The 5th grade
The theme of the lesson: What’s this?
The aims of the lesson:1) Educational: Presentation of the lesson about What’s this? to train new words and discussion an English language.
2) Developing: To develop the pupils habits of the oral speech, to develop pupils creative and logical abilities, understanding, reading and writing, grammar (Nouns) and lexical skills.
3) Bringing-up: to bring up love and interest to the subject, to respect each other, to create an English atmosphere in the classroom and to develop friendship.
Inter-subject connection: Kazakh, English
The type of the lesson: presentation
Methods of teaching: training, explanation, demonstration, interaction
The equipment of the lesson: diagrams on the tasks, pictures, posters, computers
The procedure of the lesson
I. Organization moment
a) Greetings
-Good morning children?
-How are you?
- So pupils the first let’s greet with guests and teachers.
Балалар, саба?ымызды бастамас б?рын ?она?тарымызбен амандасып
алайы?. «Hello» ?нін орындайды.
Жарайсы?дар балалар, енді ?здері?ді таныстыры?дар.
- My name is …. I’m six. Etc.
- Introducing.
Балалар, б?гінгі саба?ымыз ерекше ?тейін деп т?р. Саба?ымызды? аты
«In search of Treasure», я?ни «?азына іздеу» деп аталады. Біздер ?азынаны табу ?шін б?тен арал?а барамыз. Ол аралды? аты «What is this?» деп аталады. Б?л аралда ?азына жасырып ?ой?ан, я?ни ол ?азына бізді? б?гінгі саба?ымызды? ба?алары санды?та жасырыл?ан, ол санды?ты таппасы? ба?аланбай ?аламыз. ?азынаны табу ?шін біздер бірнеше ?иынды?тардан ?туіміз ?ажет, я?ни тапсырмалар орындауымыз керек.
Балалар, ?уелі арал?а жету ?шін не істеуіміз керек? Арал?а немен жетеміз?
- Кемемен.
- Д?рыс балалар, кемені? а?ылшыншасы ?алай? Кім біледі?
- Ship.
- Ok, very good. Тездетеміз, кемеге отыры?дар.
?н айтылады. «Oh, the big ship sails on the ally-ally-oh,
The ally–ally-oh, the ally – ally-oh.
Oh, the big ship sails on the ally-ally-oh,
On the ding-dong day»
- Check up the home task
- The Presentation of the new theme
·Reading dialogue
Carol: Hello, Colin.
Colin:Hello, Carol.
Carol: Is it a pencil?
Colin: No, it isn't. It's a pen.
Carol: What's that?
Colin: It's a calculator.
·To train new words
a pen a ruler a book a notebook а сhair
a pencil a rubber a table a calculator a computer
What’s this? С?ра?ын енгізу о?ан жауап беруді ?йрету
What is this? \What’s\ мынау не?
What is that? Анау не?
It is a pen. It is not a pen. It’s a pen. It isn’t a pen. Ол ?алам. Ол ?алам емес.
·To work with picture. Look at the pictures, write numbers in the boxes and read.
Consolidate exercise 4
What’s picture 5?
It’s computer
What’s picture 1?
It’s ruler
- Listen and repeat exercise 6.
What’s that?
It’s flowers
What’s this?
It’s book
V) Practice
- Consolidate exercise 5,7
- Colours.
- Control of understanding
- Talk to your friend
What colour is your pen?
It’s black and white.
What colour are your notebooks?
They are green.
- Conclusion
What’s this? It’s a pen
No, it isn’t. It’s a pencil
What’s that? It’s a ruler
Yes, It is
·Answer the questions
·Read the words
·Home task Exercise :2 to learn by heart.
The 5th grade
The theme of the lesson: What’s this?
The aims of the lesson:1) Educational: Presentation of the lesson about What’s this? to train new words and discussion an English language.
2) Developing: To develop the pupils habits of the oral speech, to develop pupils creative and logical abilities, understanding, reading and writing, grammar (Nouns) and lexical skills.
3) Bringing-up: to bring up love and interest to the subject, to respect each other, to create an English atmosphere in the classroom and to develop friendship.
Inter-subject connection: Kazakh, English
The type of the lesson: presentation
Methods of teaching: training, explanation, demonstration, interaction
The equipment of the lesson: diagrams on the tasks, pictures, posters, computers
The procedure of the lesson
I. Organization moment
a) Greetings
-Good morning children?
-How are you?
- So pupils the first let’s greet with guests and teachers.
Балалар, саба?ымызды бастамас б?рын ?она?тарымызбен амандасып
алайы?. «Hello» ?нін орындайды.
Жарайсы?дар балалар, енді ?здері?ді таныстыры?дар.
- My name is …. I’m six. Etc.
- Introducing.
Балалар, б?гінгі саба?ымыз ерекше ?тейін деп т?р. Саба?ымызды? аты
«In search of Treasure», я?ни «?азына іздеу» деп аталады. Біздер ?азынаны табу ?шін б?тен арал?а барамыз. Ол аралды? аты «What is this?» деп аталады. Б?л аралда ?азына жасырып ?ой?ан, я?ни ол ?азына бізді? б?гінгі саба?ымызды? ба?алары санды?та жасырыл?ан, ол санды?ты таппасы? ба?аланбай ?аламыз. ?азынаны табу ?шін біздер бірнеше ?иынды?тардан ?туіміз ?ажет, я?ни тапсырмалар орындауымыз керек.
Балалар, ?уелі арал?а жету ?шін не істеуіміз керек? Арал?а немен жетеміз?
- Кемемен.
- Д?рыс балалар, кемені? а?ылшыншасы ?алай? Кім біледі?
- Ship.
- Ok, very good. Тездетеміз, кемеге отыры?дар.
?н айтылады. «Oh, the big ship sails on the ally-ally-oh,
The ally–ally-oh, the ally – ally-oh.
Oh, the big ship sails on the ally-ally-oh,
On the ding-dong day»
- Check up the home task
- The Presentation of the new theme
·Reading dialogue
Carol: Hello, Colin.
Colin:Hello, Carol.
Carol: Is it a pencil?
Colin: No, it isn't. It's a pen.
Carol: What's that?
Colin: It's a calculator.
·To train new words
a pen a ruler a book a notebook а сhair
a pencil a rubber a table a calculator a computer
What’s this? С?ра?ын енгізу о?ан жауап беруді ?йрету
What is this? \What’s\ мынау не?
What is that? Анау не?
It is a pen. It is not a pen. It’s a pen. It isn’t a pen. Ол ?алам. Ол ?алам емес.
·To work with picture. Look at the pictures, write numbers in the boxes and read.
Consolidate exercise 4
What’s picture 5?
It’s computer
What’s picture 1?
It’s ruler
- Listen and repeat exercise 6.
What’s that?
It’s flowers
What’s this?
It’s book
V) Practice
- Consolidate exercise 5,7
- Colours.
- Control of understanding
- Talk to your friend
What colour is your pen?
It’s black and white.
What colour are your notebooks?
They are green.
- Conclusion
What’s this? It’s a pen
No, it isn’t. It’s a pencil
What’s that? It’s a ruler
Yes, It is
·Answer the questions
·Read the words
·Home task Exercise :2 to learn by heart.