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Чернова Татьяна Павловна, учитель английского языка Лисиченской ОШ, высшая квалификационная категория, звание - учитель - методист

Урок  по теме "CAN I COMMUNICATE EFFECTIVELY?" первый урок в цикле уроков " PROFESSIONS"

хотелось бы чтобы данная разработка урока помогла при подготовке к уроку. 

Воспитательные задачи: побуждать к творческой инициативы, проявления самобытности ученика в ходе выполнения продуктивных творческих заданий, воспитывать положительную самооценку.                                                                                                                            

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Цикл уроков по теме" PROFESSIONS"


Teaching objectives:

  1. To develop monological and dialogical skills of students.

  2. To improve listening skills of students.

  3. To list elements of good listening and consider potential barriers to effective communication.

  4. To encourage students to make a self-evaluation, to identify our own strength and weaknesses in communicating.

Type of lesson: Self - investigation.

Preparation and Materials:

  • Cards with "Points of Good Listening"

  • Handout "Am I an Effective Communicator?"

  • Paper

  • Markers


  1. Warm - Up.

T.: Speak, talk, chat and communicate. Do all these words mean the same or not? Can you speak? Can you talk? Can you communicate? Let’s see what "Practical English Usage" by Michael Swan says about them.

Sts. : During the previous lesson students were asked to find information about the words "speak" and "talk". They read aloud the explanations and provide examples. St.l: There is not very much difference between speak and talk. In certain situations one or the other is preferred (though they are both usually possible).

Talk is the more usual word to refer to conversational exchanges and informal communication e. g. Can I talk to you about the football match for a few minutes?

St 2. Speak is often used for one- way communication and for exchanges in more serious or formal situations, e.g. I' I have to speak to that boy -he is getting very lazy.:

St.3: Talk is often used for the act of giving an informal lecture (a talk); speak is preferred for more formal lectures , seminars, sermons.

St. 4: Speak is the usual word to refer to knowledge and use of language, and to the physical ability to speak, e. g. She speaks 3 languages fluently.

St. 5: One usually asks to speak to somebody on the phone. Talk is used before sense, nonsense and other words with similar meanings.

  1. Game« Human Knot».

T. : Let's play a game to see what communication is. Stand up and make a circle, please. Take the hands of two different people, but not someone standing next to

you, or both hands of the same person. You have created a knot. Now without letting go of any hands, you must become untangled. You have 3 minutes.

  1. Brainstorm.

  • T.: Why do you think you had to do this activity?

What was the most important skill you had to use during this activity? Could you communicate well?

  1. Group Work.

T.: Now let's make groups of 4 people. You are going to receive cards with points on how to listen well. You will demonstrate your rule, the others will try to guess the point after viewing your demonstrations.

The Points on Good Listening:

  • Make direct eye contact and face the person who is speaking.

  • Do not interrupt.

  • Try not to use the word " but". Use "and" instead.

  • Do not interrupt to share your experience.

  • Do not give your attention to outside noises.

  • Give people a moment to think and respond.

  1. Listening and Speaking.

T. : We are going to play another game. It is «Chinese whispers». I need 10 volunteers. You will make 5 pairs. One pair of students remains in the room, while others will wait outside. All the rest will be the audience and observers. The first pair will listen to a text, you can not write anything down. Then you will tell the information to the second pair, who then relates it to the third and so on. The last pair will write the information on the poster. The text is as following:

« A farmer went to the market with 156 hryvnyas and 25 kopecks. He bought 4 hens, 2 packets of beans, one pound of meat and 2-kilogram bag of flour. On the way back, a man on a bike bumped into him, and in the confusion, 2 hens flew away. The man was upset and went to see his friends. They played cards ad he lost 15 hryvnyas. He arrived home late to find that his wife left him and took with her the 2 year old son and 5 year old daughter ».

After the exercise is conducted, the group will brainstorm why the original story and the retold stories differ.

  • Will much detailed information be remembered?

  • Is it all relevant?

  • Do participants want to hear it all? etc.

  1. Listening comprehension.

T.: Now let's see if you can communicate effectively? You are going to listen to the statements. Rate each of the following skills using the key. Then you will add your scores to find out the results. So, listen attentively to the statement. (Bibliog.

Am I an Effective Communicator ?

1. Rate each of the following skills using the key below:

1 = never true. 2 = sometimes. 3 = often. 4 = always true.

  1. I do not interrupt others in my group.

  2. My voice is not too loud and not too soft.

  3. I give others a chance to speak.

  4. I talk an equal amount compared to others.

  5. I took at people's faces when we communicate.

  6. I do not criticize others.

  7. When listening, I show my reaction to the speaker, verbally and non-verbally.

  8. I express what I feel, not only what I think.

  9. I face the speaker and avoid crossing my arms or turning away from her or him.

j) I ask or encourage others to speak.

k) I respond to the speaker, showing interest.

1) I do not interrupt to speak.

m) I pay attention to the speaker the whole time she or he is speaking, n) I ask questions to show interest in what the speaker is saying, o) I evaluate what a speaker says and how she or he says it rather than judging the speaker herself/himself.. Ad lAddyour scores for the above statements to find the corresponding rating.

15-27= poor, 40-47= good,

28-39= fair, 48-60= excellent.

  1. Home assignment.

T.: 1. List your communication strengths.

  1. List the communication skills you need to improve.

  2. Give short explanations why you should do it.

  1. Closure. Evaluation. Comments.

T.: I wish everybody to be qualified speakers, effective communicators, and thankful listeners.

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 11 класс


Автор: Чернова Татьяна Павловна

Дата: 16.12.2015

Номер свидетельства: 266733

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