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Урок английского языка "Famous people of the UK"

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Урок английского языка в 10 классе, проведенный в лингафонном кабинете

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«Урок английского языка "Famous people of the UK"»

Form 10 «A»

Date: 02.03.2018


Famous People of the UK. 


1. T. Ayapova, Z.Abildaeva, Zh. Tutbaeva English 10 Almaty “Мектеп” 2014


  • To teach students to get full information from the text & speak about famous people of the UK;

  • To develop students’ communicative skills (dialogical speech), critical thinking abilities, skills to evaluate the work of each other;

  • To develop skills of group work, teach students to respect & be tolerant and attentive to each other .

Result of teaching:

Students will be able to share their opinions on the discussing problem, to listen to different points of view.





Teacher’s activity: What shall I do?

Students’ activity

5 min.

Warm up

Dividing into groups.


1. Org.moment

1.Greeting, warm up activity.

2. Dividing into groups. ( by quotations):

*There is no elevator to success. You have to take the stairs…

*Success isn’t given. It’s earned. On the track, on the field, in the gym. With blood, sweat, and the occasional tear.

*Think big, dream big, believe big, and the results will be big.

3. Predict the theme and the aim of the lesson.

4. Giving the assessment lists to the leaders of the group.

1.Greeting, participating in warm up activities and having positive attitude to work.

2.Students are divided into 3 groups.

Students get the parts of the quotations, find the other parts, read them and share their opinions about them .

3.Learn the theme & aim of the lesson.

4.Discussing of the criteria of assessment.(True/False; posters.)

12 min.


Individual work

Rotation. Group work






(знаменитый, известный, прославленный, славный)

Celebrated, well known, notorious –печально известный, glorious, popular.

Make a poster.

1. How can people become famous? .

2. What famous people would you like to name?

3. How do you understand the quotation:“Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall.” 


Winners are not people who never fail but people who never quit.

1. Students’ name all the words associated with the word “ Famous”

2. Make a poster. Share their opinions on these questions.

Present their posters. Give their marks to each group’s work.



Famous People of the UK

True / False


3.Realization of meaning

1.New words:

Charismatic – обаятельный

kind-hearted – добросердечный


Influential – влиятельный

Mainstream – основная тенденция

2. Listening. Pupils listen to the aricle from TV program.

1st group About Princess Diana

2nd group about Beatles.

Merried to the Prince of Wales in 1981 in one of the most lavish and most-watched television events in history, Diana became one of the first accessible members of the royal family.

Diana was charismatic, kind-hearted and elegant. All of which made her the focus of intense media scrutiny across the globe.

Although that interest ultimately contributed to her untimely death, she left behind a legacy of compassion and contributions to humanitarian aid efforts combating landmines, homelessness and HIV/AIDS, she truly was the people’s princess


The British Invasion made many musicians world famous and while Mick Jagger and his fellow Rolling Stones are absolute British icons, no acts sold more records earned more number ones and elicited more teenage screams than the Beatles. These four moptops boys from the Liverpool hold numerous records and honors not the least if which is the unofficial title of most influential band in the world ever. Together as the Fab Four: John Lennon, Paul McCartney, George Harrison and Ringo Starr changed face of music forever. Helping to bring rock-and-roll to the mainstream and becoming the best-selling band in history in the process.

1. Students listen, read the words, give their definitions. translations, and repeat the words.






4. Reflection

Write down 2-3 sentences about today’s theme. Read it to your partner. Discussing as the whole class some opinions.



“6 Hats”

Assessment list

5. Assessment

Fill in the list.

Discuss according to the chosen colour

1. Students share their impressions of the lesson

Home assignment

2 min

Gives home assignment, sums up the lesson.

Home assignment

Prepare a project about Famous people of the UK

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 10 класс

Урок английского языка "Famous people of the UK"

Автор: Жусупова А.А.

Дата: 08.03.2018

Номер свидетельства: 461055

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