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Who is the champion

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«Who is the champion»


Lesson plan

LESSON: Module 2 Lesson 1



Teacher name:


Number present:


Learning objectives(s)

that this lesson is

contributing to

S1 S6

L1 L2 L9


Lesson objectives

All learners will be able to:

recognise and say words for some family members

Most learners will be able to:

recognise and say words clearly for most family members when prompted

Some learners will be able to:

recognise names of all family members and use words correctly and spontaneously in interactions

Previous learning

simple classroom commands, colours and shapes


Planned timings

Planned activities



Beginning the lesson


Mime opening a book and elicit the command from the pupils. Repeat the procedure with the remaining commands from the previous module. Then say colours and ask individual pupils to name as many colours as they can remember. Repeat the activity with the shapes.

Presentation and practice








Step 1 Family Members

Pupils’ books closed. Put up the My Family poster on the board. Point to each member of the family, one at a time, and present them. The pupils repeat, chorally and/or individually. Point to each member in random order. Ask individual pupils to say the word. Ask the rest of the class for verification. Elicit/Present the word brother.

Pupils’ books open. Play the CD. The pupils listen, point to the pictures and repeat the words. Play the CD again pausing after each word. The pupils repeat, chorally and/or individually.

Refer the pupils to the picture and explain the activity. Allow the pupils some time to complete the activity. Then the pupils in the role of Liam point to the family members and present them. Explain to the pupils that they can refer to the sentence at the bottom of the page in the Pupil’s Book for help.

My Family Poster

Track 19 CD1

Step 2 My family song!

Point to the characters, gesture with your hand and say: Come and meet my family! The pupils repeat after you. Then point to each corresponding character while saying: Mummy, Daddy, Lilly and me (pointing to yourself). The pupils repeat after you. Follow the same procedure to present the rest of the song.

Play the CD. The pupils listen to the song. Divide the pupils into two groups and assign a verse to each group. Play the song again for the groups to sing their assigned verses. Time permitting, play the song a third time for the pupils to sing the song as a class.

Track 20 CD1

Step 3 Listen and read

Set the scene by asking the pupils questions about what they can see in the pictures.

Play the CD and ask the pupils to listen and follow along in their books.

Track 21 CD1

Sample Interaction

Teacher: (pointing to Mummy and Daddy in picture 1) Who are they? Mummy and ...

Class: Daddy!

Teacher: (pointing to picture 2 and miming closing eyes) Close your eyes!

Class: (Children close their eyes)

Step 4 Read and Tick

Explain the activity. The pupils look at the pictures, read the dialogue silently and tick the right sentences. Allow the pupils some time to complete the activity. Check their answers.

Ending the lesson


Tell the pupils that they are going to play a game called Telepathy. The pupils form pairs. Put up the My Family poster on the board. Tell the pupils to choose one family member without letting his/her partner know. The other pupil has to guess what he/she is thinking of. Then they swap roles and play again.

Target Interaction

Pupil 1: (thinks of Mummy)

Pupil 2: Daddy?

Pupil 1: No!

Pupil 2: Grandma?

Pupil 1: No!

Pupil 2: Mummy?

Pupil 1: Yes!

Additional information

Differentiation – how do you plan to give more support? How do you plan to challenge the more able learners?

Assessment – how are you planning to check learners’ learning?

Cross-curricular links
Health and safety check
ICT links
Values links

  • have stronger pupils model final activity in step 1 before asking weaker learners to attempt.

monitor learner output in

  • choral drilling

  • eliciting task

  • speaking production tasks

  • cross-curricular link later in unit to family sizes


Were the lesson objectives/learning objectives realistic?

Did I stick to timings?

What changes did I make from my plan and why?

Answer the most relevant questions from the box on the left about your lesson.

Lesson plan

LESSON: Module 2 Lesson 2



Teacher name:


Number present:


Learning objectives(s)

that this lesson is

contributing to

L4 L9

S4 S7

R2 R6 W7


Lesson objectives

All learners will be able to:

say and write some of the new words when prompted, follow most of the audio and written story

Most learners will be able to:

say, write and use most new words correctly when prompted and respond to some questions about the audio and written story

Some learners will be able to:

say new words clearly, spell new words independently and respond to questions about the audio and written story

Previous learning

names of family members, my family song


Planned timings

Planned activities



Beginning the lesson

Put up the My Family poster on the board. Name a family member. Ask a pupil to come to the board and point to the corresponding member. Ask the rest of the class for verification. Repeat with the rest of the family members. Play the My family song from the previous lesson. Invite the pupils to sing along.

My Family Poster

Track 20 CD1

Presentation and practice









Step 1 Listen and Point. Read and Match.
[activity 5]

Pupils’ books closed. Put up the flashcards on the board, one at a time, and say the corresponding words. The pupils repeat, chorally and/or individually. Point to each flashcard in random order. Ask individual pupils to say the word. Ask the rest of the class for verification. Pupils’ books open. Play the CD. The pupils listen, point to the pictures and repeat the words. Play the CD again pausing after each word. The pupils repeat, chorally and/or individually.

Point to number 1 and ask: What’s this? Elicit: It’s a radio. Follow the same procedure and elicit the rest of the items. Then ask the pupils to number the words. Allow the pupils some time to complete the activity. Check the pupils’ answers.

Write on the board: What’s this? It’s a ... . Ask the question. Have the pupils repeat after you. Explain the activity. The pupils, in pairs, talk about the items (1-4). Explain to the pupils that they can refer to the question and answer on the board or at the bottom of the page for help. Go around the classroom, providing any necessary help. Ask some pairs to report back to the class.


Target interaction

A: What’s this?

B: It’s a radio.

A: What’s this?

B: It’s a bed.

Step 2 Sing My Tree House song!
[activity 6]

Put up the tree house flashcard. Point to it, gesture with your hand and say: Come to my tree house. The pupils repeat after you. Then mime and say: Come with me. The pupils repeat after you. Then draw a simple sketch of a table and chair on a board or use the flashcards and say: A table and a chair. The pupils repeat after you. Follow the same procedure to present the rest of the song.

Play the CD. The pupils listen to the song. Divide the class into two groups and assign a verse to each group. Play the CD. The groups sing their assigned verses. Time permitting, play the song a third time for the pupils to sing the song as a class.

Track 23 CD1


Step 3 Listen and read. [activity 7]

Set the scene by asking the pupils questions about what they can see in the pictures.

Play the CD and ask the pupils to listen and follow the dialogue in their books.

Track 24 CD1

Target Interaction

Teacher: (pointing to picture 1) Where are Liam,

Lilly and Charlie? In the ...

Class: ... Tree house!

Teacher: (pointing to the chair in picture 1)

What’s this?

Class: A chair!

Teacher: Yes! A red chair!

Step 4 Read and Think [activity 8]

Explain the activity. The pupils look at the pictures, read the dialogue silently and complete the phrases. Check the pupils’ answers.

Play the CD again pausing for the pupils to repeat, chorally and/or individually. Then ask individual pupils to read the dialogue out loud.

Track 24 CD1

Ending the lesson


Tell the pupils that you will play a game called In my tree house. Ask the pupils to think about what items they would like to have in their tree house. Ask individual pupils to report back to the class. Alternatively, they can draw a picture and present it.

Target Interaction

Teacher: What’s in your tree house, Andrew?

Andrew: A red radio!

Teacher: That’s nice!

Additional information

Differentiation – how do you plan to give more support? How do you plan to challenge the more able learners?

Assessment – how are you planning to check learners’ learning?

Cross-curricular links
Health and safety check
ICT links
Values links

  • differentiate level of challenge in questions and prompts.

easier: so this is a ….?

Harder: What’s this?

challenge stronger learners to write words out free-hand

check learners directional letter formation and spelling in written task

check and drill learner pronunciation in oral tasks

  • health and safety: you could ask learners about good ways and bad ways to sit on chairs


Were the lesson objectives/learning objectives realistic?

Did I stick to timings?

What changes did I make from my plan and why?

Answer the most relevant questions from the box on the left about your lesson.

Lesson plan

LESSON: Module 2 Lesson 3



Teacher name:


Number present:


Learning objectives(s) that this lesson is contributing to

S1 S7


W3 W6 W7

UE7 UE11 UE14

Lesson objectives

All learners will be able to:

complete some of the writing task correctly [spelling and information] and communicate some of the information in their email to others

Most learners will be able to:

complete most of the writing task correctly [spelling and information] and communicate most of the information in their email to others

Some learners will be able to:

complete the email with only minor errors and communicate its content clearly to others

Previous learning

This is my name is I’ve got in my class


Planned timings

Planned activities



Beginning the lesson


Put the picture flashcards on your desk in random order. Say a word, e.g. chair. Ask a pupil to come to the front of the class, pick the corresponding picture flashcard, name it and show it to the class for verification. Repeat with some more pupils and the rest of the flashcards. Play the My Tree House song from the previous lesson. Invite the pupils to sing along.

Track 23 CD1

Presentation and practice


W3 W6 W7

UE7 UE11 UE14


Step 1 Write your name on the line. Read and tick. [activity 9]

Explain the activity. Allow the pupils some time to complete the activity. Check their answers.

Step 2 Answer the email. Include a picture.

Explain the activity. Allow the pupils some time to complete the email in their books. Alternatively, assign it as homework. Ask the pupils to write the email on a piece of paper and attach photos. During the next lesson ask some pupils to present their emails to the class.

Target output

Dear Dana,

My name’s Korkem. I’m eight years old. I’m from Aktau. I’ve got two brothers and one sister. My best friend is Akbota. She’s in my class.

Bye for now.


Step 3 Play the game.

Tell the pupils that they are going to play a game. Point to the picture and read out the speech bubbles. The pupils repeat after you. Explain the game. Ask the pupils to sit in a circle. Choose a pupil (Pupil A) to stand in the middle of the circle with his/her eyes closed. Choose a pupil from the circle (Pupil B) to say: Good morning, your Majesty! Pupil A tries to guess the name of the pupil. Encourage him/her to say, e.g. This is my friend, Saule. Finally, Pupil A returns to the circle, Pupil B stands in the middle of the circle and the game continues. Repeat the game until all the pupils have had a chance to play.

Ending the lesson


Exit passes

Say: I’ve got one brother, but I haven’t got a sister. Ask the pupils for whom the sentence is true to stand up and come to the board. Repeat with some variations of the sentence until all the pupils have come to the board and are ready to leave the class.

Ask the pupils to bring pictures of their friends for the Craftwork activity at the next lesson.

Additional information

Differentiation – how do you plan to give more support? How do you plan to challenge the more able learners?

Assessment – how are you planning to check learners’ learning?

Cross-curricular links
Health and safety check
ICT links
Values links

  • support weaker learners in communicating the emails with prompts … and your best friend is ..?

  • challenge stronger learners with follow up questions on the information they present

  • check spelling, use of capital letters and use of structures in writing task

  • check pronunciation and use of contractions in final oral task

  • ICT : you could ask learners to write their email at home with their parents in an English word processing programme and print it for their Language Portfolio


Were the lesson objectives/learning objectives realistic?

Did I stick to timings?

What changes did I make from my plan and why?

Answer the most relevant questions from the box on the left about your lesson.

Lesson plan

LESSON: Module 2
Lesson 4



Teacher name:


Number present:


Learning objectives(s) that this lesson is contributing to


R2 R3

S3 S4 S7


Lesson objectives

All learners will be able to:

recognise and produce some of the words connected to family members and use them to relate a few things about their family

Most learners will be able to:

recognise and produce most of the words connected to family members and use them to relate information in response to most prompts

Some learners will be able to:

recognise and produce all words related to family members and respond correctly to prompts about individual and collective family members

Previous learning

names of family members; numbers 1 -20, this is …. best friend


Planned timings

Planned activities



Beginning the lesson

As an activity to revise the language taught in the previous lesson, ask the pupils to present their email from the previous lesson.

Presentation and practice





L1 UE6

Step 1 Listen and number.

Refer the pupils to the pictures of the children and their names. Explain the activity. Play the CD, twice if necessary. The pupils listen and number. Then check learner answers.

Track 25 CD1

Before Class

Photocopy the photo frame template from the Teacher’s Resource Pack CD-ROM, one per pupil. Also, have scissors, glue and coloured pencils ready to use or ask the pupils to bring their own from the previous lesson.

Step 2 My best friend

Tell the pupils that they are going to make a photo frame and attach the picture of their best friend. Hand out the photocopies. Guide them through the cutting of the photo frames and the gluing of the photos. Alternatively, the pupils can draw a picture of their best friends. Go around the classroom, providing any necessary help. While the pupils are doing the craftwork, feel free to play any song from the module.

Step 3 Find and Circle

Explain the activity. Revise the family words (grandma, grandpa, mummy and daddy). The pupils find, circle and match the words to the corresponding family members. Check their answers.

Step 4 Project Time

Refer the pupils to the project and the picture. Ask the pupils to tell you what they can see. Elicit grandma, grandpa, mummy and daddy. Explain that they are going to make a project about their family. They can use real photos or draw pictures. They can also write a short description.

Help them file their drawings in their Language Portfolios.

Assign the project for homework. During the next lesson, encourage the pupils to present their projects to the classroom. Make sure you display their work somewhere in the classroom.

Ending the lesson

S4 S7

Name Game

The pupils, in pairs, take turns and say a family member’s name and the other has to guess who it is. Demonstrate this yourself first.

Target Interaction

Pupil: Tracy!

Teacher: Your mummy?

Pupil: No!

Teacher: Your sister?

Pupil: Yes!

Additional information

Differentiation – how do you plan to give more support? How do you plan to challenge the more able learners?

Assessment – how are you planning to check learners’ learning?

Cross-curricular links
Health and safety check
ICT links
Values links

  • Provide support in word search task for weaker learners by highlighting initial letter in words

  • differentiate prompts for different learners: closed prompts eliciting yes/no answers Is this grandma?

open prompts: Who is this? eliciting more open answers

  • monitor learners use of correct singular and plural forms: verb/ pronoun agreement in all production activities

  • monitor and drill learners placement of word stress in pronunciation of names of family members


show learners a montage of silhouette images connected to friendship. Ask learners to vote on the top 6 to be placed in a class poster built around the words friends.


Were the lesson objectives/learning objectives realistic?

Did I stick to timings?

What changes did I make from my plan and why?

Answer the most relevant questions from the box on the left about your lesson.

Lesson plan

LESSON: Module 2 Lesson 5



Teacher name:


Number present:


Learning objectives(s) that this lesson is contributing to

L3 L9



UE2 UE3 UE6 UE16

Lesson objectives

All learners will be able to:

give some information in tasks when prompted using some correct forms

Most learners will be able to:

give information in response to most prompts using some correct forms

Some learners will be able to:

give information in response to all prompts using mainly correct forms

Previous learning

this is … possessive pronouns family member names numbers 1 – 30 big small little


Planned timings

Planned activities



Beginning the lesson

Ask the pupils to present their projects from the previous lesson to the class and talk about their families.

Target Output

Hello! I’m Akbota and this is my family.This is my mummy, Marzhan and my daddy, Damir.

Presentation and practice





Step 1 Listen and read.

Pupils’ books closed. Put up the world map. Point to the UK and say: This is the UK. Ask the pupils to tell you what they know about this country. Follow the same procedure about Kazakhstan.

Pupils’ books open. Refer the pupils to the pictures of the families. Elicit the family members. Play the CD. The pupils listen and follow along in their books. Then ask some pupils to read out from the texts.

A friend’s family

Explain the activity. Allow the pupils some time to draw a picture of their friend’s family. When they finish, ask them to present their drawing to the class.

Track 26 CD1

Draw or bring a picture of your friend’s family. Present it to the class.

Target Output

This is my friend, Karlygash. This is her mummy, Gulnara and her daddy, Nurlybek.

This is her brother, Aidar and her little sister, Ayaulym.

Step 2 Look and write the numbers.

Point to the picture on top and count the family members. Say: One, two, three ... sixteen. A big family. The pupils repeat after you. Repeat the procedure for the remaining pictures. Then point to the picture of the zebra family and ask the pupils to count along with you. Say: One, two, three. A small family. The pupils repeat after you. Repeat the procedure for the remaining pictures.

Pupils’ books open. Point to the first picture and ask the pupils to count and say how many members there are (three). Ask: Is it a small family or a big family? Elicit: A small family. Repeat the procedure with the picture of the big family.

Explain the task. The pupils look at the pictures and write the numbers in the boxes to indicate if each family is a big or small family. Check learner answers.

Put up the Families Big and Small poster.

Ending the lesson


Chinese Whispers

Tell the pupils that they are going to play a game called Chinese Whispers. Explain the rules. Approach a pupil at the front desk and whisper a word from the module. Ask him/her to whisper the same word to the pupil who is sitting next to him/her, who then whispers it to the next pupil, etc. Ask the last pupil to call out the word. Check his/her answer. Repeat the procedure as many times as you think is necessary.

Additional information

Differentiation – how do you plan to give more support? How do you plan to challenge the more able learners?

Assessment – how are you planning to check learners’ learning?

Cross-curricular links
Health and safety check
ICT links
Values links

  • differentiate degree of support given to learners in producing their work on friend’s family: provide words and sentence beginnings for learners who need more some support

  • monitor and drill learners pronunciation of numbers, use of contractions

  • ask quick comprehension check questions on the text

  • cross-curricular links: what learners know about Kazakhstan and UK

  • cross-curricular links: big and small families


Were the lesson objectives/learning objectives realistic?

Did I stick to timings?

What changes did I make from my plan and why?

Answer the most relevant questions from the box on the left about your lesson.

Lesson plan

LESSON: Module 2 Lesson 6



Teacher name:


Number present:


Learning objectives(s) that this lesson is contributing to

L7 L8 L9

S3 S4 S6


Lesson objectives

All learners will be able to:

follow and participate in the story activities correctly responding to some prompts

Most learners will be able to:

follow and participate in the story activities responding to most prompts correctly and showing some good pronunciation of individual sounds and intonation

Some learners will be able to:

follow and participate in the story activities responding to all prompts correctly and showing good control of pronunciation of individual sounds and intonation in role play

Previous learning

Where’s I’m sorry


Planned timings

Planned activities



Beginning the lesson


Draw simple sketches of a bee and a king on the board. Point to the sketch of the bee and say: bee. The pupils repeat after you. Point to the sketch of the king and repeat the procedure. Tell the pupils they are going to read a story about how a bee helps a king. Ask the pupils to say what they know about bees and how they think a bee can be useful to a king. Have a class discussion, in L1 if necessary

Presentation and practice


L7 L8

S3 S6


Step 1 Listen, point and repeat.

Pupils’ books closed. Put up the flashcards on the board, one at a time, and say the corresponding words. The pupils repeat, chorally and/or individually. Point to each flashcard in random order. Ask individual pupils to say the word. Ask the rest of the class for verification. Pupils’ books open. Play the CD. The pupils listen, point to the pictures, and repeat the words. Play the CD again pausing after each word. The pupils repeat, chorally and/or individually.

Track 27 CD1


Step 2

Use the story cards to present the story.


Step 3 Listen and read. Act out the story.

Play the CD. The pupils listen and follow along in their books. Play the CD again. The pupils repeat, chorally and/or individually.

Read the Smiles Values! and have a discussion, in L1 if necessary, with the pupils about the moral of the story.

Tell pupils that though we may think that something small like a bee may not appear to be clever or useful, but it is not true.

Put up the story cards in random order. Ask the pupils to come and put the cards in the right order. Play the CD for verification.

Assign roles and allow the pupils, in groups, some time to rehearse. Ask the groups to act out the story. They can use the story cards for help.

Track 28 CD1

Ending the lesson


Read out a few sentences spoken by a character in the story. Ask individual pupils to tell you who said them.

Hand out the story cards. Ask the pupils to colour them and use them to make their own story books.

Target Interaction

Teacher: Silly bee!

Pupil 1: The King!

Photocopy the story cards from the Teacher’s Resource Pack CD-ROM, one set per pupil.

Additional information

Differentiation – how do you plan to give more support? How do you plan to challenge the more able learners?

Assessment – how are you planning to check learners’ learning?

Cross-curricular links
Health and safety check
ICT links
Values links

  • learners will be assigned different roles in role play

  • less able learners will receive more modelling of language in story in monitoring of group work activities

  • checking of pronunciation through drilling in whole class and group work

  • checking of understanding and control of language in role play

Read Smiles Values! and have a discussion, in L1 if necessary, with the pupils about the moral of the story.

Tell pupils that though we may think that something small like a bee may not appear to be clever or useful, but it is not true.


Were the lesson objectives/learning objectives realistic?

Did I stick to timings?

What changes did I make from my plan and why?

Answer the most relevant questions from the box on the left about your lesson.


Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 2 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Who is the champion

Автор: Әбішева Інжу Базарбайқызы

Дата: 24.10.2018

Номер свидетельства: 481888

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