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Презентация- Предлоги места

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Презентация урока по английскому языку в 3 классе. Предлоги места.

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«Презентация- Предлоги места»

This is my house, It‘s number two. There‘s a bedroom, a bathroom, And a kitchen, too. In my house There‘s a living room And in the garden All the flowers bloom.

This is my house,

It‘s number two.

There‘s a bedroom, a bathroom,

And a kitchen, too.

In my house

There‘s a living room

And in the garden

All the flowers bloom.

This is my house, ? It‘s number two. There‘s a bedroom, a bathroom, And a kitchen, too. In my house There‘s a living room And in the garden All the flowers bloom.

This is my house,


It‘s number two.

There‘s a bedroom, a bathroom,

And a kitchen, too.

In my house

There‘s a living room

And in the garden

All the flowers bloom.

Is Lulu in the kitchen? No, she isn’t. She is in the bedroom.

Is Lulu in the kitchen?

No, she isn’t.

She is in the bedroom.

Is Lulu in the kitchen? No, she isn’t. She is in the bedroom. ?

Is Lulu in the kitchen?

No, she isn’t.

She is in the bedroom.


Is Larry in the bathroom? Yes, he is. No, he isn’t . Yes, she is .

Is Larry in the bathroom?

Yes, he is.

No, he isn’t .

Yes, she is .

Is Lulu in the kitchen? A) Yes, he is. B)Yes, she is.

Is Lulu in the kitchen?

A) Yes, he is.

B)Yes, she is.

Is Larry in the bathroom? No, he isnt. He is in the bedroom. ?

Is Larry in the bathroom?

No, he isnt.

He is in the bedroom.














on under



next to

next to

? ? ? ? ? ?







People can cook breakfast, dinner in this room. We have a fridge, a table, a cooker and a cupboard in this room.

People can cook breakfast, dinner in this room. We have a fridge, a table, a cooker and a cupboard in this room.

There is a TV, some chairs and a sofa in this room. It is usually the largest room in the house. People watch TV, listen to music or sit around and speak together.

There is a TV, some chairs and a sofa in this room. It is usually the largest room in the house. People watch TV, listen to music or sit around and speak together.

This room is nor very large. We have a bath in this room. You can clean your teeth, wash your hands and face there.

This room is nor very large. We have a bath in this room. You can clean your teeth, wash your hands and face there.

There are beds in this room. You can see a little table and a wardrobe there. People have rest in this room.

There are beds in this room. You can see a little table and a wardrobe there. People have rest in this room.



? ?



? ?



on chair. behind sofa.





is are are is are is







How many boxes are there? There are five. How many beds are there? There are two.

How many boxes are there?

There are five.

How many beds are there?

There are two.

How many cupboards are there? There are two How many mirrors are there? There are only one.

How many cupboards are there?

There are two

How many mirrors are there?

There are only one.

How many computers are there? There is only one. How many chairs are there? There are four.

How many computers are there?

There is only one.

How many chairs are there?

There are four.

Family Crest Today, we have all got surnames - our family name -and everyone knows which family we belong to. Long ago, you could tell a person’s name by looking at their family crest.

Family Crest

Today, we have all got surnames - our family name -and everyone knows which family we belong to.

Long ago, you could tell a person’s name by looking at their family crest.

Family Crest a) gives information about your family. b) Is your family ‘s favourite picture.

Family Crest

a) gives information about your family.

b) Is your family ‘s favourite picture.

What’s the name of the family? Where does this family come from?

What’s the name of the family? Where does this family come from?

Match the rhyming words 1 bear a) Jack 2 dear b) there 3 blue c) here 4black d) do

Match the rhyming words

1 bear a) Jack

2 dear b) there

3 blue c) here

4black d) do

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Предмет: Начальные классы

Категория: Презентации

Целевая аудитория: 3 класс

Презентация- Предлоги места

Автор: Подготовила учитель английского языка Хачатрян Рузанна Самвеловна.

Дата: 27.03.2022

Номер свидетельства: 603495

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