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Впечатления от Великобритании

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Britain is rich in its historic places which link the present with the past.

The oldest part of London is Lud Hill, where the city is originated. About a mile west of it there is Westminster Palace, where the king lived and the Parliament met, and there is also Westminster Abbey, the coronation church.

Liverpool, the “city of ships”, is England’s second greatest port, ranking after London. The most interesting sight in the Liverpool is the docks. They occupy river frontage of seven miles. The University of Liverpool, established in 1903, is noted for its School of Tropical Medicine. And in the music world Liverpool is a well-known name, for it’s the home town of “The Beatles”.

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«Впечатления от Великобритании»

Lesson 6


Objectives: practice vocabulary on the topic, to develop reading and speaking skills, to widen students’ outlook, to practice working in the Internet

Equipment: English 8 by O. Karpiuk, a computer lab, CDs, pictures


  1. Greeting. Introduction

T1. Good morning, dear friends! I invite you to our computer lab with the help of which we are going to visit Britain. Your teacher of Computer Studies will help you in using the Internet sites and at the end of the lesson you are going to check yourselves doing tests. And I hope after the lesson you will be full of impressions and know more about this beautiful country.

II. Warming up

Speaking. Brainstorming

T1. To visit foreign countries you should know foreign languages. But is it enough to feel yourself comfortable abroad? Here is a famous quotation of a well-known English writer Chesterton who once said: “Modern man is educated to understand foreign language and misunderstand foreigners.” Do you agree with these words? Explain why.

  1. The main part

Reading and discussing in groups

T1. Some lessons ago we read some information about Great Britain, mainly about its geography and climate and today we start with your peers’ letters about their impressions after visiting Britain.

Group 1 has the task to read the letters and decide which of the sentences are true to the text.

Group 2 should read the texts and answer the questions.

Letter 1

When I remember my trip to Britain I think of two main areas – England and Scotland, the places I have been to.

Scotland is very beautiful! There are mountains, valleys, lakes and hundreds of islands.

The most famous lake is Loch Ness. It is very deep and some people believe that a mysterious creature lives in it. This monster is often called ‘Nessie’

The capital of Scotland is Edinburgh. Every summer it has a huge festival: artists, poets, musicians and actors from all over the world go there.

I was also impressed by beautiful gardens all over England. By the way, the symbol of England is a red rose and English people are crazy about gardening. I went to the northeast near Newcastle and saw the famous Hadrian’s Wall. Roman soldiers built it 2000 years ago. Fantastic!

Yours, Olena Tatarchuk

Letter 2

I had a chance to visit Wales on my last holiday. I came across a red dragon – the oldest symbol of Wales everywhere. Holiday makers love the beautiful Welsh beaches, and the mountains of Snowdonia are popular, too.

There are some ancient castles which are also big tourist attractions. A popular musical instrument in Wales is a harp. Welsh people like singing and organize music festivals. The Welsh are crazy about Rugby. It’s there national sport. There is a fantastic stadium in Cardiff.

I was surprised when I learnt that there are two official languages in Wales, Welsh and English. Children study Welsh at school. Road signs are usually in Welsh and English, too.

Sincerely, Max Chubenko

Task 1 (true/false)

  1. Olena visited Wales on her last holidays.

  2. There are mountains, valleys, lakes and hundreds of islands in England.

  3. The capital of Scotland is Cardiff.

  4. The symbol of Scotland is a red rose.

  5. English people are crazy about gardening.

  6. Hadrian’s wall is in Wales.

  7. The most famous lake in Scotland is Loch Ness.

  8. The symbol of Wales is a red dragon.

  9. Rugby is a national sport in Wales.

  10. There are two official languages in England – Welsh and English.

Task 2 (answer the questions)

  1. What was Helen impressed by in England? Why?

  2. What parts of Britain did Helen visit?

  3. What did she see there?

  4. What is the most famous lake in Scotland?

  5. What do the holiday makers like in Wales?

  6. What can anyone see in Wales?

  7. What was Max surprised with?

  8. What is the oldest symbol of Wales?

  9. What is the popular musical instrument in Wales?

  10. Where can you see the road signs in two languages – Welsh and English?

Virtual Excursion throughout Britain

T2. А зараз і ми з вами помандруємо видатними місцями Британії за допомогою Інтернету. Для цього необхідно знайти на робочому столі ярлик програми, яка дозволяє працювати в мережі Інтернет (Mozilla Firefox,Internet Explorer та інші).

Глобальна мережа Інтернет об’єднує мільйони комп’ютерів і локальних мереж, до її послуг удаються сотні мільйонів чоловік. Але мережа Інтернет - це лише засіб зв’язку комп’ютерів і локальних мереж між собою. Для збереження і передачі інформації з мережі Інтернет створені спеціальні інформаційні служби, іноді звані сервісами Інтернет. Цих служб декілька, найбільш часто використовуваними є електронна пошта, електронні бібліотеки, телеконференції. Але самою популярною службою є World Wide Web (WWW) - всесвітня павутина.

Служба WWW має свої особливості, завдяки яким вона і стала такою популярною. Вся інформація в цій службі зберігається на WWW-серверах у вигляді гіпертекстових документів, які називаються Web-странщамі. Ці документи пишуться на мові HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language) і можуть містити різноманітну інформацію: текст, малюнки, аудіо та відео, що робить цю інформацію надзвичайно привабливою для користувачів. Гіперпосилання в HTML-документах можуть вказувати як на іншу частину цього документа, так і на інший документ, розташований на будь-якому сервері мережі Інтернет. Це дозволяє легко відшукувати необхідну інформацію, переходячи за допомогою гіперпосилань від документа до документа. А взагалі-то для пошуку інформації в мережі Інтернет використовуються спеціальні пошукові сервери. Але перш ніж щось шукати, треба знати, де інформація знаходиться, тому розглянемо, хоча б конспективно, способи адресації в мережі Інтернет.

. У адресне поле програми-браузера (далі - браузера) можна вводити не повну адресу комп’ютера (URL), а тільки його частину, що починається з літер www. Наприклад, можна вводити не http://www.aanet.ru, а www.aanet.ru, решта браузер допише сам.

Пошукові сервери

Серед усіх існуючих ресурсів у мережі потрібно особливо виділити пошукові сервери. Це спеціальні машини в мережі, які дозволяють нам шукати необхідну інформацію. Насправді вони шукають адресу сторінки, на якій з певною достовірністю присутнє шукане слово, або фраза. Серед пошукових ресурсів варто назвати такі:

Російські: www.rambler.ru, www.aport.ru

Українські: www.meta-ukraine.com, www.search.kiev.ua

Технологія пошуку інформації в глобальній мережі доволі проста. Після загрузки пошукового ресурсу на екрані з‘явиться рядок пошуку, до якого потрібно ввести слово, що означає поняття, яке нам потрібно шукати. Після цього потрібно натиснути кнопку Enter або клікнути лівою кнопкою миші на кнопці ”Пошук” (“Поиск”) поряд із пошуковим рядком. Після цього пошукова машина видасть вам на екран список посилань на ресурси, що містять шукане слово. Часто буває так, що при першому пошуку машина знайде кілька тисяч серверів і кілька десятків тисяч документів. Зрозуміло, що таку кількість документів переглянути за достатньо короткий термін не можливо. Тому можна скористатись методом покрокового наближення. Для цього спочатку в рядок пошуку вводиться слово, що означає цілий клас понять. Після того, як пошукова машина знайде певні ресурси, потрібно клікнути лівою кнопкою миші на віконечку “В найденом” і ввести нове поняття, яке є підмножиною множини знайдених понять. 2 останні операції потрібно повторювати до тих пір, доки на вікні браузера не відобразяться 5-10 посилань. Їх можна переглянути за доволі короткий термін часу і вибрати із всіх знайдених ресурсів потрібні.

Крім того, потрібно пам‘ятати, що великі і малі літери не мають значення. Отже, давайте починати нашу екскурсію. Наберіть у вікні браузера адресу www.ego4u.com/ .Ліворуч у меню знайдіть розділ “Read On” та підрозділ “Countries”. Перед вами у вікні з’являється список країн. Обираємо “The United Kingdom”. У новому вікні обираємо розділ “Geography” та підрозділ “Tour around Great Britain”.

T1. On your computer screens you can see the map of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and on the map some places of interest of the country, we have read today about, are marked.

. So, let’s start our tour with the lake Loch Ness which is the first stop. Here you can see the photo of this beautiful lake and you may read some additional information you haven’t known yet.

Station 1 – Dover

Dover is a little town and an important ferry port. Between Dover and Calais in France, the English Channel is only 34 km wide. To cross the channel by ferry takes only about 90 minutes. From the ferry you have a wonderful view of the famous chalk cliffs – the White Cliffs of Dover.

Near the ferry port, there is a castle from the 12th century. From the castle you can see as far as Calais if the weather is good.

Station 2 – lake Loch Ness

Loch Ness is a lake between the Scottish towns of Inverness and Fort Augustus. The word loch is Scottish for lake. Loch Ness is about 37 km long and extremely deep, the deepest part is 226 m.

Loch Ness is famous for its friendly monster, Nessie. Most people think that this is only a legend, but every year tourists from all over the world come to Loch Ness and hope that they will see the monster.

Station 3 – Edinburgh

Edinburgh is the capital of Scotland. It has a beautiful old city centre and a castle that lies on a hill above the city. In the castle you can see the statues of two Scottish heroes: Robert Bruce and William Wallace (known from the film Braveheart).

Several famous people were born in Edinburgh, for example Alexander Graham Bell (who invented the telephone), Tony Blair (Prime Minister) and Arthur Conan Doyle (who wrote the Sherlock Holmes stories). By the way, J. K. Rowling wrote her first Harry Potter book in an Edinburgh coffee-shop.

Station 4 – Hadrian’s Wall

Hadrian’s Wall is an ancient wall across England from Carlisle in the east to Newcastle in the west. The Roman Emperor Hadrian wanted to protect Roman Britain from attacks by Scottish tribes. So he told his soldiers to build a wall.

Roman soldiers guarded the wall, which was 117 kilometres long and 4 metres high. Now there are only ruins left of Hadrian’s Wall. But still, Hadrian’s Wall is the most popular tourist attraction in northern England and a World Heritage Site.

Station 5 – Stonehenge

Stonehenge is a mystical place. Its stone circles are probably more than 4,000 years old. The huge stones come from an area about 30 km north of Stonehenge. The smaller stones possibly are from the Preseli Mountains in Wales, almost 400 km away from Stonehenge.

Nobody knows for sure what the function of Stonehenge was. Maybe it was a druid temple. Maybe it was a sacrificial altar. Maybe it was some kind of observatory.

Station 6 – Oxford

Oxford is a beautiful university town that is famous all over the world. The University of Oxford is the oldest university in Great Britain; it already existed in the 12th century. In the town centre there are many old buildings. There is also a museum where you can learn more about Oxford’s history.

Role playing

T1. Imagine that one of you is a Ukrainian student who is going to visit Britain on his holidays and is interested in its historical places. The other one is a British student who can give a piece of advice what places of interest are worth seeing in his country.

P1. Hello. I’m Ann. I’m from Ukraine and I’m going to visit Britain for the first time. Can you give me a piece of advice what places of interest are worth seeing in your country?

P2. Hello. I’m Peter. I’m English and I live in London. First of all I think you can start with Dover, the first city you can see crossing the Straight of Dover.

P1. What is interesting about it?

P2. Dover is one of the most ancient ports. And there is a castle called “The keys of England”.

P1. OK. What is the next place?

P2. Then you move to the Stonehenge. It is to the east of Dover.

P1. Oh, I’ve heard much about it.

P2. Also you should see the famous Hadrian’s Wall which was built 2000 years ago.

P1. I think it would be interesting. And what about ancient cities?

P2. To my mind, you must visit Oxford, the oldest university city in England, Edinburgh, the capital of Scotland, and others.

P1. Thanks a lot. I’ll keep in mind your advice and try to see as much as possible.

IV. Summing up

T1. To our great regret it was the last station for today, but next time we’ll visit the capital city of Great Britain and some other famous cities. Today you’ve learnt how to find the site and how to work in it. For the next lesson you have to prepare virtual excursion around London. Divide into groups and every group will prepare one station.

T2. Для пошуку інформації ви повинні зайти на сайт http://www.ego4u.com/en/read-on/countries/uk/london та переглянути інформацію у тому ж режимі, який ми використовували сьогодні на уроці.

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 8 класс

Впечатления от Великобритании

Автор: Карпюк Татьяна Валерьевна

Дата: 25.02.2016

Номер свидетельства: 298910

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