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Урок на тему Hello, again.

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Grade: 3 a

Lesson: 1


The theme of lesson: Hello, again.

The aims of the lesson:          

  1. Educational aims: To give the information about the greetings.
  2. Developing aims: To develop pupils language skills such as speaking.
  3. Up bringing aims: To interest pupils in learning English.

Type of the lesson: New lesson.

Visual aids and equipments: Books, CD, pictures.

Duration: 45 minutes.

Methods: question, answer.

The procedure of the lesson

I. Introduction:                - Good afternoon, children!                      

                                           - Good afternoon, teacher!

                                           - Thank you. Sit down, please.                                                                                        II.  Explain the new theme:

Children today we are talking about the greetings.

  1. Phonetic exercise:

                           Children Mr. Wise Crow coming for us.

  • Hello, children. How are you?
  • Hello, Mr. Wise Crow.
  • Today children we are learn this sound: [ӕ], [ei]. Repeat after me. [ӕ], [ei].
  • [ӕ], [ei].
  1. Work with books:

Exercise 1. Listen and read.

Track 1.

  1. Good morning, children! Nice to see you again. Let’s start the new school year.
  2. This is Mr. Know-All. He knows many things.
  3. Hello, Mr. Know-All! Nice to meet you. Nice to meet you too.
  4. Kids do you like English? – Yes, we do.
  5. Let’s learn it together.
  6. Show me what you can say in English.

Exercise 2. Let’s repeat what you know. Read the dialogue in pairs.

  1. What’s your name? – My name is Anar.
  2. How old are you? – I’m 9 years old.
  3. Do you go to school? – Yes, I do.
  4. Do you have brother? -  Yes, I have a brother and a sister.
  5. What’s your mother’s name? – My mother’s name is Gauhar.
  6. What’s your father’s name? – My father’s name is Kanat.
  7. What sport do you like? – I like skating.
  8. What’s your favourite holiday? – My favourite holiday is – Nauryz.
  9. Is your house big? – Yes, it is.
  10. Can you read English? – Yes, I can.

Exercise 4. Listen and sing.

Track 2.

On the 1st of September autumn starts.                                                                                                               We go to school. Look at us! We are so beautiful. We are so happy.                                                                                The day is so wonderful. It isn’t rainy. On the 1st of September autumn starts.                                                                                   We go to school. Look at us!

  1. Work with workbook:

Exercise 2. Match the sentences to the pictures.


1a;   2c;   3b;   4e;  5d.

  1. Hometask: Ex 5,6 p5
  2. Conclusion: Thank you for your good work at lessons. Goodbye, children!


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«Урок на тему Hello, again.»

Grade: 3 a

Lesson: 1


The theme of lesson: Hello, again.

The teacher: Ashimov Aidar

The aims of the lesson:

  1. Educational aims: To give the information about the greetings.

  2. Developing aims: To develop pupils language skills such as speaking.

  3. Up bringing aims: To interest pupils in learning English.

Type of the lesson: New lesson.

Visual aids and equipments: Books, CD, pictures.

Duration: 45 minutes.

Methods: question, answer.

The procedure of the lesson

I. Introduction: - Good afternoon, children!

- Good afternoon, teacher!

- Thank you. Sit down, please. II. Explain the new theme:

Children today we are talking about the greetings.

  1. Phonetic exercise:

Children Mr. Wise Crow coming for us.

  • Hello, children. How are you?

  • Hello, Mr. Wise Crow.

  • Today children we are learn this sound: [ӕ], [ei]. Repeat after me. [ӕ], [ei].

  • [ӕ], [ei].

  1. Work with books:

Exercise 1. Listen and read.

Track 1.

    1. Good morning, children! Nice to see you again. Let’s start the new school year.

    2. This is Mr. Know-All. He knows many things.

    3. Hello, Mr. Know-All! Nice to meet you. Nice to meet you too.

    4. Kids do you like English? – Yes, we do.

    5. Let’s learn it together.

    6. Show me what you can say in English.

Exercise 2. Let’s repeat what you know. Read the dialogue in pairs.

      1. What’s your name? – My name is Anar.

      2. How old are you? – I’m 9 years old.

      3. Do you go to school? – Yes, I do.

      4. Do you have brother? - Yes , I have a brother and a sister.

      5. What’s your mother’s name? – My mother’s name is Gauhar.

      6. What’s your father’s name? – My father’s name is Kanat.

      7. What sport do you like? – I like skating.

      8. What’s your favourite holiday? – My favourite holiday is – Nauryz.

      9. Is your house big? – Yes, it is.

      10. Can you read English? – Yes, I can.

Exercise 4. Listen and sing.

Track 2.

On the 1st of September autumn starts. We go to school. Look at us! We are so beautiful. We are so happy. The day is so wonderful. It isn’t rainy. On the 1st of September autumn starts. We go to school. Look at us!

  1. Work with workbook:

Exercise 2. Match the sentences to the pictures.


1a; 2c; 3b; 4e; 5d.

  1. Hometask: Ex 5,6 p5

  2. Conclusion: Thank you for your good work at lessons. Goodbye, children!


Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 3 класс

Урок на тему Hello, again.

Автор: Ашимов Айдар Серикович

Дата: 18.03.2017

Номер свидетельства: 401295

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