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Урок по английскому языку "We love English"

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?айталау саба?ы. Саба?ты? ма?саты ?ткен та?ырыптарды ?айталау. 

О?ушыларды? тілге деген ?ызы?ушылы?тарын арттыру

С?йлеу, жазу, айту ?абілеттерін дамыту.

О?ушыларды с?ра? ?ою?а ?йрету.

О?ушыларды? музыкалы? ?абілетін демыту.

Саба? ойын т?рінде ?ткізіледі.

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«урок по английскому языку "We love English"»

We love English

Цель урока: 1. Повторить изученные структуры и тренировать детей в их


2. Тренировать учащихся в монологической и диалогической

речи по темам: «Знакомство», «Счет», «Цвета», «Семья».

«Времена года».

3. Учить детей правильно задавать вопросы.

4. Развивать навыки и умения музыкальных способностей.

Visual aids: toys, map, pictures, books, crossword, cards, tape – recorder, photos.

Type of the lesson: revision

Ход урока:

I.Organization moment.

I am glad to see you. The theme of our lesson is “We love English”. Today we must revise such themes as “Introducing yourself”, “Family”, “Colours”, “Numbers”, “Seasons”.

II. Warming up.

Tongue twister: - Let’s train our tongue. Look at the board and repeat after me, excellent! Now only boys repeat after me, then only girls repeat it as quickly as you can.

A black cat

Sat on a mat

And ate a fat rat

Very good. Thank you sit down. Let’s continue our lesson.

Today we have an unusual lesson. Do you like traveling by plane?

So pupils what season is it now?

P: It’s winter now.

T: Yes you are right. What winter holidays do you now? (New Year, Christmas, St. Valentines Day)

Last year we had very great winter event in our Kazakhstan especially in Astana and in Almaty. Who knows what event is it?

P: The Olympic games in Asia

T: It’s great that you know the 7th Olympic games in Asia. What is the symbol of this Olympiad.

P: The snow leopard.

T: Yes, today’s our guide is the snow leopard.

Look at the map please. There are many stations on it. Let’s begin our journey.

III. The first station is “The Introducing station”. Let’s introduce ourselves to each other. Let’s sing the song “What is your name”.

IV.The second station “ABC” Let’s singing the song. We see the sounds and you must write words on it.

[ei] [ai] [e] [o] [ju] [әе]

name like pen Bob tune cat

V. Let’s continue our journey. We are at the station of the “Days, Months and seasons’. Your task is to put these words into the lists in the correct order.

Days Months Seasons

Now, tell me please, what day of week is it today? What month is it now? What season is it now?

VI.We are at the stations “Familyʼs station”. We must tell about your family.

VII.We are at the “Colours station”. What beautiful toys! Can you tell me what they are and their colours?

VIII. Relaxing

Stand up, hands up, hands down,

Hands up, hands down,

Hands on the hips, bend left, bend right,

Bend left, bend right, stand straight, hands down.

Look at the window, look at the door,

Look up, look down, and look at me

Look at the window, look at the door,

Look up, look down, look at the board, and sit down.

IX. Let’s continue our journey. Now we are at the “Numbers station”. How much is

20- 5=15 17+2=19

16-8=8 9+7=16 6+6=12?

X. Crossword.

XI. Now we are at the last station. It is called “We love English”.

Look at the board and you see the smiles. You must choose the smile. Then answer the questions. Did you like our lesson?

XII. Evaluating

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 5 класс

урок по английскому языку "We love English"

Автор: Агайдарова Лариса Айберді?ызы

Дата: 13.12.2015

Номер свидетельства: 265806

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