Урок предназначен для обучающихся 9 класса, изучающих английский язык по учебнику М. З. Биболетовой. Цель данного урока - формирование социокультурной компетенции обучающихся.
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«Урок “We should be tolerant!”»
Урок “We should be tolerant!”
9 класс, учебник “Enjoy English-5” М.З.Биболетова
Учитель: Бахматова Светлана Николаевна, учитель английского языка МБОУ «Евгащинская СОШ им. Д.М.Ефименко»
Цель урока: формирование социокультурной компетенции учащихся через решение следующих задач:
- расширять лингвистический и общий кругозор учащихся на основе практического владения знаниями по теме;
- развивать умения устной речи учащихся: логично высказываться в соответствии с ситуацией общения;
- развивать умения аудирования иноязычной речи;
развивать языковые, интеллектуальные и познавательные способности учащихся;
-воспитывать чувство любви, уважения, толерантности к членам своей семьи и окружающим людям;
- воспитывать стремление изменить мир к лучшему
мультимедийный проектор,
распечатанные тексты песни “This one’s for the children”,
яблоко и сердечки, прикрепленные к тонким палочкам,
кубики с написанными на их гранях формулировками качеств,
фигурки человечков, изображения детских ладошек, плакат с изображением земного шара.
Ход урока
1.Приветствие. Оргмомент.
- Hello. It’s very nice to see your smiling faces. How are you? Feeling friendly? I hope you are.
- There is one easy but very important thing that makes people be happy and positive. It’s a compliment. Let’s try to make some compliments to each other.
(P1: Kate, you speak English very well.
P2: Oh, no, not really.
P1: Yes, you do, you really do.
- Danil, make a compliment to one of the girls, please.
P1: …, you have a very nice blouse today.
P2: Thank you for the compliment.
- Max, make a compliment too, please.
P1: …, you look wonderful today.
P2: So do you.)
3. Сообщениетемыурока
I think, we’ll have an unusual lesson today. We are going to speak about you and me, our families and friends, the world we live in. The question we’ll try to answer at the end of the lesson is “Should we be tolerant?” (Слайд 1)
4. «Мозговойштурм»
1. I’d like you to answer a very important question. What is the world based on?
What are the most important values of our life? Give your associations, please. (Слайд 2)
2. If there is any difficulty you can use the glossary you have in your file.
(Если дети затрудняются, они могут воспользоваться словариком, данном на отдельном листе). (Приложение 1)
1. They say we should take 5 lessons a day for many years to have a kind heart. And these lessons are: LOVE, PEACE, MERCY, RESPECT and TOLERANCE.
2. How do you understand these words? What is LOVE? PEACE? MERCY? RESPECT? TOLERANCE?
3. We’ll work in groups of 3 or 4. The first group is to explain the meaning of the word “LOVE”, the second group - “PEACE”, the third is to define the word “MERCY”, etc. Use these bricks. (Приложение 2)
Из слов, написанных на гранях кубиков, дети составляют предложения:
- Let’s see what you’ve done. (Слайд 3)
- Well done.
6.Составление мини-диалогов
- Do you know what holiday the world celebrates on the 15th of May? (International Family day).
1. I think being children we take the first lessons of peace, love, mercy, respect and tolerance in our families. This is the reason why I want you to tell some words about them. (Слайд 4)
2. Take this “magic” apple – a symbol of a united family and pass it to your friend after you have finished your story of 2 or 3 sentences about your family relationship, traditions, etc.
(Ученики по очереди составляют короткие высказывания о своей семье, вставляя в яблоко сердечко)
P1: We have very good relations with each other. We are a united family and all the members are friends.
P2: I have never heard a bad word from my parents. We try to be tolerant.
P3: Our /my parents are attentive to each other and they always understand us/me.
P4: My mother and me are the dearest and the best people for my father. He often gives us presents.
P5: My mother is the best woman in the world. She has heart of gold.
P6: We try to help each other about the house: one does the shopping, another one cooks and we always clean the house together.
P7: I trust all my secrets to mum. She always understands and gives me a useful advice.).
3. I see, LOVE reigns in your families. Your parents do everything possible to make you happy.
7. Аудированиепесни
- Unfortunately not all children have parents and relatives who love and care about them. Not all people have food to eat and a warm place to live in. The song “This one’s for the children” sung by the British group “New Kids on the Block” is about people of this kind. It’s a very serious message to the humanity.
- Listen to it very attentively and then answer the question: What does this song teach us to? (Слайд 5)
(Текст песни дан в Приложении 3, ссылка на звуковой файл из Презентации)
8. Проверкапонимания
So, what does this song teach us to?
(Примерные ответы детей:
P1: It teaches us to live in peace and friendship.
P2: It teaches us to help people in need.
P3: This song is really serious. It teaches us to pay much attention to children, because they are our future).
Right you are. It is very important to have good relations with other people. What “magic words” will help you to do it? - LOVE, PEACE, MERCY, RESPECT, TOLERANCE.
Now complete my sentences using the words of the song, please:
It’s very important for father and mother … (to love one another).
It’s very kind of you indeed … (to help others in need).
All the people know… (Love is the only way to go).
Boys and girls and others, remember, … (we all are brothers).
9. Подведениеитоговурока
- Our lesson is coming to the end. We have spoken about a lot of important things. Now it’s time to underline:We should be tolerant!
1. I think we can. Think about what you can do for it.
2. As for me, I can devote more time and care for my relatives.
(На доске на листе ватмана прикреплено изображение земного шара. Учитель берет в руки заранее подготовленную фигурку человечка с написанным на ней своим именем и рисунок детской ладошки, на котором написано “I can devote more time and care for my relatives” и прикрепляет фигурку человечка в центр земного шара, а ладошку на окружность).
3. You can follow my example. If you need some ideas or help, use the language support box.
(Приложение 4)
- You see we’ve already made our world better. It’s not a dream, it’s a reality. Let everybody remember the wise advice of a great English writer John Galsworthy who said: “If you don’t think about the future, you won’t have it”.
Study the list of words and choose the appropriate values:
Translation in progress. Please wait...
Конец формы
care for
old people.
respect of
other people’s opinions.
care for
parents and friends..
politeness for
our teachers/relatives.
of people.
текст песни New Kids On The Block - This One's For The Children
This is a very serious message so all of you please listen. There are some people living in this world They have no food to eat They have no place to go But we all are God's children We've got to learn to love one another Just remember, they could be us Remember, we all are brothers
I'm not trying to darken up your day But help others in need And show them there's a better way
This one's for the children The children of the world This one's for the children May God keep them in His throne
Many people are happy And many people are sad Some people have many things That others can only wish they had So for the sake of the children Show them love's the only way to go 'Cause they are tomorrow and people, they've got to know
I'm not trying to darken up your day But help others in need And show them there's a better way
This one's for the children The children of the world This one's for the children May God keep them in His throne
This one's for the children The children of the world This one's for the children May God keep them in His throne
love my relatives, my family;
devote more time, care for my dear people;
work hard to make our life better;
help other people. It will help me develop self-respect and take away many problems;
look for something new, unusual in my life;
try to keep my high spirits by all means;
be kind, tolerant, friendly, etc.;
study well to change the life for the best;
be optimistic even in the darkest days of my life;
be enthusiastic about the success of others as I’m about my own;
forget the mistakes of the past and make the greatest achievements of the future; etc.