Form: 5«а» | Date: 23.11.15 | English teacher: Kuantaikyzy Karlygash |
The theme of the lesson | What do you eat for breakfast? |
The aims of the lesson | -to introduce and to practice new words on the theme “What do you eat for breakfast?” -to extend pupils speaking,thinking,writing skills through giving instructions to create an atmosphere of self and mutual respect and social interaction through group and pair works -to bring up love and interest to the subject, respect to each other. |
The equipments of the lesson | pictures, posters, computers interactive board,cards,presentation,smiles |
The type of the lesson | mixed lesson,presentation |
Methods of teaching | training, explanation, demonstration, interaction,group work,pair work, question-answer,the game |
Expected results | At the end of the lesson pupils will be able to: *use new words in speech *to give their own opinion |
Procedure of the lesson |
Stages of the lesson | Teachers’s activity | Pupils’s activity |
I.Organization moment of the lesson | 1.Greeting -Good morning, my dear pupils. I’m glad to see you! -Sit down,please. -How are you? 2.Talking to duty -Who is on duty today? -Who is absent today? |
-Good morning teacher!
-We are fine, thanks.
- I am on duty today. -All are present. |
II.Phonetic drill | Let’s sing a song “Happy English” Сыныпта ынтымақтастық атмосферасын қалыптастыру | Оқушылар психологиялық дайындалады. Хормен ән орындайды.  |
III. Check up the homework | I’ll check your homework. What was the homework for today? 1.«Oртадағы қаламсап» әдісі бойынша үй тапсырмасын тексеру. 2. Түс таңдау арқылы сынып топтарға бөлінеді. Қызыл және жасыл. The class is divided into 2 groups: -Countable nouns -Uncountable nouns | To learn by heart new words.  |
IV.Presentation of a new theme | Well, pupils. Our theme in our lesson is “What do you eat for breakfast?” Миға шабуыл Тақырыпты ашу мақсатында оқушыларға слайд көрсетіледі. Look at these new words: Breakfast [‘brekfәst] - таңғы ас Lunch [ lʌntʃ] – екінші түскі ас Dinner [‘dɪnə] - түскі ас Supper [‘sʌpə] – кешкі ас Beef [bi:f] – сиыр еті Pork [po:k] - шошқа еті Mutton [mat(ә)n] - қой еті Weigh,v – өлшеу Weight, n – салмақ Pound – фунт, салмақ өлшемі | Ашық, жабық сұрақтар беріледі. Exercise 1.Interview your friend. - What do you eat for breakfast? -I eat … for breakfast. -I have … for breakfast.  |
V.Practice | Read the poem and put the necessary words /supper,breakfast,dinner/ _______ in the morning. _______ in the day Tea comes after dinner Then comes time to play _______ in the evening. When the sky is red. Then the day’s over, And we go to bed!  |  |
VI.Reading and speaking | 1-тапсырма. Жеке жұмыс. Кесте бойынша жауап беру. Exercise11. Read the interview. Example: Asel eats beef and mutton, but she doesn’t eat pork and veal. | beef | pork | veal | mutton | Asel | + | | | + | Omar | + | | + | | Colin | + | + | + | | Carol | + | | + | | Jenny | + | + | | | Dmitry | + | + | + | |  | 2-тапсырма.Now lets’ make up sentences and write down. 1. eat/in the morning/porridge/I 2.she/milk/with/coffee/drink/does not 3.hamburgers/they/with/like/cheese 4.we/eat/for breakfast/do not/pizza/salad/fish/or 5.for supper/would/I/orange/like/ juice 1. I eat porridge in the morning. 2. She does not drink coffee with milk. 3. They like cheese with hamburgers. 4. We do not eat pizza, salad or fish for breakfast. 5. I would like orange juice for supper. 3- тапсырма. Оқушылар жұптық жұмысты жұп болып орындайды, диалогтік сөйлесуді қолданады. Exercise 5. Listen and practise. Asel:Jenny,what do I write here? Jenny:You write your weight,height,the colour of your eyes and hair. Asel:I weigh about 47 kilos. Jenny:Ok.One kilo is 2.2 pounds.So you weigh about 103 pounds. |
VII.Relaxation minute | Repeats the actions of the children in the video together with pupils. “This Is The Way We Go To School” song | Repeat the actions of the children in the video.  |
VIII.Conclusion of the lesson | Пысықтау. Топтық жұмыс Оқушылар “What do you eat for breakfast?” тақырыбы бойынша топқа бөлініп постер қорғайды. І group - breakfast ІІ group- dinner III group-supper
| Жеке жұмыс (шашылған әріптерді құрастыру) Find these words  1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | R | H | R | P | F | B | C | E | P | B | K | L | N | E | E | A | U | N | R | E | E | N | D | S | | S | | I | U | | T | | | | | A | | | | | F | | | | |
IX. Marks | Формативті бағалау:топтық, өзара, жеке бағалау;смайлик жинау, мадақтау,сенім білдіру. You have worked active today. You get a good (or excellent) marks. Смайлик арқылы бағалау. Smiles | Marks |  | «5» excellent |  | «4» good |  | «3» satisfactory |
| Reflection: Asks pupils to come to the blackboard,read the transcriptions and according to it write the words on the activeboard. Білім ағашы Білім ағашына балалар сабақтан алған әсерлерін стикерге жазып жапсырады.  |
X.Giving up home task
| Today you have learned a lot of information about breakfast,dinner,supper. I want to say you ‘thank you’ to all of you. Please write down your home task: Vocabulary, exercise 6. The lesson is over! Good-bye! | Good bye teacher! |