Hello. Rules of reading (part 2). Combined with the use of computer technology (multimedia). To acquaint students with the rules of reading 1) to provide students understanding the rules of reading 2) to increase students` interest to England and English language And love of knowledge 3) to develop reading skills. The procedure of the lesson: T: Hello,boys and girls! Sit down, please! Who is on duty today? Who is absent? Let`s start our lesson. T: Hello, my name is Marina Gennadievna. What is your name? S1, S2: My name is _______. Hello. T: Where are you from? S1, S2: I`m from_____. Еtc. T: How are you? S1: I`m fine. S2: I`m so-so. ( students show cards with smile according their mood) (прил.1) T: I`m very glad to hear it. Let`s repeat the alphabet. Presentation: “English ABC”. Your home task was to study the rules of reading. The 1st type. ( Students answer.) Task for you is to complete the cards. You have 5 minutes to do it and then we will check your answers. (прил.2) Today we will continue to learn how to read English words. Rules of reading. The 2nd type. Let`s draw. Лето закончилось. Стало холоднее. Буквы закрыли дверь в домике. Буква «А» так же сидела у окна и приглашала всех прохожих в гости. Но они не могли зайти, потому что дверь была закрыта. И буква «А» подсмеивалась над ними:[æ]. Букву «Е» никто теперь не обижал и она была довольна:[е]. Буквы «i,у» играли в прятки и хихикали когда их не могли найти:[i]. Буква «О» замерзла и сидела у печки, «[ɔ], как холодноооо!». Буква «U»поломала свою любимую игрушку-юлу и очень расстроилась: [Ʌ], как жалко! Presentation: “Секреты английских гласных” programme “Reading is fun”, Macromedia Flash. T: Well done! At home you have to make up the cards with the rules of reading: I and II types of syllables. T: Tell me, please. What do you like and what don`t you understand at the lesson? T: Who is the best in reading today? The marks for the lesson are … Thanks for your work! Good-bye! Literature: 1.Тренажер по чтению. Буквы и звуки. С.А.Матвеев 2. “English ABC”. www.altser.umi.ru 3. Presentation: “Секреты английских гласных”, http://nsportal.ru/sites/default/files/2013/02/21/sekrety_angliyskih_glasnyh.ppt 4. Картинки смайликов 5. programme “Reading is fun”, Macromedia Flash |