have to guess what she|he is miming.

This game could also be played by a child whispering a word to be mimed to her|his neigbour.

Ведущий: Our Queen|King wants us to play the game she|he loves most. Who knows what the game is? It’s Kim’s tropical tasting game. Queen|King, please, choose boys and girls (3+3) to

play this game.

Kim’s tropical tasting game. Set up a few tropical fruits for the children to taste blindford.

Ведущий: And now let’s dance our limbo dance. The Queen|King is also welcome to dance.

Then we’ll choose the best dancer. (Дети танцуют)

Ведущий: The Queen|King has a list of things she|he needs. Let’s find them. There is a list of object that children have to find in and around the meeting place, for example, a shell, a book, a palm, a blade of grass, a “boat”, etc. Desert island discs. Children could make their own selection following the format of the radio programme, and could maybe sing their favourite song or tune.

Ведущий: It’s a pity but our time’s over. Our Queen|King is very much tired. So we are. Let’s have our meals-fruit and juice,and then we’ll have rest, and while we’re eating, let’s decide who was the best this evening.

Дети выбирают лучшего ученика на празднике, принимая во внимание его активность, знание песен, а также и корону с головы Королевы/Короля. Ведущий благодарит подготовивших игры и песни, приглашает встретиться вместе в следующий раз.

My first English words

Купила мама два платочка  
-Как будет рада daughter-дочка!
Купила mother барабан:
-Как будет рад сыночек - son!    

 Спросил печально father – папа:
  -А будет ужин, то есть supper?
  - Of course - конечно! Очень скоро!
  Помой   tomatoes- помидоры! 


Один grandfather? То есть дед
Вставал на голову – на head,
Grandmother – бабушка – старушка
Вставала рядом на макушку.

Сказала девочкаgirl:
- Опять этот дождь пошел!
Мокнуть под ним надоело!
Где же мой зонтик- umbrella?

Здравствуй, мальчик, мальчик – boy!
Мы подружимся с тобой!
 Песню - song давай споем,
А потом гулять пойдем.

- Прочитай-ка книжку - book-
Говорил my friend - мой друг.-
Эта книжка еле-еле
Уместилась в bag – портфеле.


- Good morning – с добрым утром, дети!-
Пропел петух – cock на рассвете.
А мы – опять на правый бок,
Не разбудил нас петушок!


-Good evening- добрый вечер!
Ты рада нашей встрече?
- Да-да, я рада - I am glad!
 А ты какой-то грустный - sad.

Спать- to sleep
Щенок наш хочет:
Всем good night-
Спокойной ночи!


- Почему Вы, стрекоза
Так таращите глаза?
- Мне пора лететь- to fly.
До свидания- good bye!

- Можно pencil- карандаш?
- Please- пожалуйста, он Ваш!
- Thank you, или же спасибо!
Завернуть вы не могли бы?


     Воскликнула курица- hen:
     - Ах, где моя ручка- my pen?
     Придется не ручкой, а лапой
     Письмо петуху нацарапать.


     Построил я дом - house,
     Живет в нем мышка - mouse.
     А кошка - cat твердит о том,
     Чтоб рядом ей построить дом.


     Я приказал  сидеть - to sit,
     И пес послушно сел.
     Я дал ему конфету - sweet,
     И dog c восторгом съел.


     - Кто под деревом сидит?
     - Это я, козленок- kid!
     - Где коза? Ну где же goat?
     - Вон плывет на лодке - boat!


- Любезная duck, то есть утка,
Присядьте со мной на минутку!
- Нет, спасибо, fox – лисица,
С вами что-то не сидится!  

Пляшет куколка - a doll,

Рядом скачет мяч - a ball,

Загремел: трам - трам,

Барабан - a drum.

Едет поезд - train, train,

Самолет летит - a plane.

Любят такие игрушки - the toys

Девочки - girls,

Мальчики - boys.


Посмотри скорее -Look!
Ты увидишь книжку - book!
В книжке - мишка - a bear
И зайчонок - a hare.


Цель - тренировать учащихся в произнесении английских звуков.


Цель: формирование навыков фонематического слуха.

Ход игры: преподаватель называет слова. Обучаемые поднимают руку, если звук произносится широко. Если гласный произносится узко, руку поднимать нельзя. Выигрывает команда, которая допустила меньше ошибок.



Команда – победительница получает пять баллов.

Пение на уроках иностранного языка позволяет включить в активную познавательную деятельность каждого ребенка, создает предпосылки для коллективной работы в атмосфере положительных эмоций.


В класс пришел Незнайка. Он будет изучать английский язык. Теперь ребята не просто повторяют звуки, они стараются научить Незнайку правильному произношению. Незнайка показывает детям транскрипционные знаки, а ребята хором называют их. А чтобы проверить, как ребята запомнили эти звуки, Незнайка начинает делать ошибки. Если звук произнесен правильно, дети молчат, а если неправильно, они дружно хлопают в ладоши.


Учитель произносит английские звуки, а ребята показывают соответствующие транскрипционные знаки. Можно видоизменить условия игры: учитель показывает транскрипционные знаки, а вызванные ученики произносят соответствующий звук или слово, содержащее данный звук.


Класс выбирает ведущего. Учитель просит его представить себя в роли телеграфиста и послать телеграмму – сказать по буквам слова, делая паузу после каждого слова.


Цель игры: формирование навыка дифференциации звукобуквенных соответствий.

Ход игры: преподаватель читает несколько слов и предлагает обучаемым найти среди них три, в которых буква … произносится как … . Выигрывает тот, кто быстрее это сделает.


- Какой звук я задумала? Называется ряд слов, в которых встречается один и тот же звук. Отгадавший первым получает право загадать свою загадку.



(для инсценировки)

(Further on simply The Roll)

An Author
A Grandfather
A Grandmother
A Roll
A Hare
A Wolf
A Bear
A Fox

A big old oven, a table, a bench and a window.
Trees, flowers and bushes.
A stump.

AN AUTHOR: Long, long time ago, once upon a time somewhere about there lived the grandfather and the grandmother. They lived happily and friendly in a very old house. The grandpa and the grandma liked to work hard and sing songs.


A GRANDPA: Oh, it is so nice just simply live, yap.

A GRANDMA: Oh, enjoy the sky forget the grieve, yap.

A GRANDPA: Enjoy the honey drink and tea,

A GRANDMA: To eat sweet buns without plea.

AN AUTHOR: After singing the song the grandpa decided to ask the grandma to bake some roll.

A GRANDPA: Sweaty, can you bake some roll for us?

A GRANDMA: I would like to, but there is no more flour left.

A GRANDPA: Can you wipe the shelves carefully; maybe there you will find one or two scoops of flour.

AN AUTHOR: The grandma did what the grandpa asked her to do. Carefully wiped all shelves and finally found two scoops of flour. She made dough based on sour cream, formed a roll and put it in the oven for baking. The grandpa is singing a song, the grandma is singing along.

(Kids can show what they are doing during the song.)

A GRANDPA: We decided to bake the roll, to bake the roll, to bake the roll. (Make the roll).

A GRANDMA: We decided to bake the roll, to bake the fresh puffy roll.

A GRANDPA: We invited boys and girls, boys and girls, boys and girls. (Waving hands towards themselves).

A GRANDMA: We invited boys and girls, to eat our puffy roll.

A GRANDPA: Boys and girls ate our roll, our roll, our roll. (Show how they are eating the roll).

A GRANDMA: They became all tall and strong, tall and very strong.

A GRANDPA: They said, thank you and goodbye, and goodbye, and goodbye. (Waving hands "bye, bye").

A GRANDMA: See you grannies, please don't cry, please don't cry. (Show how they are crying).

A GRANDPA: We will visit you again hug and kiss you, hug and kiss you. (Sending kisses).

A GRANDMA: We will visit you again, please don't miss us, please don't miss us.

AN AUTHOR: When the roll was ready, the grandma took him from the oven and placed on the windowsill.

A GRANDMA: Look, grandpa, how lovely our roll is.

A GRANDPA: It is lovely.

AN AUTHOR: Agreed the grandpa. The roll heard everything what the grandma and the grandpa said about him and so he became very proud. After some time the roll was bored to lie on the windowsill. Nobody said anything nice about him anymore, so the roll decided to jump outside and have a look, what is going on around.

A ROLL: Maybe somebody else will notice how unique I am!

AN AUTHOR: The roll was thinking while rolling into the forest. Here is the hare going towards the roll.

A HARE: Hi, little roll, I am going to eat you!

A ROLL: Don't eat me hare, I will sing you a wonderful song.

AN AUTHOR: And the roll started to sing the song.

A ROLL: I'm the roll, roll, roll,
Made from flour round ball,
Made from sour cream and milk,
I'm shiny like silk.
I am running from grandma,
I am running from grandpa.
To the forest far away
Catch adventure day by day.
And from you, little hare, I will easy run away.

AN AUTHOR: The hare even didn't notice the roll disappear.

A HARE: What a wonder! He has just been here and somehow he is gone...

AN AUTHOR: The roll was rolling along the wooden path, enjoying the bright sunny day. The roll stopped and noticed somebody coming.

A WOLF: Hi, tasty roll, I'm going to eat you.

AN AUTHOR: Said the hungry, homeless wolf.

A ROLL: Don't eat me, Mister wolf, I will sing you a song.

A WOLF: Ok, ok, just quickly, I am really hungry!

AN AUTHOR: The roll started singing his song.

A ROLL: I'm the roll, roll, roll,
Made from flour round ball,
Made from sour cream and milk,
I'm shiny like silk.
I am running from grandma,
I am running from grandpa.
I am running from the hare
I like running I'm not tired.
To the forest far away
Catch adventure day by day.
And from you, Mister wolf, I will easy run away.

AN AUTHOR: The wolf looked around, but the roll was far away. He hopelessly licked his mouth.

A WOLF: Unbelievable! I didn't bite even a small piece of that tasty roll. U-u-u-u he is very smart! Next time I'm not going to listen to any stupid songs; I will bite and eat, eat and eat.

AN AUTHOR: And the wolf started gnashing with his sharp teeth. But the roll happily kept running deeper to the forest. The roll was running, running and saw the big brown bear approaching him.

A BEAR: R-r-r, hi, round crunchy bread, I'm going to eat you.

A ROLL: I am not simply bread; I am a roll.

AN AUTHOR: Said proudly the roll.

A BEAR: It's so nice to meet you, roll.

A ROLL: Don't eat me please, big brown bear, I will sing you a song.

A BEAR: Oh, so kind, and so romantic, dinner after performance.

AN AUTHOR: The bear sat down under the tree, closed his eyes and became ready to listen to the song. The roll started singing.

A ROLL: I'm the roll, roll, roll,
Made from flour round ball,
Made from sour cream and milk,
I'm shiny like silk.
I am running from grandma,
I am running from grandpa.
I am running from the hare
I like running I'm not tired.
I am running from the wolf
I have got my own rule.
To the forest far away
Catch adventure day by day.
And from you, big brown bear, I will easy run away.

AN AUTHOR: The big brown bear was still waiting for another song, but the roll went on his way.

A BEAR: R-r-r-r!

AN AUTHOR: Growled bear.

A BEAR: He cheated me!? I'm silly; I'm fool! And I am still hungry! Well, little cheater, don't meet me again; otherwise I will swallow you without saying anything, just "um, um"!!! And that's it!

AN AUTHOR: The angry bear went to the deep forest and disappeared. The roll is rolling proud of himself, thinking how smart and cleaver he is and everybody around is so fool. The roll was rolling, rolling and suddenly ran into the fox.

A FOX: Hello, dear! I have never seen anybody so beautiful and smart as you are! You are perfect!!! You are adorable!!! I like you so much!!!

AN AUTHOR: And the fox licked her mouth.

A ROLL: Hi, red fox, do you want me to sing you the song, I wrote myself!

AN AUTHOR: Boasted the roll more and more.

A FOX: Of course, I want to.

A ROLL: I'm the roll, roll, roll,
Made from flour round ball,
Made from sour cream and milk,
I'm shiny like silk.
I am running from grandma,
I am running from grandpa.
I am running from the hare
I like running I'm not tired.
I am running from the wolf
I have got my own rule.
I am running from the bear
I want find my luck somewhere!
To the forest far away
Catch adventure day by day.
And from you, red fox, I will easy run away.

A FOX: What a wonderful song!

AN AUTHOR: The fox pretended to be crying.

A FOX: Poor me, I became so old, so unhappy, I can't hear properly anymore. Don't you mind sitting down on my nose and singing your magic song for me again?

AN AUTHOR: The roll was so amazed and charmed by the red fox, so he forgot about any danger.

A ROLL: Of course, I will.

AN AUTHOR: The roll jumped on top of the red fox nose and started singing his song.

A ROLL: I'm the roll, roll, roll….

AN AUTHOR: But the red fox "um"! And ate him.
Here is the end of the story, to them who carefully listened honour and glory!!!



The rules of the game

  1. The game lasts until a team gets 10 points.

  2. Every correct answer is one point.

  3. Taking part in the game is decided by casting of lots.

  4. Only one minute is given for the discussion.

  5. The right to answer is giving to the team, which has pressed the sound button first.

  6. The team-winner has right to play the game with the next team.

Preparatory process for the game

  1. Every class presents a team of 5 members.

  2. They choose the team captain. One week is given for the preparation.

  3. The equipment: a watch timer, two tables, six chairs for every team

  4. Two sound buttons to identify which team is the first to answer, a gong, a jury of three members to score, referee, reward.

  5. The questions are written on the small pieces of paper. The formulation of the questions and answers must be simple am exact .

  6. Prizes for the teams.


  1. When you sit at the table, what do you do with napkin?

Take a napkin, put on our lap. Keep it during the meal and use it to wipe my hands or mouth whenever necessary.

  1. If you have several pieces of cutlery besides the plate, what hve you to start first from?

I’ll start on outside for the first course.

  1. If anyone asks you when you are eating and have your mouth full of food. What would you do?

Don’t answer and speak with your mouth full of food., finishing chewing then swallow before you answer the question.

  1. What would you do with napkin when you want to leave the table during a meal, and when the meal is over?

When you leave the table during a meal, place your napkin on the chair, not

on the table, but when the meal is over, pick up your napkin , wipe your mouth, and place it on the table to the left of your plate.

  1. If you need something out o your mouth ( a bone, seed) what ould you do?

Carefully place it onto your spoon. After you have put the bone or seed onto your spoon, empty it onto your plate.

  1. How would you show without any word that you have finished your meal and you make a pause in your eating?

While you are eating, put the knife and fork you are using on the edge of your plate, it will show that you haven’t finished eating, and when you lay the knife and the fork side by side in the middle of the plate, handles to the right, it will show that you have finished eating.

  1. What should you do with the spoon after stirring coffee?

Place the spoon across the edge of the saucer or on a napkin .

  1. What are the main rules for placing knives, forks, spoons, a napkin by each plate?

Fork-to the left of the plate, knife-to the right of the plate (sharp edge towards the plate), spoon-to the right of the knife, napkin to the left of the work.

  1. When should you begin to eat your meal?

After all the plates are served, unless the host or hostess ask you to start eating.

  1. You have one minute to lay the table correctly. You have a plate, a fork, a spoon, a goblet, a wine-glass, napkin.

You put everything in such order: 4-5 cm from the edge of the table, fork

to the left of the plate, the knife-to the right of the plate, sharp edge towards the plate , spoon-to the right of the knife, the napkin-to the left of the fork, the wine- glass-in front of the plate, to the left, goblet-in front, to the right.

  1. How do we eat bread and sandwiches?

A piece of bread is taken by hand, put on the napkin or a special plate, it’s broken off into small pieces with fingers.

  1. What is “Swedish table?”

It’s a kind of party, where all dishes are put on the table, everybody, according to her/his wish, takes any dish. When the plate is full, the guests sit whenever they want, have a talk with friends.

13. How would you eat an apple, an orange?

The apple is pilled with a knife, cut into small pieces. The centre is cut out.

The orange is cut into pieces too.

14. You have finished eating, how would you leave the table?

You have the table together with other guests, you thank the hostess and host, put the chair under the table.

15. If your conversation over the phone has just been disconnected, who

must be the first to recall?

A person who has called.

16. When you make a call. Who greets and introduce first?

A person who has just made a call.

17. How would men, women, husbands, wives sit at the table?

They sit such way: man with a man, a woman with a woman, a husband

And a wife don’t sit together.

18. Who is the first to greet when somebody comes into the room?

A person who has just come in, it doesn’t matter how old she\he is.

19. A couple of young people is in the theatre. Who will go to the seats


The seats are looked for and let to by a man.

20. You have a talk with a person, what is your behavior?

Don’t talk too loud , or get too close, stay about one arm’s length

away, don’t interrupt, smile and look in the eye.

21. If you have something to say to your boss, but s|he is speaking at

this moment. What would you do?

Don’t interrupt and wait for pause in the conversation.

22. Who is the first to offer one’s hand to shake ( a man, a boy, a wo-

man, a girl).

Man and boys do not offer their hand to shake unless the girl or lady

or lady offer theirs.

23. If you are late for the performance, where would you sit?

Do you need to look for your seats? It’s necessary to sit on the nearest

empty chairs.

24. When you meet with a person, who has to give a hand first?

(a man, a woman, an older one, a younger one, a chief, a subordinate)

The main rules is: the older one greets a younger one, a woman greets a

Man, a chief shakes a subordinate’s hand.

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Мероприятия

Целевая аудитория: 3 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Funny week

Автор: Четвернина Любовь Николаевна

Дата: 15.10.2015

Номер свидетельства: 240132

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