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Урок английского языка в 7 классе "По дороге в школу"

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Урок направлен на развитие коммуникативных умений в говорении.Разработана презентация, разноуровневые задания к уроку.

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«урок 7класс По дороге в школу.»

МКОУ «Енапаевская СОШ» Октябрьского района Пермского края

Открытый урок английского языка

По дороге в школу.

УМК «Английский с удовольствием» для 7 класса - Обнинск: Титул, 2021, Биболетова М.З., Денисенко О.А., Трубанева Н.Н.

Багдина Расиля Идеаловна

Учитель английского языка

2022-23 учебный год

Урок английского языка

Класс: 7

Тема: По дороге в школу.

Цель урока: развитие коммуникативных умений в говорении: диалогическая речь (диалог-расспрос), овладение умением запрашивать и сообщать фактическую информацию.


1. Учебный аспект: закрепление употребления в речи предлогов направления, развитие навыков аудирования; развитие умения ориентироваться в городе по фрагменту плана и описывать маршрут, используя необходимую лексику и прослушанный диалог.

2. Развивающий аспект: развитие речевых и языковых способностей, памяти, внимания, восприятия и воображения; развитие умения оставлять маршрута по карте.

3. Воспитательный аспект: воспитание культуры общения, уважительного отношения друг к другу, развития умения слушать друг друга; поддержание интереса к изучению английского языка

Оборудование: проектор, раздаточный материал, аудиозапись, карточки с индивидуальными заданиями, карта города

Ход урока:

I. Организационный момент: - Good morning, boys and girls! Sit down, please.

2) Постановка учебной задачи: -Now, look at the slide and try to answer my questions: What are the people speaking about? What we are going to talk about today? (слайд 1)

-You are right. The topic of our lesson is «Asking the Way » (слайд 1)

Today we will listen, translate, read and of course, learn how to ask the way and explain the way in the street.

II. Фонетическая разминка: -Listen to the poem first. Let’s translate it. Repeat it after me. (cлайд 2 )

Stop! Look! Listen!

Before you cross the street.

Use your eyes, use your ears,

And then use your feet!

III. Речевая разминка:-I'd like to ask you some questions. (cлайд 3 )

- Do you go to school every day?

How long does it take you to get to school?

Is your school far from your house?

How do you get to school?

IV. Активизация орфографических и фонетических навыков: 

Let’s do exercise 18. Try to remember the prepositions. Let’s read them aloud. (слайд 4 )

at the traffic lights,up\ down, along, round, acoss, to cross, next to, on\at the corner, past,through, over there, at the end of

-You have learnt the prepositions. Do some individual work, please. (Обучающиеся выполняют индивидуальные задания для тренировки в использовании новых слов)( приложение 1 )

I уровень

Divide the chain into ten word combinations. Write them down. (Разделите цепочку на десять словосочетаний. Найдите предлоги движения и направления. Запишите их. Turnleftgopastturnrightcrosstheroadtrafficlightsgostraightthroughthetownon thecornerontheleftattheend

II уровень

Choose the appropriate words. Write down the sentences. (Выберите подходящие по смыслу слова. Запишите получившиеся предложения.)

1) I want to travel round /straight/ past the world and see all the countries.2) Mr.Black is driving across/in/ over the bridge. 3) A policeman helps the old lady cross/go/turn the road. 4) The theatre is at the end /next to/ through of the street. 5) Turn to the right/ up/ down  at the crossroads.

III уровень

Fill in the gaps with the appropriate words. Write down the sentences. (Заполните пропуски подходящими по смыслу словами. Запишите получившиеся предложения.)

at the end round cross right across

1) I want to travel … the world and see all the countries.2) Mr.Black is driving … the bridge. 3) A policeman helps the old lady … the road. 4) The theatre is … of the street. 5) Turn to the …  at the crossroads.

V.Формирование навыков аудирования- Let's listen to the dialogue and find out what it is about.: Open your books at p.65 ex.15. Now you will listen to the dialogue. Follow the text, please. (Children listen to the dialogue)

Learn how to ask the way politely, what to say if you can help and when you can’t help. (слайд 5)

  1. Asking for help:

Excuse me, could you tell me – where … is, please? – the way to …, please? – how to get to …, please?

  1. If you can help and know the way:

Well, …; OK …; No problem …

  1. If you can’t help:

No, I’m afraid I can’t; I’m afraid I don’t know.

VI.Формирование лексических навыков

Работа со словами Lets remember the places in a city. Find and translate them. (слайд6)

church bank post-office restaurant library supermarket theatre school newsagent hotel

chemist museum Town Hall art gallery aquarium vet police station club hospital park

VII.Физкультминуткa: - Let’s have a rest and to do some exercises. Stand up. Repeat after me, please. (слайд7 )

Up, down, up, down,

Which is the way to my town?

Go straight ahead,

Turn left, turn right,

Go past and turn around.

Stop! And you are in the town.

 VIII.Развитие навыков аудирования

We’ll listen to the conversation between the Lady and the policeman. Open your book on page 65, look ex. 16. Answer the questions: (слайд 8)

  • Where would like the Lady to get? How does she ask the way?

  • How does the policeman explain the way?

  • What Building is the Post Office next to?

IX. Развитие навыков говорения (диалогическая речь): 

1. Look at the map, please. Follow the instructions and find the way to… Say where you are at the end of your way. (слайд9 ).

You are near the park. Cross the road. Go past the church along Palm street. Turn left at the hospital. Go along Queen Avenue. Cross the Lane street. It is next to the pub on Queen Avenue .

2. Insert the missing words how to get from the park to the bank. (слайд 10)

-Excuse me, … you tell me how to … to the bank, please?

-No problem. Go … Palm street. Then … the road at the corner of the park. Go straight ahead. The bank is near the Korean Restaurant.

-… you.

-You are ….

3. Make up your own dialogue. Use the information from your textbooks at page 65, exercise 15.

Explain the way to different places in groups. Примерные задания на карточках:

From park to supermarket.

From park to the museum.

From park to school.

IX. Подведение итогов урока: - Can you explain the way to the place?

- Can you ask the way?

X. Рефлексия: 

If you like our lesson show me green card, if you partly like the lesson – show yellow card, if you don’t like at all – show me red card.

домашняя работа - And now write down your homework, please. Draw a map of your living place and show the way from your house to the school.

Now you know how to explain the way from one place to another. Our lesson is over. That's all for today. Good-bye.


  • Учебник Биболетовой М. З. для 7 класса

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  • Книга для учителя с поурочными разработками Дзюина Е.В.

Приложение 1

Класс: 7 Тема: По дороге в школу. (Учимся объяснять маршрут)

I уровень

Divide the chain into ten word combinations. Write them down. (Разделите цепочку на десять словосочетаний. Найдите предлоги движения и направления Запишите их. Turnleftgopastturnrightcrosstheroadtrafficlightsgostraightthroughthetownon thecornerontheleftattheend

II уровень

Choose the appropriate words. Write down the sentences. (Выберите подходящие по смыслу слова. Запишите получившиеся предложения.)

1) I want to travel round /straight/ past the world and see all the countries.2) Mr.Black is driving across/in/ over the bridge. 3) A policeman helps the old lady cross/go/turn the road. 4) The theatre is at the end /next to/ through of the street. 5) Turn to the right/ up/ down  at the crossroads.

III уровень

Fill in the gaps with the appropriate words. Write down the sentences. (Заполните пропуски подходящими по смыслу словами. Запишите получившиеся предложения.)

at the end round cross right across

  1. I want to travel … the world and see all the countries.2) Mr.Black is driving … the bridge. 3) A policeman helps the old lady … the road. 4) The theatre is … of the street. 5) Turn to the …  at the crossroads.

Просмотр содержимого презентации
«урок 7 класс По дороге в школу»

Урок английского языка   Тема:  По дороге в школу. Класс: 7 Составил: учитель английского языка МКОУ «Енапаевская СОШ» Октябрьского района Багдина Р.И. 2023г.

Урок английского языка

Тема:  По дороге в школу.

Класс: 7

Составил: учитель английского языка

МКОУ «Енапаевская СОШ»

Октябрьского района

Багдина Р.И.


Asking the Way

Asking the Way

Learn the poem Stop! Look! Listen! Before you cross the street. Use your eyes, use your ears, And then use your feet!

Learn the poem

Stop! Look! Listen!

Before you cross the street.

Use your eyes, use your ears,

And then use your feet!

Answer the questions:

Answer the questions:

  • Do you go to school every day?
  • How long does it take you to get to school?
  • Is your school far from your house?
  • How do you get to school?
  • Do you go to school alone or with any of your friends?
Learn the words пройти мимо  Идти прямо Повернуть направо Повернуть налево на углу рядом at the traffic lights – у светофора over there – вон там

Learn the words

пройти мимо

Идти прямо Повернуть направо Повернуть налево

на углу


at the traffic lights – у светофора

over there – вон там

Remember 1.Asking for help:  Excuse me, could you tell me – where … is, please? – the way to …, please? – how to get to …, please? 2.If you can help and know the way:  Well, …; OK …; No problem …. It’s about ten minutes of walk. It’s a short walk. It’s right across the street. It’s not so far. You can’t miss it. 3.If you can’t help:  No, I’m afraid I can’t; I’m afraid I don’t know.


1.Asking for help:

Excuse me, could you tell me – where … is, please? – the way to …, please? – how to get to …, please?

2.If you can help and know the way:

Well, …; OK …; No problem …. It’s about ten minutes of walk. It’s a short walk. It’s right across the street. It’s not so far. You can’t miss it.

3.If you can’t help:

No, I’m afraid I can’t; I’m afraid I don’t know.

Let’s revise the places of a town

Let’s revise the places of a town

It's time to have a rest Up, down, up, down, Which is the way to my town? Go straight ahead, Turn left, turn right, Go past and turn around. Stop! And you are in the town.

It's time to have a rest

Up, down, up, down,

Which is the way to my town?

Go straight ahead,

Turn left, turn right,

Go past and turn around.

Stop! And you are in the town.

Answer the questions exercise 16.

Answer the questions exercise 16.

  • Where would like the Lady to get? How does she ask the way?
  • How does the policeman explain the way?
  • What Building is the Post Office next to?
-Excuse me, … you tell me how to … to the bank, please? -No problem. Go … Palm street. Then … the road at the corner of the park. Go straight ahead. The bank is near the Korean Restaurant. -… you. -You are ….

-Excuse me, … you tell me how to … to the bank, please?

-No problem. Go … Palm street. Then … the road at the corner of the park. Go straight ahead. The bank is near the Korean Restaurant.

-… you.

-You are ….

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  • https://flomaster.club/uploads/posts/2021-11/1637763558_62-flomaster-club-p-peshekhodnii-perekhod-risunok
  • https://media.baamboozle.com/uploads/images/261040/1646832133_765407.jpeg
  • https://yandex.ru/images/search?from=tabbar&text= спрашивать%20дорогу
  • https://steshka.ru/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/traffic_light_pictures_for_kids_4.jpg
  • https://yandex.ru/images/search?text= анимации%20для%20презентации%20движущиеся& lr =13575

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 7 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Урок английского языка в 7 классе "По дороге в школу"

Автор: Багдина Расиля Идеаловна

Дата: 01.04.2023

Номер свидетельства: 628827

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