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Урок по теме "Appearance and Feelings"

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Цели урока:

- развивать навыки монологической и диалогической речи;

- практиковать учащихся в употреблении Present Perfect Tense;

- формировать критическое отношение к себе и окружающим;

- развивать память, внимание, логическое мышление учащихся.

Оборудование урока: ноутбук, экран.

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«Урок по теме "Appearance and Feelings"»

Тема урока: Appearance and Feelings

Цели урока: - развивать навыки монологической и диалогической речи;

- практиковать грамматику (Present Perfect Tense);

- формировать критическое отношение к себе и окружающим;

- развивать память, внимание, логическое мышление.

Оборудование урока: ноутбук, экран.

Ход урока


T.: Today we are going to speak about different people; their appearance and

character. Here you can see pictures of different people.

What words from your active vocabulary can you use to describe them in general?

Ps: stout, slender, plump, slim, tall, short, shapely, pretty, funny, strange.

II. Warming-up

T.: Have you seen any interesting people on your way to school?

P 1: I have seen a tall man, very energetic and quick. Maybe, he is a basketball player.

P 2: I have seen an old man, very strange. Maybe, he is a magician.

P 3: I have seen a girl with very long hair and fantastically large eyes. Maybe, she is a

citizen of another planet.

P 4: I have seen a boy in spectacles, very clever and kind. Maybe, he is Harry Potter.

P 5: I have seen a boy with unusual haircut and very strange clothes with earrings and

a lot of bracelets. Maybe, he is a punk musician.

P 6: I have seen a man with long hair and with a large bag and many different brushes.

Maybe, he is a painter.

III.Vocabulary revision

1. A magic box

T: This is a magic box. Here I have different kinds of things that can help us to look

more individual and attractive. Come and choose.

(Pupil 1 chooses earrings)

T: Do you know where earrings were invented?

P1: Earrings were invented in Egypt.

T: What are these earrings made of?

P2: They are made of metal.

(Pupil 3 chooses a button)

T: Where was a button invented?

P3: It was invented in China.

(Pupil 4 chooses a nose – stud)

T: Where was a nose - stud invented?

P4: It was invented in India.

2. Guided conversation

T: What do people do to improve their appearance?

P1: They were bracelets, ankle chains, chains, earrings, rings, beads, sunglasses.

T: Where can they go using such different things?

P2: We can go to discos, birthday parties, parties etc.

T: What do you think about wearing such things in school?

P3: I think it is not bad. We all are eager to look modern stylish because we are young.

P4: Yes, I agree with you. We want to look like a film star or a popular singer.

P3: I`m of the same opinion because these things help us look more individual, to

have our personal style.

P5: I don`t agree with you. We come to school to study and all these things just draw our attention away from the studies. These things are good to wear but not to school.

P6: Yes, you are right. In other countries pupils wear school uniforms and there is strict discipline and all children look tidy and nice at school.

P5: I agree with you. School uniform is a school uniform, it helps us concentrate on our

Studies and follow school rules.

T: I agree with you too. We should pay great attention to our appearance.

3. Brainstorming about feelings

a) Miming

T: What feelings can you name? Name as many words denoting feelings as you can.

Ps: Shy, understanding, kind, unkind, independent, exciting, friendly, confident, fearless, loving, pretty, energetic, aggressive, absent-minded, ambitious, sensitive, hateful, unhappy, thoughtful etc.

T: Can you tell me which of these feelings are positive and which are negative.

P1: Positive: understanding, kind, friendly.

P2: Negative: aggressive, hateful, unhappy, unkind.

T: Right you are. Now, your task is: Look at the table on the screen, choose one word

denoting feelings. Be actors! Show this feeling, use body language. The rest should guess the word.











b)Pair work

T: Ask each other questions. In your answers use the phrases:



How do you usually feel…

I think that…

- after a day at home watching TV?

I`m sure that…

- just before a test?

To my mind…

- if you have to speak in front of a lot of people?

I agree/disagree…

- if you have to stay at home on a Saturday evening?

I don`t think so…

- if you miss a trolleybus you were trying to catch?


- if you see a big spider?

In general…

And what about you?

IV. Vocabulary expansion

T: Look through the adjectives on the screen and sort them out into columns with the name of physical features they can usually describe.

Underweight, grey, straight, dark, strong, large, wavy, overweight, stout, square, red, mean, weak, skinny, generous, hazel, crooked, fat, blond, slim, curly, thin, plump, chestnut, blue, long, short, pointed, turned-up, slender











IV. Checking the hometask.

T: Your hometask was to give a detailed description of a person. You had to make your choice: to describe the appearance of (1) your best friend; (2) your favourite filmstar/ singer/ sportsman; (3) one of your relatives. You also had to bring the photos of the person you describe. Who`ll be the first to speak?

P1: I`m going to describe my best friend (shows the photo). His name is Nick. He is rather tall. He is very strong because he is fond of sports, especially power-lifting and bodybuilding. His face is oval, his eyes are bright blue, his nose is short and a bit turned up. As far as you can see, Nick has long, wavy, thick chestnut hair. It makes a very rare and beautiful contrast with his blue eyes. Nick has red lips, his eyebrows are a little bushy and he has very long dark eyelashes. Nick has a very friendly personality, he has a pleasant smile, he is kind-hearted, friendly, amiable and sympathetic. It`s a pleasure to have such a friend as Nick.


V. A class survey

T: Now let`s make a survey. Fill in the table on the screen.


Too much attention to appearance

Make-up at school

Tattoos and nose-studs

Favourite fashion accessory


Yes! Especially boys!!!

Don`t wear.

A tattoo of a bird on my arm. I really love it.

Earrings and a chain.









VI. Role-play

T: Now we`ll work in groups of 4-5 pupils. Imagine that someone in your group wants to have a new image. We need an image-maker, a stylist, a clothes-designer, a make – up specialist for this person. Invent a new image for your groupmate.


Before: She wears long hair, a stud in her nose, an earring in her left ear. She usually wears black, dark brown, dark blue and other dark colours. Her clothes are usually rather loose and baggy. She never wears make-up (wears very bright make-up).

After: She has got short haircut in a new trendy style. She wears clothes of light bright colours, the style of which shows the best features of her figure. She wears make-up in pastel colours.

VII. Summing-up

T: So, our lesson is coming to its end. Today we have revised the vocabulary dealing with appearance and feelings, learned some new words and discussed the problems people might have with their appearance and style. I`d like to thank everybody for active participation. The most active participants get these hearts to remember the lesson.

VIII. Home assignment

T: Prepare the project about school uniforms boys and girls will wear in 100 years. Coloured pictures, posters or written descriptions should be presented.

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 8 класс

Урок по теме "Appearance and Feelings"

Автор: Воронина Тамара Евгеньевна

Дата: 06.12.2015

Номер свидетельства: 262873

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