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Урок функционального чтения

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Урок разработан с целью развития функционального чтения, понимания текста, умения выделять необходимую информацию.

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«Урок функционального чтения»

1 Орг. момент

Good morning children!I am glad to see you. You may take your places.Welcome everybody. Let's begin our lesson.

-Who is on duty today?

-I am on duty.

-OK, who is absent today?

- Lisa is absent.

-How are you?

-I am fine,thanks.

-What is the weather like today?

-it's snowy and sunny.

Do you like such weather?

Yes,I do.

Good! Take your place!(1мин)

2 Постановка темы

That is fine.Let's get down to work.

Look at the pictures on the board,please. What can you see in the pictures?

All right! The wolf and the sheep. (подписываю над картинками на доске).

Today we will read this interesting fable {'feibl}(записать слово на доске)and do some exercises.

Open your vocabularies and write down this new word.(fable)

Did you read any stories about these animals?

No,I didn't

Did you see these animals in real life?

Yes,I saw sheep on the farm.

it's clear.(1 Мин)

3 Поготовка к теме

-Then let's open your textbooks at page 59 , find ex.31 and read the title of the fable.

-What do you think, what will we do in our lesson today?

- We'll read this text.

-We'll repeat irregular verbs, we will play.

-That'right and today we are going to find out why the sheep and the wolf can't be friends and try to answer the question. (перевести на рус.яз.).(1мин)

4 Пантомима

Before reading the text we revise some verbs.You shoud take a card and explain the word into pantomime (взять карточку и обьяснить слово с помощью пантомимы, одноклассники должны угадать слово, затем показать правильный вариант).

Who wants?(2 мин)

5 Работа со словарем

It's time to start reading, but before the reading let's find these words in vocabulary. Open your vocabulary at the end of your textbooks and find translation of these words.

(на доске записаны слова dirty,feet,answer,only,away(подписать ran),mouth.

-You have 2 minutes to do this.(работает таймер).

Are you all ready?

-let's translate these words together.(подписывааю перевод)3 мин на всю работу

6 Чтение текста

After reading you will have to answer the question. Read it please.

-Did the Wolf eat the sheep?

Very fine. Who can translate this question?

Now you should read the story to yourself and find answer if the wolf ate the sheep? Please, begin to read.You have 3 minutes to do this.(3 мин)

7 чтение по цепочке

-Your time is up.Are you all ready? What do you think,did the wolf eat the sheep?

No,it didn't ,the sheep ran away. Of course,the great job.

Let's read the story once more,but aloud.

Who would like to start?

Sofia, you are welcome.(читают по цепочке).4мин

8 выполнение упр.32

Well done, now turn the page and find ex.32.You should read the questions and give short answers. (повторить правило построения кратких ответов, дать пример)You'll ask questions to each other.

-Lisa,read the first question, please. Whom did you ask this question?

- Ilya.

Who will answer your question? Repeat the question for Danil.(3 мин)

9 физкультминутка

Fine! Now let's take a break.Stand up,please. I will ask a verb, if it will be regular verb you should clap your hands, if it will be irreular verb you should stamp your feet.(2 мин)

10 выполнение упр.33

You have had a break and let's continue our job.

Find ex.33

But first I would like to revise the rule.(Вспоминаем правило построения отрицательных предложений в Past Simple).

Let's read the example. Now take yellow cards from your desks and writeyour answers there. (пояснить задание, дать пример).

You have 3 minutes to do this task.

Are you ready? Exchahge your cards with your neighbour and compare the sentenses with the right variant.

(на экран выводятся правильные ответы:

The Wolf didn't drink the dirty water.

The Sheep didn't make the water dirty.

The Wolf didn't meet the Sheep before.

The Sheep didn't come to the river a year ago.(2 мин)

11 работа у доски

Now you will be divided into three groups. Each of you will take a card and read the phrase. If the Wolf said so,you should stick it under the Wolf,If the sheep said so-under the sheep,if the author said so-stick in the middle of the board.( пояснить задание примером).

Is it clear?

Fine,now come to me.(4 мин)

Well done! Now take your books and put these cards in the correct order. (2 мин)

12.Слушаем русскую басню

Who knows the auther of this story?


This story was written by Azop.

I know the story about the Wolf and The Sheep by Great Russian writer I.A.Krylov.Let's listen this (fable) in Rissian.(3 мин)


Then take blue cards from your desks,please((возьмите белые карточки на ваших столах и оцените свою работу на уроке.

Write your hometask:Ex.35 p.60

выставить оценки--- ?

Thank you for our work. Our lesson comes to end. You made my day.You may be free. Good bye!

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 4 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Урок функционального чтения

Автор: Пахомова Инга Юрьевна

Дата: 17.11.2024

Номер свидетельства: 659644

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