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``the abc party``

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The ABC Party   пщщв тьщктштп 

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«``the abc party``»


For young learners

A GIRL: Good morning, dear guests, fathers and mothers, grandmothers and grandfathers, teachers and pupils!

A BOY: We are very glad to see you in our school hall because our party is dedicated to the ABC.

A GIRL: If you know the ABC, you can read books, write letters and words.

A BOY: You can sing English songs and recite poems in English. Do you know that the ABC has 26 capital and small letters?

A GIRL: I think you do. So, now you can see them all on this stage.

A BOY: Here they are our letters, the ABC brothers and sisters.

(The comperes invite 26 letters of the ABC onto the stage.)

ALL THE LETTERS (singing a song):

Good morning to you! (Twice)

We' re all in our places

With sunshiny faces.

Good morning to you! (Twice)

ONE OF THE LETTERS: Hello! We are very happy to meet you.

THE 2ND LETTER: And if you know the ABC very well, let's sing the "ABC SONG".

ALL TOGETHER (singing):





Now I know my ABCs.

If you know it sing with me.

A BOY: Now we know our ABC. We can read English poems and sing English songs.

All the letters in turns

  • A was an Archer, who shot at a frog.

  • B was a Boy playing tag with a dog.

  • C was a Captain so gallant and bold.

  • D was a Dancer with slippers of gold.

  • E was an Eskimo living on ice.

  • F was a Fisherman. Isn't that nice?

  • G was a Giant, who pulled down a house.

  • H was a Hunter, who hunted a mouse.

  • I was an Indian climbing on walls.

  • J was a Juggler, who juggled five balls.

  • K was a King and he wore a fine crown.

  • L was a Lion-tamer dressed up in crown.

  • M - a Musician, who marched in a band.

  • N was a Nobleman looking so grand.

  • O was an Old man, who drank lots of tea.

  • P was a Pirate, who sailed on the sea.

  • Q was a Queen sitting high on a throne.

  • R was a Robber, who lived all alone.

  • S was a Sailor, who never was wet.

  • T was a Tailor with needle and thread.

  • U was an Uncle, and he was quite rich.

  • V was a Villain, who fell in a ditch.

  • W was a Weaver at home and on tour.

  • X was Expensive, and then became poor.

  • Y was a Yachtsman, who sailed on a yacht.

  • Z was a Zero, and that's all we've got.

A GIRL: We know the letters as all of you see,

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Предмет: Начальные классы

Категория: Мероприятия

Целевая аудитория: 2 класс

``the abc party``

Автор: Калабаева Гулжайнар Жумагалиевна

Дата: 20.10.2019

Номер свидетельства: 523339

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