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Конспект учебного занятия по английскому языку на тему “Multicultural Britain"

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Конспект учебного занятия по английскому языку

на тему “Multicultural Britain”

(Многонациональная Британия)

Составила – преподаватель ФГБОУ СПО «КНИТУ»Казанский технологический колледж Садыкова  Л.А.

Цели урока:

  • познакомить учащихся с этническим составом  английского общества и возникающими в этой связи проблемами;
  • обсудить проблему толерантного отношения к другим народам и культурам.


- отработать навык спонтанной речи на английском языке;

- закрепить умение вести дискуссию на английском языке;

- развивать умение просмотрового чтения текста;

- проверить уровень базовых грамматических знаний.

 Ход занятия    

Good day, students. We live in the world of people’s migration.

Задание I

Please answer my questions. Start you answer with –

I think, in my opinion, to my mind, I believe that and so on.

1.     Why do people move to other countries?

2.      Have you ever thought of migration to another country?

3.       Can you name any famous Russians who emigrated abroad? What were the reasons?

Учащиеся и преподаватель дискутируют по данным вопросам.

Задание II

Do you agree with the quotes of famous people about people of different races? How do you understand them?

-         To live anywhere in the world today and be against equality because of race or colour is like living in Alaska and being against snow. (William Faulkner, writer)

-         Racism is man’s gravest threat to man — the maximum of hatred for a minimum of reason. (Abraham Joshua Heschel, civil rights fighter)

-         In world history, those who have helped to build the same cul­ture are, not necessarily of one race, and those of the same race have not all participated in one culture. (Ruth Fulton Bene­dict, anthropologist)

-         The African race is a rubber ball. The harder you dash it to the ground, the higher it will rise. (African proverb)

(Группа обсуждает высказывания)

Thank you for your opinions. 

Задание III

Now let’s listen to the text about the history of immigration in Britain and do the following task.(Приложение 1)

1)    The wave of immigration began in Britain _____.

a.      after WW I   b) before WW II   c) after WW II

1.     In the middle of the 20th century a lot of young Indians and Pakistanis came to the country to ____.

a.      get jobs easily    b) study    c) become citizens of the UK

1.     The 1962 Commonwealth Immigration Act meant that people from Pakistan, Jamaica, Canada, Australia and some other countries could no longer come and live  in Britain unless _____.

a.      they had families there   b) they had jobs there    c) they had property

1.     Between the wars, black seamen turned big British ports into ____.

a.      dangerous areas    b) centres of immigration   c) multiracial areas

1.     After the Race relations Act was passed, it was impossible for newcomers to _____, as the act didn’t cover housing or employment.

a.      get skilled professional work     b) get any kind of job  c) immigrate


Let’s check your answers:

1) с  2) a 3) b 4) с 5) а 

Задание IV

Next task is to match the words with their definitions 

1.     resist                 2) genuinely            3) ethnic minorities  4) unprecedented

5) racial purity               6) equal  

  A) a group of people with the same culture and traditions who live in a place where most people have a different culture and different traditions

 B) having or deserving the same rights and opportunities as other people

 C) keeping people of one race not intermarried with people of other races

 D) never having happened or existed before

 E) really

 F) to oppose or fight against someone or something   


Ключ: 1F   2 E    3 A    4 D    5С    6 B 

Задание V

Read the text and put the words in brackets in the right grammar form

Racial stereotyping 1) ____ (echo) through British literature and cul­ture almost to the present day. In recent years, people have 2) ____ (be­gin) to acknowledge the presence of non-white people in Britain in a positive way and even to talk about Britain as a multicultural society. Although there are some people who would resist this description and pretend Britain’s ethnic diversity 3) _____ (not exit) and insist on describing Britain as a European or white country. But although the phrase “multiracial society” 4) ____ (use) quite frequently, a genuinely multiracial society is quite dif­ficult to achieve.

There is no doubt that the presence of ethnic minorities in Britain and much more foreign travel have 5)  _____ (transform) the British life for the better. For example, fish & chips have been 6) ____ (overtake) by curry as the most popular British takeaway. For many years, Britons have 7) ____ (get used) to see­ing black athletes like Linford Christie representing them internationally. And much of the famous “Cool Britannia”, mix of music and fashion, which is admired international­ly, 8) _____ ( derive) from different ethnic street styles. The British also see an unprecedented level of intermarriage between the races. It is noticeably more common to see 9) _____(mix) race couples in Britain than in the US, which has had a larger black population for longer. There can be no doubt that as more and more British either have a black person in their family or at least know someone that has a black person in their family, ideas about the desir­ability of racial purity will have to be thought over. As the world has 10) _____ (enter) the new millennium, Britain is a more open, more multiracial society than ever before, where different races and cultural influences are 11) ______ (begin) to be positively acknowledged and given equal respect. British society has come some way but there is still further to go.

Ключ: 1) echoes 2) begun  3) doesn’t exist 4) to be used 5) transformed  

6)    has been overtaken 7) got used  8) derives  9) mixed

7)    10) entered 11) beginning

Задание VI

Are these statements true or false?

1)    British people still do not acknowledge non-white people living in the UK

2)    Some people insist on Britain being a “white country”

3)    Traditional British food is being partly overtaken by the food of ethnic minorities

4)    Black sportsmen are the most respected in Britain

5)    British society does much to give ethnic minorities respect

Ключ: 1 F     2 T    3  T      4 F      5 T

Thank you for your work today. So your hometask is to find information about London’s ethnic districts and make a short report about one of the districts.

Приложение 1 Текст аудиозаписи  Задание III       

During World War П many Indians were fighting for the Brit­ish Army. After the War, as the economic conditions in their native country were very роor, they decided to return to Britain, as they were the citizens of the British Empire and had the right to live and work in the UK, and many of them even considered Britain as their native country. In the middle of the 20th century Britain had an urge for workers, as the economy was getting stronger, so a lot of young Indians and Pakistanis came to the country to get jobs easily. The British first treated the immigrants with tolerance. However, the fear that the newcomers would take their places at work and the rage of the racial discrimination led to passing laws and regulations concerning immigrants. In 1962 the Commonwealth Immigration Act was passed and that meant that people from Pakistan, Jamaica, Canada, Australia and some other countries, could no longer come and live in Britain unless they had jobs there. Six years later a new Act was passed, and it meant that only those people who had fathers or grandfathers born in Britain could come to the country to live there. Still the problem of racial discrimination was big. Even after the Race Re­lations Act was passed, it was impossible for the newcomers to get skilled professional work, as the Act didn’t cover housing or employment. Over time, they intermarried with native Britons. It would be interesting to know how many British people who con­sider themselves racially pure have African slave generation back in their family. And, of course, between the wars, black seamen turned ports like Liverpool and Cardiff into multiracial areas. Yet there was a tendency for the black areas of these seaports to be isolated from the rest of the city. It was possible until not so long ago to visit Liverpool for the day and not be aware it had a big black community. For a long time, even when it was acknowledged that there were people of different racial origin within the Brit­ish Isles, there was an assumption that the white race and culture was, and should, be dominant.


Список источников

1.     Афанасьева О.А., Дули Дж., Михеева И.В. и др. Английский в фокусе. Учебник для общеобразовательных учреждений, 10-11 класс. - Москва: Express Publishing, «Просвещение», 2008.

2.     Смирнов, Ю. А. Английский  язык. Современная Британия X-XI классы Элективный курс. Пособие для учащихся общеобразовательных учреждений и школ с углубленным изучение английского языка. -  М: «Просвещение», 2012.

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«Конспект учебного занятия по английскому языку на тему “Multicultural Britain" »

Конспект учебного занятия по английскому языку

на тему “Multicultural Britain”

(Многонациональная Британия)

Составила – преподаватель ФГБОУ СПО «КНИТУ»Казанский технологический колледж Садыкова Л.А.


Цели урока:

  • познакомить учащихся с этническим составом  английского общества и возникающими в этой связи проблемами;

  • обсудить проблему толерантного отношения к другим народам и культурам.


- отработать навык спонтанной речи на английском языке;

- закрепить умение вести дискуссию на английском языке;

- развивать умение просмотрового чтения текста;

- проверить уровень базовых грамматических знаний.


Ход занятия    

Good day, students. We live in the world of people’s migration.

Задание I

Please answer my questions. Start you answer with –

I think, in my opinion, to my mind, I believe that and so on.

  1. Why do people move to other countries?

  2.  Have you ever thought of migration to another country?

  3.   Can you name any famous Russians who emigrated abroad? What were the reasons?


Учащиеся и преподаватель дискутируют по данным вопросам.

Задание II

Do you agree with the quotes of famous people about people of different races? How do you understand them?

-         To live anywhere in the world today and be against equality because of race or colour is like living in Alaska and being against snow. (William Faulkner, writer)

-         Racism is man’s gravest threat to man — the maximum of hatred for a minimum of reason. (Abraham Joshua Heschel, civil rights fighter)

-         In world history, those who have helped to build the same cul­ture are, not necessarily of one race, and those of the same race have not all participated in one culture. (Ruth Fulton Bene­dict, anthropologist)

-         The African race is a rubber ball. The harder you dash it to the ground, the higher it will rise. (African proverb)

(Группа обсуждает высказывания)

Thank you for your opinions. 

Задание III

Now let’s listen to the text about the history of immigration in Britain and do the following task.(Приложение 1)

1)    The wave of immigration began in Britain _____ .

  1. after WW I   b) before WW II   c) after WW II

  1. In the middle of the 20th century a lot of young Indians and Pakistanis came to the country to ____ .

  1. get jobs easily    b) study    c) become citizens of the UK

  1. The 1962 Commonwealth Immigration Act meant that people from Pakistan, Jamaica, Canada, Australia and some other countries could no longer come and live  in Britain unless _____ .

  1. they had families there   b) they had jobs there    c) they had property

  1. Between the wars, black seamen turned big British ports into ____ .

  1. dangerous areas    b) centres of immigration   c) multiracial areas

  1. After the Race relations Act was passed, it was impossible for newcomers to _____, as the act didn’t cover housing or employment.

  1. get skilled professional work     b) get any kind of job  c) immigrate


Let’s check your answers:

1) с  2) a 3) b 4) с 5) а 

Задание IV

Next task is to match the words with their definitions 

  1. resist                 2) genuinely            3) ethnic minorities  4) unprecedented

5) racial purity               6) equal  

  A) a group of people with the same culture and traditions who live in a place where most people have a different culture and different traditions

 B) having or deserving the same rights and opportunities as other people

 C) keeping people of one race not intermarried with people of other races

 D) never having happened or existed before

 E) really

 F) to oppose or fight against someone or something   


Ключ: 1F   2 E    3 A    4 D    5С    6 B 

Задание V

Read the text and put the words in brackets in the right grammar form

Racial stereotyping 1) ____ (echo) through British literature and cul­ture almost to the present day. In recent years, people have 2) ____ (be­gin) to acknowledge the presence of non-white people in Britain in a positive way and even to talk about Britain as a multicultural society. Although there are some people who would resist this description and pretend Britain’s ethnic diversity 3) _____ (not exit) and insist on describing Britain as a European or white country. But although the phrase “multiracial society” 4) ____ (use) quite frequently, a genuinely multiracial society is quite dif­ficult to achieve.

There is no doubt that the presence of ethnic minorities in Britain and much more foreign travel have 5)  _____ (transform) the British life for the better. For example, fish & chips have been 6) ____ (overtake) by curry as the most popular British takeaway. For many years, Britons have 7) ____ (get used) to see­ing black athletes like Linford Christie representing them internationally. And much of the famous “Cool Britannia”, mix of music and fashion, which is admired international­ly, 8) _____ ( derive) from different ethnic street styles. The British also see an unprecedented level of intermarriage between the races. It is noticeably more common to see 9) _____(mix) race couples in Britain than in the US, which has had a larger black population for longer. There can be no doubt that as more and more British either have a black person in their family or at least know someone that has a black person in their family, ideas about the desir­ability of racial purity will have to be thought over. As the world has 10) _____ (enter) the new millennium, Britain is a more open, more multiracial society than ever before, where different races and cultural influences are 11) ______ (begin) to be positively acknowledged and given equal respect. British society has come some way but there is still further to go.

Ключ: 1) echoes 2) begun  3) doesn’t exist 4) to be used 5) transformed  

6)    has been overtaken 7) got used  8) derives  9) mixed

7)    10) entered 11) beginning

Задание VI

Are these statements true or false?

1)    British people still do not acknowledge non-white people living in the UK

2)    Some people insist on Britain being a “white country”

3)    Traditional British food is being partly overtaken by the food of ethnic minorities

4)    Black sportsmen are the most respected in Britain

5)    British society does much to give ethnic minorities respect

Ключ: 1 F     2 T    3  T      4 F      5 T

Thank you for your work today. So your hometask is to find information about London’s ethnic districts and make a short report about one of the districts.

Приложение 1 Текст аудиозаписи  Задание III       

During World War П many Indians were fighting for the Brit­ish Army. After the War, as the economic conditions in their native country were very роor, they decided to return to Britain, as they were the citizens of the British Empire and had the right to live and work in the UK, and many of them even considered Britain as their native country. In the middle of the 20th century Britain had an urge for workers, as the economy was getting stronger, so a lot of young Indians and Pakistanis came to the country to get jobs easily. The British first treated the immigrants with tolerance. However, the fear that the newcomers would take their places at work and the rage of the racial discrimination led to passing laws and regulations concerning immigrants. In 1962 the Commonwealth Immigration Act was passed and that meant that people from Pakistan, Jamaica, Canada, Australia and some other countries, could no longer come and live in Britain unless they had jobs there. Six years later a new Act was passed, and it meant that only those people who had fathers or grandfathers born in Britain could come to the country to live there. Still the problem of racial discrimination was big. Even after the Race Re­lations Act was passed, it was impossible for the newcomers to get skilled professional work, as the Act didn’t cover housing or employment. Over time, they intermarried with native Britons. It would be interesting to know how many British people who con­sider themselves racially pure have African slave generation back in their family. And, of course, between the wars, black seamen turned ports like Liverpool and Cardiff into multiracial areas. Yet there was a tendency for the black areas of these seaports to be isolated from the rest of the city. It was possible until not so long ago to visit Liverpool for the day and not be aware it had a big black community. For a long time, even when it was acknowledged that there were people of different racial origin within the Brit­ish Isles, there was an assumption that the white race and culture was, and should, be dominant.


Список источников

  1. Афанасьева О.А., Дули Дж., Михеева И.В. и др. Английский в фокусе. Учебник для общеобразовательных учреждений, 10-11 класс. - Москва: Express Publishing, «Просвещение», 2008.

2.     Смирнов, Ю. А. Английский  язык. Современная Британия X-XI классы Элективный курс. Пособие для учащихся общеобразовательных учреждений и школ с углубленным изучение английского языка. -  М: «Просвещение», 2012.

3.     www.bbc.co.uk/worldservice/learningenglish


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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 11 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Конспект учебного занятия по английскому языку на тему “Multicultural Britain"

Автор: Садыкова Лариса Александровна

Дата: 01.03.2015

Номер свидетельства: 180817

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