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Visiting big cities 1

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«Visiting big cities 1»

Date: 6.02.16y.

Grade: 6 “D”

Theme: Visiting big cities


- improve the cognitive interest in the English language, to enlarge pupils’ vocabulary according to the theme, to inculcate interest in travelling;

- to develop pupils’ speaking, reading, oral speech, writing, listening and thinking skills with the help of various tasks;

- bring up to be polite, respect the language and traditions of other countries.

Type: new lesson

Kind: presentation

Methods of the lesson: explanation, question-answer, individual and group work.

Inter-subject connection: Kazakh, English.

Visual aids: poster, a jar, interactive board.

The procedure of the lesson

Teacher’s activity

Pupils’ activity


I. Organization moment:

a) Greeting: good afternoon, how are you today?

b) A talk about on duty: who is on duty today? Who is absent today?

c) A talk about the date and day: what date and day is it today?

Good afternoon, teacher! We are fine, and you?

I am on duty today, all are present.

Today is the 6th of February. Is it Saturday.

2 min.

II. Phonetic drill:

The more you live,

The more you travel,

The more you travel,

The more you see,

The more you see,

The more you learn.

Learn the rhyme, repeat after the teacher and read themselves with good intonation, the teacher checks and corrects where necessary.


III. Checking up the home task:

What was your home task for today?

Our home task was…


IV. The presentation of the new lesson:

So, let’s start our lesson. If you want to know the topic

of our lesson, you should solve the crossword and find the odd word, that’ll be the topic of the lesson.

So, travelling is an odd word, because the other words are kinds of transport. Today, as you see, we’ll speak about travelling, visiting other countries. Are you ready to start our lesson? Open your copybooks and write down the date and the topic of the lesson “Visiting big cities”.


Tradition [trəˈdɪʃn]-дәстүр

Enjoy [ɪnˈʤɔɪ]-сүйсіну

Popular [ˈpɔpjʊlə]-атақты, танымал

Favourite [ˈfeɪvərɪt]-сүйікті, таңдаулы

Hiking [ˈhaɪkɪŋ]-жаяу серуендеу

Great [greɪt]-тамаша, керемет

Suitcase [ ˈs(j)uːtkeɪs]-чемодан

Solve a crossword in order to guess the topic of the lesson. The topic of the lesson is “Travelling”.

Pupils learn the new words, repeat after the teacher.


V. Practice: Ex.1

Let’s read the text about “travelling” and translate in order to understand it better.


People travel to see other countries, to try different food, to learn about traditions, to enjoy beautiful places. There are many ways of travelling: by train, by plane, by ship, on foot. Everyone chooses his favourite one.

Traveling by plane is the fastest, but the most expensive. Travelling by train is slower than by plane, but you can see much more interesting places of the country.     

 Travelling by sea is popular. You can enjoy fresh sea air.

Hiking is travelling on foot. It is a very popular method of travelling among young people.

Travelling by car, by bike, by bus you can stop where you want, have a better look at the places of interest and nature. It is exciting.

Any kind of travel helps you to understand many things that you can never see or learn at home.   


Game “pens on the table”. Answer the questions according to the text.

1.Why do people travel?

2. What kind of ways of travelling do you know?

3. Which way of traveling is the fastest, but the most expensive?

4. Travelling by this kind of transport is slower than by plane, but you can see much more interesting places?

5. You can enjoy fresh sea air while travelling by this kind of transport

6. Travelling on foot is called?

7. Which kind of travelling is popular among young people?

Ex.3. Are these sentences True (T) or False (F)?

  1. People travel to see other countries, to try different food, to learn about traditions, to enjoy beautiful places.

  2. Travelling by plane is the fastest and the cheapest way of travelling.

  3. Traveling by train is slower than by plane, but you can see much more interesting places of the country.  

  4. Hiking is travelling by car.

  5. Hiking is a very popular method of traveling among young people.

  6. Traveling by car, by bike you can stop where you want, have a better look at the places of interest and nature.

Individual work (work with cards) Match the two parts of the sentences

Ex4. The leaders of the first and second group come here and choose one envelope and read the word in it. And do the task (find advantages and disadvantages of travelling by train and plane).

1. People travel to

2. There are many ways of travelling:

3. Travelling by plane is

4. Travelling by train is

5. Travelling by sea

6. Hiking is

7. Travelling by car, by bike, by bus

8. Any kind of travel helps you to understand

a) slower than by plane.

b) you can stop where you want.

c) the fastest way.

d) many things that you can never see or learn at home.

e) is popular.

f) see other countries, to try different food, to learn about traditions, to enjoy  beautiful places.

g) travelling on foot.

h) by train, by plane, by ship, on foot.

VI. Control of understanding:

What means of transport are the sentences below about?


Ex.: 1. I love traveling but I hate aircraft, airports, air terminals and everything to do with them. (plane)

Jar of words.

Recollect the words connected with the topic “Travelling” and remove the extra words.

Pupils read the text and translate.

Teacher will ask questions according to the text and pupils should answer.

Pupils should guess if the sentences are true or false. And correct the wrong sentences.

Pupils should guess which kind of transport are the sentences.

Pupils will be given a jar with words in it. They should find words according to the topic of the lesson, and remove the extra words.


VII. Home task: ex.1 p 29. Learn the new words.

Write down the home task on their diaries.

VIII. Evaluation.

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 6 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Visiting big cities 1

Автор: Ажиғалиева Бақнұр Еділжанқызы

Дата: 07.11.2016

Номер свидетельства: 356289

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