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Why do people travel?

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The  theme  of  the  lesson:  Why  do  people  travel?                                                      ______________

The  Aims  of  the  lesson: 1.educational: to  teach  to  talk  about  the  reasons  for  travelling;

2.developing: to  develop  pupils’  reading,writing,speaking  and  listening  skills;

3.up-bringing: to  broaden  pupils’ outlook.

Visual  aids: pictures,cards

The  type  of the lesson:  traditional

The  methods  of  the  lesson: presentation  of  the new  theme,using  the  elements  of  CTT.

                                      The  Procedure  of  the  lesson


- greeting  the  pupils;

- report of  the  duties.

II.Warm  up

Answer  the  questions

-What  problems  may  have  a  traveller?

III.Checking  up  the  home  task

Ex  15

1.More  than  53000 people  work  at  Heathrow  airport.

2.Around  1000 p;anes  a  day  take  off  and  land  at  Heathrow.

3.There  are  14  dogs  which  can  smell  drugs.

4.From  Heathrow  you  can  fly  to  85  countries.

5.Stansted  airport  opened  in  1942.

IV.Presentation  of  the  new  theme

                         New  words:

Curiosity – білуге  ??мартушылы?

Experience –  т?жірибе

Sociable – к?пшіл

Broaden  one‘s  mind –ой-?рісін  ке?ейту

                              Working  with  the  text

1.Work  in  groups.What  is  the  most  popular  reason  for  travelling?Put  yhe  following  in  order  of  popularity.


*Getting  away  from  problems


*Health  problems


*Holiday  making

2.Read  the  text  at  p.20

2.Translate  the  text.

V.Doing  exercises


Ex 2 Complete  the  sentences.

1.Travelling  is  ____________.

2.We  travel  because  ______________.

3.The  best  reason  for  travelling  is  __________________.

4.We  sholudn’t  travel  just  to  ____________.

5.When  we  travel we  learn ______________.

Working  in  groups

Complete  the  chat  using  as  many  ideas  as  possible.

Advantages  of  travelling ----

Disadvantages  of  travelling ---


With  a  partner  complete  the  chart,speak  about  the  reasons  of  travelling

  • Only  by  travelling  we  can  …
  • The  world  will  be  a  dull  place  if  …


What  have  you  learned  from  the  lesson?

Was  the  lesson  interesting  or  boring?

VII.Giving  the  home task

1.New  words

2.Ex  9 Are  the  sentences  true  or  false?



T:The  lesson  is  over.Good-bye,pupils!


T:See  you  soon!

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«Why do people travel? »

Lesson Қаралды

Date:___________________________ «___»____2015ж

The theme of the lesson: Why do people travel? ______________

The Aims of the lesson: 1.educational: to teach to talk about the reasons for travelling;

2.developing: to develop pupils’ reading,writing,speaking and listening skills;

3.up-bringing: to broaden pupils’ outlook.

Visual aids: pictures,cards

The type of the lesson: traditional

The methods of the lesson: presentation of the new theme,using the elements of CTT.

The Procedure of the lesson


- greeting the pupils;

- report of the duties.

II.Warm up

Answer the questions

-What problems may have a traveller?

III.Checking up the home task

Ex 15

1.More than 53000 people work at Heathrow airport.

2.Around 1000 p;anes a day take off and land at Heathrow.

3.There are 14 dogs which can smell drugs.

4.From Heathrow you can fly to 85 countries.

5.Stansted airport opened in 1942.

IV.Presentation of the new theme

New words:

Curiosity – білуге құмартушылық

Experience – тәжірибе

Sociable – көпшіл

Broaden one‘s mind –ой-өрісін кеңейту

Working with the text

1.Work in groups.What is the most popular reason for travelling?Put yhe following in order of popularity.


*Getting away from problems


*Health problems


*Holiday making

2.Read the text at p.20

2.Translate the text.

V.Doing exercises


Ex 2 Complete the sentences.

1.Travelling is ____________.

2.We travel because ______________.

3.The best reason for travelling is __________________ .

4.We sholudn’t travel just to ____________.

5.When we travel we learn ______________.

Working in groups

Complete the chat using as many ideas as possible.

Advantages of travelling -----------------

Disadvantages of travelling --------------


With a partner complete the chart,speak about the reasons of travelling

  • Only by travelling we can …

  • The world will be a dull place if …


What have you learned from the lesson?

Was the lesson interesting or boring?

VII.Giving the home task

1.New words

2.Ex 9 Are the sentences true or false?



T:The lesson is over.Good-bye,pupils!


T:See you soon!

Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 10 класс

Why do people travel?

Автор: Нургалиева Алтынай Жаумитбаевна

Дата: 08.09.2015

Номер свидетельства: 229445

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