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«Конспект урока по английскому языку 2 класс»
Ход урока
1. Оргмомент
- Good morning! Sit down, please.
- So, let’s get acquainted (давайте познакомимся). My name is Lyaysan Rasimovna. And what is your name? Answer my question one by one, please.
- Who’s on duty today? Who’s absent? How are you? What is the weather like today? What day of a week is it today? What is the month today? What is the date today? Are you ready for the lesson? OK.
2. Фонетическая разминка - Now open your books at the page 93, ex 3. …, read the task please. (слушают и повторяют). По очереди читают.
3. Целеполагание
- What do you think we’re going to talk about today? (мы с вами вспомним и повторим простое прошедшее время, вопросительную и отрицательную форму)
4. Основной этап
- Now open your books at the page 92, ex 2. …, read and translate the task please. (Делаем самостоятельно в тетрадях). Open your copybooks, write the date…
- Now open your books at the page 93, ex 4. …, read the task please. (Что мы должны сделать?). К доске пойдут … . Остальные делают в тетрадях.
- I see you’re tired. Let’s stand up and do some exercises.
Физминутка (видео)
- Now ex. 3, page 95. Read and translate the task please, … .(Учитель объясняет слово pick up и читает два первых предложения в качестве образца). Do you understand the examples? So you should continue this task in pairs. (продолжите это упражнение в парах).
- Let’s check all together. Well, read the sentences one by one. (3 boat, 4 fish, 5 hat, 6 laughed, 7 dived)
- Let’s do the ex.1, p.96. …, read and translate the task please. Текстаудиозаписи Uncle: Hello there, everyone! How are you all?You didn’t come to visit me last Saturday!What did you do, Larry? Larry: Well, Uncle Harry ... last Saturday,I played soccer and then I visited a friend fromschool. — I didn’t have time to visit you. Uncle: What about you, Lulu, what did you do? Lulu: Erm, I watched a really nice film at thecinema, and after that I painted a picture formy Art homework. Uncle: Oh, I see. Paco, what did you do? Paco: I visited a friend. He’s in hospital soI went to see him. And after that I listened tosome music in my room. Uncle: So you had a busy day, too. And whatdid you do, Maya? Maya: I watched a film, too, but not at the cinema. It was a video. And then I listened to somemusic with Paco. He’s got some new CDs! Uncle: Well, I’m glad you all had a niceSaturday. Let’s all go to the funfair nextSaturday! All: Oh, yes!
9. Инструктаж по выполнению д/з
- Please, at home do the ex.4, p. 95. Write down the homework to your diaries.
10. Рефлексия
- Now I will give you such stars. Before we finish our lesson, I would like you tell me what we have done today.
- Did you like the lesson? Why? What would you like to do at the next lesson? Please, write your answers to this stars and put them on this pocket.
11. Подведение итогов урока и выставление оценок. - You have worked very well today. - The lesson is over, thank you for your job. You all were good today. Good bye!