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What’s the time? It’s…

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Form: 4 b

The theme of the lesson: What’s the time? It’s…

The Aims of the lesson:

  1. Educational:  to get to know with pupils, to speak about themselves;
  2. Developing:  to develop pupils` skills and habits in monologic and dialogic speech;
  3. Up- bringing:  to bring up pupils to work in collaboration, to listen to each other;
  4. Practical: to train pupils in usage their vocabulary; to practice them in real use of language.


The form of the lesson: traditional

The type of the lesson: combined

The equipment of the lesson:

  1. visual aids: flash cards, posters, cards, portative DVD
  2. Distributing materials: cards and song
  3. Literature: English World
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«What’s the time? It’s…»

English, Nauryzova G D


Form: 4 b

The theme of the lesson: What’s the time? It’s…

The Aims of the lesson:

  1. Educational: to get to know with pupils, to speak about themselves;

  2. Developing: to develop pupils` skills and habits in monologic and dialogic speech;

  3. Up- bringing: to bring up pupils to work in collaboration, to listen to each other;

  4. Practical: to train pupils in usage their vocabulary; to practice them in real use of language.

The form of the lesson: traditional

The type of the lesson: combined

The equipment of the lesson:

  1. visual aids: flash cards, posters, cards, portative DVD

  2. Distributing materials: cards and song

  3. Literature: English World

The plan of the lesson:

  1. Organizational moment:

  1. greeting

  2. making absents

  3. dialogue with the pupils about the date, day, weather.

  1. Checking the home task

  1. Warming-up / Phonetic drill

  1. Basic part of the lesson

  1. Vocabulary revision

  2. Introduction with the new vocabulary

  3. work with the cards, slides

  4. work with the dialogue

  5. play the game

  6. sing a song

  1. Concluding stage:

  1. giving home tasks

  2. marking

The modern of the lesson



Organization moment

- Good morning/ afternoon, children.

- Sit down, please.

- How are you?

- Ok, let`s begin our lesson.

- Who is on duty today?

- Who is absent today?

- What date is today?

- What day is it today?

Checking the home task

What was the homework for today?

Ex. 2 p. 75 w/b

Warming up/ phonetic drill

Use the clock face to revise telling the time by hour one o’clock, etc.

Basic part of the lesson

  1. vocabulary:

  1. Put the hands of the clock. Ask two children to read the bubbles. Move the hands to half past two. Ask the question. Say the answer. Class repeats.

  2. Ask What’s the time? Change the time to 3 o’clock. Elicit the answer. Class repeats and point in their books at clock 1. continue with other times on clocks 2-6.

  3. Tell the class to listen to the children in the photos. Play CD2 track 15. children listen and follow in their books.

  4. Children practice the conversation in pairs.

  5. Ex. 1 What’s the time? 1 It is nine o’clock. 2 It is half past three. 3 it is half past one. 4 It is twelve o’clock. 5 It is half past five. 6 It is half past ten. 7 It is six o’clock. 8 It is half past eight.


1.It’s quarter past one

2.It’s half past to ten

3.It’s a quarter to two

4.It’s ten to six

5.It’s five past eight

6.It’s five past eleven

7.It’s seven o’clock

8.It’s twenty–five to nine

9.It’s five to twelve

10.It’s twenty to four

11.It’s twenty five past nine

12.It’s half past two

Concluding stage:

- Giving home tasks

- Marking

Ex. 1 p. 76 w/b

-So, I’ll give your marks. I want to evaluate your activities.

P1: You are the best one who works hard today. Your English is good & I put excellent.

P2: You want to work industrious, but have some mistakes today. I put mark good.-Stand up!

Our lesson is over. Thank you for your attention!

Good bye, children!

Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 4 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

What’s the time? It’s…

Автор: Наурызова Гульнура Дулатовна

Дата: 01.02.2016

Номер свидетельства: 286415

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