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What is Jane going to do?

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The theme of the lesson: Unit6. Step1. What is Jane going to do?
The type of the lesson: Explain the new lesson.
The aims of the lesson: 1. Educational(білімділігі): «to be going to» ??рылымын ?р
т?рлі тапсырмалар ар?ылы т?сіндіріп, пысы?тау, лексикалы? та?ырыппен байланыстыру.
2. Bringing up(т?рбиелілігі): о?ушыларды? ?орша?ан ортаны с?йе білуге баулу, досты??а, бірлікке ша?ыру.
3. Developing(дамытушылы?ы): о?ушыларды? п?нге деген ?ызы?ушылы?ын арттыру, а?ылшын тіліндегі с?здік ?орларын молайту.
The type of the lesson: new technology way of teaching.
The methods of the lesson: question-answer, group work, individual work, brainstorming, the interactive method.
Visual aids: Slides, the blackboard, the interactive board.

Саба?ты? барысы:
1.?йымдастыру кезе?і. A)Greeting
Good morning, children! I’m glad to see you. You’re welcome to an English lesson! I hope you’re ready for the lesson.
B) Conversation with pupils.
Who is on duty today?
Who is absent?
What is weather like today?
What day is it today?

2.Checking up the home task: to read the text “66 days at sea”, vocabulary to learn by heart.
3.Phonetic drill (фонетикалы? жатты?у)
When I am ten
I’ll get a pen
Then I’ll write
Like brother Ben

4.Presentation of grammar material: to be going to.
To be going to ??рылымы біреуді? болаша??а жаса?ан жоспарын ж?не ма?сатын білдіреді. ?ажетті бір а?паратты пайдалана отырып, ерте? белгілі бір уа?ытта не болатынын болжау.
Мысалы: I am going to ride a bike tomorrow.
Мен ертен велосипед теппекпін.
5.Practice: make up sentences using “to be going to”-to play tennis, to watch TV, to listen to music, to read the book, to write an exercise, to play computer games.

6.Work with books and notebooks: exercise 1
What is Jane Evans going to do at 8 o’clock?
She is going to cook a meal
Carol is going to take a shower at 8 o’clock
Ann is going to play tennis at 4 o’clock
Jennifer is going to watch TV at 6 o’clock
Jane is going to read a book at 10 o’clock

7.Vocabulary work
Shower – н?сер
To take a shower – душ?а т?су
Play –ойнау
Play tennis – теннис ойнау
Play computer games – компьютер ойнау
Watch – ?арау
Watch TV – теледидар ?арау
Have – бар, болу
To have lunch – т?скі ас ішу
Cook – пісіру
Cook a meal – ас пісіру
Ride a horse – ат?а міну
Ride a bike – велосипед тебу

8.Individual work. Work with tests
К?рделі с?зді табы?ыз:
Сапа немесе к?йді білдіретін ж?рна?ы бар с?зді табы?ыз:
Зат есімдер жасалатын ж?рна?ты табы?ыз:
?рекет жасайтын т?л?аны білдіретін ж?рна?ы бар с?зді табы?ыз:
Жекеше т?рдегі зат есімні? т?уелдеу формасын табы?ыз:
К?птік м?нді зат есімні? д?рыс н?с?асын табы?ыз: Their…are…
A)Step-father, twins.

7. К?рделі с?зді табы?ыз:

8. «-s» т?уелділік септікті? к?рсеткіші болып табылатын с?йлемді к?рсеті?із.
A)The class teacher usually opens our meetings.
B)My uncle’s bought a sideboard
C)One boy’s mother made tasty cookies.
D)He always greets people.
E)The Stogovs went to the Black Se

9.Reading comprehension. To read ex.8(c) to translate the text into Kazakh.
10.Giving a home task.
11.Giving a mark.
The lesson is over
Good-bye children’s

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«What is Jane going to do? »

What is Jane going to do?

From: 6
The theme of the lesson: Unit6. Step1. What is Jane going to do?
The type of the lesson: Explain the new lesson.
The aims of the lesson: 1. Educational(білімділігі): «to be going to» құрылымын әр
түрлі тапсырмалар арқылы түсіндіріп, пысықтау, лексикалық тақырыппен байланыстыру.
2. Bringing up(тәрбиелілігі): оқушылардың қоршаған ортаны сүйе білуге баулу, достыққа, бірлікке шақыру.
3. Developing(дамытушылығы): оқушылардың пәнге деген қызығушылығын арттыру, ағылшын тіліндегі сөздік қорларын молайту.
The type of the lesson: new technology way of teaching.
The methods of the lesson: question-answer, group work, individual work, brainstorming, the interactive method.
Visual aids: Slides, the blackboard, the interactive board.

Сабақтың барысы:
1.Ұйымдастыру кезеңі. A)Greeting
Good morning, children! I’m glad to see you. You’re welcome to an English lesson! I hope you’re ready for the lesson.
B) Conversation with pupils.
Who is on duty today?
Who is absent?
What is weather like today?
What day is it today?

2.Checking up the home task: to read the text “66 days at sea”, vocabulary to learn by heart.
3.Phonetic drill (фонетикалық жаттығу)
When I am ten
I’ll get a pen
Then I’ll write
Like brother Ben

4.Presentation of grammar material: to be going to.
To be going to құрылымы біреудің болашаққа жасаған жоспарын және мақсатын білдіреді. Қажетті бір ақпаратты пайдалана отырып, ертең белгілі бір уақытта не болатынын болжау.
Мысалы: I am going to ride a bike tomorrow.
Мен ертен велосипед теппекпін.
5.Practice: make up sentences using “to be going to”-to play tennis, to watch TV, to listen to music, to read the book, to write an exercise, to play computer games.

6.Work with books and notebooks: exercise 1
What is Jane Evans going to do at 8 o’clock?
She is going to cook a meal
Carol is going to take a shower at 8 o’clock
Ann is going to play tennis at 4 o’clock
Jennifer is going to watch TV at 6 o’clock
Jane is going to read a book at 10 o’clock

7.Vocabulary work
Shower – нөсер
To take a shower – душқа түсу
Play –ойнау
Play tennis – теннис ойнау
Play computer games – компьютер ойнау
Watch – қарау
Watch TV – теледидар қарау
Have – бар, болу
To have lunch – түскі ас ішу
Cook – пісіру
Cook a meal – ас пісіру
Ride a horse – атқа міну
Ride a bike – велосипед тебу

8.Individual work. Work with tests
Күрделі сөзді табыңыз:
Сапа немесе күйді білдіретін жұрнағы бар сөзді табыңыз:
Зат есімдер жасалатын жұрнақты табыңыз:
Әрекет жасайтын тұлғаны білдіретін жұрнағы бар сөзді табыңыз:
Жекеше түрдегі зат есімнің тәуелдеу формасын табыңыз:
Көптік мәнді зат есімнің дұрыс нұсқасын табыңыз: Their…are…
A)Step-father, twins.

7. Күрделі сөзді табыңыз:

8. «-s» тәуелділік септіктің көрсеткіші болып табылатын сөйлемді көрсетіңіз.
A)The class teacher usually opens our meetings.
B)My uncle’s bought a sideboard
C)One boy’s mother made tasty cookies.
D)He always greets people.
E)The Stogovs went to the Black Se

9.Reading comprehension. To read ex.8(c) to translate the text into Kazakh.
10.Giving a home task.
11.Giving a mark.
The lesson is over
Good-bye children’s

Theme: What is Jane going to do?(6th grade)
- learn the structure “going to do smth”;
- learn to predict your future plans;
- develop pupil’s speaking, reading, listening skills.
Material needed: worksheets, interactive board, pictures, flashcards.
Time: 45 min
-Good morning, boys and girls, I’m glad to see you! Sit down, please!
- Let’s start our lesson. At first I’d like to ask you some questions. What date is it today? What day of the week is it today? What is the season now? Is it cold? Is it sunny? What season do you like? 
-What was your hometask? Let’s check your hometask.
-Now, look at the board and read this quote and try to translate. How do you think, what will we speak about today?
“He who fails to plan, plans to fail” - Hillary Clinton
- You are right! Today we are going to speak about your plans and learn to ask your friends about their plans.
II. Presentation
1) planned actions in the future
We use going to when we have the intention to do something before we speak. We have already made a decision before speaking. Look at these examples: 
We are going to sing at the party.________________________________________
2) You are certain that smth is going to happen in the future.
We often use going to to make a prediction about the future. Our prediction is based on presentevidence. We are saying what we think will happen : 
• Look at the sky. It's going to rain soon.

Vocabulary notes:

1) clean the house
2) repair the car
3) have dinner (breakfast, lunch )
4) go to a party
5) to travel
6) to watch TV
7) make sandwiches
8) bring
9) take
10) wash
11) buy a present
12) play with her toys
13) listen to music
14) sing
15) visit her friends
16) do homework
17) cook dinner
18) feed the chickens
19) wash the dishes
20) study English

III.Follow-up activities:
-It’s time to have some grammar practice. I’ll give you some worksheets to do exercises.
1) In this exercise you have to say when you are going to do something.
Example:-Have you cleaned the car?
-Not yet. (tomorrow) I’m going to clean it tomorrow.
-Have you made the coffee?
-Not yet. (just) I’m just going to make it.
1)Have you painted your flat?
Not yet. (soon) ……………………… .
2)Have you phoned Tom?
Not yet. (after lunch) ……………………… .
3)Have you repaired my bicycle?
Not yet. (just) ……………………… .
4)Have you had dinner?
Not yet. (just) ……………………… .

2) In this exercise you have to write questions with going to.
Example:-I’ve won a lot of money.
(what / with it) What are you going to do with it?
1)I’m going to a party tonight.
(what / wear) ……………………… ?
2)Tom has just bought a painting.
(where / hang it) ……………………… ?
3)I’ve decided to have a party.
(who / invite) ……………………… ?

3) Now you have to say what you think is going to happen in these situations.
Example:-The sky is full of black clouds. (rain) It’s going to rain.
1)Terry is doing his examinations tomorrow. He hasn’t done any work for them and he is not very intelligent.
(fail) ……………………………………… .
2)It is 8.30. Tom is leaving his house. He has to be at work at 8.45 but the journey takes 30 minutes.
(be late) ……………………… .
2)There is a hole in the bottom of the boat. It is filling up with water very quickly.
(sink) ……………………… .
3)Ann is driving. There is very little petrol left in the tank. The nearest petrol station is a long way away.
(run out of petrol) ……………………………………… .

4) Let’s look at the board. You should choose the right answer.
IV. Wrap-up
1) Evaluation the pupils;
2) Your home task: ask your mum or dad about plans for Sunday? Put down their answers.

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 6 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

What is Jane going to do?

Автор: Абдихожаева Лайла Аманбековна

Дата: 25.11.2014

Номер свидетельства: 135560

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