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План урока "Человек- искатель счастья" (УМК "English X",авторы О.В.Афанасьева, И.В.Михеева)

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Деятельностная цель:

               формировать коммуникативную компетенцию          учащихся в рамках обозначенной темы.

Содержательная цель:

               актуализировать знания и представления учащихся о счастье.

Воспитательная цель:

                 способствовать развитию нравственных ценностей и идеалов у учащихся.

Тип урока: урок обобщения и систематизации знаний (урок общеметодологической направленности)

Ход урока

I Вступительное слово

    We all live in the world which sets a lot of problems of some kind that are to be solved. In doing so Man learns important lessons, gains experience, meets new challenges, earns money. But doing all this he seeks for something more.


II Brain attack

   Look at the following slides and comment on them.

Do people take life differently?

How do people take life?

 (the lucky ones are always on the bright side.  Pessimists often feel melancholic, depressed, moody, irritable)

How do feel when we are happy?

    (cheerful, happy-go-lucky, good-natured, optimistic and positive. We walk on air, are on top of the world.)

Happy people even look different, don`t they?

      (their eyes shine, their smiles are beaming and dazzling, they look radiant)

What do people find delight in?( work, sport, music, travelling, etc.)

What things usually make you happy? unhappy? desperate?

III Обозначение целей и задач урока

What topic shall we discuss today?

  • First we`ll reflect on what happiness is
  • Try to make out the definition of happiness

Then we`ll try to figure out how to find happiness.

IVa)Выполнение упр.13, стр.62 (рабочая тетрадь) в формате ЕГЭ и беседа с учащимися

  • What does the word combination “to be happy” mean?
  • Is happiness and pleasure one and the same thing?
  • What do people think of happiness today?

b) keys( самопроверка по ключу, выводы)

VАудирование учащимися текста упр.1 стр.53 (рабочая тетрадь) в формате ЕГЭ


  • Brainstorm the words you think will appear
  • What is your version of the answer to the question?
  • What makes you happy?

Task: listening and doing the test.


VI Работа в группах по 3-4 человека

  Discuss the information given in the texts in your groups and transfer it to the others.

  1. Inner happiness
  2. How to expand our happiness
  3. Techniques you can use to help you find happiness
  4. The three keys to happiness

Post-task: select common words and phrases.

VII Беседа о счастье

  1. Do you consider yourself a happy person? Why?

           What do you need to do or to have to become happy?

  1. Everything you do is aimed at making yourself happy. Happiness has been called the holy grain of human existence. Aristotle called it the goal of all goals.

What is your idea of complete happiness?(таблица)

Psychologists have now come up with a formula for happiness.

  • What is your formula of happiness?
  • Is there any formula for happiness?
  • What are its universal aspects? (They are freedom, sound health, the sense of belonging, an interesting occupation, a possibility to express oneself etc.)


VIII Заключение

   Стихотворение “Happiness”





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«План урока "Человек- искатель счастья" (УМК "English X",авторы О.В.Афанасьева, И.В.Михеева) »

План-конспект открытого урока

по теме «Человек- искатель счастья»

Деятельностная цель:

формировать коммуникативную компетенцию учащихся в рамках обозначенной темы.

Содержательная цель:

актуализировать знания и представления учащихся о счастье.

Воспитательная цель:

способствовать развитию нравственных ценностей и идеалов у учащихся.

Тип урока: урок обобщения и систематизации знаний (урок общеметодологической направленности)

Ход урока

Slide 1

Slide 2

Slide 3

Slide 4

Slide 5

Slide 6

Slide 7

Slide 8

Slide 9

Slide 10

Slide 11

I Вступительное слово

We all live in the world which sets a lot of problems of some kind that are to be solved. In doing so Man learns important lessons, gains experience, meets new challenges, earns money. But doing all this he seeks for something more.

II Brain attack

Look at the following slides and comment on them.

Do people take life differently?

How do people take life?

(the lucky ones are always on the bright side. Pessimists often feel melancholic, depressed, moody, irritable)

How do feel when we are happy?

(cheerful, happy-go-lucky, good-natured, optimistic and positive. We walk on air, are on top of the world.)

Happy people even look different, don`t they?

(their eyes shine, their smiles are beaming and dazzling, they look radiant)

What do people find delight in?( work, sport, music, travelling, etc.)

What things usually make you happy? unhappy? desperate?

III Обозначение целей и задач урока

What topic shall we discuss today?

  • First we`ll reflect on what happiness is

  • Try to make out the definition of happiness

Then we`ll try to figure out how to find happiness.

IVa)Выполнение упр.13, стр.62 (рабочая тетрадь) в формате ЕГЭ и беседа с учащимися

  • What does the word combination “to be happy” mean?

  • Is happiness and pleasure one and the same thing?

  • What do people think of happiness today?

b) keys( самопроверка по ключу, выводы)

VАудирование учащимися текста упр.1 стр.53 (рабочая тетрадь) в формате ЕГЭ


  • Brainstorm the words you think will appear

  • What is your version of the answer to the question?

  • What makes you happy?

Task: listening and doing the test.

VI Работа в группах по 3-4 человека

Discuss the information given in the texts in your groups and transfer it to the others.

  1. Inner happiness

  2. How to expand our happiness

  3. Techniques you can use to help you find happiness

  4. The three keys to happiness

Post-task: select common words and phrases.

VII Беседа о счастье

  1. Do you consider yourself a happy person? Why?

What do you need to do or to have to become happy?

  1. Everything you do is aimed at making yourself happy. Happiness has been called the holy grain of human existence. Aristotle called it the goal of all goals.

What is your idea of complete happiness?(таблица)

Psychologists have now come up with a formula for happiness.

  • What is your formula of happiness?

  • Is there any formula for happiness?

  • What are its universal aspects? (They are freedom, sound health, the sense of belonging, an interesting occupation, a possibility to express oneself etc.)

VIII Заключение

Стихотворение “Happiness”

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 10 класс

План урока "Человек- искатель счастья" (УМК "English X",авторы О.В.Афанасьева, И.В.Михеева)

Автор: Фидарова Мэри Каурбековна

Дата: 21.12.2014

Номер свидетельства: 146503

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