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«Урок по теме "Защита окружающей среды"»
Ход урока
I. Организационный момент
English teacher: Hello, everybody! Nice to see you. Sit down, please. How are you?
P: Fine, thanks! And you?
T: I am OK!
Warming-up. Song «Going green»!
II. Определение темы урока, актуализация изучения темы
English teacher: Look at the pictures on the blackboard! What do you feel?
(Уч-ся высказывают свои чувства)
Teacher: Right, we feel sad when we see these pictures.
Объявляется тема урока: Проблемы экологии (тема – на доске)
English teacher: «Environmental protection»
Mind-map: What associations with word Environment have you in your mind
English teacher: And now name the ecological problems you have discussed with your Biology teacher in English (уч-ся озвучивают проблемы) But look! (учитель обращает внимание учеников на доску, где написаны слова). We can change the situation. How?
If you want the life be cool,
Like a full of colour picture,
Don’t forget one golden rule:
What rule shouldn’t we forget?
(Какое же золотое правило мы не должны забывать? Ответ на этот вопрос мы попробуем дать в конце нашего урока. Учитель английского языка говорит о важности проблем во всём мире, о том, что их много, озвучивает три из них, которые были даны заранее для подготовки презентаций. )
We live in the world where there are a lot of ecological problems. Nowadays the global situation in ecology is serous you see. Many people all over the world are worried about it and discuss it in Russian, English, French and other languages. Not only grown ups but teens. I want you to speak about ecology with teens from countries after the lesson (may be, in the Internet). So we’ll continue our discussing in English and think how we can help. We’ve not enough time to speak about all of them, so let’s discuss only 3 today.
You’ve divided into 3 groups of 3 or 4. I gave you three problems for discussing. Your task was to find the information and make reports. It’s high time to tell us about the given topics in brief and give suggestions how we can solve these problems. One by one. One group reports, others- listen to, then ask questions or say your impressions.Start, please!
Каждая группа представляет свои презентации, другие группы слушают, а после выступления задают вопросы и высказывают своё отношение к данной проблеме.
Презентация1. «Air Pollution»
Презентация2. «Disappearing Animals and Plants»
Презентация3. «Water Pollution»
English teacher: Thank you, well done! Let’s make conclusion. Why have we got so many ecological problems? What should we do to solve them and protect nature?
(примерные ответы уч-ся: Man’s careless interaction with nature causes ecological problems. We should follow special rules. etc.)
English teacher: I’d like to pay your attention to the words of J. Galsworthy, an English writer, he said: «If you don’t think about the future, you will not have it». Remember these words!
Task: would you like to fill in the blanks?
The Earth is our ___________. We must take care of it. The importance of this task is ____________ by the ecologists, scientists, who study the relations between living things and their ____________. Each of us must do everything possible to ___________ the land, air and water clean. Of course, people undertake some measures to ____________ the environment, but this activity is complicated by the economic difficulties.
Protect, home,keep, pointed out, environment.
Работа с текстом
Ознакомление с новой лексикой на доске
2)English teacher: Look through the text and try to answer the questions!
English teacher: Listen to the song of the most famous American singer M. Jackson “The Earth Song”. What about this song? During the listening try to fill in the missing words.
English teacher: Use the first letters of this words and make the phrase what singer want to say us with this song. And this will be our golden rule!!!!! (Уч-ся составляют из первых букв слов нужную фразу)
English teacher: The last line is: Be careful with nature!
IV. Заключительная часть урока. Подведение итогов.
Teacher: What can you do to keep the Earth clean and healthy? You should be a friend to her.
English teacher: Our lesson is over. You worked hard. Thank you! I hope you’ll remember that «To hurt the Earth is to hurt yourself». I hope everybody likes it and makes a decision to become a fighter for clean ecology in our town and helps the planet to survive.
Home task for English lesson to write a short summary about ecological problem of our country.