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Проект к 14 февраля

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«Проект к 14 февраля»

Nowadays, the problem of modern teenagers are worse than old generation. Some people believe that is true. While others against such an opinion.

In my opinion, what is not really. To begin witch, modern people are no worse than their parents or grandparents. Each generations has its own characteristics, the difficulties that they struggle with, so comparing them makes no sense. Secondly, the older generation always condemns young people, so really only on their opinion is not worth it. After all even when our parents were young, old people also condemned them.

However, there exists another point of view on this issue. First of all modern generation is indeed more cruel, given the bulling at school which many children experience. This is a clear indicator of the brutality of young people.

Despite my respect for opposite opinion, I can not share it because bulling at school has existed since the time of our grandparents and even earlier. Already then existed and humiliation, fights and etc.

In conclusion, I would like to say that the modern generation is not cruel than the older. We are a continuation of the old generations.

Nowadays, the problem of exam are a fair way of testing students or not. Some people believe that exam really is a fair test of students. While others think what consider that they carry a great stress.

In my opinion, what is really. To begin witch, exam are an important part of testing students knowledge. They show the level of knowledge that students have a acquired over a period of time. Secondly, exam a good way for a students to test not only they knowledge but also them selves for strength. After all, preparation for exam is a very difficult period which everyone has to go through.

However, there exists another point of view on this issue. First of exams carry enormous stress. Many teenagers who fail to pass exam end up committing suicide.

Despite my respect for opposite opinion, I can not share it because that our whole life consist of stress and the exam is one of them. A person must be able to deal with stress in order to live a good and fulfilling life. It is important.

In conclusion, I would like to say that examinations are an integral part of our life which shows our skills. Each person needs to survive.



Mart 7th,2020

Dear Paul,

Thank a lot for your letter. I was delighted to hear from you again. I think that for you be a good.

You asked me to tell you about exams. In Russia examinations are usually held in the summer. Yes, we also work at night, because if you want to get a good score you need to work hard. I can only advise that you do not need to try hard. No matter how much you need to learn, you must not forget about sleep and food. You must be strong enough to do everything perfectly. This is very news. In the fastest month, I can come?

Anyway, I have to go now because my mum asked me to help with the washing up. Take care and keep in tough.

All the best,


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Предмет: Начальные классы

Категория: Прочее

Целевая аудитория: 2 класс

Проект к 14 февраля

Автор: Онищенко Анастасия Алексеевна

Дата: 28.05.2020

Номер свидетельства: 551823

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