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Урок "Natural Disasters »

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  1. Развитие:
    1. комуникативных (речевых) навыков по теме «Natural Disasters».
    2. непроизвольного запоминания.
    3. кратковременной, оперативной и долговременной памяти.
    4. логического и филологического мышления.
    5. навыков аудирования.
  2. Контроль грамматических навыков: Past Simple & Past Continuous.

Воспитательно-образовательные аспекты:

1.Развивающий аспект

  1. Воспитательный аспект: приобщить учащихся к мировым экологическим проблеммам и глобальным катастрофам;

3.Социальный аспект

4.Учебный аспект

Языковой материал.

Л.Е. по теме: Tornadoes are the most terrible of all storms

               The building was severely damaged by the flood/ hurricane/earthquake

Гр.М.: Past Simple & Past Continuous Tenses.

Тип урока: речевой (комуникативный)

Оснащение урока (Учебные пособия и оборудование): компьютер, мультимедийный проектор, экран, Презентации, аудиоматериал: аудиозапись (приложение к УМК).

Структура урока:

I. Подготовка учащихся к учебной деятельности.

1)организация класса

2)фонетическая зарядка

  1. речевая зарядка

П. Введение и закрепление нового ЯМ.

  1. Проверка домашнего задания. Работа с текстом.
  2. Заключительный этап.

а)    подведение итогов урока

б)    домашнее задание

в)    выставление оценок

Ход урока.

I.  Подготовка учащихся к учебной деятельности.

  1. Организация класса.


  1. Проверить готовность классного помещения к уроку.
  2. Проверить наличие учебников, тетрадей, дневников на партах.
  3. Провести организационную беседу с классом (с дежурным).
  4. Сообщить учащимся общие задачи урока и порядок работы.

Форма работы Т —> Сl.


  • Get ready for the lesson. Put your books, exercise books and diaries on the desk. Stand up!
  • Good morning! Sit down, please.
  • I am very glad to see you! How are you?
  • Форма работы T —>Cl.

Teacher: What date is it today?

Pupil: Today is the … of October.

Teacher: What day is it today?

Pupil: Today is ….

Teacher: Who is absent?

Pupil: Nobody is. All are present.

Teacher: What’s the weather like today?

Pupil: It’s a nice autumn day. It is warm and sunny. It doesn’t look like rain.

Teacher: It is a lovely day. Thank you, sit down.

Установка на урок.

Teacher: Children, today we'll continue talking about Natural Disasters. We are going to learn some information about tornadoes.

  1. Фонетическая зарядка.
  1. Снять произносительные трудности.
  2. Подготовить речевой аппарат к иноязычной деятельности.


Teacher: As usual, we begin with pronunciation. Open your books at p.27. See ex.90. You will need these words today. Listen to them and read. Mind your pronunciation. (CD звуковое приложение к УМК).

Форма работы CD—> Сl

3) Речевая зарядка. Задачи:

  1. Проверить умение учащихся отвечать на вопросы.
  2. Тренировать лексические структуры.

Установка: Answer my questions.

Форма работы T —> Pl —> P2 —> РЗ —> P4 —> P5.

  • T .: What is an earthquake?
  • P1.: I think that an earthquake is a sudden shaking of the ground.
  • T .: What can you say about a hurricane?
  • P2.: A hurricane is a very violent wind or storm.
  • T .: What is a flood?
  • P3.: A flood is a large amount of water which quickly covers a place that is usually dry land.
  • T .: What’s the Russian for “drought”?
  • P4.: The Russian for “drought” is “засуха”.
  • T .: How can you describe “a drought”?
  • P5.: A drought is a long period of dry weather when there is not enough water.
  • T .: Try to explain the meaning of the word volcano?
  • P6.: A volcano is a mountain with a hole called a crater in the top. Sometimes lava and gases are released from the crater.
  • T .: What’s the Russian for “disaster”?
  • P7.: The Russian for “disaster” is “бедствие”.

II. Введение и закрепление нового ЯМ.

Задача: Развить непроизвольное запоминание.

Установка: Today we will continue to speak about disasters. But first you need some new words. Please, open ex. 87, p. 26. There are three words that you must differentiate: to destroy, to break and to damage. Read their meanings, the examples and translate.

(после того как выполнили данное упражнение, закрепить его)

T.: Look at the blackboard. Complete the sentences with the words in the box.

APPENDIX 8-1. – презентация в PowerPoint.

T.: Make up your sentences with these works.

Форма работы T —> Pl —> P2 —> РЗ —> P4 —> P5.

T.: Thank you.

ПI. Проверка домашнего задания.


  1. Ознакомление учащихся с некоторыми значительными стихийными бедствиями.
  2. Проверка усвоения домашнего задания и качества его выполнения.

Цель: Проверить правильно ли выполнено задание.

Установка: And now look at the blackboard.

APPENDIX 8-2. – презентация в PowerPoint. (на экране кадры со стихийными бедствиями в разных точках земного шара).

Your have read and translated the text Tornadoes (ex. 89, p.26) at home. Now find the words and phrases in the text which have a similar meaning to the following:

Форма работы T —> Сl

APPENDIX 8-3. – презентация в PowerPoint. (на экране упражнение на проверку домашнего задания).

Форма работы T —> Pl —> P2 —> РЗ —> P4 —> P5.


  1. Hurricane — tornado; no one - nobody; powerful - strong; to damage - to destroy; to happen ? to appear; the most comfortable — the most likely; to start — to occur; luckily — fortunately; to defend — to protect; opportunity - chance.
  2. Примерный ответ:
  3. It's true, because it is said in the text that "tornadoes are the most violent of all storms".
  4. It's false, because it is said in the text that "nobody can predict what they might do. Tornadoes destroy houses, carry away cars and telephone boxes".
  5. It's false, because it is said in the text that "tornadoes occur in the spring. A hot day in the afternoon or in the early evening is the most likely time for this dangerous storm".
  6. It's true, because it is said in the text that "the violent winds of tornadoes blow down almost everything on their way".
  7. It's false, because it is said in the text that "fortunately tornadoes can be predicted".

T.: - As you know, the disasters usually break something, damage buildings or even destroy towns. Who do you think helps people if they get into a disaster?

(Учащиеся могут дать ответы по-русски).

Yes, you're right. They are emergency workers.

-  Read the text in ex. 95, p. 27 about these people and say who helps other people. (People who help others when there is a disaster are doctors, nurses, firemen, water and gas workers, the police, the army.)


-  Work in groups and decide what the emergency workers do. Ex. 96, p. 27, will help you. (5. Evacuate people from dangerous areas. 6. Get medicines and food to the dangerous places.)

  1. Заключительный этап

а)    подведение итогов урока

Задача: проверить достигнуты ли поставленные в начале урока задачи.

б)    домашнее задание

Задача: разяснить и частично выполнить домашнее задание.

Форма работы: T —> Pl —> P2 —> РЗ —> P4 —> P5

-   T.: Well done. Thank you very much. So to sum up say what new information have you learnt? Which of the activities at the lesson were more interesting for you?

-   (ученики отвечают на вопросы учителя).

-   Now you can speak about natural disasters and so at home do ex. 22, on p. 35. Write down what is typical of a tornado, an earthquake, a hurricane, a volcano, a flood and drought. Use the phrases in the box.

в)    выставление оценок

Задача: 1. Определить уровень сформированности навыков и умения по видам речевой деятельности в соответствии с этапами уроков

3.        прокомментировать выставленные оценки.

T.: -Thank you very much. Well done!

Your marks are…

The bell has gone. The lesson is over. You are free. Thank you. Good-bye.

Cl - Thank you. Good-bye.

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«Урок "Natural Disasters » »

Слайд 1

Слайд 1

Fill in the blanks.  Use the words in the box. destroy, damage, damaged, broken, destructive

Fill in the blanks. Use the words in the box.

destroy, damage, damaged, broken, destructive

  • All kinds of disasters either ... or completely ... the environment. Floods, earthquakes and tornadoes leave a lot of ... houses behind them.
  • The last earthquake in the USA was very ....
  • "I'm sorry, I can't help you because of my '... finger." — "It's OK. I'll manage myself."
  • My grandpa has a magic touch. He can repair all ... things if the ... is not too bad.
Слайд 2

Слайд 2

Spitaks’ Earthquake (Armenia)  December 7, 1988

Spitaks’ Earthquake (Armenia) December 7, 1988

Spitaks’ Earthquake (Armenia)  December 7, 1988

Spitaks’ Earthquake (Armenia) December 7, 1988

Spitaks’ Earthquake (Armenia) December 7, 1988

Spitaks’ Earthquake (Armenia) December 7, 1988

Spitaks’ Earthquake (Armenia) December 7, 1988

Spitaks’ Earthquake (Armenia) December 7, 1988

Spitaks’ Earthquake (Armenia) December 7, 1988

Spitaks’ Earthquake (Armenia)

December 7, 1988

Volcano eruption. Pinatubo 1991

Volcano eruption. Pinatubo 1991

Volcano Mountin St. Helens 18. May 1980

Volcano Mountin St. Helens 18. May 1980

Limnic eruption  ( лимнологическая катастрофа) A limnic eruption , also referred to as a lake overturn , is a rare type of natural disaster in which dissolved carbon dioxide (CO 2 ) suddenly erupts from deep lake water, suffocating wildlife, livestock and humans. August 21, 1986. in Cameroon

Limnic eruption ( лимнологическая катастрофа)

A limnic eruption , also referred to as a lake overturn , is a rare type of natural disaster in which dissolved carbon dioxide (CO 2 ) suddenly erupts from deep lake water, suffocating wildlife, livestock and humans. August 21, 1986. in Cameroon

Cow killed by the limnic eruption at Lake Nyos in 1986. Cameroon
  • Cow killed by the limnic eruption at Lake Nyos in 1986. Cameroon
A powder snow avalanche

A powder snow avalanche

Avalanche on Everest

Avalanche on Everest

A Mongolian gazelle dead due to drought

A Mongolian gazelle dead due to drought

Fire in California. September 5, 2008

Fire in California. September 5, 2008

Flood in Moscow. 1927

Flood in Moscow. 1927

Flood in Beisk. 2006

Flood in Beisk. 2006

Flood in London, 2025

Flood in London, 2025

Flood in New Orlean, 2005

Flood in New Orlean, 2005

Tornado family

Tornado family

tornado Manitoba 2007

tornado Manitoba 2007

Слайд 3

Слайд 3

Find the words or phrases in the text which have a similar meaning to the following the most comfortable, to start, hurricane, no one, luckily, to defend, powerful, to damage, opportunity. to happen,

Find the words or phrases in the text which have a similar meaning to the following

the most comfortable,

to start,


no one,


to defend,


to damage,


to happen,

Which five adjectives from the list below describe a tornado best?

Which five adjectives from the list below describe a tornado best?

  • dark,
  • unusual,
  • traditional,
  • unfriendly,
  • unpleasant,
  • violent,
  • useful,
  • bright,
  • fragile,
  • destructive.
  • terrible,
  • dangerous,
  • quick,
  • weak,
  • changeable,
  • cruel,
  • great,
  • impressive,
  • noisy,
  • bright,
  • hreatening,
Read and say if the following sentences are true.

Read and say if the following sentences are true.

  • Tornadoes are the most terrible of all storms.
  • Tornadoes are dangerous because people get flu or bad cold after them.
  • Tornadoes occur in autumn when it's cool and rainy.
  • The violent winds of tornadoes blow down almost everything on their way.
  • Unfortunately people can't predict tornadoes now.
Complete the following sentences by  choosing the correct ending. Write down the sentences 1.Tornadoes consist of a) large clouds and terrible sounds;  b) very strong winds.  2.Bright flashes of lightning  a) are seen from the distance; b) blow down everything on their way. 3. Tornadoes are dangerous because a) they occur in spring; b) they destroy houses and pick up everything they can.

Complete the following sentences by choosing the correct ending. Write down the sentences

1.Tornadoes consist of

a) large clouds and terrible sounds; b) very strong winds.

2.Bright flashes of lightning a) are seen from the distance;

b) blow down everything on their way.

3. Tornadoes are dangerous because

a) they occur in spring;

b) they destroy houses and pick up everything they can.

Слайд 4

Слайд 4

Emergency workers

Emergency workers

Emergency workers

Emergency workers

Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 8 класс

Урок "Natural Disasters »

Автор: Мамедова Назира Ибрагимовна

Дата: 09.08.2014

Номер свидетельства: 111524

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