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Урок английского языка в 11 классе "English – around the world"

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Тема: «English – around  the world».

Класс: 11

Цели урока: 

  • познавательный аспект: увеличение объёма знаний об особенностях распространения и влияния английского языка в мире;

-развивающий аспектразвитие самостоятельности, творческих

                                            способностей, умения проводить

                                           проектную работу;

-воспитательный аспектвоспитание уважения к культуре других

                                            народов, воспитание культуры общения в

                                            коллективной деятельности.

-учебный аспект: развитие коммуникативных умений.


  • учить извлекать из прослушанного текста информацию и использовать полученные сведения в работе;
  • учить обмениваться мнениями с партнёрами;
  • учить обосновывать своё мнение, аргументировать, делать выводы.

Языковой материал: 


-лексический и грамматический материал по программе;



Оснащение урока:

компьютер, проекты выполненные в программе Power Point .


Время работы на уроке: 40 минут.

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«Урок английского языка в 11 классе "English – around the world" »

Тема: «English – around the world».

Класс: 11

Цели урока:

  • познавательный аспект: увеличение объёма знаний об особенностях распространения и влияния английского языка в мире;

-развивающий аспект: развитие самостоятельности, творческих

способностей, умения проводить

проектную работу;

-воспитательный аспект: воспитание уважения к культуре других

народов, воспитание культуры общения в

коллективной деятельности.

-учебный аспект: развитие коммуникативных умений.


  • учить извлекать из прослушанного текста информацию и использовать полученные сведения в работе;

  • учить обмениваться мнениями с партнёрами;

  • учить обосновывать своё мнение, аргументировать, делать выводы.

Языковой материал:

-лексический и грамматический материал по программе;

Оснащение урока:

компьютер, проекты выполненные в программе Power Point .

Время работы на уроке: 40 минут.

Ход урока:

I.Начало урока.

1. Организационный момент.

2. Представление задач урока.

II.Актуализация лексических единиц. Формирование навыков аудирования.

Прослушивание текста с извлечением информации.

III. Актуализация коммуникативных умений. Защита ролевых проектов.

IV.Формирование умения выражать мнение с точки зрения разных героев.

V.Заключительный этап урока.

1. Выражение своего мнения по проблеме.

1. Подведение итогов урока, выставление оценок.

2. Задание на дом.

Teacher: Good morning, dear children and guests.

We are glad to see you at our lesson «English – around

the world».

What do you think we are going to speak about?

Student 1: I think we are going to speak about the role of the

English language in the world.

Student 2: I’d like to add that may be we would like to speak about

the English – speaking countries.

Student 3: In my opinion we are going to speak about different

kinds of English language.

Teacher: What do you imagine when we think of English


Complete the Word Web.

Student 1: When I think of English language I imagine the transcription because I don’t like it. It’s very boring. Teacher: It’s unpleasant to hear but it’s your opinion.

Student 2: When I think of English language I imagine working with vocabulary. I like translating words.

Teacher: Thank you, I’m glad to listen to your words.

Student 3: When I think of English language I imagine a rich literature of Great Britain. I’m keen on Shakespeare and prefer reading books in original.

Teacher: It’s difficult but it’s wonderful to discover new words, isn’t it?

Student 4: When I think of English language I imagine the native culture of English-speaking countries. I’m interested in art and my dream is to visit British National Museum.

Teacher: I think your dream will be realized.

Student 5: When I think of English language I imagine forms of English language. I’m afraid that it’s very difficult to understand Australian people.

Teacher: No doubt, the forms of English are difficult to understand but it’s possible if you learn English regularly.

Teacher: Well, today we are going to speak about English

language, English-speaking countries, the influence

of the English language around the world.

The main questions of our lesson are:

1. In what countries is English spoken?

2. How many people speak English?

3. Why is English used by so many people?

4. When did English begin to spread?

5. Why has English become a world language?

6. Are there any differences in different forms of English language?

7. What is the role of English language in our life?

Let’s start our lesson.

Activity 2.

Teacher: I think that only great countries can make their own language a global language. English is the most popular language in the world. In what countries is it spoken?

Look at the screen and classify the countries according to the following groups.

*first language

*second language

*foreign language

Canada [‘kænədə]


Hawaii [ha:’waii:]

Jamaica [ʤə'meikə]


Sweden [‘swi:dn]

Ireland [‘aiələnd]

The Netherlands [‘neðələndz]

Pakistan [ֽpa:kis’ta:n]

Hong Kong [h‡‹k¶‡‹]

India [‘indjə]

The Philippines [‘filipi:nz]

Nigeria [nai’ʤiəriə]

Sri Lanka [‘sri’læk‡ə]

Malaysia [mə¶leiziə]

Singapore [ֽsi‡gə¶p‹:]

Kenya [k¶enjə]

Zimbabwe [zim’ba:bwi]

Australia [‹s¶treiljə]

New Zealand [nju:’zi:lənd]

English spoken as a first language

  Australia Canada Ireland

Jamaica New Zealand

the USA

English spoken as a second language-it is used in schools and universities and as a lingua franca

  India Kenya Nigeria Pakistan the Philippines Singapore South Africa Sri Lanka Zimbabwe

English spoken widely as a foreign language


the Netherlands

Question: Where is English used as a first (second, foreign) language?

Teacher: Let’s check your answers. Listen to the text (ex.1 p.52 ).


Teacher: To know more about English language as a world language we’ll try to do this task.

Look at the screen and complete the sentences with the appropriate words.

1. Becoming a world language has happened because of …. (the expansion) of the British Empire in the 18th and 19th centuries.

2. It has happened because of ….(the enormous economic power )

of the United States in the 20th century.

3. Now there are around 400 million speakers of English as … (a first language) in countries such as Australia, Canada, New Zealand and etc.

4. Many more millions of people speak English as …. (a second language), a language used in government, business and education.

5. In countries where hundreds of languages exist, it works as …

( as a lingua franca) – a way of communicating with people from other countries.


Well, can you answer the questions of our lesson?

1. In what countries is English spoken? (It’s spoken in countries such as …..)

2. How many people speak English? (Around 400 millions speak English as a first language. Many more millions of people speak English as a second language. Hundreds of millions of people speak English as a foreign language.)

Activity 4:

Teacher: From the text we’ve known that English is spoken in different countries. They have their own customs and traditions.

They are proud of their culture and history. But how could it happen that English language became so widespread? To answer this question listen to the second part of the lecture and may be we can answer the question (ex.3 p.52 ).

Task1. Match these dates with the events below.

1788, 1806, 1782, 1840, 1607, 1848

1. ___1607______ the first British colony in Virginia

2. ______1782___ British loyalists move north into Canada

3. ____1788____ the first prison colony in Australia

4. ____1806_____ Webster’s Dictionary of American English

5. ___1840______ the treaty between the British and the

Maoris in New Zealand

6. ___1848______ the start of massive emigration from

Central Europe to the USA

Task2.Are these sentences true or false?

1. At the time of the independence of the US there were thirty states.


2. American English borrowed words from Native American languages.


3. Noah Webster changed the spelling of many English words.


4. Canadians do not use American words.


5. Australian English has similarities with a London ‘cockney’ accent.


6. New Zealand English sounds very different from Australian English.


Teacher: Let’s try to answer the questions of our lesson.

1. When did English begin to spread? (In 16th century English began to spread around the world when the English established a colony in Virginia.)

2. Why has English become a world language? (It has happened because of the expansion of the British Empire in the 18th and 19th centuries. It was because of the enormous economic power of the United States in the 20th century.)

3. Are there any differences in different forms of English language? (Every form of English language is virtually identical.

American English differs in pronunciation and vocabulary. Canadian English sounds similar to American. Australian English has Cockney phrases and is distinctive because of the Aboriginal words. New Zealand English sounds very similar to Australian English, uses more British words and has borrowed words from the Maoris.)


Teacher: To understand meaning of English language we have to imagine that we are the citizens of different communities. Let’s check your home-task and present your projects. One of you will be an independent expert and after your presenting gives his arguments about.

1. The representatives of Australia:

We come from 'Down Under' and our country's a very different kind of place from what a lot of people think I mean, British people immediately think of the outback and boomerangs and kangaroos. We come from up North and it's semi-tropical -we've even got tropical rainforests.

Question: Where are we from?

Answer: I’m sure you are from Australia, because this country is famous for boomerangs and kangaroos, tropical rainforests and this country is known as “The Land of Wattle”, “The Lucky Country”, “The Aussie Land”, “Terra Incognita”, “The Land Down Under”.

The representatives of Australia: You are right. We would like to present the project “Australian English”.

The representatives of Canada:

By European standards my country's so big it's difficult to imagine. We mean, it would take you about four or five days to drive from one side to the other. But the population is quite small, under thirty million, and most of us live around the Great Lakes. But I really like the open spaces and wouldn't live anywhere else.

Question: Where are we from?

Answer: I think you are from Canada, because it’s known that Canada is a land of vast distances and rich natural resources. I’ve heard that Canadian are proud of their Great Lakes.

The representatives of Canada: Really we are from Canada. We would like to present the project “Canadian English”.

The representatives of the USA:

I've been over to Britain a few times and nobody has any trouble understanding me. But what's amazing is the number of different accents in such a small country as Britain. My country, as you know, is really big, but there are only really three or four different accents.

Question: Where are we from?

Answer: Really, you are from the USA, because there are some differences in spelling between the English of the USA and that of Great Britain, but it’s not so difficult to understand each other.

The representatives of the USA: It’s true, we are from the USA. We would like to present the project “American English”.

The representatives of New Zealand:

What really irritates me when I'm in Britain is that people think I'm from Australia, you know what I mean? I think we're really quite different from Australians. We don't only speak differently, but we're very different sort of people, much quieter, I'd say

Question: Where are we from?


We’ve described Australia recently, that’s why I think you are from New Zealand, because Australia is New Zealand’s nearest western neighbour. The countries are separated by the Tasman sea only.

The representatives of New Zealand: Of course you are right. We are from New Zealand. We would like to present the project “New Zealand English”.

Teacher: Now we would like to listen to our expert.

Expert: To sum up, I can say that English is the most widespread language on the planet. It is used as different forms but it’s still popular. I’ve known a lot of new facts about English-speaking countries. I think that all projects were convincing, colorful and had a good description of different forms of English language. I would like to give only excellent marks for all students because their work was hard.

Activity 6.

Teacher: Thank you; your arguments are well grounded. I agree with you. But we don’t answer the last question of our lesson. What is the role of English language in our life?

Let’s try to answer this question as different persons.

1. The first group will represent the group of parents.

2. The second group will express the opinion of teachers of English language.

3. The third group gives the view of students.


1-We represent the group of parents whose children learn English. We think that it is important to know even though one foreign language. I express the opinion of all parents that English is the dominant language in world media and communications. It’s worth learning because it is a language used in business and education.

2-We wish our children the best future and of course we can’t imagine their future without English language. For example, if they go to the USA they will be able to speak English there, because English is used not only in England, but also in other parts of the world.

3-We understand, that it is difficult to work hard, but if our children want to study at a university they must work hard and thoughtfully.

Teacher: Thank you, of course, parents are right. It’s not easy to learn English but it’s important.


1-We are the teachers of English language. We think that it is necessary to learn foreign languages. That’s why pupils have such subject as a foreign language at school.

2- There are a lot of problems in teaching English. First, some children are lazy, other miss classes, that’s why they have bad marks. Second, we have only 3or 4 lessons a week. It’s not enough to teach English better. Third, the student books are too difficult for pupils with different abilities.

3- But we should overcome these problems with our students and teach them to read foreign literature in the original, read newspapers, write letters. It is difficult, but our aim is to help our students to develop their language abilities.

Teacher: I’m glad to listen to you, that you really understand the main problems of teaching English language. In my opinion you can be good teachers.


1- We are the students of the 11th form and we understand the role of English language in our life. We think that it is necessary to learn foreign language, because we are going to study at a university, go abroad and read newspapers.

2- Knowledge of foreign language helps us to develop friendship and understanding among the people. We can see a lot of advertisements, signboards and names in the streets. Very often they are in English.

Teacher: Thank you, I’d like to say that I’m glad to be your teacher.

Conclusion: Well, learning a foreign language isn’t an easy thing.

The great German poet Goethe said: “He, who knows no foreign language, doesn’t know his own one”. I agree with him, because every educated man must know foreign languages today as good as his own.

Teacher: To sum up we’ll answer the question: What do you think about English being a global language?

Student1: I think English will be a global language because it has no equals! It’s used by 750 million people.

Student2: I agree with you English is the first global language. Tree quarters of the world’s mail and telexes are in English.

Student3: I think The citizens of other nations have no chance to change the situation. Often their countries are poor, sometimes the government doesn’t want to see the problems.

Student4: As for me, only great countries can have their own language as a global one. Russian has a chance to become a global language because our country is the biggest country in the world. I’m proud that Pushkin. Tolstoy, Lermontov spoke Russian.

Student5: I disagree with you because Russian is difficult to learn. Half of the world’s scientific literature is in English. I love my country but it is impossible.

Student6: This question is difficult to solve. I’m sure that Russia will be the greatest country in the world in future, but English is widespread now. It’s very good to hear: Do you speak English? And it’s very pleasant to answer: Yes, I do.

Teacher: I can add that the problem of foreign languages is important any time. But don’t forget that knowledge of foreign languages helps us to develop friendship and understanding among people.

1. Summary of the lesson: Teacher: Our lesson is over. Thank you boys and girls for your work, for your active participation. It was very pleasant for me to listen to all your opinions. I wish you success. I’ll give you only very good marks for the design and presentation of your projects.

2. Home task.

Ex.7 p.52.

Цели урока:

  • познавательный аспект: увеличение объёма знаний об особенностях распространения и влияния английского языка в мире;

-развивающий аспект: развитие самостоятельности, творческих

способностей, умения проводить

проектную работу;

-воспитательный аспект: воспитание уважения к культуре других

народов, воспитание культуры общения в

коллективной деятельности.

-учебный аспект: развитие коммуникативных умений.


  • учить извлекать из прослушанного текста информацию и использовать полученные сведения в работе;

  • учить обмениваться мнениями с партнёрами;

  • учить обосновывать своё мнение, аргументировать, делать выводы.

Языковой материал:

-лексический и грамматический материал по программе;

Оснащение урока:

компьютер, проекты выполненные в программе Power Point .

Время работы на уроке: 40 минут.

Activity 1.

Teacher: What do you imagine when we think of English language? Let’s try to answer this question as different persons.

1. The first group will represent the group of parents.

2. The second group will express the opinion of teachers of English language.

3. The third group gives the view of students.


1-We represent the group of parents whose children learn English. We think that it is important to know even though one foreign language. I express the opinion of all parents that English is the dominant language in world media and communications. It’s worth learning because it is a language used in business and education.

2-We wish our children the best future and of course we can’t imagine their future without English language. For example, if they go to the USA they will be able to speak English there, because English is used not only in England, but also in other parts of the world.

3-We understand, that it is difficult to work hard, but if our children want to study at a university they must work hard and thoughtfully.


1-We are the teachers of English language. We think that it is necessary to learn foreign languages. That’s why pupils have such subject as a foreign language at school.

2- There are a lot of problems in teaching English. First, some children are lazy, other miss classes, that’s why they have bad marks. Second, we have only 3or 4 lessons a week. It’s not enough to teach English better. Third, the student books are too difficult for pupils with different abilities.

3- But we should overcome these problems with our students and teach them to read foreign literature in the original, read newspapers, write letters. It is difficult, but our aim is to help our students to develop their language abilities.


1- We are the students of the 11th form and we understand the role of English language in our life. We think that it is necessary to learn foreign language, because we are going to study at a university, go abroad and read newspapers.

2- Knowledge of foreign language helps us to develop friendship and understanding among the people. We can see a lot of advertisements, signboards and names in the streets. Very often they are in English.

Teacher: Well, learning a foreign language isn’t an easy thing.

The great German poet Goethe said: “He, who knows no foreign language, doesn’t know his own one”. I agree with him, because every educated man must know foreign languages today as good as his own.

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 11 класс

Урок английского языка в 11 классе "English – around the world"

Автор: Суренкова Татьяна Тимофеевна

Дата: 29.11.2014

Номер свидетельства: 137157

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